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Item #: SCP-026

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-026 is to be kept in facility

[DATA EXPUNGED ] permanently. It is believed that physical proximity to
certain SCPs may harm SCP-026 or cause him to injure himself (See
document 026-B). SCP-026 is to be kept in a padded cell no less than four
(4) by four (4) by three (3) meters. The cell should be equipped with
toiletries as well as a sink, all of which are to be bolted to the floor.
Lighting should be standard and turned on at 0700hrs and turned off at
2100hrs. SCP-026 is to be fed three meals a day and examined upon his
request for medical ailments. Reading material may be brought to SCP-026,
although it must not contain any current news information in accordance
with standard SCP procedures. SCP-026 is to be recorded with both video
and audio equipment at all times (See document 026-A).

Description: SCP-026 appears to be a young man of approximately ██

years of age. He was discovered in the [DATA EXPUNGED ] of
[DATA EXPUNGED ]. For all intents and purposes SCP-026 is a normal healthy
human being. MRI, PET, FMRI, and CAT scans all reveal no anomalies within
SCP-026. SCP-026 appears to have the ability to detect and, at times,
locate objects of possible interest. How SCP-026 can detect these objects
has yet to be determined, although it has proven quite lucrative to the
SCP project. Thus far SCP-026 has assisted with the location and
containment of ███ SCPs. SCP-026 often falls into a trance-like state and
begins giving a cryptic description of an object/being of interest; his
actions during this trance have been used to gauge the danger levels of
the objects/beings he describes. If the object/being is relatively
harmless SCP-026 calmly goes through a description, although if the
object/being which is described is dangerous SCP-026 has been known to
become physically violent. SCP-026 appears to be content being confined
at site [DATA EXPUNGED ]. He has stated that "If you people can capture or
destroy those damn things then I'll help however I can."

Document #026-A: [visions] SCP-026's visions were first documented

merely by observational personnel. This proved to be ineffective, as
several of SCP-026's visions were dismissed as "ridiculous" by
observational personnel. The personnel have since been reassigned and
replaced with a battery of recording devices.

Document #026-B: [proximity] On [DATA EXPUNGED ] SCP-███ escaped and was

sighted making its way towards facility [DATA EXPUNGED ] where SCP-026 is
housed. As SCP-███ approached SCP-026 began to go into panicked fits
claiming "Oh God, Oh Jesus it's finally found me!" Fortunately, SCP-███
was recaptured and relocated. After the incident personnel questioned
SCP-026 about his declaration. He replied "I can see them and when I do
they see me. Many of them aren't happy but they have to be stopped."
SCP-026 has proven rather useful and, therefore, should be guarded from
other SCPs at all times.

Addendum #01-A: "If I hear any more reports that personnel have been
asking SCP-026 about the locations of personal items such as wallets and
car keys, I will put a Class 3 reprimand notice on the staff files of
everyone involved. The last thing this man needs is every man and his dog
pestering him with their insignificant problems." - Dr Klein

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