Lesson Plan Maths: Learning Objectives

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Lesson Plan Maths

Curriculum (Learning) Area of Lesson: Mathematics (Fractions)

Specific Topic of Lesson: Fractions on a number line
Year Level/s: 4/5

Learning Objectives
As a result of engaging with the lesson, students will:
understand that
 Fractions can be ordered on a number line

know (e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates, information) be able to (do) (Skills, processes)
How to order fractions from 0-1 on a number line Work in small groups to place fractions on a number line
Work out how to divide a line up to determine where
fractions should be placed

Preassessment of Individual Student Readiness

No preassesment prior to lesson as fractions are a new topic, however groups have been formed due to students overall
performance in previous maths lessons. These groups will be adjusted where necessary after this lesson.

(Hearing Impairment)
- Wear FM when talking to the class, make sure you have his attention before you start talking, make sure you talk clearly
and at a louder volume when talking 1 on 1 without the FM
- Keep classroom calm, encourage him to stay/refer back to task, allow him to work in learning street where the
environment could be calmer/quieter
(Speech and Language Difficulties)
- Give extra time for responses, use techniques such as turn and talk to allow for practice of what he will say before he
answers teacher questions, consider how work is presented, written rather than oral form
(Very Low Literacy Levels, Undergoing Testing for Dyslexia)
- Give instructions verbally instead of just in written form, give extra time for reading work/instructions, present written
work in a more basic structure (use simpler words)
Lesson Plan
Lesson Sequence
Introduction (10 minutes)
 Explain that the topic we will be working on for the next 4 weeks is fractions.
 Go through some of the harder, more wordy questions, give a more basic example of the harder questions.
Activity 1 (30 minutes)
 Have students sit at desks, hand out tests, have students write their name on the top and then start the test.
 Give students approximately 30 minutes to complete the test.
 Students who finish the test can put their hands up and teacher will come around and pick up tests and hand out
a fractions secret code sheet.
Activity 2 (15 minutes)
- Introduce activity, explain how to break up the string into the amount of pieces of the denominator and count
along the amount of pieces as the numerator.
- Students will be placed in groups, each group is based on readiness and will be predetermined, as far as students
will be aware the groups will be randomly selected.
 Each group will receive a piece of string, 10 fraction cards and 12 pegs, 1 card labelled 0 and 1 card labelled 1. s
 Students are to place the 0 and 1 cards at either end of the string. Students are then to place the fraction cards in
order along the string.

Orange group (Highest)

 Student names
Red group (Second level)
 Student names
Blue group (Second Level)
 Student names
Pink group (Third Level)
 Student names
Purple group (Third Level)
 Student names
Green group (Lowest Level)
 Student names
Lesson Closure/ Check for Understanding
Exit Card (5 minutes)
Students will fill out an exit card to reflect on the lesson and provide information on what they want to learn in the next
lessons about fractions. The information gathered on the exit cards will help to guide future lesson planning. The type
of exit card used will be a 3,2,1 exit card. Students will write 3 things they know about fractions, 2 things they want to
know about fractions and 1 thing they learnt or enjoyed in the lessons today.

3,2,1 Reflection Card

3 things I know about fractions:

2 things I want to know about fractions:

1 thing I learnt/enjoyed today:

Lesson Plan Maths

Curriculum (Learning) Area of Lesson: Mathematics (Fractions)
Specific Topic of Lesson: Fraction relationships and fractions about us
Year Level/s: 4/5

Learning Objectives
As a result of engaging with the lesson, students will:
understand that
 There are families of fractions
 Fractions can be used to gather information about a group of people
know (e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates, information) be able to (do) (Skills, processes)
Halves, quarters and eighths are a family of fractions as Determine fractions that belong to the same families.
are thirds, sixths and ninths. Determine what information about a group of people that
Fractions can be used to record what fraction of a group can be represented in fractions
have common interests Work in groups to record fractions about the class.

Preassessment of Individual Student Readiness

Prior to this lesson a preassessment was conducted in the form of an exit card. This exit card was used to determine how much
knowledge students have on fractions and what students want to learn. This allows the lessons to be tailored to what the
students need to know as well as ensuring that we aren’t reteaching information. The other form of preassessment that was used
is the test that was also completed in the previous lesson. These two preassessments combined allow for us to know how in-
depth to go with the revision of fraction families and fraction data recording.

(Hearing Impairment)
- Wear FM when talking to the class, make sure you have his attention before you start talking, make sure you talk
clearly and at a louder volume when talking 1 on 1 without the FM
- Keep classroom calm, encourage him to stay/refer back to task, allow him to work in learning street where the
environment could be calmer/quieter
(Speech and Language Difficulties)
- Give extra time for responses, use techniques such as turn and talk to allow for practice of what he will say before he
answers teacher questions, consider how work is presented, written rather than oral form
(Very Low Literacy Levels, Undergoing Testing for Dyslexia)
- Give instructions verbally instead of just in written form, give extra time for reading work/instructions, present written
work in a more basic structure (use simpler words)
Lesson Plan
Introduction (5 minutes)
 Explain that there are families of fractions (halves, quarters and eights) (thirds, sixths and ninths)
Activity (15 minutes)
 Hand out each student 6 coloured strips of paper and a white piece of paper
 Lead students in folding the pieces of paper, demonstrating while giving instructions.
 Ask students to fold the first strip in half then unfold and stick on the white piece of paper. As students to
fold the second piece of paper in half, then in half again, ask students to unfold and place on white piece of
paper. Ask students to take the third piece of paper and fold it in half, then fold in half again, then fold in half
a final time. Ask students to unfold and place on white piece of paper.
 Ask students to fold the first strip in thirds then unfold and stick on the white piece of paper. As students to
fold the second piece of paper in thirds , then in half, ask students to unfold and place on white piece of
paper. Ask students to take the third piece of paper and fold it in thirds, then fold in thirds again. Ask students
to unfold and place on white piece of paper.
 Finally ask students what they notice about the pieces of paper, how folding thirds in thirds and halves in
halves can lead to 6ths and 9ths, quarters and 8ths, how these fractions are all related, part of the same family
Activity (20 minutes)
 Ask students to stand in a circle
 Explain that fractions can be used to represent information about a group of people.
 Ask all students who are 9 to step forward, on the board record this as a fraction (eg 6/30 are 9 years old) ask
these students to step back then do the same with students who are 10 and 11.
 Ask students if they can think of any information about the class that can be recorded this way, have these
students ask their questions to the class, record this information as a fraction.
 If students can’t come up with questions give them so more examples (how many have parents born overseas,
how many like chocolate, how many play netball, soccer, football, how many have brothers, how many have
sisters, how many are only children)
Lesson Closure/ Check for Understanding
Students will fill out an exit card that will determine if they managed to take away the main point of this lesson. The
main point if fraction families. In this lesson only the first two fraction families were taught, however there is a third
question regarding fraction families that follows the same pattern as the first families. This is an extension question
and will determine students who may need extending. There is also a final question that determines if students have
been able to comprehend what type of information can be recorded in fractions.

Reflection Card
Continue the number families as far as you can


Write a fraction about your family

Lesson Plan Maths


Curriculum (Learning) Area of Lesson: Mathematics (Fractions)

Specific Topic of Lesson: Place Value Extension
Year Level/s: 4/5
Learning Objectives
As a result of engaging with the lesson, students will:
understand that
 The place value system extends further than zero, into tenths, hundredths and thousandths
know (e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates, information) be able to (do) (Skills, processes)
That tenths, hundredths and thousands are an extension Identify how many tenths, hundredths and thousandths
of the place value system are in a decimal
That numbers on the right side of the decimal are less Explain the concept behind tenths, hundredths and
than one thousandths (tenths are ten parts of a whole)
That then tenths make up one, 100 hundredths make 1,
the 1000 thousandths make 1

Preassessment of Individual Student Readiness

There was no preassessment conducted that links directly to this lesson, however it can be determined, through previous work,
that students already know the place value system on the left of the decimal point, therefore these place value skills should be
able to transfer to place value on the right side of the decimal.

(Hearing Impairment)
- Wear FM when talking to the class, make sure you have his attention before you start talking, make sure you talk
clearly and at a louder volume when talking 1 on 1 without the FM
- Keep classroom calm, encourage him to stay on/refer back to task, allow him to work in learning street where the
environment could be calmer/quieter
Speech and Language Difficulties)
- Give extra time for responses, use techniques such as turn and talk to allow for practice of what he will say before he
answers teacher questions, consider how work is presented, written rather than oral form
(Very Low Literacy Levels, Undergoing Testing for Dyslexia)
- Give instructions verbally instead of just in written form, give extra time for reading work/instructions, present written
work in a more basic structure (use simpler words)
Lesson Plan
Introduction (20 minutes)
 Teacher to review basic place value rules. Ten ones make a ten, ten tens make a hundred. Explain that this
concept continues on with the lower side of place value, however the numbers go in reverse, ten thousandths
make a hundredth, ten hundredths make a ten, ten tenths make one.
 Teacher to then give examples. Write a decimal on the board, with numbers in appropriate columns and ask
questions about the number, as them how many hundredths, tenths and thousandths a number has (0.243 has
3 thousandths, 43 hundredths, 243 tenths) as well as which number is in each column, do this with a few
decimals until they appear to understand
Activity (10 minutes)
 Have students get out their maths books and sit at desk in pairs
 Give each pair a die and have them roll the die three time to end up with three numbers. Students at then to
answer the first question on the board using these numbers. Students to then roll the dice another three times
and answer the second question. Students will continue this until all 5 questions are answered.
- Make the biggest decimal
- Write the biggest number with an even number in the thousandths column
- Write the smallest decimal
- Write the smallest number with an odd number in the tenths column
- Write the biggest number with a 4 in the hundredths column
Activity (15 minutes)
 Following on from previous lesson.
 Once the class has determined between 10 and 15 fractions (will be placed on the board, fractions determined
in previous lesson), ask them to make a fractions about us poster in pairs. Show them an example, these
posters could then be displayed around the class.

Lesson Closure/ Check for Understanding

To check for understanding of this lesson student work will be used, this will be the work that is done in the students
maths books. The teacher will also ask the students to put up the number of fingers that they feel indicates their level
of understanding of this concept. 3 fingers for ‘I completely understand decimal place value’, 2 fingers for ‘I sort of
understand decimal place value’ and 1 finger for ‘I am completely lost’. This will allow the teacher to get a general
idea of how the class is going.

Lesson Plan Maths

Curriculum (Learning) Area of Lesson: Mathematics (fractions)
Specific Topic of Lesson: Place Value Extension
Year Level/s: 4/5

Learning Objectives
As a result of engaging with the lesson, students will:
understand that
 The place value system extends further than zero, into tenths, hundredths and thousandths

know (e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates, information) be able to (do) (Skills, processes)
That tenths, hundredths and thousands are an extension Identify how many tenths, hundredths and thousandths
of the place value system are in a decimal
That numbers on the right side of the decimal are less Explain the concept behind tenths, hundredths and
than one thousandths (tenths are ten parts of a whole)
That then tenths make up one, 100 hundredths make 1,
the 1000 thousandths make 1

Preassessment of Individual Student Readiness

There was no preassessment conducted that links directly to this lesson, however it can be determined, through previous work, that
students already know the place value system on the left of the decimal point, therefore these place value skills should be able to
transfer to place value on the right side of the decimal.

(Hearing Impairment)
- Wear FM when talking to the class, make sure you have his attention before you start talking, make sure you talk clearly
and at a louder volume when talking 1 on 1 without the FM
- Keep classroom calm, encourage him to stay/refer back to task, allow him to work in learning street where the
environment could be calmer/quieter
(Speech and Language Difficulties)
- Give extra time for responses, use techniques such as turn and talk to allow for practice of what he will say before he
answers teacher questions, consider how work is presented, written rather than oral form
(Very Low Literacy Levels, Undergoing Testing for Dyslexia)
- Give instructions verbally instead of just in written form, give extra time for reading work/instructions, present written
work in a more basic structure (use simpler words)
Lesson Plan
Lesson Sequence
Introduction (20 minutes)
 Teacher to review basic place value rules. Ten ones make a ten, ten tens make a hundred. Explain that this
concept continues on with the lower side of place value, however the numbers go in reverse, ten thousandths
make a hundredth, ten hundredths make a ten, ten tenths make one.
 Teacher to then give examples. Write a decimal on the board, with numbers in appropriate columns and ask
questions about the number, ask them how many hundredths, tenths and thousandths a number has (0.243 has 3
thousandths, 43 hundredths, 243 tenths) as well as which number is in each column, do this with a few decimals
until they appear to understand
Activity (20 minutes)
 Have students get out their maths books and sit at desk in pairs
 Give each pair a die and have them roll the die three time to end up with three numbers. Students are then to
answer the first question on the board using these numbers. Students to then roll the dice another three times and
answer the second question. Students will continue this until all 5 questions are answered.
- Make the biggest decimal
- Write the biggest number with an even number in the thousandths column
- Write the smallest decimal
- Write the smallest number with an odd number in the tenths column
- Write the biggest number with a 4 in the hundredths column

Activity 2 (20 minutes)

 Have students stand at their desks with their maths books in front of them
 Have students split their maths books horizontally into three boxes
 Ask students to write a three digit decimal in the first box
 Teacher to call out a number and a place value column (2 in the hundredths column), any student who has this
number is to then sit down, teacher to continue to then call out a different number and column students who
have this are to then sit down, teacher to continue this until all but one student is left standing, this is the last
number standing
 Students to write another number down and process is to repeat, this time the teacher will mix up the responses,
sometimes stating a number and column other times stating any student who has between 20 and 29 hundredths
is to sit down, continue this until all but 1 student is sitting down, repeat the process a third time if there is time
left in the lesson.
Lesson Closure/ Check for Understanding
Exit Card (5 minutes)

Lesson Plan Maths

Curriculum (Learning) Area of Lesson: Mathematics (fractions)
Specific Topic of Lesson: Fractions to decimals
Year Level/s: 4/5

Learning Objectives
As a result of engaging with the lesson, students will:
understand that

know (e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates, information) be able to (do) (Skills, processes)

Preassessment of Individual Student Readiness

In the previous lesson students were introduced to the place value system extending to the right of the decimal point. Students then
completed activities in their books to determine if the

(Hearing Impairment)
- Wear FM when talking to the class, make sure you have his attention before you start talking, make sure you talk clearly
and at a louder volume when talking 1 on 1 without the FM
- Keep classroom calm, encourage him to stay/refer back to task, allow him to work in learning street where the
environment could be calmer/quieter
(Speech and Language Difficulties)
- Give extra time for responses, use techniques such as turn and talk to allow for practice of what he will say before he
answers teacher questions, consider how work is presented, written rather than oral form
(Very Low Literacy Levels, Undergoing Testing for Dyslexia)
- Give instructions verbally instead of just in written form, give extra time for reading work/instructions, present written
work in a more basic structure (use simpler words)
Lesson Plan
Lesson Sequence
Introduction (20 minutes)
- Revise the lesson from yesterday ask what is a fraction (part of a whole), what is a decimal (part of a whole),
what are the three columns of a decimal called.
- Ask students that if I have 1 tenth (write as fraction) how might this look as a decimal , once students have
finished guessing (or it they get it right write it on the board) then ask what it would look like as a decimal if I
have 2 tenths……
- Once students have grasped the concept of tenths do the same with 1 hundredth and 1 thousandth.
- Then introduce students to concepts such as 25 hundredths (0.25) and 500 thousandths (0.5), asking the same
questions, (what might this look like) explain that the line acts as a divide like, 1 tenths is the same as 1 divided
by 10
Activity (10 minutes)
- Give each student a random card and ask them to stand up spreading out around the room, each card will have a
decimal on it at the top (excluding the first card which will just say start) at the bottom of each card it will say, ‘I
have (fraction) who has my decimal’.
- The student with that cards decimal will then need to say, I have it and read out the decimal. That student will
then read the bottom of their card and then sit down. This will continue until all students have read their card.
- Once students have completed this and are all sitting down the teacher will gather up the cards, mix them up and
hand them out again. The teacher will then challenge the students to do this activity again but beat their previous
Activity 2 (20 minutes)
 Have students in groups of 4 each group gets 4 bingo boards and a stack of bingo cards as well as counters.
 Each member of the group will then take it turns to turn over a card from the deck. All students in the group will
then check if they have the matching decimal/fraction that is on the card, on their board. If they do have a match
they will then put a counter on that square. The first to get 4 counters in a row/column will get bingo.
 Students will then shuffle the cards and start the game again.
Lesson Closure/ Check for Understanding
Exit Card (5 minutes)
Check for understanding will be done through observation of student work as well as student participation within the
lesson. At the end of the lesson students will also be asked to indicate how they feel about the content we went through
today. 3 fingers for I completely understand fractions to decimals, 2 fingers for I sort of understand fractions to
decimals and 1 finger for I am completely lost on this topic.

Lesson Plan Maths

Curriculum (Learning) Area of Lesson: Mathematics (fractions)
Specific Topic of Lesson: Fractions to percentages
Year Level/s: 4/5
Learning Objectives
As a result of engaging with the lesson, students will:
understand that

know (e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates, information) be able to (do) (Skills, processes)

Preassessment of Individual Student Readiness

In the previous lesson students were introduced to the concept of converting fractions to decimals. The teacher monitored how
students were working through the activities relating to this through observation and also through a confidence of content check at
the end of the lesson. Since the concept of converting fraction to decimals and fractions to percentages are very similar, these
observations and confidence checks will be used as a preassessment to determine where students are at regarding converting

(Hearing Impairment)
- Wear FM when talking to the class, make sure you have his attention before you start talking, make sure you talk clearly
and at a louder volume when talking 1 on 1 without the FM
- Keep classroom calm, encourage him to stay/refer back to task, allow him to work in learning street where the
environment could be calmer/quieter
(Speech and Language Difficulties)
- Give extra time for responses, use techniques such as turn and talk to allow for practice of what he will say before he
answers teacher questions, consider how work is presented, written rather than oral form
(Very Low Literacy Levels, Undergoing Testing for Dyslexia)
- Give instructions verbally instead of just in written form, give extra time for reading work/instructions, present written
work in a more basic structure (use simpler words)
Lesson Plan
Lesson Sequence
Introduction (20 minutes)
- Revise the lesson from yesterday ask what is a fraction (part of a whole), what is a decimal (part of a whole) and
build on this by asking what is a percentage (part of a whole)
- Put 1/100 on the board explain that this is the same as 1%, put 30/100 on the board, explain to the students that
this is the same as 30%
- Put 10/100 on the board, ask kids what this would look like as a decimal, ask kids what it would look like as a
percentage, explain that 0.1, 10% and 10/100 are all the same thing
- Put 1/10 on the board, ask kids what it would look like as a decimal, explain that this also means 10%
- See if kids get the concept with 8/10 explain that if we times both numbers by 10 we would end up with our
- Put 800/1000 on the board, explain that if we divide both numbers by 10 (take of a zero) we got 80/100
- Put the number 100/200 on the board, ask them their ideas of what percentage this might be, explain that if we
divided each number by 2 we would end up with 50/100, ask students if they can work out what 20/50 would
be, explain that if we times each number by 2 we would end up with 40/100, explain that as long as we get the
number on the bottom to 100 and we times/divide the number on the top by the same as the bottom the number
on the top once the bottom number is 100 is our percentage
Activity (20 minutes)
- Have students get into pairs, give each group a bag with the triangle/hexagonal puzzle in it.
- Students will need to match up the decimals, percentages and fractions, they will need to place triangles next to
each other with the sides that match touching (1/10, 0.1, 10% two of these will be on the cards and those two
will need to match.
- The triangles should all fit together with matching sides to make a hexagon.
Activity 2 Extension Task
- Students who finish early will get into pairs and roll a dice 10 times.
- Students will then need to work out what percentage of their rolls are even, odd, different numbers etc.
Lesson Closure/ Check for Understanding
Exit Card (5 minutes)
Check for understanding will be done through observation of student work as well as student participation within the
lesson. At the end of the lesson students will also be asked to indicate how they feel about the content we went through
today. 3 fingers for I completely understand fractions to decimals, 2 fingers for I sort of understand fractions to
decimals and 1 finger for I am completely lost on this topic.
1.1 – 1/10
1.2 – 20%
30% - 30/100
40% - 0.4
50% - 0.5
75% - 75/100
60% - 0.6
93% - 93/100
0.42 – 42%
86% - 86/100
33/100 – 0.33
0.8 – 8/10
0.9 – 9/10
66/100 – 66%
41/100 – 0.41
26% - 0.26
12/100 – 12%
1/100 – 1%
3/100 – 0.03
7/100 – 0.07
8/100 – 8%
15/100 – 0.15
4/1000 – 0.004
30/1000 – 3%
99/100 – 99%
55/100 – 0.55
0.37 – 37/100
22/100 – 0.22
18/100 – 18%
4/100 – 4%

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