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Nomir Medical Technologies

Noveon® Science Presentation

Laser energy needs to safely penetrate the
nail plate to reach the Nail bed and matrix

Noveon Hands free laser nail treatment
- Does not use heat to create effects
Safe alteration of
- Does not use dangerous UV or fungal Cellular Metabolism
Safe generation of
- Utilizes two distinct wavelengths Radical Oxygen Species

Bornstein et al, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2009, 85:1364-1374

Peer-reviewed Noveon Photo-inactivation of Fungi

Bornstein et al, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2009, 85:1364-1374

Other lasers create high temperatures
generating to toxic vapors that require a mask
and special evacuation.

Other laser treatment is Manual and Repetitive,
requiring a clinician to bend over for treatment.

Noveon photobiology is hands-free, non
ablative, and has no plume.

Fungal Photo-inactivation
Hands-free and peer-reviewed Fungal kill
at physiologic temperatures

Bornstein E., J Am Podiatric Med Assoc. 2009 Jul-Aug;99(4):348-52. Review

Simple Hands-free (4 toes at a time)




Subject: Pre-Treatment

Subject is a 67 Year old Male with Toe Nail Fungus on All Toes on Both Feet

1st and 2nd Toe used for Lasing Sample

Hands free – multi-toe treatment

Subject: PB- 3 Day Post Lasing Comparison

Lased Toes Show Reduced Dry Cracked Tissue

Surrounding Nail Bed after 3 days

Subject: PB- 3 Day Post Lasing Comparison

General Visual Reduction of Dry Cracked Tissue around

Lased Nail Beds- left Foot -1st and 2nd Toes
Subject: PB-Culture of Control & Treated Foot
Classic T. rubrum Culture Morphology

No Growth on Lased Sample Plate - 9 Days after Procedure:

Sterilization of Nail Bed, Plate and Matrix achieved. White Specks are
Large Nail and Matrix Samples Undissolved in Media
Cultures performed by Blue Sky Biotech, Inc., an independent CRO
Four Treatments over 100 days

Baseline 80 Days 100 Days

The highest caliber Evidence Based Medicine and
Peer- review publication of data.

Mild Onychomycosis

Day 1 Day 120 Day 180

Landsman A., Robbins A., Angelini F., Wu C., Cook J., Bornstein E., (2010) Treatment of Mild, Moderate and
Severe Onychomycosis Using 870nm and 930nm Light Exposure J. of the Am. Pod. Med. Assoc. Volume 100
Number 3 166-177 2010
The highest caliber Evidence Based Medicine and
Peer- review publication of data.

Moderate Onychomycosis

Day 1 Day 120 Day 180

Landsman A., Robbins A., Angelini F., Wu C., Cook J., Bornstein E., (2010) Treatment of Mild, Moderate and
Severe Onychomycosis Using 870nm and 930nm Light Exposure J. of the Am. Pod. Med. Assoc. Volume 100
Number 3 166-177 2010
The highest caliber Evidence Based Medicine and
Peer- review publication of data.

Severe Onychomycosis

Day 1 Day 120 Day 180

Landsman A., Robbins A., Angelini F., Wu C., Cook J., Bornstein E., (2010) Treatment of Mild, Moderate and
Severe Onychomycosis Using 870nm and 930nm Light Exposure J. of the Am. Pod. Med. Assoc. Volume 100
Number 3 166-177 2010
Nomir Clinical Trial at Day 120

Day 1 Baseline Day 120


A patient from a
new Noveon Clinician

Day 60, Third Treatment

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