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Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise

R9.1 SIP Newness

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‹ To describe the new SIP features of the release R9.1

Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise – R9.1 SIP Newness

Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Keep alive mechanism

„ The purpose of this feature is to create a supervision of the device in order to

know if it’s state is in/out of service

„ The SIP extension must be able to send “options” messages

„ There are new parameters in the CS

z SIP extension COS

† A Keep alive flag in order to authorize or to forbid the service

z IP QOS COS (specified within the IP domain)

† Keep alive timer

† SIP lost timer

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Keep alive mechanism

„ The timer and the destination of keep alive messages must be setup within
each SEPLOS device
z There is no interaction between the CS management and the setup of these
generic devices
z Enter the “keepalive timer” in the “NatKeepAliveTimer” field
z Enter the CS IP@ of FQDN in the “NatkeepAliveDest” field

„ If the CS do not receive the keep alive by the end of “the Keepalive + SIP lost”
timers it considers the SEPLOS device out of service
z If a “keep alive” is received before the end of the registration leased time
the set is switched back in service otherwise it must register again

„ The Keep alive timer service is also working with the PCS
z In the SEPLOS device, the PCS is specified as the backup proxy
z In case of CS failure, the SEPLOS device registers and starts to send the
option messages to the active PCS

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Keep alive
Management of CS

„ SIP extension
z Phone classes of service
† Keep alive : Yes/No

„ IP
z IP Domain (“0” for example)
† IP Quality of Service : 0

„ IP
z IP Quality of Service (“0” for example)

† SIP lost :5
† SIP keep alive : 30

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The values are in seconds

For the sets that cannot send the keep alive, a COS must be used with the keep alive set to no

The keep alive timer must be managed with the same value in the QOS COS as in the SIP set because this information is not
exchanged !

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Keep alive
Management of Thomson ST2030

„ The “telnet” service must be validated

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Keep alive
Management of Thomson ST2030 (Cont’)

„ Then a telnet session must be opened on the set in order to be able to specify
the keep alive timer value and the CS IP address (destination)

** IP Phone firmware V1.64 **
** Compiled on Sep 24 2008 at 10:04:42 **
** IP Phone VPD1020-D49(S) **

Login: administrator
Password : ******
[administrator]#sip set NatkeppaliveTimer 30
[administrator]#sip set NatkeepaliveDest

„ As of the SIP Device Manager release 1.2, these values can be set up and taken
into account automatically (without any telnet session)

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The default password for a telnet session is : 789234 (784518 is used for a HTTP session)
To apply changes, type “commit”, then “ activate”

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Keep alive

„ csipsets
|Neqt |Number |Name |IP address |State|
|00607|31900 |SIP Tele tra | Unused| HS |
|00608|31901 |Thomson2030 || ES |
|Number of SIP extensions: 00002 |

„ tradna

(101)communn1r1> tradna 31900

Wed Jun 24 15:02:31 CEST 2009

Logic coupler type : CPL_UA

MAO coupler type : UA_FICTIF
Coupler state : IN SERVICE
Terminal state : OUT OF SERVICE

| Cry:Cpl:ac:term | neqt |nulog| typ term | dir nb | Out of service cause |
| 002 0 0 10 | 00607 | 3| SIP| 31900 | A . I . . . . . . . |
| A: att_mserv, C: hs_defich, I: hs_isolauto, X: hs_isolman, T: hs_terdef |
| U: hs_usdef, P: hs_errparite, B: hs_bascul, Y: hs_cristisol, N: hs_inex |

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HS: out of service

ES: in service

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Keep alive
Maintenance (Cont’)

„ listerm (on the virtual UA board used for IP devices)

Wed Jun 24 15:04:53 CEST 2009

|Coupler: 2 0 Logic type: CPL_UA Board:UA_FICT State: IN SERVICE |
| Cry:Cpl:ac:term| neqt | typ term | dir nb | Out of service cause |
| 2 0 0 0 | 00597 | POS_NUM | REG | . . . . . . . . . . |
| 2 0 0 1 | 00598 | POS_NUM | REG | . . . . . . . . . . |
| 2 0 0 2 | 00599 | POS_NUM | REG | . . . . . . . . . . |
| 2 0 0 3 | 00600 | POS_NUM | REG | . . . . . . . . . . |
| 2 0 0 4 | 00601 | POS_NUM | REG | . . . . . . . . . . |
| 2 0 0 5 | 00602 | POS_NUM | REG | . . . . . . . . . . |
| 2 0 0 6 | 00603 | POS_NUM | REG | . . . . . . . . . . |
| 2 0 0 7 | 00604 | POS_NUM | REG | . . . . . . . . . . |
| 2 0 0 8 | 00605 | IPT 4068 | 31068 | . . . . . . . . . . |
| 2 0 0 9 | 00606 | IPT 4038 | 31038 | A . . . . . . . . . |
| 2 0 0 10 | 00607 | SIP | 31900 | A . I . . . . . . . |
| 2 0 0 11 | 00608 | SIP | 31901 | . . . . . . . . . . |

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
History Info (RFC 4244)
External Gateways

„ The purpose of this feature is to add the “History-Info” header in the Invite
message for SIP External gateways, SIP Voice mails

„ The RFC4244 defines a standard mechanism for capturing the history

information associated with a SIP request

<From: Poste A>
SIP Voicemail
<History-info: Called B – Cause: Immediat Forwarding>

SIP Externe Gateway

(Public Operator)
Extension A

Extension B
(Forwarded to an equipment / SIP)

„ This capability enables many enhanced services by providing more information

about a call

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In case of External voicemail, the History info can be used to reach the right

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
History Info (RFC 4244)
External Gateways (Cont’)

„ The RFC4244 defines a new optional SIP header, “History-Info”, for sending the history
information in requests

„ When the Call is forwarded from CS to Sip External gateway, the History-Info header is
added in SIP Invite message, which contains the initial Called User information

„ The History Info header contains Targeted-To-URI, cause parameter and index parameter

z The Targeted-To-URI contains the Called User SIP URI

z The Index parameter contains the chronological order of the information

† In OXE case the index parameter is always set to 1

z The cause parameter contains the forward reason

† The CS will specify the cause

{ 302 for Immediate /Unconditional Forward
{ 486 for Forward on Busy
{ 480 for Forward on no reply

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
History Info (RFC 4244)
External Gateways (Cont’)

„ In case of forwarding

z The “Invite” and “To” URI are different

† The “Invite” URI is the final destination
{ The directory N° used for the forwarding
† The “To” URI is the original called set

z The “Cause” field indicates the reason of forward

„ In case of remote extension

z Both “Invite” and “To” URI are equal

† The “Invite” URI is the public N°
† The “To” URI is also the public N°

z There is no “Cause” field because it is not a forwarding

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
History Info (RFC 4244)
External Gateways - Restrictions

„ This feature is not implemented for SEPLOS

„ If the CS receives History-Info header in any of the SIP Requests, it will ignore
the header

„ When the CS is in transit case

z When a call is established between two different external SIP entities/

gateways via the CS, the same “History-Info” header will not be added in
outgoing message for destination SIP entity

† For example, a simple call is established from SIP External Gateway to OXO via CS

{ The CS will always add only one History-Info entry in INVITE Request
{ For Multiple forwarding cases, the History-Info header contains the last forwarded user
Š So the index parameter is always set to 1

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
“History Info” (RFC 4244)
External Gateways (Cont’) - Configuration

„ In order to send the initial calling user Id (instead of the forwarded set Id)
z /System / Other System Parameters/ External Signaling Parameters
† NPD for external forward: specify an already created NDP
{ The given NPD is not really used but only activates the feature (the NPD selected via the
ARS will be really used to setup the “Calling Number”)

„ To insert the “History” info in the “INVITE” message, the following field has to
be set up:
z /Trunk Groups/ Trunk Group
† IE External Forward: Diverting_LEG_INFO

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Situation: the user 31000 calls the user 31500 who is forwarded to tan external number “998837000”
Example of an “INVITE” message « INVITE » via an external SIP Gateway

1255676240 -> SEND MESSAGE TO NETWORK ( [UDP]) (BUFF LEN = 1195)
INVITE sip:+998837000@;user=phone SIP/2.0
Supported: replaces,timer,100rel
User-Agent: OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.3
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uac
Min-SE: 900
P-Asserted-Identity: "noe 4039 ACT 0" <sip:+2981431000@>
History-Info: <sip:2981431500@
Content-Type: application/sdp
To: <sip:2981431500@;user=phone>
From: "noe 4039 ACT 0" <sip:+2981431000@>;tag=3256c741df91b8ce456adb0

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Call Server Information display

„ A SIP MESSAGE can be sent to the SEPLOS device in order to inform the user
about the CS settings
Š Forward activation
Š Do not disturb activation
Š Remote extension deactivation
Š Hunting group belonging
Š Appointment or wake-up programmed
Š Lock activation

„ There is a new SIP method called “Message”

† A message is sent for display with an information link with the activated feature

„ If the terminal is not compatible with the “Message” method it does not take
into account the message and reject the method with a message “405: method
not allowed”

„ Accents a specific letters

† By default the OXE provides UTF-8 coded letters for display. According to the set
compatibility, it may be required to de-activate this feature for a better display

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1) Management object: SIP Extension/Class of service: “Display UTF-8: No”

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Call Server Information display
With a compatible terminal

„ DND activation


Invite (DND prefix)

100 Trying

183 Session progress

Message : “Do not disturb activated”

200 OK

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1) In addition to the “183 Session Progress” message, the OXE connects the SEPLOS terminal to the corresponding feature voice guide

Via the SIP “Message” method the OXE sends a “Do Not disturb activated” message in order to display this information on the screen of
the terminal.
The SEPLOS terminal must be compatible with this “Message” method otherwise it will be rejected without any effect on the feature
itself that will be activated anyway.

The secret code is sent to a DTMF receiver (via a RTP flow)

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Call Server Information display
With a compatible terminal

„ DND de-activation


Invite (DND prefix)

100 Trying

183 Session progress

Message : “”

200 OK

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The SIP method “Message” sends an empty message in order to cancel the displayed information sent previously.

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Call Server Information display
With a compatible terminal

„ Forwarding activation


Invite (Forwarding on busy prefix)

100 Trying

183 Session progress

Message : “Frwrd on busy Æ 31000”

200 OK

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The destination number is sent to a DTMF receiver (via a RTP flow)

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Call Server Information display
With a compatible terminal

„ Forwarding de-activation


Invite (Forwarding cancellation prefix)

100 Trying

183 Session progress

Message : “”

200 OK

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Call Server Information display
With a compatible terminal

„ Hunting group entry


Invite (Hunting group entry prefix)

100 Trying

183 Session progress

Message : “You are in the group”

200 OK

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Call Server Information display
With a compatible terminal

„ Hunting group exit


Invite (Hunting group exit prefix)

100 Trying

183 Session progress

Message : “You are out of group”

200 OK

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Call Server Information display
With a compatible terminal

„ Hunting group entry and DND activation

Invite (Hunting group entry prefix)

100 Trying

183 Session progress

Message : “You are in the group”

200 OK

Invite (DND prefix)

100 Trying

183 Session progress

Message : “Do not disturb activated - You are in the group”

200 OK

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It is possible to provide information about several features like DND validated when belonging to a hunting group for example

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Call Server Information display
With a compatible terminal

„ DND de-activation (Stay within the hunting group)


Invite (DND prefix)

100 Trying

183 Session progress

Message : “You are in the group”

200 OK

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When DND is cancelled the CS does not send an empty message but a message about the hunting group belonging
The CS checks the status of all of the features that requests a message in order to build the new message when a feature is de-

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Call Server Information display
With an incompatible terminal

„ DND activation


Invite (DND prefix)

100 Trying

183 Session progress

Message : “Do not disturb validated”

405 Method not allowed

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If the SIP device is not compatible with the “Message” method it sends a “405 Method not allowed” to the CS but anyway the feature is
taken into account, it’s only the display on the device that will not work.

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Reason header (RFC 3326)

„ There is a new field called “Reason Header” that provides information about
the cause of call re-routing or rejected (Busy / Do not Disturb…)

z The RFC 3326 defines the field structure

„ The following values have been defined:

† Status code
{ RFC 3261 (Global SIP RFC)

z Q.850
† Cause value in decimal
{ ITU-T Q.850

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Q850 standard defines the cause of ISDN call rejection

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS Reason header (RFC 3326)
Example with Q850 cause

„ An incoming call from the public side generates an INVITE

„ When the public user release the call a CANCEL message is sent by the gateway

z This message contains the cause of the release (Q850 16)

Caller SIP GW Called


100 Trying

Release (16)
Cancel (Q.850 16)

200 OK

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02

„ The CS is able to

z Handle SIP PRACK Offer and Response with SDP

z Re-negotiate the codec if new offer SDP is received in PRACK

z Avoid sending new SDP offer in “200 OK” for “Invite” and send the SDP offer
in “Re-Invite” in case “PRACK” is required for the call

„ This feature is only available for SIP External gateways

z The CS will not send PRACK method to SEPLOS, SIP Devices, SIP Voice mails
and OTUC

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Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise – R9.1 SIP Newness

Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Call Admission Control for FAX calls

„ The purpose of the Call Admission Control (CAC) is to control the number of IP
communications between IP telephony domains
z It takes into account the bandwidth limitation of the IP network

„ The CAC is working in the following way :

z Each IP domain defines the maximum number of voice connection
† A call between two parties belonging to different IP domains is authorized only when this value
of CAC is not reached
† When a voice communication is established between different IP domains, the value of the CAC
is incremented by 1 for both IP domains
z There is no control on calls between two parties belonging to the same domain

„ Many customers want to use G711 algorithm for FAX calls and G729/G723 algorithm for
Voice calls
z G711 needs more bandwidth that G72x
z This feature will help the customers to control the number of calls dynamically
z When there are FAX calls, the number of voice calls can be limited to less number
than no FAX call situation
† This mechanism of controlling the bandwidth is possible for any other kind of equipment

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Call Admission Control for FAX calls

„ With this feature, IP domains can be configured so that two domains are
Tandem domains

„ The voice equipment are in a “Tandem primary IP domain” and the FAX are in a
“Tandem secondary IP domain”

z The two domains are linked together

z A factor is applied to the FAX calls

† If the factor is 3 then each FAX call count for 3 voice calls in the CAC

z The maximum number of calls in the secondary IP domain defines the FAX
† This value cannot exceed the maximum number of calls of the primary IP domain
divided by the CAC factor

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Call Admission Control for FAX calls

„ Example:

z Domain 1 and Domain 2 are tandem domains

† Intra and Extra algorithms of Domain 1 are G711 and G729 respectively

† Intra and Extra Algorithms of Domain 2 are G711 and G711 respectively

z The configuration can be managed in order to authorize only 1 voice call

when there is a fax call and 3 voice calls if there is no FAX call

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Call Admission Control for FAX calls

„ /IP/IP Domain
z IP Domain N°: 1

† Tandem Primary domain : -1

† Domain Max Voice connection :6

z IP Domain N°: 2

† Tandem Primary domain :1

† Domain Max Voice connection :2
† Tandem CAC Factor :3

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Tandem Primary domain : -1 in case of Primary domain (Voice terminals) otherwise the value of the associated Primary IP domain in
case of secondary.

Tandem CAC Factor : Each time a FAX call is established, the CAC value of the primary domain is increased of this value (the CAC of
the secondary one is increased of 1).

Domain Max Voice connection : In the primary domain it is the maximum number of voice calls that can be established.
In the secondary domain it is the maximum number of FAX calls. A fax call count for a “tandem CAC factor” in the primary domain.

Primary IP domain 5
tandem primary domain : -1
domain max voice connection : 6

Secondary IP domain 6
tandem primary domain :5
domain max voice connection : 2
tandem CAC factor :3

It is possible to establish a maximum of 6 voice calls or of 2 fax calls or a combination of them.

A fax call = 3 voice calls in this example. So if there are 1 fax call established it is possible to establish 3 voice calls maximum.
In the opposite, if there are form 4 to 6 voice calls established, it is not possible to establish any FAX calls.

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Call Admission Control for FAX calls

„ cnx dom

Wed Jun 24 14:54:11 CEST 2009

IP Domain

domain type : IP_R-> IP_REMOTE NIPR-> NO_IP_REMOTE

| number | 0 | 1 | 2 |
| type | NIPR | IP_R | IP_R |
| allowed | ffff | 6 | 2 |
| used | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| RIP Intr| G711 | G711 | G711 |
| RIP Extr| G711 | G723 | G711 |

| IPP Intr| G711 | G711 | G711 |

| IPP Extr| G711 | G723 | G711 |

| cac over| 0 | 0 | 0 |
| comp alw| 48 | 0 | 0 |
| comp use| 1 | 0 | 0 |
| comp fre| 23 | 0 | 0 |
| comp out| 24 | 0 | 0 |
| comp ovr| 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Tand PDm| -1 | -1 | 1 |
| Tand CAC| -1 | -1 | 3 |

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Tand PDm : primary domain index

Tand CAC : value of the CAC for each call of this domain (CAC factor)

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SEPLOS: “SIP/CSTA divert service”

„ The purpose of the feature “SEPLOS SIP/CSTA - Divert Service” is to provide the
“Divert” service over CSTA for SEPLOS

„ The typical case is to reroute the caller to a given number

z When a SEPLOS user receives a call it can send a CSTA “divert” service
request to the CS

† This request provides the “divert destination”

z The CS releases the SIP call on the called extension and reroute the caller on
the new destination number

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
Mapping between ABC−F/ISDN causes and SIP responses

„ From the release 9.1 it is possible to manage the codes sent by the CS in case of
problem in case of ABCF/ISDN ÅÆ SIP exchanges

„ There are two new objects for this management

z SIP To CH Error Mapping (1)

† Examples :
{ Not Found ÅÆ unallocated number
{ Address Incomplete ÅÆ invalid number format
{ Busy Here ÅÆ user busy

z CH To SIP Error Mapping (2)

† Examples :
{ unallocated number ÅÆ Not Found
{ user busy ÅÆ Busy Here
{ invalid number format ÅÆ Address Incomplete

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1) Mapping for corresponding messages from SIP to Call Handling (telephone application)

2) Mapping for corresponding messages from Call Handling to SIP (telephone application)

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
Mapping between ABC−F/ISDN causes and SIP responses

z SIP to CH error mapping

† SIP response : Not Found

† ChCause : Unallocated Number(1)
† …

z CH to SIP error mapping

† ChCause : Unallocated Number

† SIP response : Not Found(1)
† …

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1) The mapping can be modified

List of CH cause:
Unallocated number
User busy
No user responding
Call rejected
Invalid number format
Temporary failure
Bearer capability not implemented

The list of SIP cause is much more important.

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Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Contact Header – User part

„ Before the release 9.1, the user part was sent only in the “From” field

z Only the gateway ip address was sent in the “contact” field

† FROM: <sip:11001@> ; tag=00aaecc650e01974500c5a73de

† Contact: <sip:;transport=UDP>

„ For external gateways, as of the R9.1, the user part is sent in the “FROM” and
in the “Contact” fields

† FROM: <sip:11001@> ; tag=00aaecc650e01974500c5a73de

† Contact: <sip:11001@;transport=UDP>

„ Some carriers uses the user part in the “Contact” field for authentication and

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Example of Invite message:

1112864159 -> SEND MESSAGE TO NETWORK ( [UDP]) (BUFF LEN = 1071)
Supported: replaces,timer,100rel
User-Agent: OmniPCX Enterprise R9.1 i1.605.14
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uac
Min-SE: 900
P-Asserted-Identity: "DuFour Jean" <;user=phone>
Content-Type: application/sdp
From: "DuFour Jean" <;user=phone>;tag=531
Contact: <sip:2014331000@;transport=UDP>
Call-ID: 5daf6ec876e782391898d312d90ed428@
CSeq: 250642940 INVITE
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKf08d858301fe6fdb5724d0a6c096cec9
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Length: 312

Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise – R9.1 SIP Newness

Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Contact Header – User part
Local users calls to SIP

„ Without “secret identity”

z Without spatial redundancy

† FROM: <sip:11001@ > ; tag=00aaecc650e01974500c5a73de
† Contact: <sip:11001@ ;transport=UDP>
z With spatial redundancy
† FROM: <sip:11001@node1.spatialI1 > ; tag=00aaecc650e01974500c5a73de
† Contact: <sip:11001@node1.spatialI1(2) ;transport=UDP>

„ With “secret identity”

z Without spatial redundancy

† FROM:sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid;tag=00aaecc650e01974500c5a73de
† Contact: <sip:11001@;transport=UDP>
z With spatial redundancy
† FROM:sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid;tag=00aaecc650e01974500c5a73de
† Contact: <sip:11001@node1.spatialI1;transport=UDP>

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1) IP@ of the CS

2) Host name and DNS local domain from the SIP gateway parameters

Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise – R9.1 SIP Newness

Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Contact Header – User part
Trunk call to SIP

„ Without “secret identity”

z Without spatial redundancy

† FROM: <sip:12006@>;tag=d8ce180b20403245d4cd85021
† Contact: <sip:12006 (1) @;transport=UDP>
z With spatial redundancy
† FROM: <sip:12006@node1.spatialI1>;tag=d8ce180b20403245d4cd85021
† Contact: <sip:12006@node1.spatialI1;transport=UDP>

„ With “secret identity”

z Without spatial redundancy

† FROM:sip:<SIP-ISDN@>;tag=00aaecc650e01974500c5a73de
† Contact: <sip:99405 (2) @;transport=UDP>
z With spatial redundancy
† FROM:sip:<SIP-ISDN@node1.spatialI1>;tag=00aaecc650e01974500c5a73de
† Contact: <sip:99405@node1.spatialI1;transport=UDP>

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1) Id of the public caller party

2) Installation N° of the SIP TG entity

Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise – R9.1 SIP Newness

Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Method update for early media (RFC 3311)

„ The UPDATE method defined in RFC 3311 allows to provide updated session
information before to receive a final response to the initial INVITE request
z Early media allows to open the RTP flow before the final response in order to
be able to send ringing tones or announcements

„ The UPDATE method can be sent by a UA within a dialog in order to update

session parameters without impacting the dialog state itself

„ The UPDATE method is already implemented in OXE for session timer

z It has been modified in order to be compliant with RFC 3311

„ Example of situation that needs this method

z The CS sends an INVITE to an external gateway with SDP and receives a 18x
response with SDP
z If after this response there is a change in the call properties then the CS
sends a new SDP in an update message
† It can occurs after transfer or algorithm change because of IP domains

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Update method is available only for external SIP gateways.

The CS will not send any update message to the SEPLOS, SIP devices, SIP Voice mail or OTUC

According to the “SDP in 180” field value managed in the external gateway object, the CS sends or not the SDP in the 180 and the
update method
If the value is false the CS will not send any update message

Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise – R9.1 SIP Newness

Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Method update for early media (RFC 3311)
Flow without update method

CS Gateway
Invite with SDP 1

18x with answer to SDP1 + update method forbidden

200 OK for Invite without SDP


Re Invite with SDP 2

200 OK for Invite with answer to SDP 2


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Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise – R9.1 SIP Newness

Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Method update for early media (RFC 3311)
Flow with update method

CS Gateway
Invite with SDP 1

18x with answer to SDP1 + update method allowed

Update with SDP 2

200 OK for Update with answer to SDP 2

200 OK for Invite without SDP


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Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise – R9.1 SIP Newness

Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Active calls display
“sipdump” tool

„ The first development step in OXE R8.0.1 provides a new tool called “sipdump”,
which gives a status about the internal resources of the SIP Gateway

„ The second step in OXE R9.0 provides an interface in order to filter the traces
of SIP calls

„ The third step in OXE R9.1 provides two more options

z Display of calls through a gateway (submenu “8”)

z Display of calls in a trunk group (submenu “9”)

„ The tool can dump only the SIP calls handled by the SIP gateway
† SIP calls, which are directly handled by the SIP proxy, are not concerned
{ For example, a call between two SIP devices (without Call Admission Control) won’t be able
to be dumped by the tool
† A call between two SIP extensions is handled by the SIP gateway
† The filter are applied only on the SIP calls, which are handled by the SIP gateway

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Two connections are required to use this tool. On one hand a connection to manage (setup) filters via the “sipdump” tool, and on other
hand a second connection to run a SIP trace (motortrace)

Complete menu:
SIP Gateway resources menu

1 - Dump the gateway management datas

2 - Dump a call
3 - Display the number of calls
4 - Display the calls-neqt mapping
5 - Display the calls list
6 - Release a call
7 - Display subscription list
8 - Display calls through a gateway
9 - Display calls in a trunk group
10 - SIP traces filters
0 - Exit

Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise – R9.1 SIP Newness

Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02
SIP: Active calls display
“sipdump” tool (Cont’)

„ A filter setup and/or an option selection in the “sipdump” tool will be

automatically applied on the “motortrace” trace (activated via “traced”)

„ 8- Display calls through a gateway

† Gateway Number : specify the expected gateway

„ 9- Display of calls in a trunk group

† Trunk Group Number : 100 (for example)

† Display of trunk groups Menu

{ 1 - Display calls through any one gateway using the trunk group(100)
Š Gateway Number : specify the expected gateway
{ 2 - Display calls through all the gateways using the trunk group(100)
{ 0 - Previous menu

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Example of result:

Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise – R9.1 SIP Newness

Ref. ENTP0400P14TEUS Issue 02

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