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Bacteria are unicellular plants, with a wide spread in microscopic environments viata.In all
favorable living conditions for life, they multiply rapidly by direct division, and in turn the
unfavorable bacteria in the pores of the resistance.

Bacteria differ in several types:

1.Saprophytic bacteria feed on dead organic matter into account and have an important role in
breaking down dead material. (Helps ground)
2.Parasitic bacteria are found everywhere and are diversified, they also take the necessary
oxygen in the air is called aerobic (gold) or chemical compounds with oxygen, anaerobic
bacteria (in the absence of gold), they cause disease.
3.Pathogenic bacteria cause numerous diseases to humans, plants and animals, as well as
4.Fermentative bacteria turn organic substances into simpler products. A suggestive example
would be, "Bacilus putrificus", which causes intestinal rot.
5.Photogenic bacteria produce luminescence as a result of the oxidation process in
protoplasm, it is found on meat, fresh or salt water, even on potatoes that give
6. Chromogenic bacteria color the environments in which they live, for example, in potato
culture they form red blood spots.
7. Rot bacteria play an important role in the circulation of matter in nature. They break down
the body of dead plants and animals they mineralize, enrich the soil with mineral
substances necessary for plant nutrition.

Morphological classification by bacterial form:






The bacteria were first observed in 1676 by the Danish scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek,
using a microscope consisting of two lenses, which he himself built.
The purpose of the taxonomic classification is to describe and differentiate the wide diversity
of existing bacterial species, conferring the necessary names to the taxa and grouping the
organisms on the basis of common characteristics. Bacteria can be classified based on several
different criteria, such as cell structure, metabolism and on the basis of certain cellular
components, such as DNA, fatty acids, secreted pigments, antigens and quinones.

Method Gram Staining

Gram staining, a method developed in 1884 by Hans Christian Gram, helps to differentiate
bacteria based on the structural features of the cell wall. [96] The method consists in
maintaining bacterial cell samples in a series of dyes, following the interpretation that the
interpretation is made according to the tinctorial affinity of the cell wall (in other words,
whether it is colored or not).

Importance of bacteria

Many important chemicals, such as ethyl alcohol, acetic acid and acetone, are produced as part
of specific bacterial metabolism. Some bacterial species, especially the lactic acid bacteria of
the genera Lactobacillus and Lactococcus, have been used for thousands of years in
combination with yeasts and molds to obtain fermented foods, such as cheese, pickles, soy
sauce, pickled cabbage, vinegar, wine and yogurt. .


1.What is the bacteria?

2. In what taxonomy does the bacterium fall?

3. What are parasitic bacteria?

4. What are saprophytic bacteria?

5. How are the bacteria that take their oxygen from the air?

6.What bacteria causes pneumonia?

7.What causes the expression "Bacilus putrificus"?

8. What is the beneficial role of Photogenic Bacteria?

9. What bacteria causes blood stains on the potato?

10. What role does bacterial rot have, but its role in the circulation of matter in nature?

11. How can we classify bacteria by form?

12. Who first discovered the bacteria and in what year?

13.What is the purpose of taxonomic classification of bacteria?

14.What is the coloration method of gram?

15. How important is bacteria?


1.Bacteria are unicellular plants, with a wide spread in microscopic environments viata.In all
favorable living conditions for life, they multiply rapidly by direct division, and in turn the
unfavorable bacteria in the pores of the resistance.
3.Are found everywhere and are diversified, they also take the necessary oxygen in the air is
called aerobic (gold) or chemical compounds with oxygen, anaerobic bacteria (in the
absence of gold), they cause disease.
4.Feed on dead organic matter into account and have an important role in breaking down dead
5.Aerobic and Anaerobic
6.Pathogenic bacteria
7.Causes intestinal rot.
8.Produce luminescence as a result of the oxidation process in protoplasm, it is found on meat,
fresh or salt water, even on potatoes that give luminescence.
9.Chromogenic bacteria
10. Bacteria play an important role in the circulation of matter in nature. They break down the
body of dead plants and animals they mineralize, enrich the soil with mineral substances
necessary for plant nutrition.
11. –Cocci –Diplococci –Staphylococci –Bacilli -Spiryl
12. The bacteria were first observed in 1676 by the Danish scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek,
using a microscope consisting of two lenses, which he himself built.
13. The purpose of the taxonomic classification is to describe and differentiate the wide
diversity of existing bacterial species, conferring the necessary names to the taxa and
grouping the organisms on the basis of common characteristics. Bacteria can be classified
based on several different criteria, such as cell structure, metabolism and on the basis of
certain cellular components, such as DNA, fatty acids, secreted pigments, antigens and
14. Gram staining, a method developed in 1884 by Hans Christian Gram, helps to differentiate
bacteria based on the structural features of the cell wall. [96] The method consists in
maintaining bacterial cell samples in a series of dyes, following the interpretation that the
interpretation is made according to the tinctorial affinity of the cell wall (in other words,
whether it is colored or not).
15. Many important chemicals, such as ethyl alcohol, acetic acid and acetone, are produced as
part of specific bacterial metabolism. Some bacterial species, especially the lactic acid
bacteria of the genera Lactobacillus and Lactococcus, have been used for thousands of
years in combination with yeasts and molds to obtain fermented foods, such as cheese,
pickles, soy sauce, pickled cabbage, vinegar, wine and yogurt.

Student: Macovei AnaMaria

Geografie ,Anul 2

Tema a fost aleasa din obiectul de studiu Biogeografie!

Profesor coordonator: Maria Emandi

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