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Hamilton Academical Supporters' Society

Board Meeting Minutes

Saturday 8 Jan 2011
Bay Horse Inn, Bothwell Road, Hamilton


Board Members: Donald Anderson, Graeme Brown, Ken Fee, Alan Hutcheson, Darren
Jamieson, Ian Kelly, David Ogg, Craig Rankin.


Paul Daly, Tom Marchbank, Ross Ryrie, Euan Simpson.


Alastair Brown, Tommy Jordan.


1. Minutes of the Last Meeting. David welcomed Board members present. The
minutes of the last Board meeting (23 Oct 10) were agreed as accurate.
2. Finance Update. Ian presented the financial update to the satisfaction of Board
members present. Full details would be presented to the AGM on 19 Jan, and are not
repeated here for ease of administration. The independent examination of the accounts (as
at 31 Aug 10) had been carried out in time for the AGM. The independent examiner was
entirely satisfied with the accounts. David would complete the FSA return in good time
(required by 31 March 11 at the latest). Ian noted that a limited number of individuals had
completed the subscription Standing Order. David encouraged all Board members to ensure
that they had taken the required action in respect of their annual subscription.
3. Website Update. David thanked Graeme for the excellent work on the website.
The poster initiative had seen encouraging numbers of downloads and hard copies had been
handed out to a number of stores in the Hamilton area.
4. AGM Arrangements. The AGM would be held on Wed 19 Jan 2011 at 7.30pm. The
format was agreed as the formal AGM, a Q&A with Ian and Dave on League Reconstruction
(following their meeting with the SPL CE) and ending with a quiz. Ian was asked to arrange
with the quizmaster that the quiz be planned to last 1 hr and finish at 9.30. There was some
discussion about leafleting the planned Hibs game the night before the AGM, but the
cancellation of that game made the discussion nugatory.
5. CAFÉ. In Alastair’s absence this report was held over until the next meeting.
6. Any Other Business.
a. League Reconstruction. There was some discussion as to whether the Accies Trust
should have a ‘Trust view’ position on league reconstruction. It was agreed that the difficult
part of this was to come up with a structure that everyone was likely to support. It was
agreed that the Trust generally preferred a larger league than the 10 team top flight being
proposed and also favoured more supporter input to the decision making process.
b. STV Local. Ian had been in contact with Gillian Provan, the Hamilton area editor of STV
local. It was agreed that STV local was another good outlet for Trust PR. Ian agreed to
arrange to invite Gillian the AGM.
c. Supporters Survey. Mark Falconer had written to David offering to do some work on an
Accies fans’ survey with the aim being to present the results to the club. After some

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discussion of the merits of this idea it was agreed that David should reply to Mark asking for
greater detail, probably in the form of a draft set of questions. Discussion of further action
would follow our assessment of the detail.
7. Date of Next Meeting. Date of next meeting was TBC. Target date was early
March 2011.

David Ogg

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