Difference Between Men and Women (As Maximalist)

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Women and men have different roles since beginning, men and women experience
life differently, the way they think and behave will be different too. As a
maximalist I can strongly agree with gender inequality in our society because
many are facing it. Gender inequality is definitely something that we often take for
granted, it is accepted and seems so normal in society. These differences often
seem invisible to us even though it happens in our everyday life in everything from
employment and education to politics. Gender inequality means inequality between
men and women in accessing the existing resources. Some factors made
discrimination in various forms including hiring, promotions, wages and sexual
harassment. There are less women who work as Electrician, Plumber or even
Carpenter, as these occupations do not allow women to perform well due to their
physical strength. Most of the organizations are rules by male managerial culture
as when organizations were first performed, only males were in the paid
workforce. In many parts of the world, women have experienced problems in their
rights in employment, women from every country and culture continue to face sex
discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. Although sex
discrimination is prohibited by law, it continues to be a widespread problem for
working women. Sex discrimination is prohibited by law, it continues to be a
widespread problem for working women. There are three forms of sex
discrimination that have an effect on women in organizations: overt discrimination,
sexual harassment and the glass ceiling. Each has negative effects on women’s
status and ability to perform well at work. Overt discrimination which prohibited
making decisions based on sex in employment-related matters such as hiring,
firing, and promotions. It consists such behavior's as to refuse to hire women, to
pay them inequitably. Overt discrimination also led to occupational sex segregation
where jobs are classified by low pay, low status. There are three psychological
dimensions of sexual harassment that continued to persist worldwide: sexual
coercion, gender harassment and unwanted sexual attention. The case of sexual
harassment in the workplace is mainly due to obtain more power and status than
the opposite sex. The term ‘the glass ceiling’ refers to invisible or artificial
barriers that do not allow women to get achieve what they desired in their life. It is
unclear exactly who named the phenomenon, but the term was heavily used during
the mid-1980s.Womens face the glass ceiling because they have to follow their
traditions which doesn’t allow then Women who entered the workforce in large
numbers during the late 1970s and early 1980s found themselves unable to
advance beyond a certain level of management. The glass ceiling effect doesn’t
end with the workday.It can even affect mental and physical health. A stalled
career and the inability to gain a higher income can leave women with a bundle of
mixed feelings, such as: self-doubt, a sense of isolation, resentment, anger. These
feelings can spill over into every area of your life, the glass ceiling has a direct
impact on the stress levels of female employees. Chronic stress is known to affect
the immune, digestive, and cardiovascular systems.
Social media performs a vital role in minimizing the differences among males and
females, Social media is good source among people which eradicates
discriminatory factors which leads to gender discriminations. Social media now is
wide platform, majority of youth uses social media which helps women to fight for
their justice by raising their voice against violence and inequality. which helps
women to fight for their justice by raising their voice against violence and
inequality. These old attitudes are drilled into us from the very beginning. We have
to teach our boys the rules of equality and respect, so that as they grow up, gender
equality becomes a natural way of life. We have to teach our girls that they can
reach as high as humanly possible. We have a lot of work to do, but we can get
there if we work together. Unless women and men both say this is unacceptable,
things will not change. With determination, commitment and strong belief, we can
achieve our goal.

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