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Hardware Interrupts

A hardware interrupt is an electronic alerting signal sent to the processor from an external
device, like a disk controller or an external peripheral. For example, when we press a key on
the keyboard or move the mouse, they trigger hardware interrupts which cause the
processor to read the keystroke or mouse position.

TS: High CPU Usage

If system interrupts constantly hogs more than 5% to 10% of your CPU, something is wrong and you're
most likely dealing with a hardware issue. We'll help you get to the bottom of this.

The first fix you should always try is to reboot your computer. If that doesn't help, start here:

1. Unplug Or Disable All External Devices

USB hardware is a common culprit. You can either unplug your external USB devices or---while you're in
the Device Manager (see below)---disable USB Root Hubs, i.e. blocking external hardware from
interrupting the CPU.

In the Device Manager, find the entry Universal Serial Bus controllers and disable any USB Root Hub
entry you can find.

Note: If you're using an external keyboard or a USB (Bluetooth) mouse, they might stop functioning. Be
sure to have an alternative method of re-enabling the device.

Tip for desktop computers: Check whether you have any unused SATA cables plugged into your
motherboard and remove them.

2. Check Hardware Drivers

To quickly check whether you're dealing with a driver issue, you can run the DPC Latency Checker.
Deferred Procedure Call (DPC) is a process related to system interrupts. When the interrupt handler
needs to defer a lower priority task until later, it calls on the DPC.

DPC Latency Checker was designed to analyze whether your system can properly handle real-time audio
or video streaming by checking the latency of kernel-mode device drivers. It's a quick way to reveal issues
and the tool requires no installation.

If you see red bars, i.e. drop-outs due to high latency, something is off.

You can either try to find the culprit or---if the problem first occurred recently---roll back recent driver
updates (Windows 10) or update your drivers with standard versions. Drivers that caused issues in
the past were AMD SATA, HD audio device, and missing Bluetooth drivers.

Alternatively, you can install and run LatencyMon, a latency monitor, to find the driver files with the
highest DPC count. Press the Start / Play button, then switch to the Drivers tab, and sort the driver files
by DPC count. Note that the count accumulates over time, so let it run for some time.
Drivers with a high DPC count potentially cause a high number of interruptions.

3. Disable Internal Devices

Rather than randomly updating drivers, start with disabling individual device drivers to find the culprit. If
you already identified potential offenders, disable those first.

Go to the Start Menu, search for and open the Device Manager (also found in the Control Panel), expand
the peripherals listed below, right-click a device, and select Disable.

Do this for one device at a time, check the CPU usage of system interrupts or re-run DPC Latency
Checker, then right-click the device and select Enable before moving on to the next device.

These devices are the most likely culprits:

 Network adapters
 Internal modems
 Internal sound devices
 Any add-on cards, like a TV tuner card, ISDN or DSL adapters, or modems

If none of these are to blame, you can proceed with disabling (and re-enabling) other non-essential

Never disable any drivers necessary to run your system, including anything listed
under Computer, Processors, and System device.

Also, don't try to disable the display adapters, the disk drive that runs your system, IDE controllers, your
keyboard or mouse (unless you have an alternative input device, such as a touchpad), or your monitor.

4. Exclude Failing Hardware

If a corrupt driver can cause system interrupts, so can failing hardware. In that case, updating your drivers
won't solve the issue. But if disabling the entire device fixed it, you should follow our guide to test your PC
for failing hardware.

Note: System interrupts could also be caused by a faulty power supply or laptop charger. Try to replace or
unplug that, too.

5. Disable Sound Effects

If you're on Windows 7, this may be the solution you're looking for.

Right-click the speaker icon in your system tray, select Playback devices, double-click your Default
Device (speaker) to open Properties, head to the Enhancements tab, and Disable all sound effects.
Confirm with OK and check how system interrupts is doing now.
6. Update Your BIOS

The BIOS is the first piece of software your systems runs when you turn on your computer. It helps your
operating system to boot. First, identify your BIOS version and check the manufacturer's website for
updates and installation instructions.

To find out your BIOS version, press Windows key + R, type cmd, hit Enter, and execute the following
two commands, one after the other:

1. systeminfo | findstr /I /c:bios2. wmic bios get manufacturer, smbiosbiosversion

Note that the I in /I is a capital i, not a lower case L.

Note: Updating the BIOS shouldn't be taken lightly. Make sure to back up your system first.

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a standard that defines how to establish and

maintain a network conversation through which application programs can exchange data.
TCP works with the Internet Protocol (IP), which defines how computers
send packets of data to each other. Together, TCP and IP are the basic rules defining the
Internet. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) defines TCP in the Request for
Comment (RFC) standards document number 793.

TCP is used for organizing data in a way that ensures the secure transmission between the
server and client. It guarantees the integrity of data sent over the network, regardless of the
amount. For this reason, it is used to transmit data from other higher-level protocols that
require all transmitted data to arrive. 

TCP is important because it establishes the rules and standard procedures for the way
information is communicated over the internet. It is the foundation for the internet as it
exists today and ensures that data transmission is carried out uniformly, regardless of the
location, hardware or software involved. For this reason, it is flexible and highly scalable,
meaning new protocols can be introduced to it and it will accommodate them. It is also
nonproprietary, meaning no one person or company owns it.
III. RJ-45 vs RJ-11 Cable

The main visual difference between the two connectors is that RJ45 is wider since it
comprises eight wires, while the RJ11 has four. The plug is described as having a “crystal
head” due to its transparent appearance made of plastic, allowing one to see the internal
eight pins on the port. Four of these pins facilitate sending and receiving data.

Even though the RJ45 and RJ11 connectors look similar and come from the same RJ
family, they should never be thought of as interchangeable. If you plug an RJ11 plug into an
RJ45 jack, for example, it can potentially damage the equipment.

The RJ45 is commonly used for LAN and ADSL connections. It is very common for
connecting computers, networks, telecommunications and factory automations. It’s important to
note that there are two standards for the RJ45 connectors: T568A and T568B. It’s necessary to use
the appropriate standard for equipment compatibility. T568B is now the more widely used
standard. The difference is in the pin colors, such as pin #1 is white with an orange stripe on the
T568B, versus white with a green stripe on the 7568A.


A stop error[1] or exception error,[2] commonly called the blue screen of death (BSoD)

or blue screen, is an error screen displayed on Windows computers following a fatal
system error. It indicates a system crash, in which the operating system has reached a
condition where it can no longer operate safely. This is caused by many different problems,
such as a general hardware failure or a crucial process terminating unexpectedly.


STOP STOP Error Name Suggested Solutions


0xA IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Check device drivers or services used by

backup or antivirus utilities.
STOP STOP Error Name Suggested Solutions

0xD1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Check device drivers or services used by

backup or antivirus utilities.

0x1E KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Illegal or unknown instruction; check

the driver referenced in the error

0x24 NTFS_FILE SYSTEM Test the hard disk for errors.

0x2E DATA_BUS ERROR Test memory modules; disable memory

caching in system BIOS; check hardware

0x50 PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED AREA Check printer drivers.

0x7B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE Incorrect or missing hard disk device

driver; see “Fixing 0x7B Errors,” this
chapter, for details.

0x7F UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP Test hardware and RAM; check SCSI

configuration if in use; make sure CPU is
not overclocked.

0x9F DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE Check power management and CD-

writing software; disable power
management temporarily; reinstall or
upgrade CD-writing software.
STOP STOP Error Name Suggested Solutions

0xC21A STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED Reinstall third-party programs; use

System File Checker with the Scannow
option (SFC/Scannow) to check system
V. ROM and RAM


Storage ROM is non-volatile, not requiring power to RAM is volatile, requiring power to store
capabilities store data. data.
Uses ROM is often used to store the BIOS program RAM is used in computers to temporarily
on a computer motherboard. ROM was used as store files in use on the computer.
the storage media in a Nintendo, Gameboy, and
Sega Genesis game cartridge.
Storage ROM chips often have a storage capacity of 4 to RAM chips often range in storage capacity
capacity 8 MB. from 1 to 256 GB.
Physical size ROM can vary in size from less than an inch in RAM is available in two primary sizes,
length to multiple inches in length and width, whether used in a desktop computer or a
depending on their use. laptop. Desktop RAM is about 5 ½ inches in
length and 1 inch in width. Laptop RAM is
about half the length of desktop RAM.

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network management protocol used

on Internet Protocol (IP) networks, whereby a DHCP server dynamically assigns an IP address and
other network configuration parameters to each device on the network, so they can communicate
with other IP networks.[1] A DHCP server enables computers to request IP addresses and
networking parameters automatically from the Internet service provider (ISP), reducing the need
for a network administrator or a user to manually assign IP addresses to all network devices. [1] In
the absence of a DHCP server, a computer or other device on the network needs to be manually
assigned an IP address, or to assign itself an APIPA address, the latter of which will not enable it to
communicate outside its local subnet.
DHCP can be implemented on networks ranging in size from home networks to large campus
networks and regional ISP networks.[2] A router or a residential gateway can be enabled to act as a
DHCP server. Most residential network routers receive a globally unique IP address within the ISP
network. Within a local network, a DHCP server assigns a local IP address to each device connected
to the network.


Short for Basic Input/Output System, the BIOS (pronounced bye-oss) is a ROM chip found

on motherboards that allows you to access and set up your computer system at the most basic level.

The BIOS includes instructions on how to load basic computer hardware. It also includes a test
referred to as a POST (Power-On Self-Test) that helps verify the computer meets requirements to
boot up properly. If the computer does not pass the POST, you hear a combination of beeps
indicating what is malfunctioning in the computer.

What are the four main functions of a PC BIOS?

 POST - Test the computer hardware and make sure no

errors exist before loading the operating system.

Additional information on the POST is available on

our POST and beep codes page.

 Bootstrap Loader - Locate the operating system. If a

capable operating system is located, the BIOS will pass

control to it.
 BIOS drivers - Low-level drivers that give the computer

basic operational control over your computer's


 BIOS setup or CMOS setup - Configuration program

that allows you to configure hardware settings

including system settings, such as computer

passwords, time, and date.

Can a BIOS chip be upgraded or updated?

Adding additional memory to a BIOS chip, as an upgrade, can only be done by replacing the existing
BIOS chip with a new, more advanced BIOS chip.

The data on a BIOS chip can be updated if it's a flash BIOS. Using specially designed software, the
BIOS can be updated to fix problems or add new features for the motherboard.


BIOS Startup Error Messages and Solutions

When a system has problems starting, it might display error messages at startup. These messages
might come from the system BIOS (ROM BIOS or UEFI firmware) or might be generated by
Windows. Typical error messages displayed by the BIOS include the following:

 Invalid system disk

 Boot failure
 Hard disk error
 NT boot loader missing
 Missing operating system

These and similar messages indicate that the BIOS or UEFI firmware chip on the motherboard
cannot locate startup files for your operating system. Possible reasons can include the following:

 A nonbootable drive containing media is listed first in the boot order (BIOS/UEFI).
 The computer’s system drive is not properly identified (BIOS/UEFI).
 Data or power cables from the internal hard disk to the motherboard are loose or have
failed (hardware).
 The drive has failed (hardware).

These are listed in order of likelihood. As always, start with the simplest possibility: You’ve left a
USB thumb drive plugged into your computer.

Disconnecting USB Drives

If your system is configured to use USB drives as the first bootable device and you leave a
nonbootable USB flash drive plugged into your system (either directly or into a USB hub connected
to your system), your system won’t boot. Solution? Unplug the drive and restart your system.

If your system restarts correctly, you have a couple of choices:

 Don’t leave USB flash drives plugged into your system when you shut down the computer.
 Change your BIOS or UEFI firmware settings to skip USB drives as bootable devices.

Checking and Changing Drive Boot Order

Should you change the boot order? It depends. More and more diagnostic programs can be run from
bootable USB flash drives, and you can also install new operating systems from bootable USB flash
drives. However, you can also use your system’s DVD or BD (Blu-ray) drive for these tasks. So, it’s
up to you.

We recommend changing the boot order on Windows 7 computers if

 You use USB flash drives to speed up your system using the Windows ReadyBoost feature.
 You frequently use USB flash drives to shuttle information between computers.
 You frequently use USB flash drives for other reasons.

However, you should leave USB flash drives at the top of the boot order if

 You frequently run diagnostic programs from a bootable USB flash drive.
 You install operating systems from a bootable USB flash drive.
 You seldom or never use USB flash drives for data transfer.

If you change the boot order to remove USB flash drives or put them after the system hard disk, you
can always change the boot order in the future to place USB drives first if you need to run
diagnostic programs or install a new operating system.
Here’s how to change the boot order in Windows 7:

1. Click Start.
2. Click the right arrow next to the Shut Down button.
3. Select Restart.
4. After your system restarts, press the key that starts the BIOS or UEFI firmware setup

Navigate to the dialog used to set the drive boot order.

1. Change the boot order to place the optical drive first, followed by the hard disk.
2. Save your changes and restart your computer.

Windows 8.1 (unlike Windows 8) does not support the creation of a CD or DVD repair disc,
although you can use your Windows 8.1 distribution media as a repair disc. With Windows 8.1, if
your system supports booting from a USB drive, you should create a USB recovery drive instead.

Loose Drive Data and Power Cables

The interior of a desktop PC is a cluttered place. Whether you had your system opened up for a
memory upgrade, component replacement, or just to see what’s “under the hood,” you might have
loosened or disconnected the power or data cables going to the hard disk or the data cable
connecting the hard disk to the motherboard. If your system (C:) drive has disconnected or loose
cables, you will see No Operating System or other similar error messages.

Most SATA data cables do not lock into place, so it’s easy to have a loose cable on either a drive 

To solve problems with loose or disconnected cables:

1. Shut down the computer.

2. Disconnect the power supply from AC power.
3. Open the system.
4. Check the hard disk or SSD for loose or disconnected cable(s).
5. Check the motherboard for loose or disconnected SATA data cables.
6. Securely plug the cable(s) into place (see Figures 8.13, 8.14, and 8.15).

7. Close the system.

8. Reconnect the power supply to AC power.
9. Restart the computer.

Drive Failure
If your hard disk is making a loud or rattling noise when it’s running, it has probably failed. If the
hard disk was dropped or smacked hard, a failure is very likely.

However, a hard disk might have failed if it is absolutely silent even when you place your ear next to
it or does not get warm after the system has been on for several minutes.

Before assuming a hard disk has failed, perform this isolation test to determine whether the
problem is the hard disk, its power cable, or its data cable:

1. Shut down the computer.

2. Disconnect the power supply from AC power.
3. Open the system.
4. Locate the power cable running between the hard disk and the power supply.
5. Disconnect the power cable from the power supply.
6. If the power cable used a splitter or converter to provide power to the drive, plug the drive
directly into the power supply (if possible). If that is not possible, replace the splitter or
converter and make sure it is securely plugged into the power supply lead and the drive.
7. Reconnect the power supply to AC power.
8. Restart the computer.
9. If the drive is still not working, repeat steps 1 and 2.
10. Reconnect the drive to the original power cable (and splitter or converter).
11. Remove the data cable from the hard disk drive and the computer.
12. Install a known-working replacement cable.
13. Plug it into the SATA port on the motherboard and drive.
14. Repeat steps 7 and 8.
15. If the drive is still not working, the drive has failed. Replace it.
VIII. No Sound/Audio TS

No sound in one app

1. First, reboot your computer.

2. Confirm the program’s volume isn’t turned down or muted. In browsers like Chrome and
Firefox, each tab can be muted individually—right-click a tab to see its status. (The option will say
“Unmute tab” if currently silenced.)
3. If you still can’t hear anything in this program, try uninstalling and reinstalling it. Before
doing so, first back up any data and/or write down how your settings are currently configured, as

No sound at all

1. First, check to make sure Windows is using the correct device for speaker output by clicking
on the speaker icon in the taskbar. (Sometimes Windows 10 will switch output to a different device,
unbeknownst to you.) At the top of the pop-up window, you’ll see the name of the speaker currently
in use—e.g., Speakers (2-Anker PowerConf). Click on that name to switch to the proper device, if
applicable. If using external speakers, make sure they are powered on.
2. Reboot your computer.
3. Verify via the speaker icon in the taskbar that the audio is not muted and is turned up.
4. Ensure that the computer isn’t muted via hardware, such as a dedicated mute button on you
laptop or keyboard. Test by playing a song.
5. Right-click the volume icon and click Open Volume Mixer. Ensure that all options are on and
turned up.
6. Internal speakers still not working on your laptop? Plug headphones into the audio jack and
test again. If the headphones work, remove them to continue troubleshooting the internal speakers.
7. For desktop systems with speakers plugged into the 3.5mm jack, try a USB speaker or USB
headphones. (Or visa versa.) If the alternative device works, remove it to continue troubleshooting
the initial set of speakers. (See our roundup of best budget computer speakers if you are in need of
a new set.)
8. Right-click the volume icon again and choose Open Sound settings. In the window that
opens, find Related Settings, then click on Sound Control Panel. In the Playback tab, confirm that
your audio device (likely ‘Speakers’) has a green checkmark next to it. Then click Properties and
make sure that Use this device (enable) is selected.

If your sound still doesn’t work by this point, you may have a missing or corrupt driver for your
audio controller.
1. Uninstall the driver. Open the Device Manager (type device manager in the taskbar search
box), go to Sound, video and game controllers, select the audio controller for the device that’s
malfunctioning, and press the Delete key.
2. Reboot the system and allow Windows to reinstall the driver, which it should do
automatically. If it doesn’t, download the driver from your PC maker’s site or audio card
manufacturer’s site, and reinstall it manually.
IX. Outlook Express T/S



Sometimes trying to send an email again does the trick.

1. Right-click the email stuck in the outbox, point to Move and choose the Drafts folder.

2. Open the email in the Drafts folder and click Send.

3. Check to see if the message is now in the Sent folder or still in the outbox.


A tiny typo—such as a comma instead of a period—prevent Outlook from sending an email.


Verify you are connected to the internet then ensure you're working online in Outlook.

1. Look at the lower-right corner of the Outlook window. If it says Disconnected, Working

Offline, or Trying to connect, you are not connected to your email server.

2. Click the Send/Receive tab on the ribbon.

3. Click Work Offline in the Preferences group. You should now see Connected to Server in the
lower-right corner of the window.

4. Click the Send/Receive All Folders button in the Send & Receive group.

5. Check to see if the message is now in the Sent folder or still in the outbox.


Outlook limits the size of files you can send to 20 megabytes for internet accounts, such as Gmail or
Hotmail, and 10 MB for Exchange accounts. If you receive an error message about the file size when
you attempt to send an email, increase the size limit for Outlook.


If you have recently changed your email password online, you must change it in Outlook as well or
you won't be able to send (or receive) emails.

1. Click File > Account Settings > Account Settings.

2. Select the Email tab.
3. Choose your email account and click Change.

4. Enter your updated password in the Password box.

5. Select Next > Close > Finish.

6. Select the Send/Receive All Folders button in the upper-left corner of the Outlook window
or press F9 to try sending your email.


It's possible your Outlook application is damaged. Use the built-in Microsoft Office repair utility to
fix it.

Repair Outlook 2016, 2013 or 2010 in Windows 10

1. Close all Microsoft Office applications.

2. Type Apps & Features into the Windows search box.

3. Select Apps & Features.

4. Find and click on Microsoft Office in the list of installed apps and features.

5. Select Modify > Yes if a user account control window appears asking, "Do you want to allow
this app to make changes to your device?"

6. Select Online Repair > Repair.

7. Restart Outlook when the repair process is complete.

Repair Outlook 2016, 2013 or 2010 in Windows 8

1. Close all Microsoft Office applications.

2. Right-click the Start button.

3. Select Control Panel.

4. Make sure Category is selected in the View By list.

5. Click Uninstall a Program under Programs.

6. Right-click Microsoft Office and choose Change.

7. Select Online Repair if it is available (this depends on the type of Microsoft Office you have

8. Click Repair > Yes if a user account control window appears.

9. Restart Outlook when the repair process is complete.

Repair Outlook 2016, 2013 or 2010 in Windows 7

1. Close all Microsoft Office applications.

2. Click the Start button > Control Panel.

3. Make sure Category is selected in the View By list.

4. Click Uninstall a Program under Programs.

5. Select Microsoft Office from your list of programs.

6. Click Change > Online Repair if it is available (this depends on the type of Microsoft Office

you have installed).

7. Click Repair > Yes if a user account control window appears.

8. Restart Outlook when the repair process is complete.

Fix Outlook Not Sending Emails in Outlook for Mac 2016

In the Mac version of Outlook, there are a few things you can try to get Outlook working again.


A tiny typo, such as a comma instead of a period, can prevent Outlook from sending an email.


First, make sure you are connected to the internet. Once you have confirmed your connection, make
sure you are working online in Outlook. To do so, go to the Outlook menu, check to see if Work
Offline is selected. If so, click Work Offline to remove the check mark and work online.


Empty the folder to clear "stuck" messages. Any message you delete must be re-created—it cannot
be recovered or undeleted.

1. Open the Send folder.
2. Delete all of the messages in the folder.

3. Quit Outlook.

4. Restart Outlook.

5. Try sending an email to see if the issue is resolved.


Using the Microsoft utility to rebuild a corrupted database might fix Outlook. If you use a Microsoft
Exchange account, rebuilding the database will delete any information not synced with the server.
Back up any Outlook data stored only on your computer before you rebuild the database.

1. Quit all Microsoft Office applications.

2. Hold down the Option key and then click the Outlook icon in the Dock to open the
Microsoft Database Utility.

3. Click the identity of the relevant database.

4. Click Rebuild.

5. Restart Outlook when the process is complete.

Fix Outlook Not Sending Emails in Outlook Online


If your inbox is full, you will not be able to send or receive any messages. Start by deleting any
unwanted email messages from the inbox, then right-click Junk Mail and click Empty.


A tiny typo, such as a comma instead of a period, can prevent Outlook from sending an email.

TRY AGAIN TOMORROW OR INCREASE YOUR SENDING LIMIT limits the number of emails you can send in a day to deter spammers. If you have
recently sent a large number of emails, save the draft and send it the following day.

Alternatively, increase your sending limit by updating security settings. Visit the Microsoft Account
Security page, click Update Info, verify your identity, then follow the on-screen instructions to
update your security settings.

1. Check your Junk Email folder

In your folder list, choose the Junk Email folder and look for the missing email.

If there are messages that shouldn't have been marked as junk, right-click each email and then
choose Mark as not junk. The message will automatically be moved to your inbox.

2. Clean out your inbox

If your inbox is full, you won't receive new messages. To make room in your inbox, try emptying
your junk folder by right-clicking Junk Email > Empty folder.

You can also sweep unwanted email from your inbox or archive folders. Sweep lets you
automatically delete all incoming email from a particular sender, keep only the latest message from
that sender, or delete email from that sender that's older than 10 days. Select a message you want
to sweep, and select Sweep.

Saving photos and documents to OneDrive is another good way to make room in your inbox.

3. Check your inbox filter and sort settings

If your inbox is filtering based on categories or if your sort order is different than usual, you might
not see the messages you expect to see. Filtering and sorting are accessible at the top of your
message list.

 For filtering, select Filter, then select what type of messages you want to see.

 For sorting, select Filter > Sort by then what you want to sort by.

To look for recent messages, sort by Date. To look for messages from a specific person, sort
by From. You can reverse the sort order by choosing the option again.

4. Check the Other tab

Focused Inbox separates your inbox into two tabs, Focused and Other, to help you focus on the
messages that matter most to you. If Focused Inbox is enabled for you, some messages sent to you
might be in the Other tab. You can right-click any messages you want to appear in Focused and
select Move to Focused inbox or Always move to Focused inbox. Focused Inbox will learn which
messages should go always go to the Focused tab.

5. Check your Blocked senders and Safe senders lists

1. Select Settings   > View all Outlook settings.

2. Select Mail, and then select Junk email.

1. If you see the sender's address listed under Blocked senders and domains, select their
address and then select Remove   > Save.

If the sender's address isn't in your Blocked senders list, you can add them to Safe senders and
domains. Email from contacts in your safe senders list will never go to the Junk Email folder.
1. Select Settings   > View all Outlook settings.

2. Select Mail, and then select Junk email.

Enter the sender's email address, and then select Add > Save.

6. Check your email rules

1. Select Settings   > View all Outlook settings.

2. Select Mail, and then select Rules.

3. If there are one or more rules that are preventing you from seeing the email you want, do
one of the following.

1. Select the rule that you want to delete, and then select Delete   .

2. Select the rule and then select Edit   to change the rule settings so you can find
the messages more easily. For example, you might change the action in the rule from
delete to categorize or flag.

Choose Save.

To return to your inbox, select X at the upper right of the Settings window.

7. Check email forwarding

Check if email forwarding is enabled.

1. Go to Forwarding settings.

2. To enable forwarding, select Enable forwarding. To disable forwarding, clear the check


If you want email to go to the forwarding address and stay in your mailbox,
select Keep a copy of forwarded messages.

If you've set up another email account to forward to your inbox, make sure forwarding
hasn't expired and is properly set up. Check with your other email services support for more

8. Check if your account is blocked

If you can't send or receive email, your account might be temporarily blocked because we noticed
some unusual sign-in activity.
9. Remove some connected accounts

You can connect a maximum of 20 other email accounts to your account. If you’ve
connected more than 20 accounts, you won’t be able to send or receive messages from any of your
connected accounts. To resolve the issue, please remove some connected accounts so that the total
number of connected accounts is 20 or fewer.

10. Contact the sender

If you've tried the solutions above and still aren't receiving messages from a sender, contact the
sender. Let them know that:

 Their email isn't being delivered to

 They should contact Microsoft support through

X. Printer T/S

Step 1. Unplug and restart your printer

Step 2. Check cables or wireless connection

Step 3. Uninstall and reinstall your printer

Step 4. Install the latest driver for your printer

Step 5. Run the printing troubleshooter

Step 6. Clear and reset the print spooler

If the previous troubleshooting step is not successful, you may need to clear spooler files and
restart the spooler service. The print spooler is a file that manages the printing process. To clear
and reset the print spooler:

1. In the search box on the taskbar, type services, and then select Services in the list of
2. Select the Standards tab, and then double-click Print Spooler in the list of services.
3. Select Stop, and then select OK.
4. In the search box on the taskbar, enter %WINDIR%\system32\spool\printers,
select %WINDIR%\system32\spool\PRINTERS in the list of results, and then delete all files
in the folder.
5. In the search box on the taskbar, search for services, and then select Services in the list of
6. Select the Standards tab, and the double-click Print Spooler in the list of services.
7. Select Start, select Automatic in the Startup Type box, and then select OK.
If your printer still doesn’t work, continue on to step 7.

Step 7. Fix printer problems after updating Windows 10

Step 8. Change a printer's status to "online"

If your printer displays an "offline" status, check out Troubleshooting offline printer problems.

Keep an eye on processor temperature.

Use the motherboard monitoring program, or reboot the system, run BIOS Setup, and view the
temperature and fan speed section. Take these measurements when the system has been idle as
well as when it has been running under heavy load. It's important to do this initially to establish a
"baseline" temperature for the processor when it is idle and under load. You can't recognize
abnormally high temperatures if you don't know what the normal temperature should be. If you
run the motherboard monitoring program, set reasonable tripwire values for temperatures and
configure the program to notify you when those temperatures are exceeded.


As our editor pointed out, if you've installed the CPU cooler or thermal compound improperly, the
baseline temperature you measure may be much too high and you may not realize that. It's
impossible to say what a "normal" temperature is, because so much depends on the particular
processor and CPU cooler, the case and cooling fans you use, the ambient room temperature, and so
on. As a rule of thumb, with the processor at idle in a standard mini-tower case, we consider a
processor temperature under 35 C to be good; the 35 C to 40 C range to be acceptable; and anything
over 40 C to be good reason to improve the cooling by using a better CPU cooler and/or better case
fans. If you're using a small form factor case or a hot-running processor, such as a Prescott-core
Pentium 4, normal idle temperatures may be 5 C to 10 C warmer. Under heavy load, the processor
temperature may increase 20 C or more. We consider anything up to 60 C normal. At 65 C we are
concerned. At 70 C, we shut the system down and determine what's causing the high temperatures.
Some serious gamers routinely run their processors at 80 C or even 85 C, but doing that may
shorten processor lifetime dramatically.

Keep the system clean.

Blocked air vents can increase processor temperature by 20 C (36 F) or more. Clean the system as
often as is necessary to maintain free air flow. If your case has an inlet air filter, check that filter
frequently and clean it as often as necessary.

Use a good CPU cooler.

CPU coolers vary greatly in efficiency (and noise level). Although the CPU cooler bundled with a
retail-boxed processor is reasonably efficient, replacing it with a good aftermarket CPU cooler can
reduce CPU temperature by 5 to 10 C (9 to 18 F). Make sure that the processor surface is clean
before you install the CPU cooler, use the right amount of a good thermal compound, and make sure
that the heatsink is clamped tightly against the processor.

Install supplemental case fans.

In particular, if you've upgraded the processor or installed a high-performance video adapter, it's
possible that you've added more heat load than the case was designed to handle. Adding a
supplemental fan, or replacing an existing fan with one that provides higher air flow, can reduce
interior case temperatures dramatically, which in turn reduces processor temperature.


You can use an ordinary thermometer to test the adequacy of your system fans. Measure the
ambient room temperature first. Then put the thermometer close to the outputs of the power
supply fan and the supplemental case fan(s). If the temperature difference is 5 C (9 F) or less,
adding or upgrading fans probably won't help.

Upgrade the case.

In most systems, the processor is the major heat source. A TAC (Thermally Advantaged Chassis) case
provides a duct (and sometimes a dedicated fan) to route waste CPU heat directly to the outside of
the case, rather than exhausting it inside the case. In our testing, using a TAC-compliant case
routinely lowered CPU temperatures by 5 to 10 C (41 to 50 F) relative to running that CPU in a non-
TAC case.

You can buy a TAC case, or, if you're handy with tools, turn your old case into a TAC case. To do so,
simply use a 2' to 3' hole saw to cut a hole in the case side panel directly over the CPU. Make a duct
of the appropriate length using cardboard or plastic tubing, and secure the duct to the case with
screws or adhesive. If you want to be fancy, you can install a standard case fan between the interior
panel wall and the duct.

Position the system properly.

As amazing as it sounds, changing the position of the case by only a few inches, and in some pretty
non-obvious ways, can make a major difference in system and processor temperature. For example,
Robert's main office system sits on the floor next to his desk, directly in front of a heating vent.
During the summer, when the air conditioning is running, that processor routinely operates 5 C
cooler than during the winter months, when Robert closes the vent to prevent hot air from blowing
on the system.
That might seem reasonable, until you realize that the cool air from the vent is blowing on
the back of the system, which has only exhaust fans. The ambient room temperature is actually
lower during winter months and the ambient air is what's being drawn into the system so we'd
have expected the system temperature also to be lower in winter.


During the writing of this section, Barbara commented to Robert that his den system was much
louder than usual. Sure enough, it was. That system sits between one side of a love seat and the side
of a corner table. It had somehow been moved, slid back by only four inches or so, but that was
enough to reduce the air flow significantly. The CPU fan was screaming running at about 5,700 RPM
and the CPU temperature was 52 C with the system idling. Robert slid the system out a few inches,
and within minutes the CPU fan speed had dropped to about 1,800 RPM becoming nearly silent and
the idle CPU temperature had fallen to 38 C. Inches can make a huge difference.

Despite the odds, processors do sometimes fail. If you are reasonably certain that your processor
has failed, the only practical way to troubleshoot it is to install the problem processor in another
system or to install a known-good processor in the problem system. The former is the safer choice.
We have never heard of a failed processor harming a good motherboard, but a catastrophically
failed motherboard that has killed one processor could easily kill another. For that reason, if we're
convinced that a processor is bad, we always pull it and test it in another system.
XII. Overclocking

Overclocking is the action of increasing a component’s clock rate, running it at a higher speed than
it was designed to run. This is usually applies to the CPU or GPU, but other components can also be

Increasing a component’s clock rate causes it to perform more operations per second, but it also
produces additional heat. Overclocking can help squeeze more performance out of your
components, but they’ll often need additional cooling and care.

Your computer’s CPU comes from the factory set to run at a certain maximum speed. If you run
your CPU at that speed with proper cooling, it should perform fine without giving you any

However, you’re often not limited to that CPU speed. You can increase the CPU’s speed by setting a
higher clock rate or multiplier in the computer’s BIOS, forcing it to perform more operations per

This can speed up your CPU — and therefore speed up your computer if your computer is limited
by its CPU — but the CPU will produce additional heat. It may become physically damaged if you
don’t provide additional cooling, or it may be unstable and cause your computer to blue-screen or

When you overclock your CPU, you’re doing something you weren’t supposed to do with it — this
will often void your warranty. Your CPU’s heat will increase as you overclock. Without proper
cooling — or if you just overclock too much — the CPU chip may become too hot and may become
permanently damaged.

This complete hardware failure isn’t as common, but it is common for overclocking to result in an
unstable system. The CPU may return incorrect results or become unstable, resulting in system
errors and restarts.

If you’re overclocking, you should slowly increase the clock rate and test every new level to make
sure it’s stable. You should also monitor the temperature of your CPU and ensure that you have
proper cooling. The cooling that came with your CPU probably won’t cut if. If you’re using a laptop
without much space for additional air flow, don’t try to overclock — there’s generally just not
enough space in a laptop to handle the heat.
XIII. IP Address

An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected
to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.[1][2] An IP address serves
two main functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing.

Here’s how to find your computer’s local IP address in Windows Vista:

1. Open the Windows Start menu and right-click “Network.”
2. Click “Properties.”
3. Click “View Status” to the right of “Wireless Network Connection,” or ”Local Area
Connection” for wired connections.
4. Click “Details” and look for the IP address in the new window.
XIV. Slow Computer Troubleshooting


If your computer has not been rebooted recently, make sure

to reboot it before following any of the steps below. Rebooting
the computer can fix many problems and is an easy first step.

Background programs

One of the most common reasons for a slow computer is

programs running in the background. Remove or disable any
TSRs and startup programs that automatically start each time
the computer boots.

To see what programs are running in the background and how much memory and CPU they are
using, open Task Manager. If you are running Windows 7 or higher, run Resmon to get a better
understanding of how your computer resources are used.

If you have an antivirus scanner on the computer, spyware protection program, or another security
utility, make sure it's not scanning your computer in the background. If a scan is in progress, it
decreases the overall performance of your computer. If this is the case, allow the scan to complete,
and the computer's performance should improve.

Delete temp files

As a computer runs programs, temporary files are stored on the

hard drive. Deleting these temp files help improve computer

Windows computers

First, we suggest using the Windows Disk Cleanup utility to

delete temporary files and other files no longer needed on the
Unfortunately, the Disk Cleanup may not delete every file in the
temp directory. Therefore, we also suggest deleting temporary
files manually.

1. Open the Start menu or and press the Windows key,

then type %temp% in the Search field.


In Windows XP and prior, click the Run option in the Start menu and enter %temp% in
the Run field.

2. Press Enter and a Temp folder should open.

3. You can delete all files found in this folder and, if any
files are in use and cannot be deleted, they can be

Free hard drive space

Verify that there is at least 200-500MB of free hard drive space.

This available space allows the computer to have room for
the swap file to increase in size and give room for temporary

Bad, corrupted or fragmented hard drive

Check the hard drive for errors

On a Windows computer, run ScanDisk, chkdsk, or something

equivalent to verify there is nothing physically wrong with the
computer's hard drive.

On a macOS computer, access the Disk Utility program, and use

the First Aid option to check the hard drive for errors. To open
Disk Utility:
1. Click the Launchpad icon on the dock.

2. Open the Other folder.

3. Click Disk Utility to open the program.

Make sure hard drive is not fragmented

Run Defrag to help ensure that data is arranged in the best

possible order.

Test hard drive

Use other software tools to test the hard drive for any errors by
looking at the SMART of the drive.

Scan for viruses

If your computer is infected with one or more viruses, it may

run more slowly. If your computer doesn't have an antivirus
program installed, run Trend Micro's free Housecall online
utility to scan and remove viruses on your computer.

We also recommend you install an antivirus program for active

protection against viruses.

Scan for malware

Today, spyware and other malware is a big cause of many

computer problems, including slower performance. Even if an
antivirus scanner is installed on the computer, we recommend
running a malware scan as well. Use the free version
of Malwarebytes to scan your computer for malware.
Hardware conflicts

Verify that the Device Manager has no conflicts. If any exist,

resolve these issues as they could be causing your problem.

Update the operating system

To update a computer running Microsoft Windows,

run Windows Update.

To update a macOS computer, run Software Update. To upgrade the operating system, use the App

Disable browser plug-ins

If your computer runs especially slow when you're using your

web browser, considering disabling any browser plug-ins, add-
ons, or extensions.

Update your drivers

Make sure you have the latest drivers for your computer
hardware, especially the latest video drivers. Having out-of-
date drivers can cause an assortment of issues, including slow

Reboot the computer again

After making any of the changes above, reboot your machine.

Run a registry cleaner

We usually do not recommend registry cleaners. However, if you followed all the steps above and
your computer is still slow, try running a registry cleaner on the computer.

Memory upgrade

If you have had your computer for more than two years, you
may need more memory. Today, we suggest computers have a
minimum of 2 GB of memory (RAM) for a 32-bit system and 4
GB for a 64-bit system. By having enough memory for programs
to run within memory, your computer doesn't need to swap
information stored in memory to the swap file.

If the hard drive light is continuously active, it's an indication

the computer is frequently swapping information between your
memory and hard drive.

Hard drive upgrade

One of the biggest bottlenecks of a computer is the hard disk

drive. Upgrading from a standard hard drive to a Solid State
Drive (SSD) drastically improves the computer's performance.

Computer or processor is overheating

Make sure your computer and processor is not overheating.

Excessive heat can cause a decrease in the computer's
performance because most operating systems automatically
reduce the speed of the processor to help compensate for heat-
related issues.

Dust, dirt, and hair can also constrict proper airflow inside your computer, which causes a
computer to overheat. Make sure your computer case is clean, and that the fans are not obstructed.
Increase or upgrade the processor speed

Increasing the speed of the processor (CPU) can improve your

computer's performance. There are two options for increasing
processor speed: overclocking or upgrading.

Overclocking a processor means increasing its speed beyond

what it's designed to run stably. While overclocking can
increase the processor speed, the increase is often not very
significant, resulting in maybe a 10% or 20% speed increase at
most. Furthermore, the processor itself must be capable of
being overclocked. You would need to find the specifications for
the processor in your computer to determine if it can be
overclocked. An overclocked processor generates more heat,
thus requiring a more powerful heat sink and fan to pull the
excess heat away from the processor.

A safer alternative to overclocking is upgrading the processor

in your computer. You would need to get the specifications for
your motherboard to determine what type of newer processor
may be used in it. You can then install the new processor in
place of the existing processor.

Erase computer and start over

If none of the solutions above resolve your issues, another

option is to reinstall the operating system, or you can erase
everything and start over.

Erasing everything on your computer and reinstalling the operating system can increase
performance by getting rid of old software or drivers. Installing a fresh copy of macOS or Windows,
software programs, and the latest drivers help verify there are no software related issues causing
your computer to be slow.
Hardware issues

Finally, if your computer is still slow after trying the above

recommendations, there's likely a more serious hardware
related issue (e.g., failing component). Examples of failing
hardware could include the hard
drive, CPU, RAM, motherboard, or other components.

You can run hardware diagnostic tests using the Ultimate Boot

CD (UBCD) utility. This utility provides information on whether
or not your computer has a bad piece of hardware.

Old computer

If your computer is more than five years old, it performs slower

than a new one. As more advanced software programs are
released, they are optimized to run more efficiently on newer
computers. Older computers are not able to run these new
programs as well, which causes them to perform more slowly.
Furthermore, new software tends to be more demanding in
general, which is another problem for old hardware. We
recommend you consider purchasing a new computer or
upgrading your current one.

Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry standard that

establishes specifications for cables and connectors
and protocols for connection, communication and power supply
(interfacing) between computers, peripherals and other
computers.[3] A broad variety of USB hardware exists, including
several different connectors, of which USB-C is the most recent.


1. Check USB ports or cables for physical damage.

2. Reset BIOS to factory defaults.
3. Run a hardware diagnostic test.
4. Check USB device functionality on another device.
5. Run Optimize my system using Dell SupportAssist.
6. Check Windows Device Manager for errors.
7. Update BIOS and Chipset driver.
8. Run Windows hardware troubleshooter.
XVI. Computer Configuration

Although most computer users are aware of the importance of basic PC components like the RAM
and hard drive, other components -- like the graphics and sound cards, network adapter and
central processing unit -- are also critical to a PC's operation. You need this information to
troubleshoot or upgrade your computer and when downloading drivers. For the best
performance, business owners should keep up-to-date with their computer equipment; to
determine whether or not you should upgrade a workstation, review the PC's configuration in

Click the Start button and then enter "system" into the search field. Select "System Information"
from under Programs.

Click "System Summary" to see details about the operating system installed to the computer, the
processor, basic input/output system and RAM.

Double-click "Components." Select a hardware device from the list to see its name, manufacturer,
driver location and other details.


 You can also type "msinfo32.exe" into the Start menu's search box and press "Enter" to view
the same information.
 You can also click the Start button, right-click "Computer" and then click "Properties" to see
your operating system, processor model, computer make and model, processor type and RAM
 Although it's not possible to see the motherboard make and model in Windows, you can use
third-party applications such as CPU-Z and SiSoftware Sandra to see details about the board.
 To search for specific details about your computer, type a search term into the Find What
field in System Information and then click "Find."
XVII. Microsoft Apps

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a full-featured word processing program for Windows and Mac operating
systems. See what's new in Word 2019 for Windows and What's new in Word 2019 for Mac.

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that features calculation, graphic tools, pivot tables, and
macro programming language support for Windows and Mac operating systems. See what's new in
Excel 2019 for Windows and What's new in Excel 2019 for Mac.

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program for Windows and Mac operating systems.
See what's new in PowerPoint 2019 for Windows and What's new in PowerPoint 2019 for Mac.

Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneNote is a free-form note-taking program for Windows and Mac operating systems.
See What's new in OneNote for Windows 10 and What's new in OneNote for Mac.

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is an email program for Windows and Mac operating systems. See What's new in
Outlook 2019 for Windows and What's new in Outlook 2019 for Mac.

Microsoft Publisher

Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing program for Windows operating systems. See Microsoft

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a database management solution for Windows operating systems. See What's
new in Access 2019.

Skype for Business

Skype for Business is an instant messaging client and unified communications application.
See What's new in Skype for Business Server 2019.
Microsoft InfoPath

Microsoft InfoPath is a program that allows you to design, distribute, complete, and submit
electronic forms. You may choose to add the InfoPath Form Web Part to a SharePoint Online site.
Learn more about the InfoPath Form Web Part.

To learn how PowerApps, the successor to InfoPath, can improve business productivity in
SharePoint without writing code, see Customize SharePoint with PowerApps.

In computing, booting is the process of starting a computer. It can be initiated by hardware such as

a button press, or by a software command. After it is switched on, a computer's central processing
unit (CPU) has no software in its main memory, so some process must load software into memory
before it can be executed. This may be done by hardware or firmware in the CPU, or by a separate
processor in the computer system.


There are several reasons why a Windows-based computer may have problems during startup. To
troubleshoot boot problems, first determine in which of the following phases the computer gets


Phas Boot Process BIOS UEFI


1 PreBoot MBR/PBR (Bootstrap Code) UEFI Firmware

2 Windows Boot Manager %SystemDrive%\bootmgr \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi

3 Windows OS Loader %SystemRoot%\system32\winload.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\winload.efi

4 Windows NT OS Kernel %SystemRoot%\system32\ntoskrnl.exe

1. PreBoot

The PC’s firmware initiates a Power-On Self Test (POST) and loads firmware settings. This pre-boot
process ends when a valid system disk is detected. Firmware reads the master boot record (MBR),
and then starts Windows Boot Manager.

2. Windows Boot Manager

Windows Boot Manager finds and starts the Windows loader (Winload.exe) on the Windows boot

3. Windows operating system loader

Essential drivers required to start the Windows kernel are loaded and the kernel starts to run.

4. Windows NT OS Kernel
The kernel loads into memory the system registry hive and additional drivers that are marked as

The kernel passes control to the session manager process (Smss.exe) which initializes the system
session, and loads and starts the devices and drivers that are not marked BOOT_START.

Here is a summary of the boot sequence, what will be seen on the display, and typical boot
problems at that point in the sequence. Before starting troubleshooting, you have to understand the
outline of the boot process and display status to ensure that the issue is properly identified at the
beginning of the engagement.

BIOS phase

To determine whether the system has passed the BIOS phase, follow these steps:

1. If there are any external peripherals connected to the computer, disconnect them.
2. Check whether the hard disk drive light on the physical computer is working. If it is not
working, this indicates that the startup process is stuck at the BIOS phase.
3. Press the NumLock key to see whether the indicator light toggles on and off. If it does not,
this indicates that the startup process is stuck at BIOS.

If the system is stuck at the BIOS phase, there may be a hardware problem.

Boot loader phase

If the screen is completely black except for a blinking cursor, or if you receive one of the following
error codes, this indicates that the boot process is stuck in the Boot Loader phase:

 Boot Configuration Data (BCD) missing or corrupted

 Boot file or MBR corrupted
 Operating system Missing
 Boot sector missing or corrupted
 Bootmgr missing or corrupted
 Unable to boot due to system hive missing or corrupted

To troubleshoot this problem, use Windows installation media to start the computer, press
Shift+F10 for a command prompt, and then use any of the following methods.

Method 1: Startup Repair tool

The Startup Repair tool automatically fixes many common problems. The tool also lets you quickly
diagnose and repair more complex startup problems. When the computer detects a startup
problem, the computer starts the Startup Repair tool. When the tool starts, it performs diagnostics.
These diagnostics include analyzing startup log files to determine the cause of the problem. When
the Startup Repair tool determines the cause, the tool tries to fix the problem automatically.

To do this, follow these steps.

1. Start the system to the installation media for the installed version of Windows. For more
information, see Create installation media for Windows.

2. On the Install Windows screen, select Next > Repair your computer.

3. On the System Recovery Options screen, select Next > Command Prompt.

4. After Startup Repair, select Shutdown, then turn on your PC to see if Windows can boot

The Startup Repair tool generates a log file to help you understand the startup problems and the
repairs that were made. You can find the log file in the following location:


Method 2: Repair Boot Codes

To repair boot codes, run the following command:


To repair the boot sector, run the following command:


Method 3: Fix BCD errors

If you receive BCD-related errors, follow these steps:

1. Scan for all the systems that are installed. To do this, run the following command:

Bootrec /ScanOS

2. Restart the computer to check whether the problem is fixed.

3. If the problem is not fixed, run the following command:

Bootrec /rebuildbcd

4. You might receive one of the following outputs:

Scanning all disks for Windows installations. Please wait, since this may take a while ...
Successfully scanned Windows installations. Total identified Windows installations: 0
The operation completed successfully.
Scanning all disks for Windows installations. Please wait, since this may take a while ...
Successfully scanned Windows installations. Total identified Windows installations: 1
Add installation to boot list? Yes/No/All:

If the output shows windows installation: 0, run the following commands:

bcdedit /export c:\bcdbackup

attrib c:\\boot\\bcd -r –s -h

ren c:\\boot\\bcd bcd.old

bootrec /rebuildbcd

After you run the command, you receive the following output:

Scanning all disks for Windows installations. Please wait, since this may take a while ...
Successfully scanned Windows installations. Total identified Windows installations: 1
Add installation to boot list? Yes/No/All: Y
5. Try restarting the system.

Method 4: Replace Bootmgr

If methods 1, 2 and 3 do not fix the problem, replace the Bootmgr file from drive C to the System
Reserved partition. To do this, follow these steps:

1. At a command prompt, change the directory to the System Reserved partition.

2. Run the attrib command to unhide the file:

attrib -r -s -h

3. Run the same attrib command on the Windows (system drive):

attrib -r -s -h

4. Rename the Bootmgr file as Bootmgr.old:

ren c:\bootmgr bootmgr.old
5. Navigate to the system drive.
6. Copy the Bootmgr file, and then paste it to the System Reserved partition.
7. Restart the computer.

Method 5: Restore System Hive

If Windows cannot load the system registry hive into memory, you must restore the system hive. To
do this, use the Windows Recovery Environment or use Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) to copy the
files from the C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack to C:\Windows\System32\config.

If the problem persists, you may want to restore the system state backup to an alternative location,
and then retrieve the registry hives to be replaced.

Kernel Phase

If the system gets stuck during the kernel phase, you experience multiple symptoms or receive
multiple error messages. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

 A Stop error appears after the splash screen (Windows Logo screen).

 Specific error code is displayed. For example, "0x00000C2" , "0x0000007B" , "inaccessible

boot device" and so on.

o Advanced troubleshooting for Stop error 7B or Inaccessible_Boot_Device

o Advanced troubleshooting for Event ID 41 "The system has rebooted without
cleanly shutting down first"

 The screen is stuck at the "spinning wheel" (rolling dots) "system busy" icon.

 A black screen appears after the splash screen.

To troubleshoot these problems, try the following recovery boot options one at a time.

Scenario 1: Try to start the computer in Safe mode or Last Known Good Configuration

On the Advanced Boot Options screen, try to start the computer in Safe Mode or Safe Mode with
Networking. If either of these options works, use Event Viewer to help identify and diagnose the
cause of the boot problem. To view events that are recorded in the event logs, follow these steps:

1. Use one of the following methods to open Event Viewer:

o Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Event Viewer.

o Start the Event Viewer snap-in in Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

2. In the console tree, expand Event Viewer, and then click the log that you want to view. For
example, click System log or Application log.
3. In the details pane, double-click the event that you want to view.

4. On the Edit menu, click Copy, open a new document in the program in which you want to
paste the event (for example, Microsoft Word), and then click Paste.

5. Use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key to view the description of the previous or next event.

Clean boot

To troubleshoot problems that affect services, do a clean boot by using System Configuration
(msconfig). Select Selective startup to test the services one at a time to determine which one is
causing the problem. If you cannot find the cause, try including system services. However, in most
cases, the problematic service is third-party.

Disable any service that you find to be faulty, and try to start the computer again by
selecting Normal startup.

For detailed instructions, see How to perform a clean boot in Windows.

If the computer starts in Disable Driver Signature mode, start the computer in Disable Driver
Signature Enforcement mode, and then follow the steps that are documented in the following
article to determine which drivers or files require driver signature enforcement: Troubleshooting
boot problem caused by missing driver signature (x64)
XIX: Parallels Desktop Installation

Scenario 1: You have just installed Parallels Desktop on your Mac.

When you first launch Parallels Desktop on a Mac, it will detect that you have no virtual machines
and will automatically offer to download and install Windows 10 for you.

Once you click “Install Windows,” there is basically nothing else for you to do. The Windows 10
installation files will begin downloading.

If you click on “Skip” instead, you will be directed to the Installation Assitant where you can purchase
Windows 10

Once the download finishes, the installation of Windows 10 into a new VM in Parallels Desktop will

You will be notified when it completes.

How long this process takes depends on the speed of your Internet connection and Mac. For me, at
home and on a new MacBook Air, this took about one hour and 40 minutes.
While Windows 10 is installing, you’ll see dialogs about the installation of Parallels® Toolbox, a
separate Parallels product that’s bundled with Parallels Desktop
Parallels Toolbox gives you 30+ single-purpose tools for common tasks. I encourage you to install
Parallels Toolbox—I think you’ll find the tools very useful.
After Windows 10 is installed, you should get all of the available updates, and probably there will be
several of them
This may take a while but is very important.
At this point, you have a working installation of Windows 10 in a Parallels Desktop VM. You have
not yet purchased Windows from Microsoft. A few features will be disabled until you do so. You can
purchase and activate Windows from within your Windows VM, and the entire process takes only a
few minutes

Scenario 2: You have Parallels Desktop on your Mac, and you want to add a Windows 10 VM.
Adding Windows 10 as an additional VM in Parallels Desktop is also easy.
To start the process, either choose “New…” in the File menu of Parallels Desktop, or click on the “+”
sign in the top right corner of the Control Center window.
Assuming that you don’t have a Windows 10 installation DVD laying around, click on the “Get
Windows 10 from Microsoft” button
Then choose to purchase Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro in the next screen. If you want to
install Windows 10 without making a purchase yet, choose to download it
Whichever path you choose, you will end up with a Windows 10 installation ISO file and a Windows
10 product key. After that, everything proceeds in the same manner as scenario 1.
Scenario 3: You want to move Windows 10 from a physical PC into a Parallels Desktop VM.
In this last scenario, you start out with the Installation Assistant dialog (see previous Figure 8) but
choose “Transfer Windows from a PC.”
This process will copy everything from a physical PC to a Parallels Desktop VM: apps, data files, and
Windows itself. The physical PC will not be modified.
The most common way to transfer is via the network. The amount of time this will take depends on
how much information is on the PC and how fast your network is.
There may be several Windows PCs on your network, so you need to indicate which PC you want to
migrate into a VM. Do this by installing the Parallels Transfer Agent on the PC to be migrated.
There are two computers involved in this transfer: the Windows PC you are transferring from, and
the Mac running Parallels Desktop which you are transferring to. Some of the actions you’ll take to
set up this transfer occur on the PC and others on the Mac, so you will need to go back and forth
between the two computers to set everything up.
I hope you’ve seen how easy it is to install Windows 10 on Parallels Desktop. Feel free to download
a free full-featured trial of Parallels Desktop and install Windows 10 like explained in scenario 1
right away at no extra cost.
XX: Processors
The processor is a chip or a logical circuit that responds and processes the basic instructions to
drive a particular computer. The main functions of the processor are fetching, decoding, executing,
and write back the operations of an instruction. The processor is also called the brain of any system
which incorporates computers, laptops, smartphones, embedded systems, etc. The ALU (Arithmetic
Logic Unit) and CU (Control Unit) are the two parts of the processors. The Arithmetic Logic Unit
performs all mathematical operations such as additions, multiplications, subtractions, divisions, etc
and the control unit works like traffic police, it manages the command or the operation of the
instructions. The processor communicates with the other components also they are input/output
devices and memory/storage devices.
Types of Processors

There are five types of general-purpose processors they are, Microcontroller, Microprocessor,
Embedded Processor, DSP and Media Processor.
The general-purpose processors are represented by the microprocessor in embedded systems.
There are different varieties of microprocessors available in the market from different companies.
The microprocessor is also a general-purpose processor that consists of a control unit, ALU, a bunch
of registers also called scratchpad registers, control registers and status registers.

There may be an on-chip memory and some interfaces for communicating with the external world
like interrupt lines, other lines for the memory and ports for communicating with the external
world. The ports often called the programmable ports that means, we can program these ports
either to be acting as an input or as an output. The general-purpose processors are shown in the
below table.


The microcontroller is basically a computer that comes in various packages and sizes. The reading
input and responding to output is the basic function of the microcontroller. Generally, it is known as
General Purpose Input Output (GPIO). Some of the microcontrollers are Microchip Atmega328-AU,
Microchip P1C16F877A-I/P, Microchip P1C16F1503-I/P, Microchip P1C16F671-I/SN, Microchip
P1C18F45K22-I/P, etc.

Embedded Processor

An embedded processor is one type of processor which is designed to control mechanical functions
and electrical functions. It consists of several blocks they are the processor, timer, an interrupt
controller, program memory and data memory, power supply, reset and clock oscillator circuits,
system application-specific circuits, ports and interfacing circuits.

Digital Signal Processor

The digital signal processor is one type of processor used for measuring, filtering and/or compress
digital or analog signals. The signal processing means analysis and manipulation of signal. This
processing can be done via computer or Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC), Field
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) or Digital Signal Processor (DSP) to obtain the clear signal. The
DSP processors are used in an oscilloscope, barcode scanners, mobile phones, printers, etc. These
processors are fast and use for real-time applications. 

Media Processor

The image/video processor is the media processor that is designed or created to deal with the data
in real-time. The voice user interface and professional audio are the applications of the audio

Application-Specific System Processors (ASSPs)

The application-specific system processor is a semiconductor integrated circuit product used to

implements a specific function. The performance, characteristics and die size of the application-
specific system processor is the same as the ASIC. The ASSP’s are used in various types of industries
to perform video encoding or decoding and audio encoding or decoding. In place of embedded
software, the application-specific system processor is used to run the application and it provides
the solution faster.

Application-Specific Instruction Set Processors (ASIPs)

The application-specific instruction-set processors are designed for specific applications. These
processors have low power consumption, high computational speed, and good flexibility. Due to
programmability, the data path utilization is high in ASIPs, and the performance of this instruction
set processor is good.

ASIC Processors

The application-specific integrated circuits are built for specific applications. These chips are small
in size and consume low power. The design cost of ASIC is high and this is the main disadvantage.
The application-specific integrated circuit chips are used in satellites, modems, computers, etc.
Some of the top ASICs manufacturer companies are Ams AG. Listed Company, Bitfury. Private
Company, XMOS Semiconductor Private Company, Analogix Semiconductor Private Company,
EDAptive Computing Private Company, Lumen Radio Private Company, Integrated Device
Technology, Hookit. Private Company, etc.


The multiprocessor is a computer with more than one CPU, each shares main memory, a computer
bus, and peripherals to simultaneously process the programs and these systems are also known as
tightly coupled systems. The advantages of multiprocessors are increased throughput, increased
reliability and economy of scale. These processors are used when very high speed is required to
process a large volume of data. 

Characteristics of Multiprocessors

The Characteristics of Multiprocessor are

 The multiprocessors consist of more than two processors or two processors which are
 Memory and input/output facilities shared by the processors
 The access time of the memory is the same for each processor because the processors are
connected by bus
 Access to the input/output devices are shared by the processors
 The same function performed by all the processors

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