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Submitted to

Md. Sahabuddin
School of business
Canadian University of Bangladesh
Submitted By
Labib Ibne Raisul
ID: 17303045
Course Title: Organizational Behavior
Course Code: MGT211
Canadian University of Bangladesh

1. Identify several concepts and characteristics from the field of
organizational behavior that this case illustrates.
The Organizational behavior between the two firms were very different and
recognizable. Tony started working at O’Grady and things had been great there.
The firm made sure that people who worked there, their personal goals be met
and broadened their point of view towards work afterward. O’Grady was a
decentralized firm giving everybody a chance to grow and feel like a part of the
firm as their opinion would be incorporated while the managers did decision
making. The surroundings were very friendly and socially mentally stable. Tony
had a sense of job satisfaction and would have continued working there if the firm
did not shut down. Now that Tony had taken a new job at Reece Enterprise, he
realized that the firm had an entirely different way of operation. There was
reward based on how long they had been there and played the politics. Top
managers only were concerned about the work being complete and not how it
was done or who did a good job. The environment among the workers wasn’t
very pleasing either. They did not accept anyone new which was appointed at the
same stature. This not only was ignorant but also very demeaning. Tony then
realized that he should have done more research on the company before joining.

2. What advice can you give Tony? How would this advice be supported or
tempered by behavioral concepts and processes?
Tony Stark could look for another job and possibly this time research about the
company and then join it or he could make a difference in the firm he was
working and bring about a change. Changing working situations in such a huge
firm is very difficult but it's not impossible. There might be other employees who
are going through the same situation. They could all take it up to higher authority
to discuss about the situation and try to make a change. This could lead to a
downfall of the company if the employees are not satisfied. They could suggest to
put a suggestion box or make decision making process easier for the employees.

3. Is it possible to find an "ideal" place to work?

It is not possible to find or to create a workplace that is ideal for every possible
worker.  It is also not possible to find a workplace that will be completely ideal for
any one person at all times. 
A workplace cannot be ideal for all possible workers.  Different workers will have
different preferences for things like organizational culture. Some will, for
example, prefer to work alone while others prefer to work in teams.  It is not
possible to set up a workplace to please everyone.

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