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Playing the Long Game

Competition Brief
You are a Vice President with an Investment Bank that has just been approached by a leading US based tech investor, who is
looking to cut a USD 100 MM cheque as its first investment in India, in September 2020. You have been advised to
recommend one company that they should be investing in. You and your team-mate started the exercise by shortlisting 10 of
the most prominent unicorns in India.

In teams of 2, make an investment pitch on which of these unicorns should the US based investor be investing in.
Assume that the valuation at which the investment can happen is according to the table here
Guidelines for submission

Some Questions to Ponder:

• How large is the addressable market?
• What are the competitive dynamics like?
• How has the near term performance been?
• What does the path to profitability/ possibility of potential exit or IPO look like?
• What are the softer issues that the investor should consider? Remember, life is about risk adjusted returns.

• Submission: Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation and Excel supporting the presentation
• Presentation Format:
 No of Slides: 4-6 slides (besides the cover slide and thank you slides) to sum up your recommendations
(Supporting information can be added as Annexures)
 Font: Arial (Minimum font size: 9)
 Naming Convention: The Ultimate Investment Pitch_Team Name
• Excel Format:
 Calculations and assumptions to be highlighted and documented in the respective tab
 Naming Convention: The Ultimate Investment Pitch_Team Name_Support File
• Assume a deal closing date of October 31, 2020
• All the figures and amount must be in million USD
• Submission deadline – 23 59 59 hours, 4 October 2020
Competition Format

Submit your The teams to submit their presentation and excel in the link which will be shared later for
Pitch evaluation

Campus The top 5 teams from the submissions received will be adjudged as campus finalists and
Finalists will have the opportunity to pitch to the senior employees of TRMG

Lets do some The Top 5 teams fight it out to justify their investment pick. The pitch will be followed by
Pitching! a QnA round

Reward for Winning Team Reward for

Reward for Top
Top 22 Teams
Teams of
of Final
Final Round
Pre- Placement Interview for the front Experience the life of an I-Banker at
end investment banking role TRMG's Mumbai office for a day*
About The RainMaker Group

The RainMaker Group (TRMG) advises some of India’s top growth stage startup founders and boards on
fund raise and M&As. In the 5 years of its existence, it has consistently ranked among India’s top 5
investment banks serving India’s startup economy across league tables. Here are our recent views on the
startup fund raise market that we shared with Forbes over a podcast

The RainMaker Group works with a limited set of market leading companies backed by Tier 1 VCs, which
come to us through strong relationships or credible references. Unlike traditional investment banks with a
transactional approach to business, we partner clients through their lifecycle- for months and years before
and after the champagne has been popped for a successful deal closure. This helps us cultivate deep
domain knowledge as well as infuse much needed creativity and meticulousness into deal making.
Despite our short history, leading global counterparties have found comfort in having us on the other side of
the table – because they know that our transactions are preceded by thorough client diligence and research.

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