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Form inductive embryonic-like DP Enhance inductive properties

Clinical precursors from patient-derived of patient-derived
potential iPS cells via redifferentiation, or via DP cells to be used in
direct reprogramming of adult cells HF bioengineering therapies

t in vitro
Via superenhancers los
ly Via enhancers

Master Stable cell Inductive
Signaling transcription identity? Transcription properties
events factors (?) factors
Lineage Terminal
identity differentiation Telogen
genes (?) genes

Lineage Fgf20, others(?) Shh, others(?) BMPs, Wnt3a Functional

Mesenchymal Immature Differentiated
steps DP progenitor hair cycle Catagen
precursor DP cell DP cell
Lineage commitment Lineage maturation Lineage differentiation states

Genetic Dermo1-Cre, Tbx18 , Corin-Cre
tools En1-Cre, Prx1-Cre, Tbx18

Figure 1. Dermal papilla (DP) lineage program. DP cells form during embryonic HF development from initially uncommitted mesenchymal precursors. Formation
of the DP lineage likely follows a stereotypical cell lineage program, which starts with the commitment event. Although DP lineage commitment is likely
associated with stable gene expression changes, signaling characteristics of differentiated DP cells are unstable and can be rapidly lost in culture. Signaling
networks of DP lineage can now be studied using several stage-specific Cre lines. Mechanisms of the DP lineage commitment and differentiation can be exploited
for developing optimized HF bioengineering therapies for alopecia (listed at the top). iPS, induced pluripotent stem; Shh, Sonic hedgehog.

of this issue map out a novel genetic Grisanti L, Clavel C, Cai X et al. (2013a) Tbx18 Rendl M, Lewis L, Fuchs E (2005) Molecular
strategy for systematically examining targets dermal condensates for labeling, isola- dissection of mesenchymal-epithelial inter-
tion, and gene ablation during embryonic hair actions in the hair follicle. PLoS Biol
the functional significance of DP follicle formation. J Invest Dermatol 133:344–53 3:e331
signature genes both in its own lineage Grisanti L, Rezza A, Clavel C et al. (2013b) Enpp2/ Rendl M, Polak L, Fuchs E (2008) BMP signaling in
specification and, more broadly, in HF autotaxin in dermal papilla precursors is dermal papilla cells is required for their
morphogenesis. Future gene ablation dispensable for hair follicle morphogenesis. hair follicle-inductive properties. Genes Dev
studies using DP-specific Cre lines will J Invest Dermatol 133:2332–9 22:543–57
undoubtedly reveal the molecular Huh SH, Närhi K, Lindfors PH et al. (2013) Fgf20 Woo WM, Zhen HH, Oro AE (2012) Shh maintains
governs formation of primary and secondary dermal papilla identity and hair morphogen-
identity of DP lineage master regu- dermal condensations in developing hair esis via a Noggin-Shh regulatory loop. Genes
lators. An in-depth understanding of follicles. Genes Dev 27:450–8 Dev 26:1235–46
the DP lineage commitment program
will help devise protocols for achieving
highly inductive patient-specific DP See related articles on pg 2340 and 2347
cells and improve prospects for HF
bioengineering therapies for alopecia.
Psoriasis and Cardiovascular Disease:
The authors state no conflict of interest. Where Is the Risk?
Catriona M. Maybury1, Jonathan N. Barker1 and Catherine H. Smith1
Chen D, Jarrell A, Guo C et al. (2012) Dermal
b-catenin activity in response to epidermal In this issue, Dowlatshahi et al. publish results from their population-based study
Wnt ligands is required for fibroblast prolif- in Rotterdam showing that, despite an increase in body mass index and smoking,
eration and hair follicle initiationDevelop- individuals with psoriasis have no increased risk of incident cardiovascular disease.
ment 139:1522–33
These results should be interpreted with caution: the study included relatively
Clavel C, Grisanti L, Zemla R et al. (2012) Sox2 small numbers of patients with psoriasis, most of whom had mild disease.
in the dermal papilla niche controls hair growth
by fine-tuning BMP signaling in differentiating Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2013) 133, 2308–2311. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.207
hair shaft progenitors. Dev Cell 23:981–94
Enshell-Seijffers D, Lindon C, Kashiwagi M et al.
(2010) Beta-catenin activity in the dermal Background to psoriasis and than ‘‘skin deep.’’ The reported associa-
papilla regulates morphogenesis and regen- cardiovascular risk tion between psoriasis and cardiovas-
eration of hair. Dev Cell 18:633–42 cular disease (CVD) has attracted
Psoriasis is now recognized as a chronic
Fu J, Hsu W (2013) Epidermal Wnt controls hair considerable interest in the last decade
inflammatory skin disease that is more
follicle induction by orchestrating dynamic
signaling crosstalk between the epidermis and
dermis. J Invest Dermatol 133:890–8
Greco V, Chen T, Rendl M et al. (2009) A two-step St John’s Institute of Dermatology, King’s College London, London, UK
mechanism for stem cell activation during Correspondence: Catriona M. Maybury, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, 9th Floor, Tower Wing, Guys
hair regeneration. Cell Stem Cell 4:155–69 Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT, UK. E-mail:

2308 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2013), Volume 133


tance or diabetes, abdominal obesity,

Clinical Implications (from the Rotterdam hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, and
Study) it is strongly associated with CVD. In a
large population-based study, Langan
 Patients with mild psoriasis, managed in the community, can be reassured et al. showed an increased prevalence
that the absolute risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) is not of metabolic syndrome in individuals
significantly different compared with the rest of the general population. with psoriasis in the UK. This associa-
However, they may still have an increased risk of developing traditional tion was ‘‘dose dependent’’ and increa-
CVD risk factors such as hyperlipidemia. sed with disease severity (Langan et al.,
 Dermatologists treating patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis should 2011).
remain vigilant in detecting and managing CVD and should refer to their Inflammation has been hypothesized
relevant guidelines for the management of CVD, such as the recently as an independent CVD risk factor
published UK NICE Psoriasis guidelines ( (recognized through the addition of
psoriasis-cg153). high-sensitivity C-reactive protein to
 The pathogenic mechanisms linking psoriasis and CVD remain uncertain, more recent cardiovascular risk scoring)
requiring further research. (Ridker et al., 2007). The burden of
chronic inflammation in psoriasis may
confer a degree of risk that is indepen-
dent of traditional coronary risk factors
or in a manner that may exacerbate their
since Mallbris et al. (2004) reported data geneity exists for all CVD outcomes. impact. In particular, overproduction of
from a large cohort study comparing Discrepancies are likely to reflect impor- Th-1 cytokines in psoriasis (such as
CVD mortality in hospitalized patients tant differences in study design, how the TNF-a, IFN-g) may disturb endothelial
with psoriasis, outpatients with psori- diagnosis and disease severity of psori- function (Pietrzak et al., 2013). In an
asis, and the general population. They asis was ascertained, and whether the animal study using mice with psoriasi-
observed no increased mortality for patients were drawn from a primary or form dermatitis (KC-Tie2 mice) and an
outpatients with psoriasis, but they did secondary care setting. Although, on absence of comorbidities, aortic root
identify a significantly increased risk of balance, the literature supports an associ- inflammation was present in 33% of
death from CVD for patients with psori- ation between psoriasis and CVD, the affected KC-Tie2 group compared
asis requiring hospital admission. In Wakkee et al. (2010) concluded that with 0% in the controls (P ¼ 0.04). Bio-
2006, the first population-based study psoriasis may not be an independent markers of CVD risk, including C-reac-
indicating that psoriasis may confer risk factor for CVD as indicated by rates tive protein and TNF-a, were also
an independent risk of myocardial of hospitalization due to ischemic heart elevated in the KC-Tie2 group. After
infarction (MI) was published in the disease in people with psoriasis com- treatment of skin inflammation, the
journal JAMA (Gelfand et al., 2006). pared to those without. Notably, this aortic root lesions resolved. These data
Subsequent studies showed that psori- study was also based in Rotterdam, and suggest that at least in murine models
asis is also a risk factor for stroke and the majority of participants had mild skin inflammation alone promotes vas-
thromboembolism. A recent systematic disease. cular inflammation and thrombosis
review and meta-analysis of 17 studies (Wang et al., 2012). Again, not all data
reporting the incidence (as opposed to Cardiovascular disease and psoriasis: are consistent with this hypothesis:
the prevalence) of CVD events in indivi- proposed pathogenesis Martyn-Simmons et al. (2011), for exam-
duals with psoriasis indicates that CVD Although an association between psor- ple, detected no difference in endothe-
risk predominates in individuals who iasis and CVD is, with a few exceptions, lial dysfunction in a cross-sectional
have severe disease, with marked increa- reported consistently, it is less certain cohort of patients with severe psoriasis
ses in the incidence of MI, stroke, and that the relationship is causal. It is without traditional CVD risk and
all-cause CVD mortality (Samarasekera important to state that all possible controls.
et al., 2013). The relative risks appear to mechanisms are theoretical. In the
be greatest in younger individuals, 1960s, Framingham epidemiologists Areas of uncertainty
although the absolute number of CVD identified hypertension, smoking, dia- Therefore, although significant progress
events attributable to psoriasis per year betes, and hyperlipidemia as coronary in knowledge regarding CVD risk in
remains modest and especially low for risk factors (Ridker et al., 2007). These patients with psoriasis has been made,
young individuals and for those with ‘‘traditional’’ risk factors are more fundamental questions remain, including
mild disease. The review also highlights common in individuals with psoriasis the following: What are the pathogenic
the difficulties in interpreting these data: and could account for some, if not all, of mechanisms for the development of
descriptors of disease severity rely largely the increased risk of CVD in this group. CVD in this group? How important is
on surrogate markers such as healthcare More recently, the metabolic syndrome psoriasis-associated inflammation as a
use (for example hospitalization or use of has entered medical terminology to risk factor for CVD? Does treatment of
systemic therapy), and inter-study hetero- describe the clustering of insulin resis- psoriasis attenuate CVD risk? 2309

‘‘Psoriasis and cardiovascular events: the hospital-based case–control studies. severity was, in common with most
Rotterdam Study,’’ Dowlatshahi et al. Earlier population studies using health other studies, judged by medication
In this issue of the Journal, Dowlatshahi records data formulated their evidence use. Participants were classified as hav-
et al. (2013) report results from a pros- on information obtained via interna- ing either mild (no or topical therapy)
pective population-based study aimed tional disease classification (ICD) or or moderate-to-severe psoriasis (using
to assess the risk of subclinical athero- Oxford Medical Information System either phototherapy or systemic therapy).
sclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke, (OXMIS) coding, which could introduce Supplementary Figure 2: Incidence
and heart failure in patients with psori- misclassification bias. Therefore, this estimates for MI in people with psoriasis
asis. This was performed as part of the study is unique in assessing individuals compared to people without stratified
larger ‘Rotterdam Study’ (http://www. across the whole spectrum of disease, in by age—(A) mild psoriasis; (B) severe, using data the community setting and not in a psoriasis (Samarasekera et al., 2013).
from individuals over 55 years living in healthcare setting, and by the fact that
one Dutch suburb. Cases were identi- the psoriasis diagnosis was made either Conclusion
fied via a search of general practitioner by a doctor or through a validated The Rotterdam Study supports existing
records for a physician diagnosis of algorithm, with follow-up taking place data that individuals with mild psoriasis
psoriasis or evidence of medication for over a 10-year period. Furthermore, be- do not have an increased risk of deve-
psoriasis. The reference population was cause the aim was to investigate CVD, loping CVD. However, the majority
subjects with no medical or drug history the Rotterdam group gathered compre- of published literature suggests that
related to psoriasis. The medical records hensive data on cardiovascular risk there is an increased risk of developing
of all participants were assessed conti- factors that other databases failed to CVD in individuals with severe psoria-
nuously over a decade for significant capture: the study looked at both surro- sis. The low numbers of individuals with
events. The primary outcome was inci- gate markers of CVD health and hard severe disease in this study means that
dent cardiovascular disease (morbidity CVD end points with correction for their results are not powerful enough to
and mortality). Secondary outcomes confounders. negate such prior evidence.
were components of CVD (MI, stroke, The main drawback is the small
heart failure) and subclinical measures number of participants with psoriasis CONFLICT OF INTEREST
of atherosclerosis. (259) and the low number of cardiovas- The authors state no conflict of interest.
Data were collected for 262 patients cular events in the psoriasis group dur-
with psoriasis and 8,009 reference ing the study period (28). Individuals ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
subjects. The mean age of the patients were categorized as having moderate- The authors are supported by the National Institute
was 64 years; 44% were men. Psoriasis to-severe psoriasis if they were using for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research
area severity index (PASI) scores were either phototherapy or a systemic drug. Centre based at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS
available for 14% of patients and ranged Foundation Trust and King’s College London. The
This was a minority of patients (63 views expressed are those of the authors and not
from 0.4 to 12.7. The majority of patients or 24% of the psoriasis cohort). necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, or the
patients (75%) had mild disease (defined Rotterdam participants were predomi- Department of Health.
as a PASI o10 or using no therapy or nantly in late middle age, an age group
topical therapy alone). Psoriasis patients in which other studies indicate that the REFERENCES
smoked more, had an increased body relative risks of MI are lower. Previous Dowlatshahi EA, Kavousi M, Nijsten T et al. (2013)
mass index, and used more lipid-low- population-based studies demonstrating Psoriasis is not associated with atherosclerosis
and incident cardiovascular events: the
ering medication than reference sub- a positive association between psoriasis Rotterdam Study. J Invest Dermatol
jects. There were no significant differ- and CVD included much larger num- 133:2347–54
ences in the incidence of CVD, MI, bers of individuals with psoriasis of all Gelfand JM, Neimann AL, Shin DB et al. (2006)
stroke, and heart failure between those severities. For example, in the study by Risk of myocardial infarction in patients with
with psoriasis and the control group. psoriasis. JAMA 296:1735–41
Gelfand et al. (2006), the number of
There were no significant differences patients with severe disease (based on Langan S, Seminara N, Shin D et al. (2011)
Psoriasis is associated with an increased pre-
in carotid intima-media thickness or those receiving systemic therapy) was valence of metabolic syndrome that varies
coronary artery calcification (subclinical 3,837. Therefore, the Rotterdam Study directly with objectively measured severity.
markers of atherosclerosis) between the may have been underpowered to detect J Invest Dermatol 131:S36
groups. Seventy-two percent of psoriasis a difference between the groups. A Mallbris L, Akre O, Granath F et al. (2004)
patients were identified to have a Increased risk for cardiovascular mortality in
power calculation was not made at the
psoriasis inpatients but not in outpatients. Eur
carotid plaque compared with 65% of outset to determine adequate sample J Epidemiol 19:225–30
the reference population (P ¼ 0.09). size, and this introduces the risk of a Martyn-Simmons CL, Ranawaka RR, Chowienczyk
type-11 error (the effect is interpreted P et al. (2011) A prospective case-controlled
Strengths and weaknesses of study as not significant when the association cohort study of endothelial function in
patients with moderate to severe psoriasis.
This was a prospective population- does exist). Br J Dermatol 164:26–32
based study, drawn from a commu- Disease severity scoring (PASI) data
Pietrzak A, Bartosinska J, Chodorowska G et al.
nity setting, avoiding the significant were only available in 14% of the (2013) Cardiovascular aspects of psoriasis: an
ascertainment bias of many previous patients; therefore, attribution of disease updated review. Int J Dermatol 52:153–62

2310 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2013), Volume 133


Ridker PM, Rifai N et al. (2007) Development and Wakkee M, Herings RM, Nijsten T (2010) susceptibility to common triggers of AD
validation of improved algorithms for the Psoriasis may not be an independent risk (including allergens and microbes).
assessment of global cardiovascular risk in factor for acute ischemic heart disease hospi-
women: the Reynolds Risk Score. JAMA talizations: results of a large population-
Murine models with reduced FLG ex-
297:611–9 based Dutch cohort. J Invest Dermatol 130: hibit greater passive transfer of protein
Samarasekera EJ, Neilson JM, Warren RB et al. 962–7 allergens and reduced thresholds to irri-
(2013) Incidence of cardiovascular disease Wang Y, Gao H, Loyd CM et al. (2012) Chronic tants (Irvine et al., 2011). These studies
in people with psoriasis: a systematic review skin-specific inflammation promotes vascular provide the basis for the ‘‘outside-in’’
and meta-analysis. J Invest Dermatol 133: inflammation and thrombosis. J Invest
2340–6 Dermatol 132:2067–75 hypothesis of AD, which states that
transfer of external triggers across a dys-
See related article on pg 2372 functional barrier elicits the disease’s
characteristic immune responses.
Although FLG and other defects in the
Mechanisms of Contact Sensitization barrier have been linked to AD
pathogenesis, there are notable limita-
Offer Insights into the Role of Barrier tions to this hypothesis. For example, an
inverse correlation has been established
Defects vs. Intrinsic Immune between the expression levels of several
terminal differentiation molecules and
Abnormalities as Drivers of Atopic AD disease severity (as measured by the
SCORAD index) (Suárez-Fariñas et al.,
Dermatitis 2011). This raises the possibility of a
reactive epidermal barrier to a primary
Nikhil Dhingra1,2, Nicholas Gulati1 and Emma Guttman-Yassky1,3 immune insult. Furthermore, impressive
reductions in key terminal differentia-
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common inflammatory skin disease characterized by wet, tion molecules, extending far beyond
oozing, erythematous, pruritic lesions in the acute stage and xerotic, lichenified FLG, have been found even in non-
plaques in the chronic stage. It frequently coexists with asthma and allergic rhinitis, lesional AD skin. In addition, a
sharing some mechanistic features with these diseases as part of the ‘‘atopic march.’’ majority of AD patients do not harbor
Controversy exists as to whether immune abnormalities, epidermal barrier defects, FLG mutations, and even those with
or both are the primary factors responsible for disease pathogenesis. In AD patients, them have been shown to outgrow the
there is often a coexisting irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) or allergic contact disease (Guttman-Yassky et al., 2011).
dermatitis (ACD) that is sometimes clinically difficult to distinguish from AD. ACD Collectively, these observations suggest
shares molecular mechanisms with AD, including increased cellular infiltrates and that barrier dysfunction is not the sole
cytokine activation (Gittler et al., 2013). In this issue, Newell et al. (2013) used an contributor to disease pathogenesis.
experimental contact sensitization model with dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) to gain
insight into the unique immune phenotype of AD patients. AD is primarily Th2 and Th22 polarized
The historical immune paradigm for
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2013) 133, 2311–2314. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.239
AD characterized it largely as a
T helper type 2 (Th2)-mediated disease
with high levels of IL-4, IL-13, and
Epidermal barrier defects characterize Furthermore, frequent mutations in the
Th2-polarizing chemokines (i.e.,
lesional and nonlesional AD skin FLG gene (found in up to 30–50% of AD
CCL17, CCL18, and CCL22). Recent
The stratum corneum, including terminal patients) have been associated with the
work has implicated additional key
differentiation proteins such as filaggrin severity of AD (as identified by the
Th2-associated cytokines and factors,
(FLG), corneodesmosin, and loricrin, is a Scoring of AD (SCORAD) index). These
including IL-31, thymic stromal lympho-
first-line defense against irritants and differentiation abnormalities contribute
poietin (TSLP), and OX40. Th2 signaling
allergens. The genomic expression of to the barrier defect in AD, ultimately
has been demonstrated to produce
key barrier molecules, which comprise resulting in increased transepidermal
many of the molecular findings seen in
the epidermal differentiation complex on water loss, xerosis, and greater penetra-
AD skin, with the exception of the
chromosome 1q21, have been pre- tion of various agents (Gittler et al.,
characteristic epidermal hyperplasia.
viously shown to be downregulated in 2013). In humans, FLG deficiency has
Allergen-specific Th2 T cells can be
AD patients in both lesional and nonle- been linked to increased risk of the other
found in AD but not in nonatopic con-
sional skin (Suárez-Fariñas et al., 2011). atopic diseases, as well as to greater
trols (Ardern-Jones et al., 2007). More
recently, Th22 T cells and their
Laboratory for Investigative Dermatology, The Rockefeller University, New York, New York, USA;
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York, USA and 3Department of
cytokine, IL-22, have been shown to
Dermatology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York, USA have a key role in the pathogenesis of
Correspondence: Emma Guttman-Yassky, Department of Dermatology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount AD, potentially accounting for the incre-
Sinai, 5 East 98th Street, New York, New York 10029, USA. E-mail: ased epidermal thickness. Langerhans 2311

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