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In this unit, you will learn the nature and characteristics of waves. Several methods in
order to propagate such will be demonstrated in this module. Simulation experiments will be
presented to maximize understanding of the different properties of wave motion.
Mathematical computation in order to determine significant characteristics such as amplitude,
wavelength, period, frequency and time period will be given.

TOPIC 1: The Nature of Waves

Learning Objectives
After completing this module, you should be able to:
1. describe the concept of a wave;
2. enumerate the characteristics of a wave;
3. give various examples of waves in a given category;
4. produce waves in different medium (liquid and gas).


When a particle moves

through space, it carries kinetic
energy with itself. Wherever the
particle goes, the energy goes
with it. The energy is associated
with the particle and is
transported from one region of
the space to the other together
with the particle just like we ride
a car.
When a stone is dropped into water, its surface gets disturbed. A disturbance is
produced at the point where the stone enters into water. This disturbance does not
confine to that place along where stone is dropped but it spreads out. The disturbance
spreads in the form of the concentric circles of ever-increasing radii eventually reach
all the parts and strike the boundary of the pond.
There is another way to
transport energy from one part of space
to the other without any bulk motion of
material together with it. Sound is
transmitted in air in this manner. When you say "Hello" to your friend, no material
particle is ejected from your lips and falls on your friend's ear. You create some
disturbance in the part of the air close to your lips. Energy is transferred to these air
particles either by pushing them ahead or-pulling them' back. The density of the air in
this part temporarily increases or decreases. These disturbed particles exert force on
the next layer of air, transferring the disturbance to that layer. In this way, the
disturbance proceeds in air, and finally the air near the ear of the listener gets

The disturbance produced in the air near the speaker travels in air, the air itself
does not move. The air that is near the speaker at the time of uttering a word remains
all the time near the speaker even when the message reaches the listener. This type of
motion of energy is called a wave motion. (Verma, 2008)

Thus, a wave is a mechanism which transfers energy from one place to the
other without transferring any matter in it. Moreover, a wave is a perturbation or
disturbance propagating through a medium. Within that description, there are three
terms that might need to be unpacked: disturbance, propagate, and medium.


A disturbance is a change from the current state of a measurable quantity at

some location, in the sense used in this definition. For instance:
 Change in kinematic variable, such as position, speed or acceleration;
 An intensive property changes like strain, density, or temperature;
 Changes in field strength, such as electric field strength, magnetic field
strength, or gravity field strength.


To propagate, in the sense used in this definition, is to transmit the influence

of something in a particular direction. Synonyms for propagate include spread,
transmit, communicate, and broadcast.


A medium is the substance through which a wave can propagate. Water is the
medium of ocean waves. Air is the medium through which we hear sound waves. The electric
and magnetic fields are the medium of light. People are the medium of a stadium wave. The
Earth is the medium of seismic waves (earthquake waves). 
Here is a list of some phenomena or activities that fulfill a wave description given
above. (The Physics Hypertextbook, 2020)
A. Sound waves
B. Light waves, and all other
electromagnetic radiation
 Gamma rays
 X – rays
 UV
 Visible light
 Infrared
 Microwave
 Radio wave
C. Water waves
 Deep water waves (gravity waves, ocean waves, wind waves)
 Tsunamis (tidal waves)
 Ripples (capillary waves)
D. Seismic waves, a.k.a. earthquake waves
P waves
S waves
waves, shear
R waves
waves, ground roll)
L waves (Love waves)

E. Waves in cloth
A fluttering flag
Snapping a sheet when making
a bed
F. Physiological waves
Nerve impulses
Heart contractions
G. Waves in linear media
Plucking, bowing, or striking a
guitar, violin, or piano string
Casting loops when fly fishing
Cracking a whip
Properties of medium require for wave motion
If a wave moves through a medium like water, air, string, it has to activate the
medium to oscillating particles, as they move through the medium. To do this, the medium
need inertia to store kinetic energy. The particles, then, can overshoot its middle position.
After the particles are displaced, they tend to regain the original stance. The medium must
store potential energy for this purpose which requires elasticity to do so. The medium must
therefore have inertia and elasticity for the propagation of the wave. Those two medium
properties decide the wave 's speed.
A. Carry out these simple experiments in order to grasp a better understanding of the
concept of waves.
1. Title: The Ripple
Materials: stone (3 different sizes), large basin, ballpen and paper
 Fill up the large basin with water then wait until the water in it settles
 Throw the smallest stone that you have at the middle of the basin.
Observe what happens.
 Repeat step 1 and 2 but this time use the second and third stone in
your possession respectively.
Guide Questions:
a. What happens to the water in the basin after throwing the stone in it?
b. What caused this scenario to happen?
c. Make a detailed report about the experiment. Be sure to attached images
and or drawings during the conduct of the experiment.

2. Title: Jumping Jack

Materials: balloon, rubber band, 1 big and 1 small can, sugar, stick, ballpen
and paper.
 Prepare the set up as shown in the image below

 Sprinkle small amount of sugar on top of the can with the balloon
as cover.
 Hold the small can close to the sugar and tap the side of the small.
Observe hay happens.
 Try tapping the small can in different spots or holding it in
different directions. Observe what happens.
Guide Questions:
a. What happens to the sugar?
b. How were you able to make the sugar move the most?
c. Make a detailed report about the experiment. Be sure to attached images
captured and or drawings during the conduct of the experiment.

B. Make a list of activities (minimum of 10) that can produce waves in your home.
Write a detailed process on how a wave is produced in each activity listed.
A. Describe a wave in 5 sentences. Present illustrations as basis of your description.
B. Enumerate 5 examples of wave and briefly discuss its characteristics.
C. Wave Propagation. Devise and perform a simple experiment following the parts
used in the application section of this module. The experiment must be related to
the propagation of wave in any medium of choice. Guide questions asked must
also be answered

Bauer, Wolfgang: Westfall, Gary D. 2011. University Physics. International Edition New
York. McGraw Hill Companies.
Cutnell, J.D. and Johnson K.W. 2012. 9th edition. Physics. John-Wiley & Sons Inc.
Gupta, D.C. 2015. Waves. Disha Nurturing Ambitions. Shivalik Main Road, Malviya Nagar,
New Delhi
Halliday, D. et. al. 2011. 9th edition. Fundamentals of Physics. John-wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hewitt, P. 2005. Conceptual Physics. C&E Publishing, Inc.
The Physics Hypertextbook. 2020.
UPOU Module, Physics B: Thermal Phenomena, 1998
Young, H.D. and Freedman, R.A. 2008. 12th edition. University Physics. Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co. Inc.

TOPIC 2: Pulse and Waves

Learning Objectives
After completing this module, you should be able to:
1. describe a mechanical wave and an electromagnetic wave;
2. compare and contrast transverse and longitudinal wave and give example for each
kind of wave;
3. simulate the propagation of the different types of wave.


Consider a long string with

one end fixed to the other wall and
held by a person. The person pulls the
string, and keeps it tight. Suppose the
person snaps his hand up and down a
little, producing a bump in the string
near his hand. A hump is produced in
the string, such a disturbance that is
sudden and lasts for the short duration
is called a pulse. If jerks are
continuously produced, a wave move
along the string is called progressive

Let us remember that a wave is a mechanism which transfers energy from one
place to the other without transferring any matter in it. Moreover, a wave is a
perturbation or disturbance propagating through a medium. Within that description,
there are three terms that might need to be unpacked: disturbance, propagate, and

Types of Waves

1. Mechanical waves: These waves require material medium for their

propagation. Sound waves, waves in stretched string are the examples of
mechanical waves.
2. Non-mechanical or
electromagnetic waves: These
waves require no medium for
their propagation. Light waves
are electromagnetic waves.
3. Matter wave: The waves
associated with the highly
accelerating particles. These are
waves associated with the
elementary particles such as
electron moving at a speed of 10-
7 -1
m sec .
Mechanical Wave

A. Transverse wave. The wave in which particles of the medium are displaced
in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of wave. In
other words, a transverse wave is the one in which the particles of medium
execute oscillations in a direction perpendicular to the direction of
propagation of wave. Transverse waves can travel only in solids and
surface of liquids.

Transverse Wave

Example 1. In order to
clear the concept about transverse
wave, consider a large and loose
spring coil on a smooth table with
one end fixed. If the free end of
the spring is moved upside down,
a wave pattern is formed.

Example 2. Consider two persons

are holding a string in its ends. If the
person gives a sudden jerk, a hump
(pulse) is generated and starts
travelling towards the other person
due to the disturbance of the rope.
This hump tends to move the hand of
the second person by imparting its
momentum and energy. The pattern
of the hump travelling forward as a
wave or pulse is an example of
transverse wave. It produces the so-
called crests and troughs.
In case of waves in stretched string, the points like C where upward
displacement is maximum are called crests. Similarly, the points like T, having
maximum downward displacement are called troughs.

Anatomy of a Transverse Wave

1. Crest. Highest point on a transverse wave. Also called the peak.

2. Trough. Lowest point on a transverse wave.
3. Wavelength (λ). The wavelength of a wave is the distance between any two
adjacent corresponding locations on the wave train. This distance is usually
measured in one of the following ways: crest to next crest, trough to next
4. Amplitude. The maximum value of displacement in a crest or trough from the
normal line.

B. Longitudinal Wave. Wave in which particles of the medium vibrate

parallel to the direction of propagation of waves. Longitudinal waves are
waves that are usually created by pulling and pushing the material or
medium. Alternating compressions and rarefactions are observed. These
compressions and rarefactions move along with the direction of the
pushing and pulling activity of the material or medium. Thus, the wave
moves parallel to the motion of material or the particles of the medium.
Longitudinal Wave Demonstrated

Example 1. Let us consider a spring with one end fixed on a smooth horizontal
table. If the free end of the spring is moved to and along the direction of the spring a
wave back and forth is produced.

Anatomy of a Longitudinal Wave

1. Crest. Highest point on a transverse wave. Also called the peak.

2. Trough. Lowest point on a transverse wave.
3. Wavelength (λ). The wavelength of a wave is the distance between any two
adjacent corresponding locations on the wave train. This distance is usually
measured in one of the following ways: compression to next compression,
rarefaction to next rarefaction.
4. Amplitude. The maximum value of displacement in a crest or trough from the
normal line.
A. Create a simple board game applying the concept of either mechanical or
electromagnetic wave. The game must clearly depict the nature and characteristics of
waves describe in this module. Do not forget to include the process on how to play
the game. Check the example given below. Important note: Use your imagination.
Any board can be submitted and is not limited to the sample given.

B. Make a research about the important uses of electromagnetic waves. Provide

examples as needed in your submission.

A. Describe a mechanical wave and an electromagnetic wave.
B. Make a Venn diagram to show comparison and contrast of electromagnetic
wave and mechanical wave. Each part must contain at least 5 important
descriptions to establish a difference. Examples must also be provided.
C. Wave Propagation Simulation. Perform the experiment shown below then
answer the guide questions. Note: If the material is not available in your home
have the initiative to look and or provide a material that can be used in

A. Experiment 1.
 Let us consider a spring with one end fixed on a smooth horizontal
 Hold the free end section of the spring then push it backward and
Guide Question:
1. What have observed from the movement of the spring as you
moved it back and forth?
2. What is the reason behind such movements?
3. Will increasing the speed of the pushing and pulling motion
present an observable effect?

B. Experiment 2
 Let us consider a large and loose spring coil or a string attached on
a smooth table with one end fixed.
 Hold the free end section of the spring then move your hand in an
up and down motion.
Guide Question:
1. What have observed from the movement of the spring or string as
you moved it up and down?
2. What is the reason behind such movements?
3. Will increasing the speed of such movement present an observable
4. How is this experiment different with that of the first one?

Bauer, Wolfgang: Westfall, Gary D. 2011. University Physics. International Edition New
York. McGraw Hill Companies.
Cutnell, J.D. and Johnson K.W. 2012. 9th edition. Physics. John-Wiley & Sons Inc.
Gupta, D.C. 2015. Waves. Disha Nurturing Ambitions. Shivalik Main Road, Malviya Nagar,
New Delhi
Halliday, D. et. al. 2011. 9th edition. Fundamentals of Physics. John-wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hewitt, P. 2005. Conceptual Physics. C&E Publishing, Inc.
The Physics Hypertextbook. 2020.
Young, H.D. and Freedman, R.A. 2008. 12th edition. University Physics. Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co. Inc.
TOPIC 3: Wave on a String Mathematical Description

Learning Objectives
After completing this module, you should be able to:
1. describe a wave represented graphically;
2. identify the characteristics of harmonic waves;
3. calculate the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave in a string.


You studied that the oscillating particles are displaced in transverse waves and
are perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. By comparison, in the
longitudinal waves, medium particles oscillate along the direction of wave
propagation. The transverse and longitudinal waves are therefore basic harmonic
When a disturbance is localized only to a small part of space at a time, we say
that a wave pulse is passing through that part of the space. This happens when the
source producing the disturbance (hand in this case) is active only for a short time. If
the source is active for some extended time repeating its motion several times, we get
a wave train or a wave packet.

Characteristics of harmonic waves

A. Amplitude: The amplitude of a wave is the magnitude of maximum

displacement of the oscillating particles of the medium on either side of their
mean position. It is usually represented by letter A. Its SI unit is meter (m).
B. Wavelength: The distance between two consecutive crests or two consecutive
troughs is called wavelength. Or the distance between two consecutive
compressions or two consecutive rarefactions is called wavelength. It is
usually represented by Greek letter lambda, O. Its SI unit is meter (m).
C. Time period: The time taken
by crest or trough to move a
distance equal to one
wavelength is called time
period. In case of longitudinal
wave, the time taken by
compression or rarefaction to
travel a distance equal to one
wavelength is called the time
period. This time period of the
wave is the same as the period
of the particle which is take to
complete an oscillation. Time period is usually represented by T. Its SI unit is
second (s).
D. Frequency: Frequency of the wave is equal to the frequency of oscillation of
the particles of the medium. The frequency of an oscillating particle is the
number of oscillations completed by the particle of the medium in one
complete wavelength. Thus, the frequency of a wave may be regarded as the
number of complete wavelengths traversed in one second. The SI unit of
frequency is hertz (Hz).
E. Wave velocity: It is the distance travelled by the wave in one second. The
wave velocity is usually represented by v. Its SI unit is meter/ second (m/s).

Displacement – distance graph

The wavelength ( λ ) and the amplitude (A) of a transverse rope wave can
represented using a displacement distance graph. Displacement – distance graph.

Displacement – time graph

If you ‘freeze’ the wave motion of a rope is at various times, the up and down
movement of points can be observed to determine the time for one complete
wavelength in order to calculate the speed of a wave.

Relationship between wave velocity, frequency and wavelength

Although it is not convenient to determine the speed of a wave by timing the

motion of a wave crest over a measured distance, speed of a wave can still be found
indirectly from its frequency and wavelength. Thus, it can be expressed
mathematically as:
Distancetravelled (m)
Wave velocity =
Time taken(s)


As =f

v = λf
Thus, the velocity of a wave is the product of frequency and wavelength.

Example 1. A wave is travelling along the x -axis, whose displacement-time graph is

shown in figure below. Find period and frequency of wave.
The time period of a wave is T = 0.50 s
The frequency of oscillation is

f= = 1/50 = 2 Hz

Example 2: A source of wave produces 40 crests and 40 troughs in 0.4 second. Find
the frequency of the wave.

The total number of waves produced in 0.4 s is 40.
The frequency of wave,

f= = 40/0.4 = 100 Hz

Draw a graphical representation of the wave in the following given problems. A
sample is presented below as reference. Note:

Based on figure below, determine the amplitude, period, frequency and speed of the

Amplitude Period Frequency Speed of Wave

0.4 m 2 sec 0.5 Hz 4 m/s

1. A wave with a frequency of 14 Hz has a wavelength of 3 meters. At what speed

will this wave travel?
2. The speed of a wave is 65 m/sec. If the wavelength of the wave is 0.8 meters,
what is the frequency of the wave?

3. A wave has a wavelength of 125 meters is moving at a speed of 20 m/s. What is

its frequency?

A. Identification. Identify the idea or concept that is being described in the following
_____________ 1. It is the number of oscillations completed by the particle of the medium in
one complete wavelength.
_____________ 2. The time taken by compression or rarefaction to travel a distance equal to
one wavelength.
_____________ 3. This is usually represented by v. Its SI unit is meter/ second (m/s).
_____________ 4. It refers to the distance between two consecutive crests or two consecutive
_____________ 5. It is the magnitude of maximum displacement of the oscillating particles
of the medium on either side of their mean position.

B. Problem Solving. Read and analyze the following problem then write your
complete solution to support your final answer.

1. The speed of sound is 346 m/s. If a sound wave travels at a frequency of 55 Hz,
what would its wavelength be?
2. An ocean wave has a length of 10 meters. A wave passes a fixed location every 2
seconds. What is the speed of the wave?
3. A wave has a wavelength of 0.5 meters and a frequency of 120 Hz. What is the
wave’s speed?
4. A boat at anchor is rocked by waves whose consecutive crests are 100 m apart. The
wave velocity of the moving crests is 20 m/s. What is the frequency of rocking of the
5. A longitudinal wave is produced on a toy slinky. The wave travels at a speed of 30
cm/s and the frequency of the wave is 20 Hz. What is the minimum separation
between the consecutive compressions of the slinky?

Bauer, Wolfgang: Westfall, Gary D. 2011. University Physics. International Edition New
York. McGraw Hill Companies.
Cutnell, J.D. and Johnson K.W. 2012. 9th edition. Physics. John-Wiley & Sons Inc.
Gupta, D.C. 2015. Waves. Disha Nurturing Ambitions. Shivalik Main Road, Malviya Nagar,
New Delhi
Halliday, D. et. al. 2011. 9th edition. Fundamentals of Physics. John-wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hewitt, P. 2005. Conceptual Physics. C&E Publishing, Inc.
The Physics Hypertextbook. 2020.
UPOU Module, Physics B: Thermal Phenomena, 1998
Young, H.D. and Freedman, R.A. 2008. 12th edition. University Physics. Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co. Inc

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