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Institute of Southern Punjab Multan

Department of Computer Science & IT

Final Term Examination
Subject: System Integration and Architecture
Class: BSIT Semester: 7th
Instructor: Muhammad Kashif Date: 10-06-2019
Paper Type: Time 1:30 Hours

Instructions: (Read Carefully)

●Read Question Paper carefully . ●Do not Write anything on Question Paper except your
Registration No and Name. ●Make sure your mobile phone is switched off. ●Any unauthorized
material found after examinations starts will be regarded as possible evidence of cheating or
attempting to do so. ● Avoid cutting / Overwriting

Q1: Give short answers of given Questions .

1. Explain the traditional development system technology dependent problems. (2)

2. Explain the Mobil balance scorecard. (3)
3. What are the Basic concepts of Strategy Maps? (2)
4. Explain any two data Entity types. (2)

Q2: Briefly explain the step by step approach for Governance Analysis. (8)

Q3: (a) Write and explain the any four strategy analysis for project specification steps
briefly. (4)

(b) Explain all the Data attribute types. (4)

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