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Hair Cutting( WBATM005)

Quick Links

1. Theme Installation

2. Installation Steps

3. RTL setting

4. Theme module setting

5. Mega Menu Banner Setting

6. Popup Newslatter setting

7. Footer Link setting

Theme Installation ↑ Back to Top

Please, read the whole section, before attempting to install the theme.
it is recommend to always backup your system before making any upgrades or changes!

Installation Steps ↑ Back to Top

- Go to "Design -> Theme & Logo"

- click on "Add new theme"
Here you will see “Import from your computer” where you need to select Package ZIP file( WBATM005_Package) and click on “Save”

Now activate " WBATM005"

RTL Setting ↑ Back to Top

Please, read the whole section, If you change any style in css file you need to regenerate rtl file.

Following below steps:

1) Delete file to following path: themes\WBATM005\assets\css\theme_rtl.css
2) Then regenerate rtl file.
Go to "Design -> Theme & Logo"

Now upload all "CMS images"

- Copy " WBATM005_Package -> -> cms_img/cms/" directory into "/img/cms/".

Theme module setting ↑ Back to Top

- Go to "Modules -> Modules and Services -> Installed modules" and Install all the module which are listing below:
After installing all the module "Configure" one by one.

Module - 1: "Image slider"

click on "configure"and delete "sample 3"

and edit "sample 1"also see below screenshot.

Module - 2: "WA - CMS Header block"
- configure and edit "WA - CMS Header block"

HTML for "WA - CMS Header block"

<div class="waheader-service">Wants To Explore Upcoming Deals On Weekends?</div>

Module - 3: "WA - CMS About Us block"

- configure and edit "WA - CMS About Us block"

HTML for "WA - CMS About Us block"

<div class="waaboutusblock container">

<div class="waaboutus col-sm-12">
<div class="wacmsaboutus-banner col-sm-5 col-xs-5 hb-animate-element left-to-right ">
<div class="main_image"><a href="#"><img alt="about-img" src="../img/cms/about-us.jpg"></a></div>
<div class="waaboutus-desc col-sm-7 col-xs-7 hb-animate-element right-to-left ">
<div class="aboutus-content">
<div class="wa-title">About us</div>
<div class="waabout-desc">perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium...</div>
<div class="button"><a href="#">Explore All</a></div>
<div class="block_content">
<div class="waservices col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="wacontent_inner">
<div class="service">
<div class="washipping_img service-icon"></div>
<div class="service-content">
<div class="service-title">Free Shipping</div>
<div class="service-desc">Get Unique Taste</div>
<div class="waservices col-sm-6 col-xs-6">
<div class="wacontent_inner">
<div class="service">
<div class="wamoneyback_img service-icon"></div>
<div class="service-content">
<div class="service-title">Big discount</div>
<div class="service-desc">Best of Our Quality</div>

Module - 4: "WA - CMS Parallax block"

- configure and edit "WA - CMS Parallax block"

HTML for "WA - CMS Parallax block"

<div class="wacmsparallax container top-to-bottom hb-animate-element ">

<div class="row">
<div class="wacontent">
<div class="wa-title">Modern</div>
<div class="Wa-subtitle">Get Save <span>50% </span></div>
<div class="waparallax-desc">New Hair Styles And Modern Hair Styles Cutting</div>
<div class="button"><a href="#">SHOP NOW</a></div>
Module - 5: "WA - CMS Client block"
- configure and edit "WA - CMS Client block"

HTML for "WA - CMS Client block"

<div class="wacmsclient container bottom-to-top hb-animate-element ">

<div class="row">
<div class="client-block col-sm-12">
<ul id="waclient-carousel" class="waclient-carousel">
<li class="client-user1 wa-client">
<div class="client-img col-sm-2"><a href="#"><img src="../img/cms/user1.jpg" alt="user1" /></a></div>
<div class="client-content col-sm-10">
<div class="client-usertitle">johny deep</div>
<div class="client-desc">"Cajority have suffered alteration in aome from, by injected believable.There varation words able s, but also
the leap into electronic typesetting, 1960s with the release of Letraset sheetpassage."</div>
<div class="client-subtitle">- Web Developer/Designer</div>
<li class="client-user2 wa-client">
<div class="client-img col-sm-2"><a href="#"><img src="../img/cms/user2.jpg" alt="user2" /></a></div>
<div class="client-content col-sm-10">
<div class="client-usertitle">johny deep</div>
<div class="client-desc">"Cajority have suffered alteration in aome from, by injected believable.There varation words able s, but also
the leap into electronic typesetting, 1960s with the release of Letraset sheetpassage."</div>
<div class="client-subtitle">- Web Developer/Designer</div>
<li class="client-user3 wa-client">
<div class="client-img col-sm-2"><a href="#"><img src="../img/cms/user3.jpg" alt="user3" /></a></div>
<div class="client-content col-sm-10">
<div class="client-usertitle">johny deep</div>
<div class="client-desc">"Cajority have suffered alteration in aome from, by injected believable.There varation words able s, but also
the leap into electronic typesetting, 1960s with the release of Letraset sheetpassage."</div>
<div class="client-subtitle">- Web Developer/Designer</div>

Module - 6: "WA - CMS Banner block"

- configure and edit "WA - CMS Banner block"

HTML for "WA - CMS Banner block"

<div class="wacmsbanner container bottom-to-top hb-animate-element ">

<div class="row">
<div class="wabanner-img1 wabanner col-sm-6 col-xs-12"><a href="#"><img alt="banner-01" src="../img/cms/banner-
<div class="wabanner-img2 wabanner col-sm-6 col-xs-12"><a href="#"><img alt="banner-02" src="../img/cms/banner-

Mega Menu Banner Setting ↑ Back to Top

Popup Newslatter Setting ↑ Back to Top

For Popup Newslatter setting please refer the below screenshot.

Footer Link Setting ↑ Back to Top

For Footer Link position please refer the below screenshot.

- Go to "Design -> Link Widget"

Then For edit block: click on edit

For edit block please refer the below screenshot.

Here you can check/uncheck link.
Still if you have any query regarding our theme, feel free to contact with your theme purchase account.

Thank you for purchasing our theme :)


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