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Present simple
Usamos o present simple para descrever coisa que são sempre verdades ou situações que existe agora e
até onde sabemos continua indefinitivamente.

Ex: It takes me five minutes to get to school.

Tree grow more quickly in summer than in winter.

Nós usamos o present simple para falar sobre habitos ou ações regulares no dia-a-dia.

Ex: I leave work at 5:30 most days.

Each July we go to Turkey for a holiday.


Para falar sobre determinadas ações ou eventos que já começaram, mas ainda não terminou no momento
de falar, usamos o present continuous.

Ex: Why are you jumping up and down?

I’m hearing a lot of good reports about your work these days.

Para falar sobre determinadas ações ou eventos que já começaram, mas ainda não terminou no momento
de falar, usamos o present continuous.
The car isn’t starting again.
Who are you phoning?

Present Simple or Present Continuous:

John _________________(collect) stamps in his spare time. It’s his hobby.

How are you getting on with the book? –At the moment _________________(I/read) chapter four.
Alice _________________(see) her mother in London most weekends.
Here we are in Paris again. We _________________(stay) in a very comfortable hotel.
Each week she _________________(go) to hospital.
Marion _________________(play) the violin brilliantly, doesn’t she?
Paul is an excellent linguist. He _________________(speak) six languages fluently.
My mother _________________(cook) the meal at the moment.
We usually _________________(get) up at 7:00.
Water _________________(boil) at 100 c.

1 collects 2 I am reading 3 sees 4 are staying 5 goes 6 plays 7 speaks 8 is cooking 9 get 10 boils

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