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Clients! Here are the things you will need to have ready for your website to go live.

The more of this checklist you

have ready the faster your site can be built and the better it will have your desired look and feel. Please read the
entire checklist before you get started.

Must have checklist:

[ ] - Domain registration. Visit Name Cheap ( for the best pricing on your
domain. You should always go for a dot com (.com) domain name. If the name you want isn’t available as a dot
com, you should seriously consider another name that can end in dot com (.com), it’s that important. When
purchasing your domain, try to buy as many years as you can afford for the best pricing. If you already have
secured your domain (or after your purchase) record your login and password here:

Domain Register:
User name:

[ ] - Branding Colors worksheet. Define your colors and provide HEX and RGB numbers for clarity.

[ ] - Logo. High resolution in .png format with transparent background. Also, ask your designer for a vector

[ ] - Completed and refined page content. Spelling and grammar count for a lot. Remember to write your
content for a 14-year-old, or 8th grade reading level. Crazy, but it is proven to work for conversions. Grammarly is
a great tool to help make your content readable.

At a minimum you should have the following sections ready. Between 125-150 words. Be concise.

[ ] - About Us – Why you got started

[ ] - Who you are – Tell us about you

[ ] - Your mission – Tell us what you do

[ ] - What problem you help solve

[ ] - Your ideal client

[ ] - Set up your email autoresponder. Aweber is a great option and has a ton of functionality. Aweber is free for
the first 500 emails in your list.

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For the next few pages, provide as much detail as you can to help build the best website. You may need
to go back through these pages a few times until you feel you’ve completely explained everything in
detail. Don’t worry if that takes time to get it right.

1. What is the name of your company?

2. What is the history behind your company name?

3. What is your tagline?

4. What is the primary service you provide?

5. How long has your company been established?

6. How big is your company? How many employees? Provide some basic bio, history, and
background on each employee. The more customers know, like, and trust you, the better opportunity you have a for a sale.

7. What three words would you like your target audience to think about when they speak of your

8. What are the values and/or mission statement of your company?

9. Why did you start your company?

10. Please use this space to provide any additional information:

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1. Who is your intended audience, the demographics of your ideal customer?
a. What is the target audience’s age group?

b. Are they mainly male or female?

c. What is the average household income of your target audience?

d. How do you plan to communicate with your target audience?

2. Describe your ideal customer.

3. Name some of your ideal customer’s interests.

4. Do you intend to provide a call to action – Sign Up Now! Join My Team Today! Call Now! Free
Consultation! You can have more than one…

5. What is your primary goal of the website – sales, leads, informational, etc.?

6. Who is your competition?

7. What do you want to emphasize on the website?

8. Please use this space to provide any additional information:

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Website Layout
1. Please provide a list of websites that you like (they do not have to be related to your industry
whatsoever). Why do you like these sites? Please provide links of example sites.

2. Please provide a list of websites that you don’t like. Why do you dislike these sites? Please provide
links of example sites.

3. Do you have ideas of the colors you like and don’t like?

4. Who is your competition? Please provide links of example sites.

5. What is the overall mood you are going for – Playful, Serious, Ultra-Professional, or other?

6. Please use this space to provide any additional information:

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Logo Design If you already have a logo, you can skip this section. However, if you want an updated or new logo, please complete this

1. Do you already have a logo? Is this a new logo, or updating/modernizing an old logo?

2. Do you want the entire company name in the logo?

3. Do you want a font-based logo, object/symbol based logo, or a combination of both?

4. Do you want your tagline incorporated into your logo design? Most companies do not want their tagline
incorporated into their logo.

5. Do you have a website address? Do you want your website address incorporated into the logo?
Most companies do not want their website address incorporated into their logo.

6. What is the overall mood you are going for – Playful, Serious, Ulta-Profressional, or other?

7. What is the logo style you have in mind? Techy, Organic, Cutesy, Cartoonish, etc.?

8. What colors do you have in mind? What colors should be avoided?

9. Do you have a font family you want to use? If not, don’t’ worry, it gives the designer more freedom to be creative.

10. Any fonts to stay away from?

11. If you have some logos you like on-line, please link/list the websites or insert the logos.

12. If you have some logos you dislike on-line, please link/list the websites or insert the logos.

13. Do you have any ideas that you want to represent in your logo?

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Things you may need before your website goes live.
[ ] - You should have a GDPR, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions of Use documents for your website.
Either go through your attorney or use Termly will cost you $10/month to create all the
documents you need for your website. It literally takes five mins to create all the documents and download them.
After you created the documents (and downloaded them), be sure to set a calendar reminder to cancel your
account before the month is up to avoid additional charges. Don’t cancel your Termly account until your website
up and running, just in case there are some additional changes to your legal documents you may need or want to

[ ] - Terms of Use
[ ] - Privacy Policy
[ ] - GDPR
[ ] - Any Disclaimers (earnings, results, etc.)

[ ] - Social Media Links (you don’t have to have all of these, or any of these if you don’t want, but its good
business practice to have them.)

[ ] - Facebook: https://
[ ] - Twitter: https://
[ ] - Instagram: https://
[ ] - YouTube: https://
[ ] - Any other social platforms you may want to show on the website, please list below.

[ ] - Contact information for your website. How you want your customers to reach you? The more ways a
potential client can reach you, the better chance you have at a conversion.

Your GDPR and Privacy Policy Statements must have a way for clients to contact you by law. Either an email,
phone number or address. It is recommended you provide all three on your website. Your sales receipts may also
require you to provide an address.

[ ] - Contact email:
If you want website visitors or customers to email you. Or you can use a contact form and customers will not
have access to your email. Or you can do both (recommended).

[ ] - Contact Phone:
If you want website visitors or customers to call you. If you don’t want customers to call you state this

[ ] - Your physical address:

If you want website visitors or customers to visit your office, or to receive official documents and mail. Or
if you want a map on your website. For the map you may also just use city and state.

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[ ] - Payment Gateway (merchant account) – Stripe and PayPal are a power combination. You should set up both
for the best possible conversions on your website. Or you can use your banks payment gateway (merchant
account) banks usually charge more than Stripe and PayPal, and most website visitors are familiar with Stripe and

[ ] - Stripe Account info (needed to integrate Stripe with your membership payment options or your
course payment options. You should change your password once your site goes live.

Login name:

[ ] - PayPal Account info (needed to integrate PayPal with your membership payment options or your
course payment options. You should change your password once your site goes live.

Login name:

[ ] - If your courses/lessons are heavy in video, it is recommend you use Vimeo ( to host your
video content. This reduces server load and allows a better viewing experience for multiple viewers at the same
time. Cost is $84 a year, billed annually, or billed monthly at $12 per month. Get the Plus package to start, you
can always upgrade later, if need be.

Login name:

[ ] - Photos for your website. If you have website ready images, provide those. If you don’t have any images and
want the website designer to select them for you, that is also an option.

If you need website ready images here are some great places to get free stock photos. All images you want to use
and where they should go. – always select the highest resolution image you can afford. The higher the
resolution, the better it will look on your website. Download and save all images to your computer.

Here are some free sites you can use – You may notice some repeated images between these free sites, but each
site has something different to offer. Check all three for the best images possible for your website.

Here is a paid site for images – this may be a better option, depending on your budget.

[ ] - Any and all testimonials you have, with images. Please check spelling and provide the client name (first
name and last initial is fine). Include a photo if you have it. If you don’t have any testimonials, reach out to your
current clients and ask them to provide a testimonial. If you still don’t have any testimonials when your website
goes live, that’s okay too.

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[ ] - Website hosting. Recommend SiteGround for the best hosting. Buy as much time as you can afford.
SiteGround allows you to purchase 36 months of hosting to start.
( Our chosen web designer also provides
hosting and website maintenance in one package for your convenience, and they bill monthly so you don’t have
to spend a lot of money upfront in hosting.

[ ] - Completed Sitemap. A sitemap is a basic description of how your pages will layout. Not totally necessary
but helps in the design of your site. If you want to skip this step, go ahead.

[ ] - Get on Kingman Solutions’ calendar for a FREE consultation. Please remind them you are a Membership Fix

Help is closer than you think with

Kingman Solutions is the website design team we are working with. They will need the information recorded in
this checklist to build your site. They can help you with the following: Discuss the following during your

Domain Registration - $25 + cost of registration.

Website hosting – $50/month. Includes website maintenance and website support. Never worry about your site
going down, or being hacked, or out of date. Might be a better option than paying for web hosting all up front.
Includes 3 branded email addresses. yourname@yourdomain

Logo Design - $150 (includes branding sheet)

Graphic Design – Discuss during your consultation.

Social Media Marketing – Discuss during your consultation.

Search Engine Optimization – Discuss during your consultation.

Email Outreach - $250/month + one-time setup fee of $250. They will setup your autoresponder opt-in, on
boarding sequence (7-10 emails), and each month you will get 20-ready to send emails that we schedule in your
autoresponder for you.

Copywriting – If you need help completing content on your website or want ready-to-post blogs or articles. They
can also help with product/course/lesson descriptions. Discuss during your consultation.

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