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Gagal Ginjal

Wahyu Hendrarti
Chronic Renal Failure [ARF]

Gagal Ginjal Kronik
Chronic Kidney Disease
• The kidney is made up of approximately 2
million nephrons that are responsible for
filtering, reabsorbing and excreting solutes and
• As the number of functioning nephrons declines,
the primary functions of the kidney that are
affected include:
 production and secretion of erythropoietin
 activation of vitamin D
 regulation of fluid & electrolyte balance
 regulation of acid-base balance
Gagal Ginjal Kronik
 Gagal Ginjal Kronik (CRF): gangguan fungsi
tubuh dimana ginjal sudah tidak mampu
menyaring albumin (protein darah) yang
seharusnya dibuang bersama urin, sehingga
pasien mengalami gangguan metabolisme
protein, lemak, dan karbohidrat.
 Tindakan:
1. Kontrol Tekanan darah.
2. Batasi Asupan Protein
3. Mengelola masa prestadium akhir GG (Pre-ESRD)
4. Mengidentifikasi&Mengobati Hiperparatiroidisme
5. Prosedur Cuci Darah [Hemodialisis] atau Transplantasi
Key consepts of Chronic
kidney disease [CKD]
❶ Chronic kidney disease is a
progressive disease that eventually
leads to renal failure [end-stage
renal disease → ESRD].
❷ Early detection and treatment of
CKD are fundamental factors in
minimizing morbidity and mortality
associated with CKD.
Key consepts of Chronic kidney
disease [CKD]
❸ Declining renal function disrupts the
homeostasis of the systems regulated by
the kidney, leading to fluid & electrolyte
imbalances, anemia, & metabolic bone
❹ Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
[ACEIs] and angiotensin II receptor
blockers [ARB] decrease protein excretion
and are the drugs of choice for
hypertension in patients with CKD.
1. Kontrol Tekana darah
[tetap di 120-135/70-80 mmHg ~
ACEI dan ARB relatif lebih aman]
2. Batasi Asupan Protein: As. Amino
sebagai produk pecahan protein akan
kembali diproses menjadi karbohidrat dan
limbahnya berupa nitrogen akan
dieliminasi oleh ginjal sehingga akan
memperberat kerja ginjal serta
mempercepat perburukan CRF →
[0,6 – 0,8 g/KgBB/hari]
Pharmacologic Therapy
FIGURE 23–2. Hypertension management
algorithm for patients with CKD.

Drug of Efek Samping

Choice ACE-I/ARB
Key consepts of Chronic kidney
disease [CKD]
❺ The most common complication of CKD is
anemia, which is caused by a decline in
erythropoietin production by the kidneys
and can lead to cardiovascular disease.
❻The goal of anemia management is to
increase hemoglobin levels to greater than
11 g/dL (6.82 mmol/L), which generally
requires a combination of erythropoiesis-
stimulating agents & iron supplements.
• Mengelola masa prestadium akhir
GG (Pre-ESRD~end-stage renal
Treatment pra-ESRD harus dimulai
segera setelah GFR turun hingga
• Fokus identifikasi dan terapi anemia
[ginjal tidak mampu menghasilkan
Erythropoetin (EPO)]
FIGURE 23–3. Guideline for Erythropoietin therapy in the
management of ANEMIA of CKD.
Guidelines for iron
therapy in the
management of anemia
of CKD.
Key consepts of Chronic kidney
disease [CKD]
❼ Renal osteodystrophy stems from
disruptions in calcium, phosphorus, and
vitamin D homeostasis through the
interaction with the parathyroid
❽ The management of secondary
hyperparathyroidism involves correction
of serum calcium and phosphorus levels,
and decreasing parathyroid hormone
• Mengidentifikasi&Mengobati Hiperparatiroidisme
• P↓ fungsi ginjal berakibal akumulasi fosfat dalam
darah sehingga dpt mengurangi kadar kalsium darah
dan memacu kelenjar paratiroid utk melepaskan PTH.
• PTH kemudian larut dalam jaringan tulang dan
melepaskan kalsium ke dalam darah [siklus
hipertiroidisme sekunder]. Pasien bisa patah tulang,
nyeri otot, gatal2 & komplikasi KV sebagai akibat
penyakit tulang metabolik [Osteodistrofi Ginjal].
• Batasi asupan makanan/minuman tinggi Fosfat
[produk susu, cola]. Pasien disarankan konsumsi
suplemen Vitamin D dosis tinggi [untuk menekan
produksi PTH berlebih]
Pathogenesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism & renal osteodystrophy
Key consepts of Chronic kidney
disease [CKD]
❾Patient education and planning for dialysis
should begin at stage 4 CKD, before end-
stage renal disease [ESRD] is reached, to
allow for time to establish appropriate
access for dialysis.
❿Dialysis involves the removal of metabolic
waste products by diffusion and
ultrafiltration from the bloodstream across
a semipermeable membrane into an
external dialysate solution.
• Prosedur Cuci Darah [Hemodialisis] atau
Transplantasi Ginjal:
• Hemodialisis [tindakan pembuangan zat racun
dari darah yang disaring melalui membran
sementara di luar tubuh].
• Peritoneal dialysis [tindakan filtrasi dengan
memanfaatkan membran selaput rongga perut dg
cara memasukkan cairan ke ruang peritoneal dan
dibuang setelah selesai].
• Transplantasi Ginjal [tindakan cangkok ginjal
dgn teknik memasang ginjal dari tubuh pendonor
ke tubuh pasien resipien (pasien)].

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