Grade 10 ICSE - Commercial Studies Ch-1 Notes

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Ch-1 Stakeholders in Commercial

Short Answer Question: -
[2] Distinguish between ‘stakeholders’ and ‘shareholders’

Basis of Distinction Stakeholders Shareholders

Scope Stakeholder is a much wider In joint stock company the
term than shareholders. persons or group of people
who own the shares of
company are termed as
Applicability The term stake holders are The term shareholders are
used in connection with all used only in connection with a
business enterprises. joint stock company.

[11] Distinguish between internal and external stakeholders.


Basis of Distinction Internal stakeholders External stakeholders

Position They operate from inside the They operate from outside the
organisation. organisation.
Role They actively participate in the They do not actively
management and working of participate in the management
the organisation. and working of the
Example Employers and employees Suppliers, customers,
Long Question Answers: -
1]Explain the expectations of the government from a business organisation.

1]The expectations of the government from a business organisation are:

 To follow the law and regulations of the country.

 To pay all the taxes honestly, regularly and on time.
 To avoid corrupting public servants.
 To make proper use of scarce resources

2]Give any five points of difference between stakeholders and customers of a company.


Point of Distinction Stakeholders Customers

Stakeholder Shareholders are stakeholders Customers are not stakeholders
as they have financial stake in as they do not have any
the company. financial stake in the company.
Investment Shareholders invest in the Customers do not invest money
company by buying its shares. in the company.
Dividend Shareholders receive dividend Customers do not receive any
from the company. dividend from the company.
Risk They undertake risk of loss on Customers do not undertake
investment made in the any risk as they do not invest in
company. the company.

3]Explain any five expectations of suppliers from a business organisation.

3]The five expectations of suppliers from a business organisation are:-

 Fair prices for the supplies.

 Regular and timely payment.
 Reasonable terms.
 Regular orders.
 Correct information about the company’s financial position
 Healthy and co-operative inter-business relationship

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