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Construction and Building Materials 145 (2017) 538–547

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Asphalt modified with superfine electric arc furnace steel dust (EAF dust)
with high zinc oxide content
Alexandra Loaiza a, Sergio Cifuentes b, Henry A. Colorado a,⇑
CCComposites Lab, Universidad de Antioquia UdeA, Calle 70 No. 52-21, Medellín, Colombia
Conasfaltos S. A, Medellín, Colombia

h i g h l i g h t s

 In this research a particular EAF dust with high ZnO is evaluated as an admixture for asphalt up to 50 wt%.
 In addition to a very complete characterization, an analysis of an asphalt mechanism modified by chemical means was carried out.
 The particle distance was calculated using the composite materials theory, and other variables were analyzed in terms of these estimations.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Electric arc furnace (EAF) dust is a complex ceramic-type hazardous waste generated by the metallurgical
Received 1 January 2017 industry and produced worldwide in millions of tons. In this research EAF dust is evaluated as an admix-
Received in revised form 10 March 2017 ture for asphalt up to 50 wt%. The microstructure was analyzed by optical and scanning electron micro-
Accepted 5 April 2017
scopy. Fourier transform infrared spectra, penetration, softening point and viscosity tests were conducted
Available online 17 April 2017
for all compositions. The results show the penetration point increases until 10 wt% of waste and it then
decreases. Conversely, the softening point, penetration index (PI) and viscosity, decrease after 5 wt% and
reaches a minimum at 10 wt%. The particle distance was calculated using the composite materials theory,
Electric arc furnace dust
and other variables were analyzed in terms of inter-particle distance estimations.
Waste Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of EAF dust include bricks [5], recycling of metals [4], Portland
cement [6] and phase change materials [7].
Electric arc furnace dust (EAF dust) is a byproduct produced by Asphalt bitumen is used as a binder for EAF dust due to the fact
the electric arc furnace in the steel making industry. This waste is that the solidification process is inexpensive and suitable for stabi-
considered hazardous by the EPA (United States Environmental lizing such waste. EAF dust has been put into asphalt cement and
Protection Agency) [1], as it is dangerous for water sources if not asphalt concrete in order to use this waste for road infrastructure
well treated or stored. EAF dust is formed in the electric arc furnace and to decrease the pollution of water resources [8–10]. Vahčič
at approximately 1600 °C. Elements such as Zn, Cd and Pb present et al. [11] evaluated the leachability of EAF dust in asphalt concrete
in the scrap are volatilized and then condensed as soon as the tem- to determinate its environmental impact. Another waste that has
perature drops in the outlet of the furnace [2]. The waste is then been used more extensively in asphalt concrete is steel slag from
typically disposed of in baghouse systems. Fig. 1 shows a represen- the electric arc furnace [12,13] and steel slag from the basic oxygen
tation of EAF dust formation in the furnace. furnace [7,14,15].
According to the World Steel Association [3], the annual pro- Many diverse methods had been developed for treating the
duction of steel is approximately 1,600,000 tons. Of this, 33% is byproducts of pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processes.
produced by electric arc furnaces. EAF dust makes up about 1–2% However, these have only been partially successful because the
of the load in the furnace [4]. This means that annually 16,000 to recovery of metals is not fully efficient and typically generates
32,000 tons of EAF dust are generated worldwide. Reported uses more pollutant byproducts [4], which means the applied solution
can also produce hazardous waste itself. Fortunately, there are
more options coming from the asphalt industry, such as the solid-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Ingeniería, ification/stabilization (S/S) technology, a method of mixing a waste
Bloque 20, Calle 67 No. 53-108, Medellín, Colombia. with a binder in order to immobilize the pollutant agents found in
E-mail address: (H.A. Colorado). industrial wastes [16]. S/S is an economical and simple process to
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Loaiza et al. / Construction and Building Materials 145 (2017) 538–547 539

Fig. 1. EAF dust formation in the furnace and the furnace mechanism.

stabilize hazardous wastes when compared with other methods Ternium S.A company. EAF dust composition was measured with
[17], and when asphalt is used as a binder, properties like imper- an X-ray fluorescence Thermo model Optim’x and this is summa-
meability and stability in water are maximized. Moreover, if the rized in Table 2. It can be seen that the main components are iron
waste is mixed with asphalt and aggregates in an asphalt concrete, oxide (Fe2O3 = 21.5%) and zinc oxide (ZnO = 50.4%). Waste granu-
it can be used worldwide for building infrastructure, not only lometry was done using a #200 sieve.
because of its low cost but also because its processing is quite sim- Asphalt mixes were prepared as follows: 0.0 (neat asphalt) 1.0,
ple and only requires basic technology found in all countries. Fur- 50, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0 and 50.0 wt% of EAF dust. Mixing was con-
thermore, perhaps the most important feature is that this method ducted in a Velp Scientifica mechanical stirrer for 1 h at 155 °C and
has a significant impact on the environment as tons of waste can 200 rpm in order to guarantee a good powder distribution and liq-
be consumed and the waste is easily stabilized [18]. uid asphalt impregnation in the waste particles.
This paper shows an economical and viable alternative to Powder distribution was observed with a Leica optical micro-
improve asphalt performance and stabilize the ZnO content of haz- scope. The mix was then deposited in a glass slide and observed
ardous waste from the steel making industry. Alsheyab & Khedaywi in transmission mode. For SEM-EDS examinations, samples were
[8] evaluated the effect of EAF dust on an asphalt matrix. However, in mounted on a glass slide and sputtered in a Hummer 6.2 system
this paper EAF dust with a higher ZnO content is assessed, which is a (15 mA AC for 30 s) creating a film of gold approximately 1 nm
different material to what is presented before and therefore shows thick. The SEM used was a JEOL JSM 6490LV in high vacuum mode.
unique results. The waste and its asphalt composite were character- Powder size distribution was obtained from the analysis of the SEM
ized using several methods, including particle size distribution, opti- images using the Image-J software.
cal (OM) and scanning electron (SEM) microscopy, Fourier transform FTIR spectra were collected in a Shimadzu apparatus with wave
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), penetration, softening point, and vis- numbers ranging from 500 to 3500 cm1. Potassium bromide (KBr)
cosity tests. In addition, an analysis of an asphalt mechanism modi- powder was used for this test.
fied by chemical means was carried out. The poor use of EAF waste is Penetration tests were conducted following the ASTM D5 stan-
a worldwide problem. Huge quantities of unused dust are formed dard at 25 °C using a Controls type penetrometer. Softening point
and little research has been done on the subject. This paper attempts tests were done following the ASTM D36 standard using a standard
to look at new applications for such waste. ring and ball apparatus. Viscosity tests were carried out in a rota-
tional Brookfield viscometer at 60 °C in order to assess the high
2. Experimental phase temperature workability of different samples.
The penetration index was estimated from the penetration and
Asphalt grade 60–70 was supplied by the Ecopetrol Colombian softening point results using the corresponding equations [19].
national oil company and its properties appear in Table 1. The The asphalt-waste particle system follows Stoke’s law, which
waste EAF dust was generated in the steelmaking process at uses gravitational and floatability forces, and density and particle

Table 1
Asphalt properties as supplied by Ecopetrol.

Test Units Result Other information Methods

Viscosity at 60 °C cP 242,000 ASTM D 4402
Viscosity at 80 °C cP 21,750 ASTM D 4402
Viscosity at 100 °C cP 3725 ASTM D 4402
Viscosity at 135 °C cP 395 ASTM D 4402
Viscosity at 150 °C cP 217.5 ASTM D 4402
Ductility cm 140 100 Asfalto VENT
Gravity API Grados API 6.9 ASTM D 4052
Density at 15 °C kg/m3 1021.7 ASTM D 4052
Penetration at 25 °C mm/10 60 60–70 Asfalto VENT
Penetration index N/A 1 Asfalto VENT
Mass loss (RTFO) g/100 g 0.48 1.0 Asfalto VENT
Softening point °C 49.2 45–55 Asfalto VENT
Flame point °C 294 232 ASTM
Solubility in trichloroethylene % 99.7 99.0 Asfalt VENT
540 A. Loaiza et al. / Construction and Building Materials 145 (2017) 538–547

Table 2
XRF results for the EAF dust, with loss of ignition of 11%.

Oxide ZnO Fe2O3 Na2O MgO Mn3O4 SiO2 SO3 K2O CaO Al2O3 SrO
wt% 50.40 21.54 3.38 2.55 2.43 2.12 1.90 1.32 1.20 0.77 0.004
Oxide BaO Cr2O3 P2 O5 CuO HfO2 TiO2 PbO NiO V2O5 ZrO2 LOI
wt% 0.472 0.26 0.172 0.19 0.115 0.035 0.025 0.020 0.006 0.001 11

Fig. 2. SEM images and particle size distribution obtained from them for EAF dust as received.

Fig. 3. Optical microscopy images for asphalt with EAF dust.

size are key factors [20]. Therefore, in this research the velocity for the penetration index and the softening point. In this investigation,
EAF dust particle drop was estimated. In order to estimate the stiff- the stiffness modulus was calculated at a temperature of 25 °C and
ness modulus for all mixtures at a specific temperature and loading a loading time of 0.002 s, which corresponds to a typical vehicle
time, the Van der Poel nomograph [21] was used, which employs speed between 30 and 40 mph [22,23]. The particle distance was
A. Loaiza et al. / Construction and Building Materials 145 (2017) 538–547 541

also calculated using the composite materials theory for particle characterization since in that image most of the grains are very
reinforced composites [24]. The penetration, softening point, stiff- close to 0.5 mm. Fig. 2c shows that about 50% of the particles are
ness modulus and viscosity were analyzed in terms of inter- smaller than the mean. In addition, the distribution is hetero-
particle distance estimations. geneus, which has been reported before for similar waste particles
Table 2 summarizes the composition of the EAF dust obtained
3. Results
with XRF. The main component by amount is ZnO, with 50.48 wt
%. Fe2O3 is also present in a significant quanity, making up
Fig. 2 shows scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the
21.15 wt%. These composition types are typical when galvanized
EAF dust. Fig. 2a shows that the waste particles are small and have
scrap is processed for making new steel.
a very narrow particle size distribution, and some even go down to
Fig. 3 summarizes optimal images showing the EAF dust parti-
the nanoscale (see Fig. 2b). This indicates that the particles are not
cle distribution in the asphalt binder. In all samples with the differ-
only hazardous because of their chemical composition, but also
ent waste contents studied in this research, the distribution was
because of their reactivity and potential to pollute the air, mainly
homogenous. This result was expected because the hot asphalt
while they are being produced in the steel making process
was very good at impregnating the particles. It confirms that even
Fig. 2c shows the particle distribution and demonstrates that
though the process is inexpensive, it effectively impregnates parti-
many particles are below 1 mm. Fig. 2b supports the distribution
cles without particle agglomeration. This decreases the material
properties related to strength and durability.
The softening point, penetration and penetration index for
asphalt with EAF dust are shown in Fig. 4a, b and c respectively.
In general, asphalt mixes increase the softening point as the EAF
dust content increases. Only at 10 wt% is there a significant
decrease in the softening point. An increase in quantity of this cera-
mic waste increases the temperature of the softening point in gen-
eral, which can be very good for applications involving higher
However, 10 wt% of waste is the critical amount that breaks the
trend. This is important because it shows that at 10 wt% there is
another complex mechanism involved, in addition to the effect of
the harder particle reinforcement itself, in the mechanical and
thermal properties of the mix. As expected, the penetration results
from Fig. 4b show the opposite trend, i.e. the higher the softening
point, the shorter the penetration. The penetration index (PI) was
found with Eq. (1) [19], and the corresponding results are shown
in Fig. 4c, where P is the penetration and SP is the softening point.

1952  500  LogðPÞ  20  SP

PI ¼ ð1Þ
50  LogðPÞ  SP  120
The trend given by the viscosity tests was expected. As the cera-
mic waste increases, viscosity also increases, as seen in Fig. 5. How-
ever, at 10 wt% waste content, the viscosity is reduced, and from 10
to 20 wt% there is an important increase in the viscosity values. In
fact, it was not possible to conduct viscosity tests for samples with
more than 20 wt% of waste. These results also support that fact
that at 10 wt% waste the asphalt mix properties are changed
In order to see the differences, SEM images were analyzed for
different compositions. In particular, samples were taken from
the surface of the mixes and prepared for the optical microscope.

Fig. 4. Samples with different contents of EAF dust: a) softening point, b) Fig. 5. Viscosity tests for asphalt with different EAF dust contents at 60 °C. The
penetration, and c) penetration index. procedure indicated by the ASTM D4402 standard was followed.
542 A. Loaiza et al. / Construction and Building Materials 145 (2017) 538–547

They showed important topographic changes on the binder matrix, From these maps, it can be seen that the Zn and Fe contents are
as seen in Fig. 6. For samples with 1.0 wt% of waste, the surface is very high. All elements are distributed relatively homogeneusly,
relatively smooth (Fig. 6a), while for 10 wt% the surface shows flow supporting a good particle distribution, but perhaps some signals
lines (Fig. 6b). This is a qualitative result that shows that the are from the disolution of the metal elements in the liquid asphalt.
asphalt binder is changed to make particle-particle interaction pos- SEM resolution cannot solve this because it is beyond the scale lim-
sible, which has a critical value at 10 wt%. its and may be hidden or mixed with nanoparticle signals (and
Fig. 7 shows EDS-SEM maps for different elements taken from a most of the characterization technique limits). However, this is
sample with 10 wt% of EAF dust. All maps correspond to the image an important consideration to evaluate in the future since if the
located in the top-right. The corresponding quantitative composi- resulting ions form the disolution in the asphalt, they could have
tions are summarized in Table 3. an important effect on the thermomechanical behavior of the

Fig. 6. SEM images for asphalt with steel slag.

Fig. 7. EDS-SEM for asphalt with EAF dust.

Table 3
EDS-SEM results.

Element C O Mg Al Si S Cl K Ca Mn Fe Zn Total
Weight% 81.52 4.73 0.24 0.18 0.49 1.86 0.38 0.36 0.32 0.28 2.52 7.11 100
Atomic% 92.19 4.02 0.13 0.09 0.24 0.79 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.07 0.61 1.48 100
A. Loaiza et al. / Construction and Building Materials 145 (2017) 538–547 543

matrix. The carbon and sulfur peaks in the spectrum are from the molecule [26]. This is an important result because it proves that
asphalt composition. The most significant result from this analysis the asphalt binder chemically interacts with the waste and sup-
is that the most hazardous elements such as Pb and Cr, found with ports the data presented before regarding the mechanical and ther-
XRF and reported in Table 2 for the raw EAF dust, are not found in mal properties.
the modified asphalt sample. This suggests that asphalt masks
their effect at levels not detectable by the SEM-EDS. 4. Analysis and discussion
Fig. 8 summarizes all FTIR spectra. FTIR data for samples with
0.0, 1.0, 10.0 and 20.0 wt% of EAF dust show that when the EAF The interaction between the EAF dust and asphalt is governed
is added, a new signal appears at about 2727 cm, which corre- by the chemical and physical properties given by the bond, compo-
sponds to vibration of the CAH bond stretching from the RC@OH sition, particle morphology and size, and perhaps by other factors

Fig. 8. FTIR for asphalt with EAF dust.

Fig. 9. Asphalt microstructure as a colloidal system. a) Sol type asphalt, b) gel type asphalt.
544 A. Loaiza et al. / Construction and Building Materials 145 (2017) 538–547

such as ion dissolution in the liquid asphalt. The morphology of the physiochemical reinforcement, and particle interaction
EAF dust particles, their size distribution and the surface area avail- reinforcement.
able for adsorption have the most important effect on the mechan- One of the most significant asphalt-particle interactions is
ical and thermal properties, which were indirectly tested by the described by the adhesion theory, where polar components in
penetration, softening and viscosity tests. Some of these consider- asphalt are adhered to the particle surface [31]. Polar asphalt’s
ations have already been reported [20] for other modified asphalts, components are asphaltenes, which are the most viscous part of
which can lead to acid-basic Lewis reactions and may be associated the mix. They adhere to the waste particles’ surface and make
to covalent bonds, which in addition to the particle surface varia- the matrix less viscous [27,28,29,31,33,35]. The penetration results
tions can decrease the interfacial tension in the liquid producing in this investigation support previous research, where penetration
a better stabilization of the waste. Several authors have described increases as the EAF dust content increases to 10 wt%, which must
the physicochemical interactions between asphalt and fillers and be connected with the viscosity increase with more than 10 wt% of
have reported a more complex interaction than that of the waste, see Fig. 5, which most likely is due to the shear thinning
particle-asphalt interaction [27,28,29,30,31]. In this research we originated in the orientation of neighboring macromolecules and
propose that there are potential particle-particle interactions, for their entanglement and immobilization given by the solvent,
instance due to the iron powder having ferromagnetic effects, [36,37].
and some possible ion dissolution in the liquid asphalt. Future fun- Fig. 10a represents the mechanism that occurs. As the content
damental modeling such as molecular dynamics may give some of EAF dust increases, the particle-particle interaction increases
clues about this complex phenomena. and some particles even attach themselves to each other. This lim-
It is well-known that asphalt has a complex composition that its asphalt impregnation in the particle-particle interface, as seen
includes asphaltenes and maltenes. Maltenes can be divided into in Fig. 10b.
saturates, aromatics and resins. A common 60/70 asphalt has 2% The interparticle distance was calculated following the inter-
of saturates, 73% of aromatics, 7% of resins and 18% of asphaltenes particle distance equation for particle reinforced composite mate-
[32]. Asphaltene is the most viscous and is polar, maltene is the rials [24]. The relationship is summarized in Eq. (2), where s is the
least viscous and is non-polar, and the resin has both characteris- interparticle distance, d is the particle diameter, and up is the filler
tics [33]. This complex composition has an intricate effect on the content. As expected, when the waste content increases, the inter-
mix of particles used in this research-a ceramic type waste with particle distance decreases, as shown later in Fig. 12a.
a very diverse amount of oxides. Each of the particle types may 2 !1=3 3
have a very distinctive interaction in the asphalt liquid. For the dif- p
s ¼ d4  15 ð2Þ
ferent curves we observed, at around 10 wt% of asphalt there is a 6up
mix of all these complex interactions. Looking at the type of bond-
ing alone, we can see that the diverse oxides have different poten- On the other hand, the morphology of the particles is an impor-
tials and therefore distinct interactions with the asphalt. tant parameter that contributes to the asphalt-EAF dust interac-
Moreover, asphalt is considered to be a colloidal material mix- tion. Particles with an angular surface have better compatibility
ture, with asphaltenes as the disperse phase and maltenes as the with a polymeric matrix. The angularity of the particles can be seen
continuous phase. According to its microstructure, asphalt can be in Fig. 2. In addition, the asphalt-particle system follows Stoke’s
divided into two types: gel and sol, both of which are represented law [20]. The effect of gravitational and buoyancy forces and den-
in Fig. 9. In the sol asphalt, asphaltenes are well dispersed in the sity and particle size are the key features, as seen in Eq. (3):
maltenes, while in the gel asphaltenes they are not well dispersed
and tend to agglomerate in the maltenes continuum. This is V ¼ 2ðqo  q1 Þgr2 =9g ð3Þ
because the amount of saturates and aromatics are different. As where qo is the density of asphalt, which is 1.02 g/cm3, q1 is the
the amount of aromatics increases, the asphaltene dispersion density of EAFD, which is 4.93 g/cm3 [38], g is the gravitational
increases as well, because aromatics form a stabilizing layer force constant, r is the average radius of the EAF dust particles,
around the asphaltenes. The saturates have little effect on the which is 0.27 mm, and g is the viscosity of the base asphalt. The
asphaltenes and that is why the asphaltenes tend to agglomerate decreasing velocity of the particles reaches as low as about
and form a gel structure [34]. The asphalt used here has a large 2.66  1010 cm/s.
amount of aromatics and is therefore a sol type asphalt. The penetration index is a quantitative measurement of how
Asphalt with EAF dust particles forms a composite material the viscosity changes with temperature. Table 4 summarizes typi-
itself, where asphalt is the matrix and EAF dust particles are the fil- cal values with their respective interpretation. The mixtures fabri-
ler or the reinforcing material. Three main reinforcement mecha- cated in this research can be applied to the construction of roads
nisms have been defined [28]: volume-filling reinforcement, because all values follow in the 2 to +2 interval. Only the mix

Fig. 10. EAF dust particle surrounded by the interface layer and asphalt: a) less than 10 wt% of EAF dust, b) more than 10 wt% of particles.
A. Loaiza et al. / Construction and Building Materials 145 (2017) 538–547 545

Fig. 11. a) Van Der Poel nomograph, b) Stiffness modulus calculated from Van Der Poel nomograph.

with 10 wt% of EAF dust can be lower than 2 in some cases, sim- time of 0.02 s approximately corresponds to 30–40 mph of a typi-
ply because of its high variability in PI. However, its mean value is cal vehicle speed [22,23].
in the recommended interval. Finally, Fig. 12 summarizes the estimation of interparticle dis-
The stiffness modulus is another key parameter to determinate tance for several parameters. First, Fig. 12a shows that as particle
the behavior of asphalt on the road. This was estimated from the content increases, the interparticle distance increases from about
Van der Poel nomograph [21], as seen in Fig. 11, and was calculated 3 mm for 1.0 wt% to 0.5 mm for 50 wt%. Also, for 10 wt% of waste,
for 25 °C of temperature and 0.02 s of loading time. The loading the interparticle distance is 1.0 mm. Correspondingly, Fig. 12a
546 A. Loaiza et al. / Construction and Building Materials 145 (2017) 538–547

waste), the viscosity has a breaking value which separates the dif-
ferent compositions into two very different regions: below 10 wt%
(1.0 wt% waste) with a high viscosity and over 10 wt% with a low
viscosity. A 1.0 mm interparticle distance (1.0 wt% waste) gives a
minimum value for the stiffness modulus, confirming the results
discussed above.

6. Conclusions

In conclusion, EAF dust has a very complex and multi-

parameter effect on the performance of asphalt due to the complex
physical-chemical interactions of these two very complex materi-
als, each a multi-composite material itself. The penetration index
is 2 to 2 in all cases, which enables all mixes to be used for road
construction. EAF waste is harmful to the environment because of
its hazardous metal content, but this toxicity can be stabilized
using asphalt thereby allowing for the widespread use of this
material in infrastructure.


The authors wish to acknowledge the Research office of the

Universidad de Antioquia for supporting this research.


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