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Political Science Job Interview

Questions And Answers

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Political Science Interview Questions And Answers

Political Science Interview Questions And Answers Guide.


Question - 1:
What do the course numbers mean?

The political science department offers courses at the 100 and 200 level. The 100-level courses are the same political science courses one would take at the freshman
level at a university, such as Political Science 103.

The 200-level political science courses are the same political science courses one would take at the sophomore level at a university. You do not have to take the
courses in numerical order, although the 100-level courses usually provide a background in political science that you might find helpful in a 200-level course.
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Question - 2:
Can a capstone count as my seminar?

It can, but rarely does. Only capstones specifically designated as carrying POLS credit, and cross-listed with Political Science, count though when they do, they
satisfy both requirements at once.
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Question - 3:

Can I meet major requirements with courses taken off campus?

Yes, though no more than two courses can transfer as major credits, and both will need to be approved by the department chair. If, however, the courses were taken at

one of the Bucknell-in programs (in London, Grenada, Tours, Barbados, or Northern Ireland), they count as regular Bucknell credits, and do not count against the
two-course limit. For those studying abroad, it is strongly recommended that the core courses be completed before leaving campus. These courses cannot be taken as
part of the study-abroad program.

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Question - 4:
Who is Amicus Curiae?

Friend of the court that mean The name for a brief filed with the court by someone who is not a party to the case.
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Question - 5:

Does law school require a Political Science/International Studies major?

While most of our pre-law students are Political Science and International Studies majors, it is not a requirement for admission to law school. McDaniel has many
pre-law students who major in Economics, Sociology, English, Biology, and History among others.
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Question - 6:
How do I minor in Political Science?
There are five minor programs in Political Science, outlined in the catalog: a general minor, and four others built around each of the four subfields. Each requires five
courses. You declare the minor AFTER you have taken the courses. When you are ready, fill out the necessary form, available at the office of the Dean of Arts and
Sciences, and have the form signed by the department chair.
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Political Science Interview Questions And Answers

Question - 7:
What Is Political Science?

Political Science is an academic field in the social sciences that explores political processes, political systems, political behavior and the structure and purpose of
government and public policy. Political Science encompasses dozens of smaller areas, such as political theory, political economy and international relations.
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Question - 8:
Who removes the Judges of Supreme Court and High Court?


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Question - 9:
Where is the objective of Social Justice included in the Constitution of India?

It is prescribed under Directive Principles of State Policy <br>from Article 36-51.

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Question - 10:
Which courses can I take to help me decide?

The place to begin a sampling of the McDaniel political science curriculum is the entry-level course PSI 1101 Introduction to Political Science. Once you?ve
completed that, you?re open to courses in our two major areas.

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Question - 11:

On which basis the states has representation in Rajya Sabha?

On the basis of population

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Question - 12:
I am thinking of doing independent study in Political Science. How do I go about this?

Independent study is intended for those who want to develop their own program of advanced study on a topic in which they already have an interest. If there is a topic
you would like to spend a semester working on, consult with the faculty member who is most likely to be able to guide you through that research. You should be able
to present him or her with a rough outline of what you hope to do and hope to accomplish. If the instructor agrees to work with you on this, the next stage is to put

together a proposal for the project, which should spell out what you plan to read and what you plan to write in some detail. This requires departmental approval, and
the proposal must be submitted for approval at least two weeks before registration. Please note that you must have already taken the core course/courses relevant to
your topic, as well as any other specialized courses offered that would prepare you for your project.

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Question - 13:

If I do an Honors project, do I still have to take a seminar?


Yes. Doing Honors can be a wonderful, rewarding experience, but it does not replace the experience of doing advanced work in a seminar setting?one that we want
all of our majors to share.

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Question - 14:
What do majors do after graduation?
Students who majored in political science at McDaniel College typically choose one of three paths after graduation: graduate school, law school, or employment.
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Question - 15:
What are the basic requirements for the major?
You need a minimum of 8 courses, though no more than 12, in Political Science, or courses cross-listed with Political Science. (Cross-listings will appear under
Political Science in the course listings for each semester; you don?t need to go looking for them.) The requirements are broken down as follows:
4 core courses, one in each of Political Science?s traditional subfields
POLS140?American Politics
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POLS170?International Politics
POLS205?Comparative Politics
POLS210?Political Theory
1 Political Science seminar or other seminar listed as carrying POLS credit,
preferably in the senior year

3 additional POLS courses, minimum, in any subfield; there is no requirement

or expectation that you concentrate in any of the subfields
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Question - 16:

What are the three things you would like to change in this world?
If there was anything in the world that i would change it would be

1. Lack of innocence- it's amazing how young children are aware of the evils of the world.
2. Selfishness- it seems like nobody wants to help anybody out without some other ulterior motive like publicity, or money, or whatever
3. Divorce- to make a commitment like marriage should be kept. Honestly switching out husbands like you try on a different pair of shoes will not make you happy.

And marriage isn't about being happy, it's about commitment and building a family, for better or worse.
1. Lack of respect for smaller (poor)people.
2. Corruption - People used to work only for the money ,no charms regarding their work.
3. Religious matter .

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Question - 17:
As a Political Science major, what courses should I take first?

The natural place to start as a first year McDaniel student is our entry-level course PSI 1101 Introduction to Political Science and the First Year Seminar. If you have
advanced placement and can bypass the introductory course, then consider PSI 2201 American Political Institutions, PSI 2204 Approaches to International Relations,
PSI 2213 Comparative Politics of Western Europe Polities, or PSI 2217 Contemporary African Politics.

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Question - 18:
How minimum Recruitment age limit for a candidature for Prime Minister of India?
minimum Recruitment age limit is 25 years

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Question - 19:
What is the importance of political science meaning of state what is nature?

Political science, as currently conceived, is a relatively new concept that dates to the nineteenth-century United States. Prior to this time, the study of politics in the
West remained a part of natural philosophy, and it tended to focus on philosophical, historical, and institutional approaches. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle
is often named as the first "political scientist," but his approach differs markedly from what is currently understood to be "political science." Aristotle primarily

occupied himself with addressing what sort of political system would best enable the highest human life of eudaimonia (happiness). In the Politics, Aristotle surveys
an array of constitutions, separating them into six categories based on how many rule the system and whether or not they rule well. This may be considered an
empirical study of sorts and perhaps the first "typology," but his method of study falls well short of what is currently considered to be scientific.

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Question - 20:

Can I major in Political Science and International Studies and study abroad?

Yes, and as a matter of fact, we encourage it.

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Question - 21:
What type of career does a political science major prepare one for?
Political science courses emphasize critical thinking, a skill that can be transferred to any chosen career. The American Political Science Association notes that
political science majors generally find jobs in business, the law, state, local and federal government, journalism, marketing, international organizations and finance,
political campaigns, interest groups and civic associations, communications, policy analysis, and pre-college and college teaching.
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Question - 22:
Can AP credit substitute for a core course, or otherwise count toward the major?
No. AP grades of 4 or 5 in Politics count as electives and toward overall distribution requirements, but do not count toward the major. Any AP credit will appear as an
elective in your degree progress report. (If you are missing a credit you have earned, see the Registrars Office.)

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Question - 23:

What jobs can you get with an associates degree in political science?
The best place for the answer to this question is the college offering the degree. The division office or academic department that offers the degree should have

information on the kinds of jobs their graduates have obtained.

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Question - 24:
Does the department offer dual majors with other departments?

Yes, the department offers a number of dual majors

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Question - 25:

What are motives for imperialism?


Economic - motives included the desire to make money, to expand and control foreign trade, to create new markets for products, to acquire raw materials and cheap
labor, to compete for investments and resources, and to export industrial technology and transportation methods. 2.) Political- motives were based on a nation's desire
to gain power, to compete with other European countries, to expand territory, to exercise military force, to gain prestige by winning colonies, and to boost national
pride and security. 3.) Religious- motives included the desire to spread Christianity, to protect European missionaries in other lands, to spread European values and

moral beliefs, to educate peoples of other cultures, and to end slave trade in Africa. 4.) Exploratory- motives were based on the desire to explore "unknown" or
uncharted territory, to conduct scientific research, to conduct medical searches for the causes and treatment of diseases, to go on an adventure, and to investigate
"unknown" lands and cultures.

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Question - 26:

As a non-major, what courses are available to me in the department?

It depends. While none of our courses have mandatory prerequisites, it makes good common sense to take PSI 1101 ?Introduction to Political Science? before
enrolling in upper level courses. However, if you have considerable experience in the social sciences, you may well feel comfortable and confidence in any of the

2000 level courses. Talk with any political science professor to reach a reasonable decision.
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Question - 27:
I am thinking of doing Honors in Political Science. How do I go about this?

The basic process is largely the same as for independent study, but you must satisfy University requirements for eligibility for Honors, and must follow the
procedures and schedule established by the University Honors Program. Also, this is usually a two-semester project, and we strongly recommend that you start

thinking and consulting an adviser about this during the spring of the junior year, so that you will be able to turn in a formal proposal to the Honors Council in early
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