Uninformed Search 4 Uniform-Cost Search

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9/17/2020 CS440 Lectures

CS 440/ECE 448
Fall 2020
Margaret Fleck
Uninformed Search 4

Uniform-cost search
Breadth-first search only returns an optimal path if all edges have the same cost (e.g. length). Uniform-cost
search (UCS) is a similar algorithm that finds optimal paths even when edge costs vary.

Recall that the frontier in a search algorithm contains states that have been seen but their outgoing edges have
not yet been explored. BFS stores the frontier as a queue; DFS stores it as a stack. Uniform-cost search stores the
frontier as a priority queue. So, in each iteration of our loop, we explore neighbors of the best state (i.e. lowest
cost, shortest path) seen so far.

From now on, we will assume that

edge costs are always positive, and

all edge costs are >= b, where b is some minimum non-zero cost.

These assumptions are almost always true. If they aren't true, algorithm design and analysis can get much harder
in ways that are beyond the scope of this class.

The details
When we're using BFS on a problem where all edges have the same cost, we can safely return as soon as we see
a goal state. There's no need to put the goal state back into the frontier for further processing. However, consider
the following example:

Suppose we are going from Westhampton to Florence in the road graph below. When we look at
Westhampton's neighbors, Williamsburg is closer than Northampton. So we'll first get to Florence
via Williamsburg, a route that takes 15 miles. However, the best route is 12 miles, via Northampton.

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9/17/2020 CS440 Lectures
Evidently, this method of finishing up our search doesn't guarantee an optimal path when edge costs vary. So we
need to make a couple changes to ensure that we have really found the best path when we halt and declare

When exploring a state, neighbors are put into the frontier even if they are goal states.
We stop when goal state reaches the top of the priority queue, not when it is first seen.
When we re-discover a state (i.e. via a different path), we update our record of its path length.

Also notice that our representation of a state should include the cost to reach it, along the best path seen so far.
Computing this dynamically would be very slow.

Longer Example
As an example, consider going from Easthampton to Hatfield in our road map.

As with any of these search algorithms, our priority queue starts off containing Easthampton and we then
remove Easthampton from the frontier and add its neighbors. However, since we're doing UCS, we add the
neighbors in order of distance, not some arbitrary search ordering (e.g. left to right). Our search (states with
distances) now looks like this:
Easthampton 0

Northampton 6
Westhampton 10
South Hadley 11

Now we add Northampton's neighbors:

Easthampton 0
Northampton 6

Florence 8
Westhampton 10 <-- Not clear if it's before or after Hadley
Hadley 10
South Hadley 11

Now we add Florence's neighbors:

Easthampton 0
Northampton 6
Florence 8

Westhampton 10
Hadley 10
South Hadley 11
Hatfield 13 <-- GOAL! But don't stop yet
Williamsburg 14

We have a path to Hatfield, but we can't yet be sure that it's the best one. So we keep going, exploring routes
outwards from Westhampton, Hadley, and South Hadley.
Easthampton 0

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9/17/2020 CS440 Lectures
Northampton 6
Florence 8
Westhampton 10
Hadley 10
South Hadley 11

Hatfield 13 <-- GOAL
Williamsburg 14
Amherst 14
Chesterfield 19

Now our goal is at the top of the priority queue, so there can't be a better path. So we return the path:
Easthampton, Northampton, Florence, Hatfield.

Final comments on UCS

UCS returns an optimal path even if edge costs vary. Memory requirements for UCS are similar to BFS. They
can be worse than BFS in some cases, because UCS can get stuck in extended areas of short edges rather than
exploring longer but more promising edges.

You may have seen Dijkstra's algorithm in data structures class. It is basically similar to UCS, except that it finds
the distance from the start to all states rather than stopping when it reaches a designated goal state.

Dijkstra animation

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