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Mallorca, Joahna M.

BSED III- Filipino 3A


1. Base on the given input about literacy, I guess I can say that I am literate
enough. I can read and understand what I had read, I also know and enable to
use technology and media, I am learning about others culture, belief, religion
and practicing how to deal with diversity among people.

2. My level of comprehension is deep enough that I can read and understand.

That I can know what the word or text mean, its meaning. That I can
understand ideas and information well enough to analyze, critique and
evaluate. That I am assuring and meaning to assure the information I got, find
and have. That I am able to understand and explain the information I got in my
own words.

3. As a pre-service teacher, the kind of written materials that I should be able

to read and understand are the written materials related to my teaching
lessons. Or those reliable materials that are related and can help the students
to develop and to learn more than what they already know. As an aspiring
teacher, I have to be ready before the class starts and reading and
understanding the teaching materials for students is the most important part of
teaching for me because if the teacher is not prepared and knows nothing
about the topic then what do the students become? The students will not learn
or worst they will learn wrongly.

4. In all new literacy I think I am more knowledgeable in globalization and

multicultural literacy because learning diversities is taught at school that is
why when dealing with different people with different beliefs, religion and
others personally it is not hard and I am able to cope and interact with them
peacefully. And digital literacy, it is easy to be knowledgeable of media and
technology because it is not new to us. I lack knowledge in social and financial
literacy because I do not know how to handle money smartly. I tend to spend
the money I have and ended without any saving.

5. Basic literacy is develop when classroom practices focus more on

memorization rather than on understanding and application. Basic literacy
focus on the ability to recognize letters and words.

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