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ewes widget dena stent eb tere bier, eign ting geisha eleing pote alta User aringe ol own Longman cei iy i erating orator, “Tolindouimre shot ompleernge our abingpne vs wonthe Wodd Wide Web ser pesoeduccum Historians on History An anthology edited and introduced by JOHN TOSH . ‘ves Peron Haaton and tis wil require amore subetve engagement en the part of he wrt tan anythieg allowed or incasca storm. Onthi ew nt foveal work requires sltAncuedge aswell as knowledge ofthe soe ad eral precedes; geeralsaton and large-scale evglanain renounon, 30. Fernand Braudel {from istry andthe sca sciences thong dune’ nis ‘On bisoey, trans Sarah Matthews, Wedenld& Nielon, 1980, pp. 26-7, 35-8 47-8} Tizard tc wich our isiptine has gone thoogh in th part ewer ity years a they endo misunderstand not only the work afer ut uso hat arpet of socal way for which history bas avays been il eran vay yond lesman-ycal tine, hemlrion comedy neste li of se whichaocony male up psbutlo the social fe ute preset Ye Uisoryoerther the alee of drat as tae the xen or peo fein, fom ou epeated observations, ie importan inthe coming dete smangallthe human science. For notinge more inpertantehing comes lover othe er foil ray than hs ving nia naely pete ‘ppostion betwen the instant of me at dine whch ows onl som ‘Whether itisa question ofthe part or ofthe present clear awarees of his laity of soci men indispemable tthe command meeaogy ofthe ‘S01 propose to deal ng with istry and with nen history, Less forthe sk of present readers of thi oural, wh are sey speci ‘uri than fr tht of those who wrk nthe neighboring humm scenes ‘economia, ethnographer, ehnoogits or athropologs), ecole, Pathologists ngin, demographers,gegrapher evn soa thea ‘Sans or statics al neighbor four whose experiments nd whose revaehes we have been flowing fr these nary years ease send and sens sot) hae woe han sc inory ten eight Ad ‘ethapswein oot have seine den From th event eper ‘mens and ellos ofhisny an increasingly clear ideahas erg whether ‘onsciously oma whether exo or t-te lily of eae ofthe exceptional ve ofthe longtime apn Ii iat en which een ort ity try osha apes ngage ‘attention and interest of our neighbors, the social sciences, "7 All stor woc concer with breaking down ine pat tmteng ia chronlogicl valle according moe or conscious peta faces and exons. Taina history witht concer forthe shot sine ‘pan, forthe inva an the eve, bs long accustomed oth head ig, eat rete rth frase. "Theme econemic and scl hiory pu yea move inthe fe Sion tierserch ats commited at ine span: ithas been cape bythemirgeand there ofthe ec rise andl prices. Soto ie ‘ys wth wana marae histor thei ab accoure of eon whi ey open ge ees ofthe part ten, ten iy eae aa eth ready for examination, Parbeyodthissecondaccoune we ida istry capableoftaering en seater disances,ahisortobemeasuredin centre tisine this of {belong even ofthe very lng pan ofthe ee dre This ie ‘wich ave become scitamed fir ood ory oer ating “pposte of what Fanos Sinise, not ong ler Pal Lacombe cine "Thisiredvéuomental resto ovens. The pases mate itl vat ster ish fc tt ur dacason wll move between hee Sw pls of ime de instant andthe gue dare Nonetheless, the sci since sem ide tempted by uch remembrance of hing pase No that one can dei any frm action pint thom aed detrei to be consent gil of rot aecepng history draton a dimensions aecenary 1 the sad, ‘The ‘iachronic' examination which reoduces history i never aber fiom hires deiberins, ‘espt thi sor of distant acknowledgment, dough itt be adie hate socal ene, by tase by deep-seated inatine pep ei, havea constant tendency tn evade hoi explanation. They evant almost conradictry way: by concentrating overmoch on theca er | ineocial suis, hans to abvandofenpinalsecinlogy wich dindilot all hiory confines taf the it fhe bot ere and invesgon a “real i's by eancening sine aligter ad eojuring wpa materi formulation ofmoe olen nelo rte nde the ne of om iexionssienc Thislstand newest ayia the oniyone which be Fovnans fay sbstanl interes But re ar enoigh devotes ofthe ue ‘het jay examining both aspets ofthe question We ve sendy ated ur mint of «history acai solely with eat Toei hog herein ining overcncerned wih eens, ‘herhisiory hgh hemor calpama the only uly one Althe focil scence hve shared in this enor Bonomi, demograpers eo- her areal anced (and bly anced) betwen the demand of es (Ene andottda: nun oberightdher wouldncedtomsintsin const Ialince~ tty enough and indeed oblptor, or the demographer, and loa ter of nurse fr geographers (acu ony, reared in che ‘Vidln schoo) bat ere for eonomists ald isto th owt sor ed | ‘arent events, hardly Toking Back beyond 1945 ofrecer i dance than afr months oa oat few years Tod sini hat ‘Meconomi thinkng tapped thse temporal resins. sw his Tort, so economia fo go buck Karthe than 1945, in search of old ‘onomes, Eenaonis hi oataty ob emacs ofa srvelus Bld oservaon although witout denying vale. They have fae into tie abit of puting thomas at dhe dopo of came events and of The potion ofeogaphes and ebaaogsn isnither so cer nor 30 lamin Son often ive en eat pai to underine the impssiilty {titel ate rays cinta bythe inpsse) andthe welessest ‘apyinghizory win the prafanon. Such an authori denial f| ‘sry woud ary fave ered Malinowski ad his disci. indeed how ‘ld aiopalogy possibly not have an intrest nso? History and Teucopogy both spring fom the me impue, a Cade Lévi Seuss! ‘highsincnying Teen soe however pie, which doernotbea the nary of event nr any soc in which sry has sunk comple trthoutace, This somthing thereinoneedtocomplinaboutor insist fe, ‘nthe other hand, where sociology is concerned, our quar log he sent the shot tm mus neces aratherite ene Soil inventions note ontomporary mene nent run ina oousand die Alec, fom rocilogy to pycholgy to economies, and poi song a hey do sbread. Thy sei hi own waa Bt on te tere erable ae of he present moet, with ts oleae’ he its abundant ‘eh, What good wenld be sere by exmingack tora istic ane Soporte simplified devastated yslence costae above, et svray it agin recs It ely au dea, a econstrtd, a they ‘would have ur beteve, ough? Doubles a historan ean only oo easly 2 250 Reactions Fernand Gravel 251, inte the crac fom some pat gs. To pti in Henan ‘wor he can dating witha ile te “enportant een whic, Incas those whch bore consequence. An obvious at dangers im Sinplicason. But wht woud the explorer ofthe present ot geo Iie thir perspective (or thi sofa go forward in Sin) aking posible tensed pli our present iin al conn —ly| ‘compen now becane 0 oretburdened with ial ct ted pont ‘Claude Lv-Seraun clans hatonebouratalk witha contemporary oP erence of cent Grek clio. {quite are. Bats bectae br yer he as hard a handed Grek voce rescued fom sence The {oven as prepared say. Onelourin modern Grete would tl in ing orbardy anything about contemporary Grek coberence rinolen renmoretn he pointe archer occupied with he preset ah ke cout then’ ines o's neucare only by himself enoying in mention, [puting loreard theois sd explanations, ot geting eee neato appears burteeadngit eanscendingi Such aneanes allow hi ne ‘way fom the gen station the beste fo conto i, bt they areallaco ‘contruction. woud seriously quation whether sodolgal photogs ofthe presen Kine i any more te’ dan the hs portal of ty more pally Ge more ee to get any Rt ry rom the entre Pialippe Arist has emphatied the importance ofthe ani, of surprise stv explanation: you ae in the seen centr ad ya ‘tumble upon some pear, someting which ems peculiar youars ‘ma ofthe tenth entry Why tha deence? Thatithe queen which fone tha so st about anowring. But ald cls at ach are, ‘uch unfair such dstncing "thse rea highys to knowedge are roles necessary tan understanding ofall hat sro us and whch ‘ew clve thats canotee cla: Livin Landon fora year an youl ‘notknow much boot gland But by eons in ight of wassup you, youwlledenlhae comet udrsnd von ote ros desi 2nd character ampect of France tiga which youd not ken ele because you ken them too wel With rgd tothe presen the pt 8 yo dang yoursel, in hi way horns and soil scien cold go forever at, ‘he ball back sad forth bance dead docimente ancl aoortving viene, ‘he stat past and the too dose presen But dono eve tht hi rac prblen Past and prs uminate each eer recpoealy: Andia| ‘chasely observing the naw cannes ofthe preset the ateaion wl iesnibly be dn toward whatever moves gsi bors with tue or fe fame ora ju changed, ales anise, or easy tse. There a toleweb events, a earome aan in theistic scenes, which es Invite scrverin hur dheetnographer dweling freee month wh anne Poles eh til rig dlveringal he cic his tex imetation, or who tray believes hat ean roughly pi de some sll mecninnwih clingy phased qusonnares tnd fouboatlons of punched cards, Sic question are more cunning me hana fc, what pointers can wets, we the human scence ia he novemeninofa rung benreen her homein descent arora, fer mui teacher and he Hele des Scenes Po, dscussein a sound and widening tly ofte Paris area? They make fe looking apt Tete had staid agroony or nein ormter shin, the wholepater of ter wiangua journeys woud bare een atred Tesco secon the dbs ofall domicles honing to emploeesina ge concer, Butt ‘do not av anearer nap, ifthe lac of ta between the wo mp innot sufcient allow the acing of genie movement hen recy where Sie problem without wich ary guy simply a wast of ef? Any Inecreningusesforinguy'saeitinited othe colton of date ‘Buteven then deve dat wl no abe ps fact nl for ae work, We rather fart fora sake The ume way I would question mbether any ay of ow, no mater ich, cal be the ajc of soil inguin the way tat Anseree {ras cr Vien in the Dauphin, without bing se init iia cnet [Ay town at an eteded cil nity witha ie, dloetins break ‘nn annem ealaasons, mune senna the whole co lc of dts murening it at well in reaon wo dhoze archipelagos of| eiborng inns which Richard Hpke the historian, wasone ofthe ‘acs, Sia must lobe conaered i elton othe movement, nr or les ita inti, vrctimen extent which et i ‘tle comple Ieannorbe ow ineret amatrather urbe ria ete owe ptr urbe exchanges, partclar ind rerea "competion toknow wheter yare dealing with movement in dell Th of youth or ae end oar, ws the begining of aresngece (One ast emi: Lac Feb, drng he nt ten years is isd tehave repeated: History rence a the pat cence the preset It Vino che dali of eprint way an explain of poy liseli? and dus contemporary soit? And hereto woul bet ‘ton aagint the event donot think ony of the shor de span, at Dbl tony the actor which he mow nose ae the moe thet theese other, quite ner to. Aifanybody didnot know tase! In tah he historian cam never get. say othe question of in inintory ine cst hiking sil {pene spade, He may well ream of geting say fom of cour Spurred on by de angus of 1040, Gaston Roupal” wet word. his subject tht wil make any ue hsovian sf. Siar is theca ema ‘ud by Pal Lacombe who wanaeoahistrian ofthe rind schol Ties noting inal, objec is ryan sdeawe ave” Budo thee ress relly proidea way ou? Imysel dvi rahe looy eptiy rgled 2 god deal to get ay fom a cron of thon il yer (1040-15), ejecting event andl he mein which event tk place wat ayo acing ‘natellio onc tde, bleed saa to get ome sor of pempectne oe ae toevauntethembete anna holly tobevein them. Togo Comte srt ‘ime span, oaneless shor, and then thelang view (we test ‘ey the wise mnie pend bavngguchere oink outcry (hing sfeah and to recomsract evrything srand one: x isin could arly note ee sucha prospec Bucthes suecesivefightseann path histria define beyond he ‘bound afte worlds tine beyond itera me imperious becuse ia never and beau or athe very yt ofthe ext roti a fis, these fee tine pane which we cndncrmarealintrdependott ‘sot 0 mach tie which ithe eration fou om minds a the way in snhichoebrenkitup. Thee fragment arereatted tthe endofalourlabrs "The longue duet conjunc, th eventll into cach ter ea and iow icy fr they ar all menured on the ue nee Equal abe te toachieranimagiatie undertndingofone oft imespunstoe theo understand them The plop, ken up with the sje ‘pect hing tera toa nation ie never ese thi weight fi torneo concrete, universal tie, such atthe ine of conjuntre hat rat Labroume depicts tthe beginning of his book ikea tee whit oust thesume aml who wade worldinposing hesame tone, ‘omauerthe county in which chat isms or hat he social det ‘vith whichis, rth hivorian eventing begins and ads with ine, a mata odie tine, nan ely mocked, ene extra 9 men, cconmia wold, pking men, fring tem, and pining ther own ‘valine the oe oor i aded he imperou ne ofthe word. Socal, of cous, wl eneain hie oversinplied notion. They sxe much deere the itu del dard a pot forward by Coston ahr Soc ine sbut one dimension ofthe ec eat ander cow ‘Sern. iswithin cisely jaan twin agen indi, one ig ‘farcry mongers, The ilo iin no way hampered by ths Seeommdaing sorte ine whichean ecw fox, stinmesonentrcy at ‘il isc tints repest lends ise lesa othe wupye double Toon ofeydivony and aconyicannet viagra mechani that anbe stoped atlemreiordr revel afosen tag. "Tis ise more proud han sat in aparens sco ime can rut be our. he fundamental acre a out profsion eos itt ‘ctine ie economists tines onc ofmeasre, When asocolgit lus thet structure bras down sly nor to bud tl up af, we we fap wncxptan explanation which hitorealoberaton would eof yy Bare would wish oko the pres dmespun ofthsemoremens, tether postive or egrivestatealong ews ns. Aneconomiceyele, The ebb and fo of mater, can be mensred, A rca socal ers ‘ould beequaly pone loaein tne and throught Wesoul beable toplace tency beth ini nd even more nation othe movement of toca stctres, What i prefoanliyinterestingothe historia cae ttythesenoverments cos oe sno and ow they intra anda hey Treakuprll things ich canbe etd onlin lation tb wifo ine tthisorans, which can sand wa general measure ofl hese phenomena, notin elation othe mfr ene oscil cei whicheanstnd oly thcindidual mean ofeachefhee phenomena tary ites ‘Case LAS Src Athol Alen Lane 196,23 Philip i LatonpedeT sere Pari 1954 e.p.298E Pe Chombar de Lam Pars Paglmdation prs, Pai, 1952, 4. Gast Roupoel, Misti et destin, Paris, 1943p. 109 and passin, 5. Pol Tacombesn Reda erga 190,932 ment Labs, Les nei uid wl ee Ration Frongvv, Pi 196, src 1. Gaston Bahar Dilated dart, 2nd, Pasi 150, 253,

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