Generator With Sacral Authority Exercise - Sacral Sessions, 5p

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Sacral Session Handout

Preparing for a Sacral Session

Partner with another person.

If you are the person who is responding (Person A):

• Get comfortable and relaxed in a sitting position. Make sure you are grounded.
• Take some breaths to relax your body.
• Be willing to be in the experiment without expectation.
• Relax your jaw.
• Place your attention on your gut area.
• Observe the reaction in your body when you are asked the questions.

If you are asking the questions (person B):

• Use the questions on the handout provided.

• Ask yes or no questions only.
• Person B has a dual role; you are the question asker and also the observer.
• Observe, without judgment, where the answers are coming from.
• As you ask the questions, notice if Person A is answering from their mind or gut.
• Ask if you can give Person A feedback about your observations.

Warm-up Questions for Sacral Session

Do you like ice cream? Do you speak English?

Is blue your favorite color? Do you have a pet?

Do you live in America? Do you like flowers?

Do you own a car? Do you like chocolate?

Do you like to watch TV Do you have brown hair?

Do you like Chinese food? Do you trust your sacral response?

Human Design International Training Manuals

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2007. Copyright Jovian Archive 2007
Page 2

Questions for Sacral Session

Living Conditions

Do you want clarity about your living conditions?

Do you need clarity about your living conditions?
Do you love where you live?
Do you love the home where you live?
Is your home big enough?
Is your home too big?
Should you rent a home?
Should you buy a home?
Would you like to remodel your home?
Can you afford to remodel your home?
Is your home okay like it is?
Do you love the city where you live?
Do you love the neighborhood where you live?
Do you love the state where you live?
Do you love the country where you live?
Do you need to move?
Do you want to move?
Do you need to create a space for yourself in your home?
Is it important for you to own your own home?


Do you like your car?

Is your car reliable?
Do you need to have your car checked?
Do you need a car?
Should you get a different car?

Love Relationship

Do you want clarity about your love relationship?

Do you need clarity about your love relationship?
Do you get what you need in your relationship?
Are you content in your relationship?
Is it okay to be discontent in your relationship?
Is your partner your friend?
Is your partner your lover?
Is it important for you to be in a relationship?

Human Design International Training Manuals

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2007. Copyright Jovian Archive 2007
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Do you want to improve your relationship?

Do you need to improve your relationship?
Can you accept your relationship the way it is?
Do you spend enough time together with your partner?
Do you need to spend more time with your partner?
Do you need to spend less time with your partner?
Do you feel emotionally satisfied in your relationship?
Do you feel mentally satisfied with your relationship?
Do you feel spiritually satisfied with your relationship?
Do you feel physically satisfied with your relationship?
Do you need challenge in your relationship?
Do you feel that your partner cares about your feelings?
Does your partner respect you?
Do you and your partner have enough sex?
Would you like your relationship to be more playful?
Would you like your relationship to be more romantic?
Does your relationship nurture you?
Do you want to explore this subject more deeply?


Do you want clarity about your relationships with your friends?

Do you need clarity about your relationships with your friends?
Do you have enough friends?
Do you need more friends?
Do you spend enough time with your friends?
Do you have a best friend?
Do your friendships nurture you?
Do you have friendships that you would like to deepen?
Is it time for you to make new friends?
Do you get enough time alone for yourself?


Do you want clarity about your health?

Do you need clarity about your health?
Are you eating correctly for your body?
Do you need to change your diet?
Are there things that you can do right now to improve your diet?
Do you need to get more information about a healthy diet?
Do you need to lower your fat intake?
Do you need to eat less?

Human Design International Training Manuals

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2007. Copyright Jovian Archive 2007
Page 4

Do you need to eat more?

Do you need to eat meat?
Is it healthy for you to be a vegetarian/vegan?
Do you love your body?
Would you like to change the way your body looks?
Do you accept you body the way it is?
Is it okay for you to accept your body the way it is?
Do you need to exercise more?
Is it right for you to have an exercise schedule?
Is it okay for you to work out only when it feels right for you?
Is running the right exercise for you?
Is yoga the correct exercise for you?
Is dancing the right exercise for you?
Is walking the right exercise for you?
Is swimming the right exercise for you?
Is working out with weights good for your body?
Are you satisfied with your physical health?
Do you feel healthy?
Is there something going on with your body that you need to pay attention to?
Do you need to see a doctor?
Do you need to see an alternative health care provider?

Creative Fulfillment

Do you want clarity about your job?

Do you need clarity about your job?
Do you like your job?
Is your job good for you?
Is it healthy for you to stay in your job?
Does your job satisfy your heart's desires?
Do you love what you do for work?
Do you look forward to beginning work each day?
Do you have to have this job?
Do you want to leave your job?
Can you stay in your job even if you (hate/dislike/want to leave it)?
Can you make your job more satisfying?
Do you feel respected at your job?
Does your pay reflect how hard you work?
Would you like to earn more at your job?
Do you like your co-workers?
Do you feel supported by your co-workers?
Do you feel valued by your co-workers?
Is your job stressful?

Human Design International Training Manuals

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2007. Copyright Jovian Archive 2007
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Do you need to take time off from your job?

Do you have time to pursue your creative desires?
Do you need more time to fulfill your creative desires?


Would you like clarity about your relationship with money?

Do you need clarity about your relationship with money?
Do you earn what you believe you are worth?
Do you have financial fears?
Are you satisfied with your financial situation?
Do you make enough money?
Would you like to make more money?
Do you need to change the way you spend money?
Do you and your partner agree on money issues?
Do you need to spend more money?
Do you need to spend less money?
Do you need to save more money?
Do you need to change your lifestyle?
Do you have all the money you need?
Do you have all the money you want?
Are you afraid to have more money?
Are you afraid to have less money?
Is it safe for you to have more money?
Is it safe for you to have less money?
Do you feel prosperous?

Human Design International Training Manuals

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2007. Copyright Jovian Archive 2007

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