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Chapter 2

Linear Programming:
Model Formulation and
Graphical Solution
Objectives of a business frequently are to Extreme points are corner points on the
maximize profit or minimize cost. boundary of the feasible solution area.
Linear programming is a model that consists Constraint equations are solved
of linear relationships representing a firm’s simultaneously at the optimal extreme point
decision(s), given an objective and resource to determine the variable solution values.
constraints. The slope is computed as the “rise” over the
Decision variables are mathematical “run.”
symbols that represent levels of activity. Sensitivity analysis is used to analyze
The objective function is a linear changes in model parameters.
relationship that reflects the objective of an Multiple optimal solutions can occur when
operation. the objective function is parallel to a
A model constraint is a linear relationship constraint line.
that represents a restriction on decision A slack variable is added to a constraint to
making. convert it to an equation . (=) …
Parameters are numerical values that are A slack variable represents unused resources
included in the objective functions and A slack variable contributes nothing to the
constraints. objective function value.
A linear programming model consists of The three types of linear programming
decision variables, an objective function, constraints are , =, and .
and constraints. The optimal solution of a minimization
Nonnegativity constraints restrict the problem is at the extreme point closest to the
decision variables to zero or positive values. origin.
A feasible solution does not violate any of A surplus variable is subtracted from a
the constraints. constraint to convert it to an equation . (=)
An infeasible problem violates at least one A surplus variable represents an excess
of the constraints. above a constraint requirement level.
Graphical solutions are limited to linear For some linear programming models, the
programming problems with only two general rules do not always apply
decision variables. Alternate optimal solutions are at the
The graphical method provides a picture of endpoints of the constraint line segment that
how a solution is obtained for a linear the objective function parallels
programming problem. Multiple optimal solutions provide greater
Constraint lines are plotted as equations. flexibility to the decision maker
The feasible solution area is an area on the An infeasible problem has no feasible
graph that is bounded by the constraint solution area; every possible solution point
equations. violates one or more constraints.
The optimal solution is the best feasible In an unbounded problem the objective
solution. function can increase indefinitely without
The optimal solution point is the last point reaching a maximum value
the objective function touches as it leaves The solution space is not completely closed
the feasible solution area. in.
Chapter 2
Linear Programming:
Model Formulation and
Graphical Solution
The components of a linear programming the graph, simultaneous equations are solved
model are an objective function, decision to determine the values of and at the solution
variables, and constraints. point. In Chapter 3 we will show how linear
Proportionality means the slope of a programming solutions can be obtained
constraint or objective function line is using computer programs.
The terms in the objective function or
constraints are additive.
The values of decision variables are
continuous or divisible.
All model parameters are assumed to be
known with certainty.
The two example problems in this
chapter were formulated as linear
programming models in order to
demonstrate the modeling process. These
problems were similar in that they
concerned achieving some objective subject
to a set of restrictions or requirements.
Linear programming models exhibit certain
common characteristics:
 An objective function to be maximized or
 A set of constraints
 Decision variables for measuring the level of
 Linearity among all constraint relationships
and the objective function
The graphical approach to the
solution of linear programming problems is
not a very efficient means of solving
problems. For one thing, drawing accurate
graphs is tedious. Moreover, the graphical
approach is limited to models with only two
decision variables. However, the analysis of
the graphical approach provides valuable
insight into linear programming problems
and their solutions.
In the graphical approach, once the
feasible solution area and the optimal
solution point have been determined from

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