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My Pure English

Ahmad Ali Solaiman AbduRaheem


without Stresses

without Difficulties

without Problems

without Errors

Towards Pure Simple Easy English

Reading Practices (1)
Self-Learning Strategy
Name: ________________________________ Vocabulary Practices LEVELS MAY VARY

In the name of Allah,

the Most Merciful, the
Most Compassionate
Name: ________________________________ Reading Practices LEVELS MAY VARY

Read the text below then answer the questions : [ 10 Marks ]

Prophet Mohammad (1&2)

In the middle of the Arabian desert, more than one thousand years ago, there was a great tribe
named Quraish who lived in an old city called Makkah. Quraish is the tribe of Prophet Mohammad
(May peace be upon him). Mohammad’s grandfather, Abdul- Muttalib, was the chief of Quraish,
people loved and respect him. He had ten sons. The youngest son, Abdullah, was the Prophet
Mohammad’s father. Abdullah married a kind girl from Quraish called Amena Bent Wahb. Abdul-
Muttalib made a wedding party for them. Amena was very happy with her husband, Abdullah.

Soon, after Abdullah married Amena (Mohammad’s mother), he went on a business trip to Bilad-
Asham. On his way back, he became sick and could not continue the journey. His friends left him in
Yathreb (Madina) with his relatives (his mother’s family).They would take care of him until he felt
better and was able to continue the journey. However, Abdullah’s health became worse. Soon after, he
died leaving his young wife waiting for him in Makkah. Amena, who was pregnant, cried very much
when she heard of her husband’s death. She felt sad and lonely.

One night, Amena had a beautiful dream. She dreamed of a great light coming out of her tummy,
shining all the way to places in Bilad-Ashaam (Syria). After the dream, she slept peacefully. The next
morning, Amena told her father-in-law, Abdul-Muttalib, about her dream. He became happy and kept
waiting for the birth of his grandchild whom he expected to have a great future. When Amena felt
that she was going to have the baby, she looked at the sky and remembered her dream. Amena was
both crying and smiling, she was crying because her baby’s father had died, and she was smiling
because of that unforgettable dream that her son would have a great future. Thus, our Prophet was
born. Amena sent Um-Ayman, the nanny, to tell Abdul-Muttalib the good news.

Abdul-Muttalib immediately came to see his newly born grandson. He felt so grateful, that he took
the little baby to Holy Kaaba, and he named him Muhammad. When Mohammad was one week old, his
grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib, gave a big feast, inviting all the Quraish nobility. During his festivity,
Abdul-Muttalib was asked:”What is the baby’s name? “he answered“: “Mohammad“. With surprise,
they asked “Why didn’t you give him a common name we use in Quraish?” Abdul-Mutallib answered:
“I named him Mohammad (The praised) because I want him to be the praised one in heavens and the
praised one on the Earth“. Quraish looked at one another and gathered that Abdul-Muttalib had a
feeling that his grandson was “ expected Prophet “ that many people talked about.

It was customary for the well-off families to send their babies to wet nurses in Badia. Halima
Assadia, a wet nurse , was asked to take care of Mohammad, she liked him, she asked her husband: He
seems like a blessed child, shall we take him? He said: Let us take him. May be will bring us blessing
and good fortune. Halima took the baby Mohammad, to Badia and nursed him with her own little boy.
She felt that she had more than enough milk for both of them. In the clean and fresh air of Badia,
Halima raised Mohammad as a strong and healthy boy. As a little boy, Mohammed played with

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Name: ________________________________ Reading Practices LEVELS MAY VARY

children in Badia, but Halima was always worried about him. Strangers who saw him would say: This
little boy has a great future. She was afraid that someone would hurt him to his mother when he was
about three years old.

Answer these questions:-

1 – What was Mohammad’s tribe?


2 – Where did the tribe live?

………(In Makkah.)………………………………………………………………………

3 – Where does Makkah lie?

…….(In the middle of the Arabian desert.)…………………………………………….

4 – When did Mohammad’s tribe live?

…….(In Makkah.)………………………………………………………………………..

5 – Was this tribe Arabic?

……(Yes. It was.)…………………………………………………………………………

6 – Who was Mohammad’s grandfather?


7 – Was he the chief of the tribes?

…….(Yes. He was.)……………………………………………………………………….

8 – Why did people love and respect him?

……(Because he was their chief.)………………………………………………………..

9 – How many uncles had Mohammad?

……..(Nine uncles.)……………………………………………………………………….

10 – Who was the youngest of them?


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Name: ________________________________ Reading Practices LEVELS MAY VARY

11 – Whom did Abdullah marry?

………(Aminah Bint Wahb.)……………………………………………………………

12 – Was she happy with her husband?

……..(Yes. He was.)………………………………………………………………………

13 – Where did Abdullah go after his marriage?

…….(To Bilad Al-Sham.)…………………………………………………………………

14 – What happened to him in his return?

…….(He became very sick.)………………………………………………………………

15 – What did his friends do for him?

……..(They left him to his relatives.)…………………………………………………….

16 – Were they faithful to him?

…….(Yes they were.)……………………………………………………………………...

17 – What did Aminah do when he died?

……(She cried a lot. Also she was very sad.)……………………………………………

18 – Did she marry another man?

…….(No. She didn’t.)……………………………………………………………………..

19 – What was her beautiful dream?

…..(She dreamed of a great light coming out of her tummy, shining all the way to places in

Bilad-Ashaam (Syria)…………………………………………………………………………….

20 – What did she do after her dream?

……(She told her father-in-law her dream.)……………………………………………

21 – Whom did she tell her dream?


22 – What did Mohammad’s grandfather expect from his dream?

…….(A great future for his grandson.)…………………………………………………

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Name: ________________________________ Reading Practices LEVELS MAY VARY

23 – Why was Aminah crying?

…….(Because of the death of Abdullah, her husband.)……………………………….

24 – Why was she smiling?

……(Because her son will have a wonderful future.)………………………………….

25 – Who told Abdul-Muttalib that Aminah bore her son?


26 – Who named the son Mohammad?

……(His grandfather Abdul-Muttalib.)………………………………………………..

27 – What did Abdul-Muttalib do for his grandson?

………(He took him to Al-Kaabah.)…………………………………………………….

28 – What did Abdul-Mutallib do when Mohammad was one week?

……..(He invited the Quraish men for a great celebration.)…………………………..

29 – Why did he name his grandson Mohammad?

……(To be praised in heavens and in the earth.)……………………………………….

30 – What did Quraish men think of Mohammad?

…….(He will be the Expected Prophet.)………………………………………………..

31 – Who was Mohammad’s wet nurse?

………(Haleemah Al-Saadiah.)………………………………………………………….

32 – Why did the well-off families send their babies to Badiah?

………(To be good in their manners and bodies.)……………………………………...

33 – What did Mohammad’s wet nurse do when she saw him?

…….(She took him and raised him with her son.)……………………………………..

34 – What did her husband tell her?

……(He told her that he seems like a blessed child.)…………………………………...

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Name: ________________________________ Reading Practices LEVELS MAY VARY

35 – What did she feel after she had taken Mohammad?

…..(She felt that she had enough milk for both of her son and Mohammad.)………..

36 – Why did she return him to his mother? When?

……..(Because she was afraid and she was worried about him.)………………………

37 – Who was his nanny?


38 – Were his father and mother Muslims?

……..(No. They weren’t.)………………………………………………………………..

39 – Did Haleemah live in the town or in the Badiah?

…….(In Badiah.)…………………………………………………………………………

40 – Had Mohammad a great future? How?

………(yes. He had.)……………………………………………………………………..

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