Project Category:: Content Beyond The Syllabus Library Management System Project in JAVA

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Content beyond the Syllabus

Library management system project in JAVA

Project category :


Language and software tool used :

 Front End : Java

 Operating System : Window 7
 Back End : Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Structure of the project:

Proposed System:

In the proposed system, we assume that each member will be having a identity card which can be
used for the library book issue, fine payment etc. whenever library member wish to take a book,
the book issued by the library authority will be check both the book details as well as the student
details and store it in library database. In case of retrieval of book much of human intervention
can be eliminated.

Module Description:

         1. User Module:

In this module student can check availability of the book…

The following are the sub module in the user module.

 Book return: Here student will return the books  to the library…

2. Administrator Module:

This is the main module in the proposed project. The administrator can read and write
information about any member. The administrator can also update, create and delete the record
of membership as per requirement and implementation plans.

The following are the sub module in the administrator module.

 Register student: Allow the administrator to register new student and update the student

 Book details: Allow administrator to entered book details.

 Book issue: Here administrator issues the books to the student from library.
Future scope of the project:

We can consider much future scope to this application. The following are some of there.

 Online use of the library can be good feature for the Library Management system.
 Advanced fine payment system can be added.
 Inventory system can be used to maintain the books of the library.

Hardware requirement :

 Operating system: Window 7

 Hard disks: 40GB
 RAM: 256 MB

Software requirement :

 Java language
 Net beans IDE 7.0.1
 MS SQL server 2005
 import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.metal.*;

public class frmBooks extends JInternalFrame implements ActionListener

    public static JScrollPane     BooksTblJSP = new JScrollPane();
    public static JPanel         jpnlMain      = new JPanel();
    public static JTable         JTBooksTbl;
    Connection cnBooks;
    public static Statement stmtBooks;
    public static ResultSet rsBooks;    //Recordset
    public static String sSQL;
    public static String Content[][];
    public static int rowNum = 0;
    public static int total = 0;
    boolean goEOF;
    Dimension screen     =

    //JButton Variables
    JButton bttnAddNew  = new JButton("Add New",new ImageIcon("@imgs/add
    JButton bttnEdit    = new JButton("Edit",   new
    JButton bttnRemove    = new JButton("Remove", new
    JButton bttnSearch     = new JButton("Search", new
    JButton bttnPreview    = new JButton("Preview",new
    JButton bttnRefresh    = new JButton("Refresh",new
    JButton bttnExit       = new JButton("Cancel", new

    //JLabel Variables
    JLabel  lblHeader    = new JLabel();
    JLabel  lblIcon        = new JLabel();
    JLabel  lblCaption    = new JLabel("NOTE: This form contains all
information about the Book Records.");

    JFrame JFParentFrame;
    mdlFunctions module_func = new mdlFunctions();
    mdlSQLStatements module_sql     = new mdlSQLStatements();

    public frmBooks(Connection conn, JFrame getParentFrame) throws

        super("Books Records",false,true,false,true);

        JFParentFrame = getParentFrame;
        cnBooks = conn;
        stmtBooks =
        sSQL = "SELECT * FROM qryBooks ORDER BY BookNo ASC";

        //-- Add the Table

        JTBooksTbl = CreateTable();

        module_func.setJButton(bttnAddNew,5,390,105,25,"add","Add New");






        lblHeader.setIcon(new ImageIcon("@imgs/Barrowers Records.gif"));

        lblIcon.setIcon(new ImageIcon("@imgs/bookslist.gif"));

        lblCaption.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 12));
        lblCaption.setForeground(new Color(255,255,255));
        //Add Labels

        //Add Buttons
        getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout(0,0));
        getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, jpnlMain);

        setFrameIcon(new ImageIcon("@imgs/Books.gif"));
        setLocation((screen.width - 728)/2,((screen.height-450)/2)-45);
    ActionListener JBActionListener = new ActionListener()
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            String srcObj = e.getActionCommand();
                JDialog JDAdd = new
            else if(srcObj=="edit")
                if(total != 0){
ow(),JTBooksTbl.getSelectedColumn()) != null)
                            JDialog JDEdit = new
frmAddEditBooks(false,JFParentFrame,cnBooks,"SELECT * FROM qryBooks
WHERE BookNo ='" + JTBooksTbl.getValueAt(JTBooksTbl.getSelectedRow(),0)
+ "'");
                    catch(Exception sqlE)
                        if(sqlE.getMessage() != null)
select a record in the list to modify.","No Record
            else if(srcObj=="remove")
                if(total != 0){
ow(),JTBooksTbl.getSelectedColumn()) != null)
                            String ObjButtons[] = {"Yes","No"};
                            int PromptResult =
JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,"Are you sure you want to removed " +
JTBooksTbl.getValueAt(JTBooksTbl.getSelectedRow(),2) + " in the
stmtBooks,"qryBooks", "BookNo", JTBooksTbl,0);
rd has been successfully removed.","Comfirm
                    catch(Exception sqlE)
cannot delete this Book because it is being used by another user.\nIn
order to delete this book, delete its data from another table.","Comfirm
select a record in the list to deleted.","No Record
            else if(srcObj=="search")
                JDialog JDSearch = new frmSearch(JFParentFrame,
            else if(srcObj == "refresh"){reloadRecord("SELECT * FROM
qryBooks ORDER BY BookNo ASC");}
            else if(srcObj=="exit"){dispose();}

    public static  JTable CreateTable(){

        String ColumnHeaderName[] = {
            "Book Number","ISBN","Title","Author", "Category"
            rsBooks = stmtBooks.executeQuery(sSQL);
            total = 0;
            //Move to the last record
            //Get the current record position
            if(rsBooks.previous())total = rsBooks.getRow();
            //Move back to the first record;
            if(total != 0){
                Content = new String[total][5];                
                    Content[rowNum][0] = "" +
                    Content[rowNum][1] = "" + rsBooks.getString("ISBN");
                    Content[rowNum][2] = "" +
                    Content[rowNum][3] = "" +
                    Content[rowNum][4] = "" +
                Content = new String[0][5];
                Content[0][0] = " ";
                Content[0][1] = " ";
                Content[0][2] = " ";
                Content[0][3] = " ";
                Content[0][4] = " ";
        }catch(Exception eE){            
        JTable NewTable = new JTable (Content,ColumnHeaderName){
            public boolean isCellEditable (int iRows, int iCols) {
                return false;
        NewTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(708,
        //Start resize the table column
        //End resize the table column
        //Disposed variables
        rowNum = 0;
        return NewTable;
    public static void reloadRecord(String srcSQL)
        sSQL = srcSQL;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)

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