Exam Notes

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In general

- Authors of quotes
Week 6
● Remember the names of the authors and the film makers (David Cooke)
● No dates, names are important
● Idea that there were conspiracies, assassinations were reflected in film
● Media - godfather movie
● What's the name of the country of godfather movie

Parallax view
● Does not refer directly to politics
● Interesting scene
● Cinema is propagandist
● Criticism about cinema, how it is brainwashing and changes people's minds

All presidents men

● Representation of watergate scandal?
● Who was involved, what does it mean?

● Bob woodward
● Carl bernsetein

6 questions about argo

Difference between argo and canadian participation in the film
Why does “our man in tehran” represent how canadians participated, to respond canadian
participation, Canadians are the hero of the story instead of americans, americans encompass

Week 7
● Munoz article - what is ideologeme in his article
● How ideolegeme is divided- metaphor and metonymy in ideologeme theory
● Definition of superheroes
● Stereotypes of women and black people in superhero films
● Conclusion slide
○ Opposite of the 70s bot based on facts

Week 8
● Documentary is base of canadian cinema
● The way we make films these days are based on the movements of documentary
● John grierson
○ Why he's important, what did he do NFB
● Why he focused on documentaries
● What is documentary what does it represent, not genre, a type of film
○ Fiction - drama
○ Documentary- journalism etc
● 2 things with ethical approach
○ People have lives beyond the screen
● Chrissesn and haas definition of documentary
● Bill nicholls
● Direct cinema and cinema verite
○ Know the difference
○ CV interferes with reality to make the film, recreates reality, a new reality, only
created for the film
■ 3 characteristics
○ Direct cinema does not interfere, and only follows the subject
■ Observational cinema
● Michel Brault
○ Fathers of quebecois cinema
○ Made the film “les orders
● Errol morris
○ The thin blue line
○ Important for american cinema, influenced golden age of documentaries
● Know the golden age
○ Michael moore
■ Bowling for columbine
■ Fahrenheit 9/11, only 20 mins
Week 9
● Ursula franklin quote
● Visual pleasure- laura something
● Female portrayal in hollywood (1910-25)
○ Male consumption
● Femme fatale and the flapper terms
● John craeford
● 2nd wave of feminism
● Women going to work
○ Women sexually aggressive
● Kathryn gigelow
○ Zero dark 30
○ Doesn't want to be seen as a women, wants to be seen as a good director
○ Only woman who won an oscar
● We can Do it slide
● Thelma and louise
○ Part of avenging angels
○ Male criticism
Week 10
● Milk and pink programming for sure
● Celluloid closet
● Hays code - not censorship, but a warning
○ The church
● Black representation, LQBTQ+ representation in US
● Ben Hur
○ How 1970’s were creating a type of subtext,
○ Didnt think it was a gay relationship in the 50s and 60s
○ “covered “ to avoid censorship
○ Subliminally created
● Milk
○ Keven P
○ What he did, who he was, his ideas, who was he fighting for
○ Milk hope speech scene
● Film festivals create safe space
○ Show diversity of films in their community
○ Know the difference
● Traditional vs queer
○ Traditional = hetero type films, doesnt challenge anyone, just shows a part of
○ Queer = Use these festivals to show marginal groups
● Diversity vs quality
○ Topic of the film is the most important aspect

● I am not your negro
● Fruitvale station
○ Marginalized by media
○ Police brutality in US
○ Related to real footage
○ Recreating history and showing a different perspective
○ Calling attention humanizing issue
● Production Code
○ Interacial relationships are not allowed
○ No animosity between audience
■ Avoiding
● Blaxploitation
○ Movement for black cinema, and marginalize white characters
○ In the 70’s- entertainement, sex and violence
■ Intention was to show black characters from different perspective, did not
mean to be political, but the way it was produced was political
● Spike lee
○ Who and what he did
○ Do the right thing
■ Controversial because of the riot
■ Presents the quotes at the end, who said what
● Malcom X
■ Quotes were to show that movie was not advocating for riots or violence
● James baldwin
○ I am not your negro
○ Based on his book
○ Presents dramatic and powerful way of story of his friends that were killed in the
■ Medgar evers
■ Malcom X
○ Brings up many powerful definitions
○ The situation of black community in the US

Canadian cinema
● About 4 groups
○ Concept of national cinema
○ National cinema in canada
○ Indegenous and diasporic
○ Actors were canadian
○ Director was canadian

○ Directed by canadian
○ Actors are canadian
○ Filmed in canada
○ Andrew higginson
○ Was not canadian
● Criteria of canadian cinema
● What is canadian national cinema
○ Quebec is a nation
○ First nations
○ English canadian
● Diasporic cinema?
● David cronnenburg
○ master of horror film?
● Bon cop and bad cop
○ Cultural battle
● National imagined community
○ Canadians are more related to country of origin instead of canada itself
● Myth of national identity slide
○ Cinema is the experiencing of watching a film
○ If Canadians don't watch it? Is it really canadian cinema?
● Pierre perrault, michel brault
○ Used interviews to fictionalize the story
○ Famous quebecois film - mixed documentary and fiction
○ Mon Oncle Antoine
● Andrew higginson?
● Jim leach quotes slides
○ Quiet revolution
● Cristopher gittings definition of national cinema and in what contexts
○ Criticism about canadian cinema
● Facts that are important
○ … Over 100 million paid in admissions
○ 133 films …
○ 98% are foreign, 1.8% are canadian
● Challenges of national cinema
○ Canadian government has no control
● Going down the road
○ Popular culture
○ Parody created
○ Was talked about in the city
● Bon cop and bad cop scenes
○ Ontario quebec
○ Commissioner scene
○ Tattoo
○ Searing lessons
FIrst nations
● Residential schools
○ Cultural genocide
● Alanis obomsawin
○ Her career how she came to be
○ Documentary on mayor wanting to expand golf course in Oka
● Atanarjuat
○ First film spoken in their language
○ Mythological power story
○ Self reflexivity
■ Camera is turned to them
■ Self reflexive mode
■ Showing them they are embracing making the film by themselves
■ Decolonizing the medium
● Representation of the white male society
● Don't follow stereotypes
● “Intercultural …” by Hudson Moura
○ Know this article
● Calendar
○ She tries to find her place between the cliche images of armenian
● Water by Mehta
○ Best foreign language film
○ All 3 films in the trilogy were important

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