Santos Et Al AM 2014 Box-Behnken To Ultrasound Assited Extraction For PCAH in River Sediments

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Box–Behnken design applied to ultrasound-

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assisted extraction for the determination of

Cite this: Anal. Methods, 2014, 6, 1650
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in river
sediments by gas chromatography/mass
Mellina D. R. Santos,a Marcos R. F. Cerqueira,a Marcone A. L. de Oliveira,b
Renato C. Matosa and Maria A. C. Matos*a

This paper describes the optimization of the extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in
sediment samples from a river by applying an ultrasonic bath for quantification by gas chromatography/
mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The factors n-hexane and dichloromethane proportion in the solvent
mixture, solvent mixture volume and sonication time were optimized to take into account a 33 Box–
Behnken design with a triplicate central point. The optimum extraction conditions achieved through a
response surface methodology study consisted of 15 minutes of sonication time and 10 mL of solvent
mixture composed of 55% of n-hexane. The optimized conditions were validated by assessing the
percentage recovery obtained for the blank spike and the sample spike using n-hexane–
Received 22nd October 2013
Accepted 23rd December 2013
dichloromethane (55 : 45) and n-hexane–acetone (55 : 45) as solvent mixtures. The extraction with n-
hexane–acetone (55 : 45) presented lower percent relative standard deviation and greater efficiency in
DOI: 10.1039/c3ay41857j
the extraction process, since hexane–acetone (55 : 45) led to higher mean percentages of recovery of the blank spike and the sample spike.

biodegradability, they are generally found adsorbed to particu-

1. Introduction late materials rich in organic matter, mixing with minerals of
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of ubiqui- various types and granules present on the bottom of rivers, and
tous organic pollutants and their presence has been studied in participating in the formation of sediments.1,6
different matrices such as water, atmospheric particulate matter, Several methods have been described for the determination
and marine and river sediments.1,2 Some of them are known to be of PAHs in environmental samples, with different techniques of
carcinogenic or mutagenic because they are metabolized by extraction, purication and detection, according to the matrix.
hydrocarbon hydroxylases present in the liver and their deriva- For soil and sediment samples, Soxhlet extraction is the method
tives bind to DNA inducing mutations and cancers.3,4 Thus, recommended by the U.S. EPA and by National Oceanic and
PAHs were included in the lists of priority pollutants by the Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).7,8 This is the most
Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (U.S. EPA), commonly used method as the extraction is simple, but has
which are: acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, anthracene, benzo[a]- some disadvantages, such as that it is time-consuming and
anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[b]uoranthene, benzo[ghi]- requires large volumes of organic solvents.9 To reduce the
perylene, benzo[k]uoranthene, chrysene, dibenzo[a,c]anthracene, extraction time and solvent consumption, other techniques
uoranthene, uorene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]-uoranthene, naph- have been applied, including accelerated solvent extraction,
thalene, phenanthrene, and pyrene (16 U.S. EPA PAHs).5 Since supercritical uid extraction and microwave-assisted extraction.
these compounds are highly lipophilic and have low However, besides having a high cost, the extraction efficiency of
these techniques is directly related to the type of matrix.9–11
Thus, ultrasound can be highlighted because of its low cost,
NUPIS (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Instrumentação e Separações Analı́ticas), small volume of organic solvents, simplicity of operation and it
Departamento de Quı́mica, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Universidade Federal de provides safer conditions for the analyst, since the methods
Juiz de Fora, 36038-300, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil. E-mail: maria.auxiliadora@uf. enable operation at ambient temperature and pressure.9,10; Fax: +55 32 2102 3314
Several studies have shown that sonication provides a
GQAQ (Grupo de Quı́mica Analı́tica e Quimiometria), Departamento de Quı́mica,
Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, 36038-300, Juiz
similar or higher extraction efficiency of PAHs in sediment and
de Fora, MG, Brazil soil samples compared with other extraction techniques. In a

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comparative study, Marvin et al. (1992)12 concluded that Soxhlet and was diluted to working concentrations of 0.1, 0.25, 0.50,
and ultrasound methods presented equal extraction efficiency, 0.75, 1.00 and 1.25 ng mL1. The surrogate standards and
and also that the ultrasound extraction was faster (45 minutes) internal standard were added to a resulting concentration of
than Soxhlet extraction (48 hours). Likewise, Sun et al. (1998)13 0.75 ng mL1 in all standard solutions.
evaluated the efficiency of extraction for the 16 U.S. EPA PAHs in
soil samples by ultrasonic extraction using different solvents 2.2. Sample extraction
and veried that sonication using acetone gave better results Extraction optimization was performed using samples of sedi-
than Soxhlet extraction. Banjoo et al. (2005)14 optimized an ments from the Paraibuna river (Juiz de Fora, Brazil). Before
ultrasonic extraction using a n-hexane–acetone (1 : 1) mixture
Published on 06 January 2014. Downloaded by University of Idaho Library on 31/10/2014 15:45:56.

extraction, an aliquot of surrogate standard solutions was

and concluded that this method resulted in better precision and added to dry sediment to a resulting concentration of 75 ng g1
comparable quantities of individual PAHs when compared to dry weight for each compound. The sediment samples were
the reux procedure using methanolic potassium hydroxide. extracted in an ultrasonic bath (Unique, USC2850 model)
Tuncel and Topal (2011)15 performed a screening analysis to operating at a frequency of 25 kHz and power of 120 W. The
evaluate the factors that may inuence the extraction efficiency extracts were concentrated to 1 mL using a rotary evaporator
for PAHs in sediment samples for three different extraction and fractioned using a silica gel/alumina column with 3.2 g of
techniques: Soxhlet, ultrasonic bath and solid-phase micro- silica gel and 2 g of alumina, both deactivated 5% (w/w) with
extraction (SPME), and the best extraction method chosen was deionized water. The chromatographic column was eluted
the ultrasonic bath. under gravity with 16 mL of n-hexane–DCM (8 : 2). The eluate
In extraction, some interfering compounds could be co- was then concentrated, the internal standard was added and
extracted from the matrix, hence the cleanup step for chro- then the volume was adjusted with n-hexane to 1 mL. An aliquot
matographic analysis is essential to reduce those interferents. of 1 mL was injected into GC/MS.
Adsorption purication using a solid phase, including a chro- Following the extraction procedure described above, the
matography column with silica gel/alumina and solid-phase factorial design optimization was performed using 10 g of
extraction (SPE), is the most used method.8,16,17 sediment sample spiked with 16 U.S. EPA PAHs, at a nal
Taking into account the studies reported in the literature concentration of 50 ng g1, for each compound, within the dry
using an ultrasonic bath for PAH sediment sample preparation, sediment. The same procedure was used for recovery studies,
it was observed that there is scope for new analytical consider- with an exception that a nal concentration of 75 ng g1, for
ations. Thus, the present work aimed at optimizing a faster each compound, was used for the dry sediment. Sodium
extraction process under low solvent consumption for the 16 sulphate anhydrous was used as the blank, also with a nal
U.S. EPA PAHs in sediment samples from a river using an concentration of 75 ng g1 dry weight, for each compound.
ultrasonic bath. To develop a method for ultrasound extraction,
some parameters have to be optimized, such as solvent 2.3. GC/MS apparatus
composition, volume and extraction time. Generally, the opti-
mization procedures are conducted one factor at a time, which The PAH analyses were conducted using an SHIMADZU GCMS-
involve many experiments and are time-consuming and use QP2010 plus, equipped with an autosampler PAL and an Rtx-
large volumes of organic solvents. Therefore, the experimental 5MS column (30 m, 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 mm lm thickness). The
design becomes a useful tool to evaluate variables that inuence GC temperature program was: from 60  C to 80  C at 20  C
the extraction process by means of a simultaneous study of min1, then 2  C min1 to 103  C (1 min), 5  C min1 to 280  C
these variables carrying out a few experiments. Thus, in the (13 min) and 5  C min1 to 285  C (17 min). Helium ultrapure
present study a new surface-response methodology was per- was used as carrier gas with a ow rate of 1 mL min1. The mass
formed using a 33 Box–Behnken design to optimize the factors spectrometer was operated in the selected ion-monitoring mode
time, organic solvent volume and solvent mixture composition with an electron impact ionization voltage of 70 eV. Data
for ultrasound extraction. acquisition and processing were accomplished using the CGMS
solutions soware.

2. Experimental 2.4. Soware

2.1. Chemicals and solutions
All statistical analyses were performed in Microso Office®
PAH standard solution containing 16 U.S. EPA PAHs (4000 ng Excel 2007 soware, while the response surfaces were obtained
mL1) and a solution of surrogate PAHs (2000 ng mL1; naph- using Statistica 6.0 soware.
thalene-d8, acenaphthene-d10, phenanthrene-d10, chrysene-
d12 and perylene-d12) were supplied by Accustandard (purity 3. Results and discussion
>98%). Internal standard uoranthene-d10 was supplied by
Sigma-Aldrich (purity 98%). The solvents dichloromethane 3.1. Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction
(DCM) and n-hexane (n-HEX) were all of pesticide grade, and The solvents used in extraction were selected by considering the
acetone was of HPLC grade. solubility of analytes and polarity. The principal methods of
The calibration stock solution of 16 U.S. EPA PAHs was extraction of PAHs in sediment samples use a solvent mixture
prepared at a concentration of 10 ng mL1 in dichloromethane composite of n-hexane and DCM in a proportion of 1 : 1.7,8

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There are no descriptions in the literature of the study of these Table 2 Values obtained for coefficients, standard error, t-test and p-
proportions, and this is very important, since perhaps the ratio values with a 33 Box–Behnken design
in the solvent mixture of DCM can be reduced. Thus, in this
Coefficients Regression coeff. Standard error t (2a) p-Value
study, the proportion of n-hexane and DCM was a selected
variable. Another two variables that can also affect the extrac- Mean 110.32 13.67 8.071 0.015
tion efficiency were selected for the study: the volume of the b1 5.49 8.37 0.656 0.579
solvent mixture and sonication time in the ultrasonic bath. To b2 9.99 8.37 1.194 0.355
b3 1.78 8.37 0.213 0.851
optimize the extraction process, a 33 Box–Behnken design with b11 18.27 12.32 1.483 0.276
a triplicate at the central point was used. The Box–Behnken 22.04 1.789
Published on 06 January 2014. Downloaded by University of Idaho Library on 31/10/2014 15:45:56.

b22 12.32 0.216

design can be understood as a special fractional factorial design b33 24.21 12.32 1.965 0.188
containing three-levels and k factors (3k, where k $ 3), which b12 7.10 11.84 0.600 0.609
allows the efficient estimation of the rst- and second-order b13 0.97 11.84 0.082 0.942
b23 1.27 11.84 0.107 0.925
coefficients of the mathematical model. These designs are more
efficient and economical than their corresponding 3k designs, Number of degrees of freedom.
mainly for a large number of variables, because they require an
experiment number according to N ¼ 2k(k  1) + cp (cp is the
number of central points, which are used to calculate the 5% signicance level, a factor is considered to affect the
experimental error). Thus, all factor levels have to be adjusted response if the coefficients differ signicantly from zero and the
only at three levels (1, 0, +1) with equally spaced intervals p-value <0.05. Thus, an evaluation of coefficients was made for
between these levels.18 Table 1 shows the Coded 33 Box– each parameter and their interactions. Calculated p-values
Behnken matrix containing levels, factors and response indicate that the three considered variables do not have a
(average percentage recovery) obtained for 16 PAHs for each statistically signicant effect on the response (p-value > 0.05).
test. For each experiment, a sample spiked to a nal concen- Moreover, the t models were evaluated (ANOVA) and the
tration of 50 ng g1 dry weight of each of the 16 U.S. EPA PAHs results found indicated that no evidence of lack of t was
was extracted. observed in the 95% condence interval (p-value > 0.82).
The response data obtained by the average recovery values of To select the best extraction conditions, two response
16 U.S. EPA PAHs, by each experiment, are given in Table 1. surfaces were performed (Fig. 1A and B). For both the response
Using a tted full quadratic model (eqn (1)), a response surface surfaces the sonication time was xed and the ratio of n-hexane
regression analysis using coded units was performed for each (Fig. 1A), and the solvent mixture volume (Fig. 1B) were varied,
response factor. respectively.
k X
k XX In both response surfaces, there was an optimal region for
^0 þ
y^ ¼ b ^i xi þ
b ^ii xi 2 þ
b bij xi xj þ ri i\j (1) extraction of PAHs localized between 13 and 22 min and
i¼1 i¼1 i j
between 14 and 24 min (Fig. 1A and B, respectively). Since there
is a coincident time interval between the two surfaces, it is
Table 2 shows the calculated values for coefficients and p-
possible to select a condition within this region that provides
values (p-value is the probability of the null hypothesis). Using a
better recovery values combined with higher throughput. Thus,
the extraction condition selected involves three sonication steps
Table 1 Coded 33 Box–Behnken matrix containing levels, factors and of 15 min with 10 mL of a mixture solvent composed of n-
response (% average recovery) obtained for 16 U.S. EPA PAHs hexane–DCM (55 : 45).

Issue X1a X2b X3c Recovery (%)

3.2. Recovery tests
1 1 1 0 59.07
2 +1 1 0 86.89 The extraction conditions selected by the factorial design have
3 1 +1 0 67.33 been validated by studying the recovery of the sample spike (n
4 +1 +1 0 66.75 ¼ 4) and the blank spike (n ¼ 4), both with a standard mixture
5 1 0 1 60.86 containing the analytes with a nal concentration of 75 ng g1
6 +1 0 1 71.15
dry weight. The main objective of this work was the determi-
7 1 0 +1 66.46
8 +1 0 +1 72.88 nation of the 16 U.S. EPA PAHs. However, the extraction
9 0 1 1 87.75 method was optimized to be applied to analysis of these and
10 0 +1 1 51.17 another 29 PAHs, including methylated compounds, which
11 0 1 +1 74.43 can be used to obtain additional information regarding the
12 0 +1 +1 42.93
origin of PAHs.6 Fig. 2 shows the chromatograms obtained for
13 0 0 0 129.46
14 0 0 0 83.85 the sample (A) and sample spike (B) extracted using the
15 0 0 0 117.64 selected conditions, in which only the 16 U.S. EPA PAHs are
a highlighted.
X1: composition of mixture n-Hex–DCM (v/v): (1): 25 : 75; (0): 50 : 50;
(+1): 75 : 25. b X2: sonication time (min): (1): 10; (0): 20; (+1): 30. c X3: Acetone was used to replace DCM in the solvent mixture, as
volume of the solvent mixture (mL): (1): 08; (0): 10; (+1): 12. chlorinated organic compounds are harmful to health and have

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Fig. 1 Response surfaces estimated from the Box–Behnken 33 design for optimization of extraction conditions in an ultrasonic bath. (A)
Interaction between the sonication time and the ratio of n-hexane; (B) interaction between sonication time and volume of solvent mixture.

a higher cost of disposal.7 Therefore, another study was con- standard deviation (%RSD) between repetitions, which were
ducted using the extraction conditions selected by the factorial less than 30%.8
design but replacing the DCM with acetone in the solvent Both solvent mixtures exhibited satisfactory recovery
mixture. Thus, the sample spike (n ¼ 4) and blank spike (n ¼ 4), percentage. The average recovery for the extraction with n-
both with a standard mixture containing the analytes at a nal hexane–DCM (55 : 45) was 81% for the sample spike and 90%
concentration of 75 ng g1 dry weight, were extracted with a for the blank spike. The RSDs vary from 2% to 22% for the
solvent mixture comprising n-hexane–acetone (55 : 45). Fig. 3 sample spike and 3% to 25% for the blank spike. The values of
shows the chromatograms obtained for the sample (A) and average recovery from the sample spike provided by the
sample spike (B) extracted using this new mixture of solvents. response surfaces (Fig. 1A and B) were 84% and 82%, respec-
The recovery results for the 16 U.S. EPA PAHs obtained from tively. Thus, the value obtained experimentally was very close to
the extraction of the sample spike and blank spike using the two the predicted value, indicating that the model obtained was
solvent mixtures are shown in Table 3. valid to select a condition for extraction of PAHs in sediment
When examining trace-level compounds, the percentage samples. For extraction with n-hexane–acetone (55 : 45), the
recovery for the sample spike was in the range of 60% to 120%, average recovery values were 95% and 104% for the sample and
which is acceptable, as are the values for the percent relative the blank spike, respectively. The values of RSD varied from 1%

Fig. 2 Chromatograms obtained for sample (A) and sample spike (B) extracted with n-hexane–DCM (55 : 45). Peaks: (1) naphthalene-d8, (2)
naphthalene, (3) acenaphthylene, (4) acenaphthene-d10, (5) acenaphthene, (6) fluorene, (7) phenanthrene-d10, (8) phenanthrene, (9) anthra-
cene, (10) fluoranthene-d10, (11) fluoranthene, (12) pyrene, (13) benz[a]anthracene, (14) chrysene-d12, (15) chrysene, (16) benzo[b]fluoranthene,
(17) benzo[k]fluoranthene, (18) benzo[a]pyrene, (19) perylene-d12, (20) indeno[1,2,3-cd]fluoranthene, (21) dibenzo[a,c]anthracene, and (22)

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Fig. 3 Chromatograms obtained for sample (A) and sample spike (B) extracted with n-hexane–acetone (55 : 45). Peaks: (1) naphthalene-d8, (2)
naphthalene, (3) acenaphthylene, (4) acenaphthene-d10, (5) acenaphthene, (6) fluorene, (7) phenanthrene-d10, (8) phenanthrene, (9) anthra-
cene, (10) fluoranthene-d10, (11) fluoranthene, (12) pyrene, (13) benz[a]anthracene, (14) chrysene-d12, (15) chrysene, (16) benzo[b]fluoranthene,
(17) benzo[k]fluoranthene, (18) benzo[a]pyrene, (19) perylene-d12, (20) indeno[1,2,3-cd]fluoranthene, (21) dibenzo[a,c]anthracene, and (22)

to 13% for the sample spike and 1% to 10% for the blank spike. Therefore, when using a mixture composed of n-hexane–
Therefore, the extraction using n-hexane–acetone (55 : 45) acetone, the extraction of PAHs is favoured, since they have a
resulted in a greater percentage recovery of the analytes and a nonpolar character.
greater reproducibility between replicates, and presented a Thus, acetone can be used to replace DCM in the solvent
lower RSD for most compounds. mixture for the extraction of PAHs in sediment samples, due to
According to Mitra (2003),19 the solvent selection depends on its greater efficiency in extraction of analytes, as well as being a
the nature of the analytes and matrix, oen using a mixture of less costly (for commercial and disposal aspects) and less toxic
water-miscible solvents (acetone) with non-miscible ones solvent.
(hexane or DCM). The water-miscible solvents can penetrate the
layer of moisture on the surface of the solid particles, facili-
tating the extraction of hydrophilic organics. The hydrophobic 3.3. LOD and LOQ
solvents then extract the organic compounds of like polarity, Aer selecting the solvent mixture for extraction, the limit of
and so n-hexane is efficient in the extraction of nonpolar ana- detection (LOD) and limit of quantication (LOQ) were deter-
lytes, and methylene chloride extracts the polar analytes. mined. According to IUPAC (2002),20 the detection limit should

Table 3 Recovery and percent relative standard deviation (%RSD) obtained for 16 U.S. EPA PAHs for extraction with an ultrasound bath of the
blank spike and sample spike using n-hexane–DCM (55 : 45) and n-hexane–acetone (55 : 45)

n-HEX–DCM (55 : 45) n-HEX–acetone (55 : 45)

Compound Sample spike Blank spike Sample spike Blank spike

Naphthalene 94 (4) 96 (14) 137 (7) 161 (10)

Acenaphthylene 80 (3) 77 (7) 76 (8) 83 (2)
Acenaphthene 78 (6) 88 (2) 87 (4) 91 (1)
Fluorene 90 (4) 91 (6) 89 (6) 105 (2)
Phenanthrene 68 (11) 86 (4) 97 (5) 92 (2)
Anthracene 71 (3) 77 (3) 79 (3) 80 (2)
Fluoranthene 62 (28) 97 (5) 102 (13) 112 (3)
Pyrene 81 (15) 97 (6) 109 (8) 112 (6)
Benz[a]anthracene 94 (12) 98 (3) 95 (7) 117 (2)
Chrysene 78 (12) 98 (2) 91 (5) 96 (1)
Benzo[b]uoranthene 88 (10) 97 (13) 101 (2) 109 (2)
Benzo[k]uoranthene 83 (6) 96 (4) 87 (7) 98 (1)
Benzo[a]pyrene 80 (11) 84 (3) 92 (1) 86 (2)
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]uoranthene 78 (9) 70 (8) 83 (2) 103 (2)
Dibenzo[a,c]anthracene 94 (6) 97 (6) 109 (2) 116 (2)
Benzo[ghi]perylene 76 (9) 87 (3) 83 (3) 100 (3)

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Table 4 Limit of detection (LOD), the limit of quantification (LOQ) and percent relative standard deviation (n ¼ 6) obtained for 16 U.S. EPA PAHsa

Compound LOD (ng g1 dry wt) LOQ (ng g1 dry wt) RSD (%)

Naphthalene 5.5 18.5 2

Acenaphthylene 0.6 1.9 1
Acenaphthene 1.2 4.0 2
Fluorene 1.3 4.2 2
Phenanthrene 4.1 13.6 3
Anthracene 1.4 4.5 3
Published on 06 January 2014. Downloaded by University of Idaho Library on 31/10/2014 15:45:56.

Fluoranthene 5.7 19.0 3

Pyrene 5.2 17.3 3
Benz[a]anthracene 7.6 25.3 5
Chrysene 3.8 12.7 3
Benzo[b]uoranthene 3.0 10.1 3
Benzo[k]uoranthene 3.7 12.3 5
Benzo[a]pyrene 4.6 15.5 4
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]uoranthene 2.1 6.9 3
Dibenzo[a,c]anthracene 1.6 5.2 3
Benzo[ghi]perylene 2.6 8.6 3
%RSD: percent relative standard deviation; dry wt: dry weight.

be calculated as 3 times the standard deviation obtained for at (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́co e Tec-
least 6 complete independent determinations of analytes at a nológico), CAPES (Coordenacão de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal
typical matrix, blank or low-level material. Thus, 10 g of sedi- de Nı́vel Superior) and PROPESQ/UFJF (Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa
ment sample (n ¼ 6) were spiked with 16 U.S. EPA PAHs, at a da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora) for nancial support
nal concentration of 10 ng g1, for each compound, for dry and grants. We also thank Dr. Satie Tanigushi and others
weight. Spiked sediments were then extracted by three 15 min members from LABQOM from Instituto Oceanográco of Uni-
steps, using 10 mL of a solvent mixture composed of n-hexane– versidade de São Paulo for help with the analysis.
acetone (55 : 45). LOD and LOQ were calculated as 3s and 10s,
respectively, where s is the analysis standard deviation (Table 4).
Method limits of detection ranged from 0.6 ng g1 dry weight
(acenaphthylene) to 7.6 ng g1 dry weight of (benzo[a]anthra-
cene), which are in accordance with the literature.14,21,22 Method 1 Z. H. Cao, Y. Q. Wang, Y. M. Ma, Z. Xu, G. L. Shi, Y. Y. Zhuang
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Through a 33 Box–Behnken design, it was possible to optimize a 4 B. Veyrand, A. Brosseaud, L. Sarcher, V. Varlet, F. Monteau,
rapid method (45 min) with low consumption of solvents for the P. Marchand, F. Andre and B. Le Bizec, J. Chromatogr. A,
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The extraction conditions selected involve three steps of soni- 5 U. S. E. P. A, Quality criteria for water 1986, EPA 440/5-86-001,
cation of 15 minutes with 10 mL of a mixture of solvents. Two US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC,
solvent mixtures were proposed for the extraction of PAHs in 1986.
sediment samples, i.e. n-hexane–DCM (55 : 45) and n-hexane– 6 O. P. Heemken, B. Stachel, N. Theobald and B. W. Wenclawiak,
acetone (55 : 45). The extraction with a mixture composed of n- Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 2000, 38, 11–31.
hexane–acetone (55 : 45) was more efficient and reproducible, 7 U. S. E. P. A, Method 3540C – Soxhlet Extraction, 1996, http://
since it resulted in higher percentages of recovery and lower
percent relative standard deviation. Method limits of detection 8 K. L. Kimbrough, G. G. Lauenstein and W. E. Johnson,
ranged from 0.6 ng g1 dry weight (acenaphthylene) to 7.6 ng Organic Contaminant Analytical Methods of the National
g1 dry weight of (benzo[a]anthracene). Status and Trends Program: Update 2000–2006, NOAA
Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 30, 2006, p. 137.
Acknowledgements 9 Z. Khan, J. Troquet and C. Vachelard, Int. J. Environ. Sci.
Technol., 2005, 2, 275–286.
The authors would like to thank the FAPEMIG (Fundação de 10 T. Oluseyi, K. Olayinka, B. Alo and R. M. Smith, Int. J.
Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais), CNPq Environ. Sci. Technol., 2011, 5, 681–690.

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1656 | Anal. Methods, 2014, 6, 1650–1656 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014

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