Goodman Introduction To Rock Mechanics-90-99

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164 Plamen of Weaken Roche the tana esti started at low confining pressure and the confining pressure is quickly raised afer the peak all stent is reached, it wil be possible to generate a seis of Mobr icles fr slip from «snl test. Such a Procedie is called “a mtisag est." Figure 511 shows a Mob cle amily ‘enerated from a multistage tet forthe jini graphite schist shown a Figure $ine- (A mulstage test can also be programmed indirect shear) If real rack joins ater than models are tested, identical specimens cannot be supplied for ‘seis of previously untested rough joints; but a mulistage test could be used to investigate the stength tron. Since wear wll develop at higher normal pressures, a multistage test wll mot give the same essa a serie of Metical ‘iin specimens tested at diferent normal pressures; however, some eompro- ges Fequted i actual rock sto be tested "Figure .12 shows the type of data obtained from the diet shea et. The shear displacement across the joint, Aa, i the diferene in displacements of the upper and lower blocks measured paral! othe joint plane. the jon s rough 4 mean joint plane is ecosnized, passing throveh hil and ovr valeys ‘ofthe joint surface, Because of these undulations, the jit wil ed thicken ‘or “lte™ during shearing. The dlataney Av is the ference Between the formal displacements ofthe upper and lower Sock 2 a result of shear dis Placement. Opening (hickenin) is eckoned as postive eltancy As the shear Stress builds, period of ajusiment with light iltancy is fllowed by rapid increase in the rate of ditancy: the dlatancy rat is greatest asthe peak heat stress the "shear strength") is atained. Thereafter, the shear tes alls con tinuously andthe joint lates continously uni ataning the residual displace rent, some millimeters or even centimeters beyond the peak. Inthe fel, with ‘very rough eit surfaces, residual displacement may be achieved only after as Imuch as ameter of movement The ditancy snd, oa considerable degre, the join strength are contre by the it roughness, 5 Joint Rox Imagine join suface with Meni axpertisriing at an ange tom the ‘mean jit lane gue 3.1) Lette ftom angle os smo jot A the momeat af peak sear sess, the resultant ore on thet hen vind at an angle, with he norma othe surface o which moon bout to osu sine this ura i ined & degrees ith te at plane, the jt fiction engl +! when rere tote eto of the mean int plane ‘The acoracy and willy of ths simple concept was demonstrated by Paton (66 Vales of have been reported hy many authors. A resonable vale appear to 0 with most luce internat." Byes (98) fod 24 ola Roughnens 105 igure 518 The bs for Paton’ afr ni shat seg 44. = 40" fa variety of rocks with saw cut or ground surface upto equals Kar ith) 0.5 + 0.60 Khar applicable st higher pressure—up 16 kbar) Frequently, can be much lower when mic, tal. chlorite, oF other sheet Slice minerals frm the sliding surface of when cla gouges present, There is litle opportunity for drainage of water from the pores of saturated clay locked in hetwesn joint walls ad Yales af as low as 6 have been reported for montmorillonite cayled shears. The roughness angie can be any valve from 010 40" or more at lw pressures as discussed later. Ifthe normal presses relatively large, it wl be ease (o shea the int, through the teeth longi surface than oi over them. Mobilizing some rock strength by ture trough the ee generates a shear strength intercept Sy 20d | ew friction ange eelaed to sing on surfaces broken through the rock {ind hus approniated bythe ress ition ange for inte! rok species. (Theresa ction angle the slope ofthe lear envelope toa series Of 166 Panes of Weakness Rack Mor circles through residual stress values fora seis of trata compression fest with ntact rock specimens.) Figure $14 shows the linear fallrecite- fon for joints representing the merging of Pato’ law and the condition for ‘hearing through aspen sys etn, +1) fore small and on Ba Steund forelage For many purposes it is scien o replace, in the second equation by 6 since theta valves ae close, Atal dat show transition rom the il slope at dy + 1 to the fal slope at 4. Theories of joint stength effecting this transion smoothly were presented by Ladanyi and Archambault (1970), Jaeger UU9T1, and Barto (1973) and were reviewed by Goodman (1978). ‘Roughness controls not only the peak shear strength at lo normal pre sures but the shape of the shear tess versus shear deformation curve and the fate of dilatancy. This is shown in Figures 5.15 and $16 based on work by ‘Rengers 970) and Schneider (1976). Suppose the joint surface were accurately ofl asin Figure 5.182. Any two points a distance nS apar along the profle Wl dene ene inclined 1 degrees wih the mean plane through the joint Sura. If the measuring points are moved all along the surface and the mea- String base length i varied, a seis of angles wil be measured: these angles have been plowed agaist base length in Figure 8.15, and envelopes all the pins have been drawn. Ii seen tat the maximum angles presented by a ‘ough surlace approach ros the measuring distance becomes appreciaMly ‘igure 544 lis shear stein een ol Figare 5.15 Reng’ ani of roughness.) A rough sre (6) Bales tp faghnes anges as amen of tae nh) an a) Approximation Reng’ rouginess anges by Pesker ana Renger ethos. 108 Panes of Weaknas n Hock ae Ne sltelele uc ei thee ee wee Figure 5.16 Consracion of he distnc carve and th ben sever ‘deration Sure fem te Rages eves according oe Mth of Scheer (97) 5. Intereatinshi among Diaplcements md Sirengthe 169 larer than the wavelengths ofthe roughness and waviness ofthe surface, The tvelopes drawn in Fire 5 1 present series of ales coresponding to ‘Shear displacements numerically equal to each base distance nS. The upper Svelope coresponds to shearing ofthe upper block to the right while the Inwer envelope corresponds to shearing ofthe uper block othe let. Consider Shearing tothe etn igre 5.16, the appropriate envelope is ben elo ted, Then, directly below t (Figure 8.165, the daancy curve hasbeen Gon Sircted hy drawing a eres of secants described by the appropriate vale for ‘ich bae distance. Next we const the shea tess vers sheardspace- tment cave (Figure $16) fom the dilatancy curve assuming that each shear Stress value »() canbe calulte from the normal tres acting om surface ‘whose effective fiction angle ithe sum of he cuteat values the resi ‘ction angle (Schneider, 1976: tha is, da) = 6 tan + (0) oo whore ll isthe inclination ofthe tangent to the ditaney curve at any Yale of ‘We have seen thatthe roughness profile ofa weakness “plane” is fond renaly valuable. Iwill be uefl thea o have mor than one wa of determin ing i. Fgute Se show another method demonstrated by Fesker and Ren: pers (1971. If the orientations of fat plates placed down ona single rush Surface are compared, it wil be seen that they are settered bout a mean “aloe. Fora plate of given size, the maximum angle frm the mean ofthe Series of measurement, in other words the vale, can be obtained Y pating the normals on a stereographic prejection, drawing an envelope 0 al he points, and measiring the angle between the envelope and the mean orientation (Figure 318d). Alterativel, this can be done mathematical emulating the procedure discussed in Seston 5.2 where aseies of nonpaaliel planes ete Sveraged, The diferene here is hat one plane only is being measured, the diferent points repeseming the diferent riettions measured at different Places on te surface 3.5 Interrelationships among Displacements and Strengths ‘When block containing a oit plane is subjected to a shear tess paral 19 the oi, it ean undergo both shear Sw and normal displacement 0. Icom ‘presed norma othe ott lend to shorten by joint closure and if pled Spar normal othe ont the Bock wil eventsly separate nto to BIOS as {he joint opens. Al these phenomena are coupled tgetber as shown in Figure S's The Upper figure 17) shows the compression behavior of he is lreamonse ee n2.0 igure 817 Conping othe ora formation, sear formation. ‘atancy lw for rough sod aaa path Sependeny 56 er of Water Pressure 174 highly nonlinear and becomes asymptotic 1o a maximum close (Ve) rested tothe itl thickness or aperture of the jin, ‘Suppose a virgin specimen were sheared without nama pressure. ila taney would occur as sown inthe upper curve of Figure 5.176 while the shear tress would never ise above zero since theres no fictional resistance i his {ase lowermost curve of Figure 8.17). Ifthe specimen had been compressed inially toa vale A,B, C, or D, the diltancy and shear sess versus shear displacement relationships would have been as depicted by the faes of ‘arvesin.I7band c As the normal pressure grows the distancy is pradualy Feduced because a greater proportion of the asperiies becomes damaged daring ‘hearing. All the curves of diatancy and shear assume te normal stress ws Imsintined constant atthe indicated inal value throughout the shearing po evs, This would not have been tre if the normal daplacement had Been festcted, as, for example, when a Hock maves into tunnel between parle, Joint surfaces. However the shear sires versus shear daplacement faction for such a conditon can be determined fom the data presented, Suppose, for ‘example, the jin normal sires were 20 ost but no siltancy wa allowed ‘ring shearing. Then, the joint would acquire normal siress A when it had ‘sheared o point, with shear resistance appropriate to the point on the sear Stressiisplacement curve corresponding to normal stess A. Thus, as sear ‘ropressed, the shear siress woul rise with dplacement along the dashed focus 0.1 2 In similar fashion, one could construct the shear stressshear placement curve fora joint nally compressed to normal stress A and then sheared without datany (pth 0, 3,6). In both cass, note that considerable ‘akttonal shear strength was sequfed by the restriction of normal dsplace- tment andthe behavior became plastic rater than rile: tat i, there was ite ‘0 drop in sregth afer a peak sress had been reached. This els explain Why rock bolt reinforcement has been successful in stablizing rock slopes and “Mathematical relationships have aleady been presented for the variation ‘ot peak sess versus normal pressure (Equation 8.7). Adltioal formulas have been demonstrated inking the decine of peak diataney with normal sess (Ladanyi and Archambault, 170) apd or the compression of joints (Goodman, 1970, 3.6 Bffect of Water Pressure Joints obey the effective stess principle discussed in Chapter 3. The water pressure in join directly counteracts the sirenthening effect of the ortal Stress applied to the joint. To calle the water peste required fo cause a Fat or Jin to slip, one needs to determine the amount by which the Mohe 172 Panes of Weaknces in Hecke Clete corresponding {0 the current sate of stress has to travel to he eft to bring the normal and shear tess on the fault or joint plan tothe liming condom represented bythe eierio of failure (Figure 318). This ealeultion [slaty more compiited thin forthe case of unointed rock, bosause now, in ation to inti stresses and strength parameters, the orientation ofthe jeint plane (withthe direction of 7) neads to be considered. I the iia Stresses are oy and the water pressure that wil produce fault lips sing cos aae) eis the minima of values calelated fom (59) wings) = Osnd 4)= 6 +7 Sad 6) §)# and & = 6 ‘Tis rimpe aplication af he effective sires principle has been shown to explain satisfactory the gccurence of earthquakes due to water injection ina ‘deep waste cispsal well near Denver, Colorado (Healy etl 1968) and inthe ‘Rangely ll fed, western Colorado (Raleigh et al, 197). I can be used 10 consider the kelihood of wigering earthquakes by construction of Feservoirs $a + (0 ~ on (sntw = 69) a mand Figure tn ater pressre 0 cae slp 09 Jot, epee 173 ‘ear active faults, However, the inal stresses in the crus as well as the fictional properties ofthe fa wll have to be known, References ‘aoa N. (1975) Review a ow sear sent erteon for rok ins,Eng Geo. 7 en aro, (979) The sea srg of ek pd rock ois, IJ Rack Mech Mn ‘Sei be255-2%. ‘baron Nt (1978 Sogeted methods for be qbanie deco fdson “inuticn i ack manos, for ISRM Commission on Stanariaton tb and il Tats, YJ Rock Atech, Min, Se 190939368, arn, NR ad Choa, V. (197) The sea strength af eck isto and cc, Rook Mech HS ‘ay, W. 96) A Sty foe an ature oe pete (9 Peon as Fron Amped eps, Aman exp ‘ected RengersN. (1971) Mensrenen age scl rouse of ek planes Sy moro nde cin rah nl pun on Rock Fracture, Naney SRM): page suagr RA WH Dagens sph Pr Se, Landon, SrA 3 28, ‘oostan, RE (197) The dorms jos, ASTM Spec. Tech: Pal 47 9p Soda, RE 976) reference sven in Chap esi. Rabey, W. We Gagan DT and Rakigh, C.H.(19 The Denver rtguike, cence WK: 101-110 Seger € (097) rim rocks dhe ayo rock lopes—Rankie Lect Giang 197-18 Lacy Bad Archana G97 Sinalaton ofthe shea behavior of ited tock mash Proceedings th Symposia om Rock Sechanes AIM), 9p 1S= Patan FD. (196) Mulipe made f sear fei oc, Proc. at Cong SRM (sbon) ot 1 xp 09-18 ‘Prt S-D ane Hadson, A197) Disomintyspcingsinock J.J Rock Mech. Rath CB, Healy, 1H, Bredboet, J a and Bohn J.P (1871) Eabaiake ‘orl st Range Colao. Trams AGU sh eager: NUD} fica of saace runes 0 he feton proper of eck planes, Proc nd Cong. ISRM (Delgade), Vol. 1.99. 29-234 Schmid 8 (8) Reference pen in Chapter 6. ‘Scher HJ (170) Comment in Procering of Internationa Symposium on Nix ‘mori Methods Sel Atcha an ck mecha Bora ahd ‘Mereer,Esp. 20°23 ls fr Bogeechat ud Feit of Kal: ‘he Univers B90. Kerbrbe |, Cerny “Tere R98) Source emote}, Geteheiue 1827 174 Panes of Weakness Rocke Problems 1. Determine by mathematical calculation the mean orientation and the Fisher strution parameter fo each of he joint ses represented bythe allow Ing dst collected inthe fel: OterPane Other Pane). 0 SOE NE Sow NW SW NW SHE ANE SSE MNE Sow StNw Soe UNE NOE SE See SNE NSE @NWw SOE SNE RSE SNW SBW GINW NOE NW Saw GaNW Nww 99 Son SNE NOW SNE Sow @Nw RE use 2. Plot the normal othe joint planes of Problem 1 onan upper hemisphere ‘Sereographic projection and compare the eaulted preferred orientations ‘with what seem to be the points where the greatest density of normals 5. A multistage trina et with saweoint oriented 45" with he ai of he core yielded the Following dala. Determine 6 ‘Contning Pressre i) Manna Asal Ses ‘otro ‘our 00 os Probie 175 44 Aroverse ful inthe rock of Problem 3 has a dilatany ange of $* and is inclined 2° with the hrizomal. Whats the maim briana sess that ‘could be sustained at depth of 2000 in this rock? 5. Trace the roughness profle of Figure 5.15 on & shel of paper hea cut slong it earefully with scissor to rode a model of eet shear apcce ‘en, Side the op tthe ight pst the bottom, without rotation an wth “crushing,” and raw the path of any point onthe op block. Compare ths path to the constructed dilate curve of Figure 16, Mark the Ioction’ ‘of potential erushing at diferent shear eiplcements, 6. normal fal that is parly cemented with cleite mineralization dis 65° {om horizontal. The fault sipped when the water pressure reached 10MPa ats depth of 600 m, IF ~ 1 MPa and, ~ 3, hat was the horizontal stress before the fault lipped? 5) = 0 and g) = 282° fora sawed joint oriented 50" from vertical in a ‘saturated raxal compression specimen. The cowfinng pressure i 5 MPa tnd the axial stress ay = 48 MPa with zero joint wir pressure. What ater pressure will cause the joint to slip and are held constant? The following data were taken in adret shear tet condcted in the field slong rock oat, witharen 0.50. The weight ofthe Hock above the oat B10KN, 1, Stear Force &N) __01.0/20|3.0|5.0|65|60/55| 54] 52 1, Shear Displacement mmo osstiolisi30/sal7sl9shis l= Assuming that jolt cohesion i ero, and that y= du, determine the Peak and residual ction angles, the shear sifiness (MPalm), and the ‘lataney angle at peak nd post peak displacement A joined shear test specimen is dried at angle a withthe normal othe shear plane anda model ook bol is installed apd tensioned to force Fe (see figure). Then a pair of shear forces Tare applied unt the joint spe. (@) What isthe tol tension Fy jst sficient to prevent lip der shear IorceF. (What she value ofthat minimies the vale of Fy reauired to prevent iit sip? (©) How are the answers tobe changed if the jin tends to dite during shear, with azancy ange Vand he bol hae silvess 176 Mane of Weaken in Hock HEE HYNYAY 10, John Bray (1967) derived the following expression fo the iting effective sresses for oi lip otal] + 3) where is the angle between the diection of andthe oit plane. (The

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