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Robotics tutorial 3

1. A part weighing 2 kg is to be held by a gripper using friction against two opposing fingers. The
coefficient of friction between the fingers and the part surface is estimated to be 0.3. The
orientation of the gripper will be such that the weight of the part will be applied in a direction
parallel to the contacting finger surfaces. Compute the required gripping force
2. A vacuum gripper is to be designed to handle flat plate glass in an automobile windshield plant.
Each plate weighs 0.5 kg. A single suction cup is used and the diameter of the suction cup is 18
cm. Find the negative pressure required (compared to atmospheric pressure of 1 bar) to lift each
3. A piston is to be designed to be designed to exert an actuation force of 10 N on its extension '
stroke. The inside diameter of the piston is 6 cm and the ram diameter is 1.5 cm. What shop air
pressure will be required to provide this actuation force?
4. P2.45 shows the linkage mechanism and dimensions of a gripper used to handle a work part for a
machining operation. Suppose it has been determined that the gripper force Fg is to be 2 N, what
is the required actuating force Fa at right end.

Fig. P2.45

Q.No.5 A part weighing 81b is to be held by a gripper using friction against two opposing
fingers. The coefficient of friction between the fingers and the part surface is estimated to be
0.3. The orientation of the gripper will be such that the weight of the part will be applied in a
direction parallel to the contacting finger surfaces. A fast work cycle is anticipated so that the
g factor to be used in force calculations should be 3.0. Compute the required gripper force for
the specifications given.
Q.No.6 Solve Prob. 5 except that instead of using a g factor of 3.0, the following information
is given to make the force computation. The robot motion cycle has been analyzed and it has
been determined that the largest acceleration experienced by the part held in the gripper is
immediately after the pickup. The maximum acceleration is measured as 53 ft/sec/sec. Using
a safety factor of 1.5, compute the required gripper force.

Q.No.7 A part weighing 15lb is to be grasped by a mechanical gripper using friction between
two opposing fingers. The coefficient of static friction is 0.35 and the coefficient of dynamic
friction is 0.20. The direction of the acceleration force is parallel to the contacting surfaces of
the gripper fingers. Which value of coefficient of friction is appropriate to use in the force
calculations? Why? Compute the required gripper force assuming that a g factor of 2.0 is

Q.No.8For the information given in the mechanical gripper design of Fig., determine the
required actuating force if the gripper force is to be 25 lb.
Q.No.9 For the information given in the mechanical gripper design of
Fig. calculate the required actuating force if the gripper force is to be
20 lb.

Figure 2


Q.No.10A vacuum gripper is to be designed to handle flat plate glass in

an automobile windshield plant. Each plate weighs 28 lb. A single
suction cup will be used and the diameter of the suction cup is 6.0 in.
Determine the negative pressure required (compared to atmospheric
pressure of 14.7Ib/in.2) to lift each plate. Use a safety factor of 1.5 in
your calculations.
Q.No.11A vacuum pump to be used in a robot vacuum gripper
application is capable of drawing a negative pressure of 4.0Ib/in. 2
compared to atmospheric pressure. The gripper is to be used for lifting
stainless steel plates, each plate having dimensions of 15 by 35 in. and
weighing 52 lb. Determine the diameter of the suctions cups to be used
for the robot gripper if it has been decided that two suction cups will be
used for the gripper for greater stability. A factor of safety of 1.5
should be used in the design computations.

Q.No.12A piston is to be designed to exert' an actuation force of 120lb

on its extension stroke. The inside diameter of the piston is 2.0 in. and
the ram diameter is 0.375 in. What shop air pressure will be required to
provide this actuation force? Use a safety factor of 1.3 in your

Q.No.13 The mechanical gripper in Fig.3 uses friction to grasp a part

weighing 10 lb. The coefficient of friction between the fingers and the
part is 0.25 and the anticipated g factor is 2.0. The gripper is to be
operated by a piston whose diameter is 2.5 in. as shown in the drawing.
The ram diameter is 0.375 in.

(a) Determine the required gripping force to retain the part. (b)
Determine the actuation force that must be applied to achieve this
gripping force for this mechanical design. (c) Determine the air
pressure needed to operate the piston so as to apply the required
actuation force. (d) If a safety factor of 1.5 were to be used for this
design, at what point in the computations would it be appropriate to
apply it?

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