Adjetives As Synonyms

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Match the synonyms.(similar adjectives).

absurd – bizarre – disgusting – dreadful – dumb – fabulous – fantastic – horrible - marvelous – odd
outstanding – ridiculous – silly – terrible – unusual – weird

1. __________________ foolish ; not sensible.

2. __________________ (especially American) very stupid.
3. __________________ unusual; strange.
4. __________________ very bad, causing great pain, suffering, causing great fear or horror.
5. __________________ odd or very strange.
6. __________________ unreasonable or ridiculous.
7. __________________ unbelievable and like a fantasy, very good.
8. __________________ feeling of sickness, repulsive.
9. __________________ very good in some way, wonderful.
10. __________________ excellent, very good.
11. __________________ odd or very strange.
12. __________________ unpleasant, causing horror.
13. __________________ very silly, deserving to be laughed at.
14. __________________ wonderful.
15. __________________ terrible.
16. __________________ rare, uncommon.

2 – Matching.
The following is a talk given by a teacher to a discouraged student. First try to work out how the teacher finished the sentences.
The actual endings are on the list 2. Match them.

List 1
1. In the end, if you don’t study _______________________________________________________.
2. All I know is that when you started with me ___________________________________________
3. I know you can pass the exam ______________________________________________________
4. The bottom line is there’s no easy way _______________________________________________
5. When you get right down to it, the only thing holding you back ____________________________
6. It all comes down to how much _____________________________________________________
7. Even if you don’t pass the test, _____________________________________________________
8. The key is to speak English as much as _______________________________________________
9. What we’re really talking _________________________________________________________
10. If you want to learn English, you have to _____________________________________________
11. It’s just like anything else – if at first you don’t ________________________________________

List 2

1. it’s a question of learning the right test- talking skills.

2. the fact is you have improved and there’s always next time.
3. you won’t learn.
4. you want to pass.
5. you could hardly speak a word.
6. to learn English.
7. is yourself.
8. work hard. That’s the bottom line.
9. about here is putting in the time that’s required.
10. possible and try not to translate too much.
11. succeed, try, try again.


In this exercise you have to explain what some words mean. Choose the right meaning from the list and
them right a sentence with who.

 He / she steals from a shop

 He / she doesn’t eat meat
 He / she designs buildings
 He / she breaks into a house and steal things
 He / she doesn’t drink alcohol
 He / she buys something from a shop

A – ( an architect) . An architech is someone who designs buildings.

B – (a burglar) _____________________________________________________________________
C – (a vegetarian ) __________________________________________________________________
D – (a customer ) ___________________________________________________________________
E – (shoplifter) _____________________________________________________________________
F - (teetotaler) _____________________________________________________________________

Now you have to read two sentences and then write one sentence with the same meaning. Use a relative
clause in your sentence.

A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital.

The girl who was injured in the accident is now in the hospital.

A – A man answered the phone. He told me you were out.

The man __________________________________________________________________________
B – A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.
The __________________________________________________________________________
C – Some boys were arrested. They have now been released.
The boys __________________________________________________________________________

The sentences in this exercise are not complete. Choose the most suitable ending from the list and make into
a relative clause.
he invented the telephone - it makes typewriters - she runs away from home - it gives you the
meaning of words – they are never on time – it won the race – the stole my car – it can support life –
they used to hang on that wall – it was found last week

1. Gerry works for a company that (or which) makes typewriters.

2. The book is about a girl ____________________________________________________________
3. What was the name of a horse _______________________________________________________
4. The police have caught the man _____________________________________________________
5. Alexander Bell was the man ________________________________________________________
6. Where are the pictures ______________________________________________________________
7. The police are still trying to identify the body ____________________________________________
8. A dictionary is a book ______________________________________________________________
9. I don’t like people _________________________________________________________________
10. It seems the Earth is the only planet ___________________________________________________

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