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David Wilson: Brien Holden Vision Institute (BHVI), Sydney, Australia

Mo Jalie: Visiting Professor: University of Ulster, Varilux University in Paris


 Introduction
 History of Progressive Lenses
 Advantages and Disadvantages of PALs
 Progressive Lens Markings
 Optics of Progressive Lenses
 History of Progressive Lenses
 Features of Progressive Lenses

Progressive lenses were designed to meet the visual demands of presbyopes, especially ametropic presbyopes who
require spectacles for all distances; i.e. distance, intermediate and near.

The design of the lens is such that the power gradually increases as it goes from the distance zone at the top of the
lens down to the near zone towards the bottom of the lens (Figure 6.1).

Figure 6.1: Zones of a progressive lens

September 2012, Version 1 Applied Optics

Chapter 6-1
Progressive Lenses – History and Development


Progressive lenses are also known as PALs (progressive addition lenses), PPLs (progressive
power lenses), varifocals and, less accurately, as multifocals. The first successful
progressive was released by the Essel Company in France in 1959 and was named Varilux.
By today’s standards it was quite basic and difficult to get used to. It was a hard design,
symmetrical style lens (with the near being swung in for near centration).
Varilux II was an improved design and, being asymmetrical, avoided some of the optical
problems of the symmetrical Varilux design (we will look at this shortly).
In the 1980s, most manufacturers were producing progressive lenses and were designing
what they called “families of lenses”. That meant that they had different designs for different
uses. Hard designs are for the person doing mainly reading, soft designs for the active
person and an intermediate design for the “average” patient.
In the 1990s, the technology had improved to the point where the manufacturers could
produce a lens with the benefits of both hard and soft lenses. Although most manufacturers
HISTORY OF still have more than one design (usually retaining a hard design for those wanting a wide
PROGRESSIVE reading zone) they generally promote their newest design as a lens for all purposes.
LENSES The new soft design lenses have shorter corridors than the original soft designs. They also
have relatively wide near and distance zones. However, they retain their gradual increase in
unwanted astigmatism to the sides of the corridor and their wide intermediate zone.
The two latest changes in design philosophy are multi-design lenses and “as worn” design.
Multi-design lenses involve design changes to allow for changes in the addition or distance
prescription. Most multi-design lenses are also progressively harder in design as the addition
increases. Thus the designs are responsive to prescription.
“As worn” lens design, also known by other names including “position of wear”, is based on
the premise that the lenses must be altered to more closely match the experience of the
patient when being tested with the refractor head or trial lens. The designers use ray tracing
techniques to determine the lens power required, taking into consideration back vertex
distance, pantoscopic tilt etc. The manufacturers then provide the practitioner with the lens
power they can expect to find when checking the lenses on the focimeter. It is this altered
power that the practitioner needs to compare to the published standards.

Phase 1:
The earliest PAL lens design was the Varilux lens. This lens had spherical curvature in the
distance portion and the progressive corridor was achieved by reducing the radius of
curvature along the progressive corridor to the required radius of the reading portion.
Considerable blending was required in the regions of the lens adjacent to the corridor in
order to achieve the PAL surface. The magnitude of the surface astigmatism in these regions
was large and the transition from the good vision of the corridor to the region of blending was
marked. This type of lens would be considered as a hard design.
Phase 2:
DEVELOPMENT OF PAL lenses incorporated conic sections in the progression instead of spherical sections. This
PAL SURFACES reduced the level of surface astigmatism seen in the peripheral portions of the Varilux design.
Phase 3:
Further developments in design saw the introduction of aspheric curves for the distance and
near portions and in the progressive zones, keeping the magnitude of surface astigmatism
low and moving the regions of “unusable” vision further towards the periphery of the lens.
Lenses of this type would be considered as a soft design.
Phase 4:
From the year 2000, we have seen the development of “as worn” customized lens designs.
These are described in more detail later.

September 2012, Version 1 Applied Optics

Chapter 6-2
Progressive Lenses – History and Development


Progressive lenses are produced using a one-piece design, which has a stable distance and reading portion
(Figure 6.2). As the eye moves down from the major reference point (MRP) in the distance portion to the near
reference point (NRP), the power of the lens becomes progressively more positive. This is achieved by changing the
radius of curvature of the lens surface in the horizontal meridian whilst maintaining the radius of curvature in the
meridian connecting the MRP in the distance with the NRP in the reading portion. The line of constant curvature
connecting the MRP and NRP is known as the umbilical line. The production of this type of lens is a complicated
procedure only made possible by the development of sophisticated machinery. In all types of PALs, viewing near the
umbilical line gives the best possible vision. If the wearer moves the eyes away from the umbilical line there is a zone
either side of the umbilical in which good vision will be obtained. This region is known as the progressive corridor.
Outside the region of the progressive corridor the surface astigmatism on the lens is induced by the blending of power
from distance to near. In these regions the wearer will be unable to obtain good quality vision. The development of the
PAL lens has incorporated strategies to control optically, the surface astigmatism of the lens.

Figure 6.2: Progressive addition lenses

September 2012, Version 1 Applied Optics

Chapter 6-3
Progressive Lenses – History and Development


1. Better cosmesis
Progressive Addition Lenses or PALs are more attractive than multifocal lenses, all of which
have a line or ridge or area of obviously different power. Presbyopes can be sensitive about
the appearance of bifocals. They know that bifocals are an indicator of age. Progressive
lenses offer better cosmesis since, even on close inspection, they appear to be single vision
2. Extended working distances
Bifocals restrict a wearer’s working distances. The working distance allowed by the segment
extends only as far as the focal length of the addition (Figure 6.3). The near limit through the
distance section depends on the amplitude of accommodation of the user. So, for a
reasonably advanced presbyope wearing a bifocal, intermediate vision is often
compromised. While trifocals can help to fill this gap they do not provide the full range of
vision as provided by progressive lenses.

Figure 6.3: Patient wearing bifocal spectacles

3. Convenience
Progressive lenses are obviously more convenient than separate distance and reading
ADVANTAGES spectacles, since the wearer does not need to change from one pair to the other for different
OF PALS visual tasks (Figure 6.4). They are also more convenient than multifocals because fewer
head movements are required. Advanced presbyopes wearing bifocals, for example, need to
tilt their heads forward or backward to find the appropriate power to view an intermediate

Figure 6.4: Inconvenience of patient changing between distance and near prescriptions
4. No image jump
Progressive lenses eliminate the image jump found in many bifocals. Image Jump can be
disconcerting for some wearers. It is created by round segments and, to a lesser extent, D
segment and curved top bifocal segments as discussed in the previous chapter.
5. Thinner and lighter
Progressive lenses are generally thinner and lighter than some bifocals (particularly the
executive bifocal unless it is prism thinned) and will certainly be thinner than spectacles with
the reading addition (for emmetropes and hyperopes). They will not, however, vary notably
from normal bifocals of the same power and material.

September 2012, Version 1 Applied Optics

Chapter 6-4
Progressive Lenses – History and Development


Each of the advantages of progressive lenses can be presented as benefits to the patient.
It is important that patients understand what progressive lenses will do for them.
1. Better cosmesis
The lenses are more attractive than bifocals or trifocals and will look like single vision
lenses. They will, therefore, not age the patient by “announcing” their presbyopia.
2. Extended working distances
Progressive lenses allow the patient to see at all distances without the characteristic
forward and backward head movements typical of bifocal lenses (and to a lesser
degree, trifocal lenses) as the wearer tries to focus on an intermediate object by
moving their head away and using their available accommodation through the
distance portion or move their head closer to use the near segment.
3. Convenience
BENEFITS OF PALS Because the lenses cover all distances, they are very convenient. One pair of
TO CLIENTS spectacles will work for all visual tasks.
4. No image jump
Although image jump does not trouble many bifocal wearers (except, perhaps wearers
of large round segments) it does highlight to the wearer the function of the spectacles.
Wearers of progressive lenses, on the other hand, are more likely to “forget that they
are even wearing spectacles”. It is a little like driving a car; if you have a manual car
then changing the gears is a constant reminder of the car’s presence whereas with an
automatic the car is working unobtrusively in the background.
5. Thinner and lighter
Not only are progressive lenses more attractive from the point of view of lacking an
obvious segment, they are also lighter and thinner than many bifocals, notably the
Executive. The prism thinning technique used by most laboratories also contributes to
their thinner finished form.
1. Unwanted astigmatic power at the periphery
The areas toward the periphery of the intermediate corridor and the near zone contain
unwanted astigmatic power and therefore are unsuitable for foveal (clear central)
vision. These areas should not cause difficulty with peripheral vision and should
therefore not hinder mobility.
2. Trouble with adaptation
Because of the distorted peripheral zones some people have trouble adapting to
progressive lenses. If the lenses are fitted well and the patients are given the correct
advice during the dispensing, this is rarely a problem. The new progressive lenses are
also far more forgiving than older designs.
3. Require accurate fitting
Although they are easier to fit than older progressive lens designs, they still require
more accurate fitting than bifocals or most single vision lenses (aspheric lenses being
the exception).
OF PALS 4. More expensive
Progressive lenses are still more expensive than bifocals or trifocal lenses, and much
dearer than single vision lenses. Prices vary but, as a guide, progressive lenses are a
little less than twice the price of flat-top bifocals. They are however, reasonably priced
in most cases and are continually becoming relatively cheaper.
It is very important to note that only the first and fourth of the listed disadvantages will be
of concern to patients. Good dispensing effectively eliminates the second and third and
the fact that progressive lenses require more careful fitting is of concern only to the
practitioner and not to the patient.
With regard to price, only the patient can determine whether that is a problem. It is not the
duty of the practitioner to make judgements on behalf of the patient in this regard. The
professional practitioner will offer what he/she considers to be most suitable for the
patient’s needs. It is up to the patient then to decide what they wish to purchase. It is also
much easier to come down in price from the best choice to a cheaper alternative. This is
often referred to as the top-down approach to selling.

September 2012, Version 1 Applied Optics

Chapter 6-5
Progressive Lenses – History and Development


The permanent markings can be found by close observation of the progressive lens by
holding the lens up to and filling the lens with light. Some companies produce instruments,
which make finding the markings easier. They can also be found by holding the lens in front
of the “I see it” Micro-engraving Detector, found in the Varilux PEP Practitioner Program
Handbook. The standard permanent markings are listed as follows:

1. Horizontal locators
These are small micro-engraved circles, which are positioned about 34 mm apart
(17mm to the nasal and temporal sides of the prism reference point). Once found, they
enable all of the non-permanent markings to be re-applied.

2. Lens logo and material code

Normally found under the nasal locator, this marking represents the lens type logo
(designed by the manufacturer) and enables the observer to determine not only the
manufacturer but also the actual lens type. A material code is often also included. For
example, the Varilux Comfort in 1.600 index plastic has the Essilor logo followed by the
number 6. The same lens in polycarbonate has the Essilor logo and the letter P
(Figure 6.5).

PERMANENT 3. Add power

The add power is engraved under the temporal locator (Figure 6.5). This enables the
observer to check the power of the addition, which can also be checked by focimeter
(checking the addition by focimeter will be covered later).

Figure 6.5: Permanent markings on a progressive lens

September 2012, Version 1 Applied Optics

Chapter 6-6
Progressive Lenses – History and Development


The removable ink markings are stamped by the manufacturer onto the front surface of the
semi-finished blank before they are sent to the laboratories for back surface grinding
(Figure 6.6). These markings should remain on the completed lens until after the lens has
been fitted into the frame and all parameters checked. It is also advisable to leave them on
until after fitting the completed spectacles on the patient for the first time to ensure that they
are correctly lined up.

Figure 6.6: Ink stamped markings on a progressive lens

The standard permanent markings are listed as follows:

INK STAMPED 1. Distance reference circle

MARKINGS This circle is used to find the portion of the lens through which the distance power
should be read. The circle should be placed directly over the lens rest of the focimeter.
The position of the target is not important, only the power reading. We will look at how
to check progressive lenses later in this module.

2. Fitting cross
The fitting cross is the point, which should be fitted directly in front of the centre of the
patient’s pupil.

3. Prism reference point

This is the point on the lens in which ordered prism or the amount of differential prism
should be checked. The power reading at this point is unimportant as is the quality of
the image of the focimeter’s target. Only its position matters.

4. Horizontal meridian markers

These are dashes on the nasal and temporal sides of the lens, level with the prism
reference point, which enable the lens to be set up correctly.

5. Near reference circle

This circle is used for checking the power of the addition through the focimeter. In order
to calculate the addition for front surface progressive lenses, the front vertex power,
through the distance reference circle, is subtracted from the front vertex power through
the near reference circle.

September 2012, Version 1 Applied Optics

Chapter 6-7
Progressive Lenses – History and Development


If a patient brings in a pair of progressive lenses for checking, it is necessary to re-locate

the permanent inked markings to carry out a focimeter check and to check if the fitting cross
is positioned correctly.

Figure 6.7: Layout chart to re-locate markings on a progressive lens

The steps you must follow to do this are listed as follows:

1. Find the micro-engraved markings

This can be done by holding the lens up to and filling the lens with light (you may need
to tilt the lens back and forth) and focussing on the surface rather than looking through
the lens. Fogging the lens by breathing on it can also help to highlight the markings.
The markings can also be located by using the “I see it” Micro-engraving Detector or
the instruments mentioned earlier.

2. Mark the horizontal locators

Once the permanent markings are found, the horizontal locators should be marked
RE-LOCATING THE with a soft tipped felt pen.
3. Select the correct layout chart
The permanent markings will indicate the manufacturer and lens type. The correct
layout chart should then be selected for marking the lens (Figure 6.7). Although many
progressive lenses are very similar in design, it is not acceptable to use a substitute
layout card for the real lens type. It must not only be the layout card for the correct
manufacturer but also the correct lens type.

4. Positioning on layout chart

The lens with its two marked locators should be positioned on the layout chart with the
marked horizontal locators lined up with the matching markings on the chart.

5. Tracing the reference points

The distance and near reference circles, the fitting cross and the prism reference point
should be carefully traced (Figure 6.8). Make sure you are using the correct eye! (and
not, for example, marking up a right eye on the left eye chart).

Figure 6.8: Tracing of the reference circles of a progressive lens using a layout chart

September 2012, Version 1 Applied Optics

Chapter 6-8
Progressive Lenses – History and Development


In order to achieve a continually increasing power in the vertical meridian (or umbilical
meridian), the radius of curvature must decrease. Conical curves such as parabolas,
hyperbolas and oblate ellipses satisfy this requirement, as do circular sections of decreasing
radius. That is, their radius decreases in the vertical meridian (Figure 6.9).


Figure 6.9: Conical curves of a progressive lens

Varilux, the first progressive lens, had stable, aspherical distance and near portions. The
progressive corridor was made with a series of decreasing horizontal circles (an oblate
ellipsoid) with the peripheral areas of the lens blended.
Later lenses used aspherical distance and near zones with the corridor produced by
employing the other conical sections, parabolas and hyperbolas.
The use of conical sections in the design of progressive lenses, however, necessitates
certain compromises and compensations. For example, conical surfaces, such as
paraboloids, are astigmatic. That is, the increase in power in the tangential plane is not
matched by the power in the sagittal plane. Manufacturers must compensate for this effect in
their design.

Most manufacturers, when designing their progressive lenses, employ what is known as a
merit function in their computer programs. That is, they assign a weighting to the various
factors that need to be considered, such as unwanted astigmatism, the effects of oblique
astigmatism, chromatism ,the length of the corridor, the widths of the zones and so forth.
The design program will then find the best compromise according to the weightings assigned
to the various factors. Some programs use ray tracing to plot the path of light passing
through the various parts of the lens and this also allows the manufacturer to determine the
optimum design with minimum compromise.
Once the design is determined, the surface is then shaped using a mould from which the
semi-finished blank is produced. The back surface will then be ground in the normal fashion
MANUFACTURING incorporating the appropriate curves for the patient’s prescription.
The moulds are created by computer controlled surfacing equipment (normally a diamond
pointed generator or lathe). It is also possible to directly surface the lens blank but this
requires more complex fining and polishing techniques using floating pad surfacing
Prism thinning is a technique employed when surfacing semi-finished blanks in order to
create the thinnest possible completed lens (Figure 6.10). The increased curvature created
by the conical curves at the bottom of the lens means that, in the cases of hyperopic
prescriptions, the finished lens will be thin at the bottom but thicker at the top. To counteract
this effect laboratories grind base down prism in such cases to reduce the thickness at the
top of the lens. This produces a lens of equal edge thickness at the top and bottom.

September 2012, Version 1 Applied Optics

Chapter 6-9
Progressive Lenses – History and Development


METHODS (cont.)

Figure 6.10: Prism thinning

The advantage of the PAL is that in the progression from the distance portion to the
reading portion, the wearer obtains all the intermediate powers allowing clear vision at a
range of distances. Unlike bifocals, the lenses have no dividing lines and although this
improves the cosmetic appearance of the lens it gives the patient no cues to the portion of
the lens through which the eyes should be directed for a specific distance. However, since
GENERAL there is no sharp transition from the distance portion to the reading portion, the wearer
OBSERVATIONS does not experience “jump” as in bifocal lenses. The disadvantage of the PAL is the
surface astigmatism that is inevitably introduced on such a complex surface. If the gaze is
directed through areas of marked surface astigmatism, the wearer will be unable to obtain
clear vision. Obtaining clear vision is generally taken as being difficult when the surface
astigmatism exceeds ~1.00D. Design strategies attempt to move the areas of surface
astigmatism away from the areas of the lens that are most likely to be used.

Jalie M. 2003. Ophthalmic Lenses and Dispensing. Butterworth Heinemann, London.
Jalie M. 1984. Principles of Ophthalmic Lenses, ABDO, London.
Wakefield KG and Bennet AG. 2000. Bennett's Ophthalmic Prescription Work, Butterworth-Heinemann.
Brooks CW and Borish IM. 2006. System of Ophthalmic Dispensing. Butterworth Heinemann.
Brooks CW. 2005. Essentials of Ophthalmic Lens Finishing. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Wilson D. 2006. Practical Optical Dispensing 2nd Edition. Open Training and Education Network, Sydney.
Wilson D and Stenersen S. 2002. Practical Optical Workshop. Open Training and Education Network, Sydney.

September 2012, Version 1 Applied Optics

Chapter 6-10

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