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Post Test

Directions: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. It refers to those with mental retardation, giftedness and talent, learning disabilities, emotional
and behavioural disorders, communication disorders, deafness, blindness and low vision,
physical disabilities, health impairments, and severe disabilities.
A. Exceptional Children B. Children and Youth with Special Needs
2. It is referred to as Children with Special Needs (CSN)
A. Exceptional Children
B. Children and Youth with Special Needs
3. This means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in
understanding or in using the language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an
imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read and write, spell or to do the mathematical
A. Specific Learning Disability B. Emotional and Behavioural Disability
4. It refers to high performance in intellectual, creative or artistic areas, unusual leadership
capacity, and excellence in specific Academic Field.
A. Giftedness and Talent B. Mental retardation
5. It refers to the children who have great chances than other children to develop a disability. The
child is in danger of substantial development delay because of medical, biological, or
environmental factors.
A. At Risk B. Handicap
Test II. Reflection and Application
Directions: Respond to the following statements succinctly.

1. Define Special Education and give the Salient Features.

Special Education is a type of instruction which is to help those children and youth with
special needs on which they will assess and improve their own special capabilities to be a
valuable person in the future. And in relation to this statement, according to Heward (2003), in
current literature the special education defines as individually planned, systematically
implemented, and carefully evaluated instruction to help exceptional children to achieve the
greatest possible personal self-sufficiency and success in present and future environments. In
addition, Heward gave 4 point of views about Special Education which follows:
1. Special Education is legislatively governed enterprise.
2. Special Education is a part of the country’s educational system.
3. Special Education is teaching children with special needs in the at least restrictive
4. Special Education is purposeful intervention.
2. Is it correct to use disability as a Category Labels? Why or Why Not?
Category Label is useful in the way that these labels such as mentally retarded, learning
disabled, etc., give attention to the disability itself so it can be helpful on looking the positive
characteristic of a person. However, we have also these negative labels that tends to understand
negatively these disabled persons as hopeless and helpless. To sum up of what have been stated,
it depends on the ethical view of a person because these special human beings also have
psychological needs like everybody else and we have responsibility to feel to themselves that
they are belong, loved, and worthy.

Directions: Use the tables in filling in the Advantages and Disadvantages of Category

According to Heward (2003),

Advantages Disadvantages
1. It helps professionals communicate with one 1. Because labels usually focus on disability,
another and classify and assess research findings. impairment, and performance deficits, some
people may think only in terms of what the
individual cannot do instead of what he or she can
or might be able to learn to do.
2. Labeling may lead to "protective" response in 2. Labels may cause others to hold low
which children are more accepting of the atypical expectations for and to differentially treat a child
behavior by a peer with disabilities than they on the basis of the label, which may result to a
would be if that same behavior were emitted by a "self-fulfilling prophecy."
child without disabilities.
3. Funding of special education programs is often 3. Labels that describe a child's performance
based on specific categories of exceptionality. deficit often mistakenly acquire the role of
explanatory constructs.
4. Labels enable disability-specific advocacy 4. A labeled child may develop poor self-concept.
groups to promote specific programs and to spur
legislative action.
5. Labeling helps make exceptional children's 5. Labels may lead peers to reject or ridicule the
special needs more visible to the public. labeled child.

Deadline of Submission will be until October 12, 2020 (Monday)

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