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West Middle School 8th Grade Science Heidi Brungardt 254-

Blog address:

Frequently Asked Questions

Hello and welcome to 8th grade science! I am looking forward to working with and getting to
know each of you and I hope to challenge you to think like a scientist this school year.

What will I learn?

Over the course of the school year, we will discuss several concepts within science
including: classroom safety, chemistry, physics, scientific technology, and a short review of Life
Science and Earth Science.

What materials will I need?

• Positive Attitude • GlueStick
• Your Notebook (which you will • Colored Pencils
keep in class) • Pair of headphones
• Pencils (for science labs on the

How will I be graded?

• Participation in class (individual and group work)
• Notebook
• Weekly Homework
• Projects
• Quizzes and Exams
Grades will be posted in class every two weeks. You may also check your grade every two
weeks using You determine your success by your willingness to
devote the time, effort, and energy to in-class and out-of-class commitment.

What can I expect for homework?

There will generally be a short weekly homework assignment. These are due at the
beginning of class on Fridays. Other homework may include overflow from daily
work, daily reflection and review, long-term projects, or absentee work.

When may I get extra help? Do what active learners do. . .ask for help!
Ask me for help in class. . . that’s when I see you!
Write to me from, Check the blog weekly:
Email me:

What do I need to know about safety in the classroom? As safety is key to

any science classroom, you will sign a safety contract (next page) and pass a quiz
on safety prior to performing any laboratory activities. Safety expectations are
posted throughout the classroom as reminders. If you are safe with labs, then you
get to participate. If you choose to endanger the lab situation, you will be provided
with an alternative paper assignment.

What if I am absent?
Come to school and come often!!! 
If you do miss class, there are three places you need to look.
1. The front assignment board. 2. The absent folder on the back wall. 3.Check the
Copies of assignments will be in the absent folder (some may be on the blog). It is your
responsibility to find these. Please notify me if you know you will be missing class.
There may be activities that cannot be made-up at home, so if you miss class you may
have to arrange a time to make up that activity after school. You will receive a textbook
for the year. It is your responsibility to return it in the condition you received it. Fines may occur
if there is obvious mis-use of the book.

Your book is also on-line at

Extra Credit Opportunities: Extra credit opportunities will be available throughout the year. For it
to count, you must have all other assignments already turned in. Opportunities for extra credit may
include: self-check quizzes from your on-line text website (scores emailed to me), current events
paragraph summaries. Check the extra credit folder in the back of the room, for additional

How may my parents/guardians contact you?

The quickest way to contact me is through
Phone: 254-7435 (voicemail) or 254-5090 (school phone)

Ways parents can help at home: Read with students, talk about what’s going on in science,
watch the news together and discuss the science there, or even visit the Math and Science Center
on Unaweep Ave.!!!

How can I be successful in your class?

Top 10 keys for gaining success in Ms. Brungardt’s class:
10. The Power of 3!!! Respect, Responsibility, Relationship!
9. Read and follow all school rules and policies as well as all
safety expectations . . . they’re
there for a reason.
8. Use the restroom and get a drink during passing period.
7. Put your name on your paper . . . it’s your work, take credit for it! No
name = no credit.
6. Attend class everyday and participate in class discussion. Ask questions!
Challenge yourself-be an active learner!
5. Be ready to start with the bell. Tardies = Detention
4. Complete your own work, complete it to your best ability, complete it on time,
and turn it in.
3. Be prepared for class- pen or sharpened pencil, notebook, and any work that is
due, before the 1st bell rings.
2. At the end of the hour, be in your seats and make sure the room looks the way
you remember it from the first day of school (Immaculate!) and then I’ll dismiss
And the number one key to gaining success in Ms. Brungardt’s science class. . .
1. Consistently bring a positive attitude with you to class.

What if I mess up?

If I see there is a disruption in the learning cycle, you will get a quiet reminder from me.
If I continue to see the concern, we will have a chat and this may result in an written
behavior notification. You may call a parent/guardian concerning the matter, or if the
disruptive behavior continues, I may refer you to the office for extra behavior support.

We are a team and together we will have a successful school year!!!

Ms. Brungardt

Safety Contract
As a student in Ms. Brungardt’s science class, I will:

a. Follow all instructions the teacher gives me. _____

b. Follow all classroom safety expectations. ______
c. Wear proper protection for eyes, face, hands, and body as needed
during investigations. _____
d. Not consume food or drink, or apply makeup or have candy or gum
in lab. ______
e. Perform only investigations that the teacher has authorized. ______
f. Know the location and proper use of all safety equipment. _____
g. Know and follow all emergency procedures. ______
h. Dispose of waste material and broken glass properly. ____
i. Immediately report all injuries, spills, breaks or other unusual
happenings to the teacher. ______
j. Tie back loose clothing and hair. ____
k. Not remove any materials, equipment or chemicals from the
classroom. ____
l. Keep my area neat and my aisle clear. ____
m. Ask questions when I have difficulty understanding directions.
n. Behave in a safe and responsible manner at all times. _____

I understand that I may be assigned alternative activities if I choose not

to follow this contract. _______

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Return to Ms. Brungardt by Friday 8/22/08 Expectations for
Science 08-09
Safety Contract 2008-2009
I have read and understood the Frequently Asked Questions and the Safety
Contract for Ms. Brungardt’s 8th Grade Science Class. I agree to follow these

_______________________________________ Printed Name Here:

Student Signature Date _____________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date Block

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