Financial System PDF

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What are Financial Intermediaries?

These are institutions that reduce the cost of moving funds between savers and
borrowers. Common examples of financial intermediaries are banks, bond markets, and
stock markets.
Since my point of view, I understood that a financial intermediary offers a service to help
an individual or firm to save or borrow money.
A financial intermediary helps to facilitate the different needs of lenders and borrowers.
For example, if we need to borrow $1,000, we could try to find an individual who wants to
lend $1,000.
But this would be very time consuming and we would find it difficult to know how reliable
the lender was. Therefore, rather than look for individuals to borrow a sum, it is more
efficient to go to a bank (a financial intermediary) to borrow money.
The bank raises funds from people looking to deposit money, and so can afford to lend
out to those individuals who need it.

The Financial System

From what I could see in the video, the financial system plays a vital role in the economic
development of a country. It encourages both savings and investment and creates links
between savers and investors and also facilitates the expansion of financial markets and
aids in financial deepening and broadening.

Now, what can say is that we already know that the Banking Superintendency is the body
in charge of monitoring and supervising all financial entities that attract resources from
the public, such as banks, savings and housing corporations, commercial finance
companies, and financial corporations. And here in Panama, The Superintendency of
Banks of Panama (hereinafter SBP) is the regulatory and supervisory entity of
Panamanian financial activity.

Therefore, from what I had investigate, there are a few things that we as part of the
financial system can do to improve it, like speaking up and giving feedbacks to our closer
financial institutions about how we feel and see the service they provide us or giving
recommendations. The encouragement, as far as possible, for them to have better
training for investors and broader and better information from financial agencies and
companies in general.

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