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Activity Task for Law on Sales

Instruction: Please write your answer in a piece of paper. We will check your answer on Friday,
October 9, 2020. After checking your answer, take a picture and send it to my gmail: with a subject of ACTIVITY TASK – LAW ON SALES.

1. Distinguish:
A. Contract of sale and a Contract to sell. (5 points)
B. Earnest money and Option Money. (5 points)

2. A agrees to sell a sewing machine to B for Php 400 in cash, and places the machine
aboard the truck of B while B goes home to fetch money. Before B returns, C appears
and claims ownership of the sewing machine, exhibiting a document signed by B selling
the machine to C. A rejects C’s claim alleging that he is still the owner. Decide with
reasons. (5 points)

3. X Co. grated the exclusive right to sell in the Visayas a certain number f beds which the
Company was manufacturing at the invoice pride to be paid at the end of 60 days. What
contract is perfected – contract of sale or a contract of agency? Reasons. (5 points)

4. A transferred to B a parcel of land for the price of Php 100,000. It was stipulated in the
contract that B will pay Php 40,000 in cash and that for the difference, he will convey a
Dodge automobile, valued approximately Php 60,000. What kind of contract is this?
Explain your answer. (5 points)

5. A sells his 1976 Colt Lancer Sedan to B, a compadre, and leaves it to B to determine the
price. If B refuses to fix a price and simply takes the car, is he still obliged to pay the
price? Explain. (5 points)

6. On January 10, 2000, Raul sold a parcel of registered land to Eddie. Consequently, Eddie
paid the contract price. On Jan. 25, 2004, he sold the same land to Ping. Who has better
right if:
A. The first sale is registered ahead of the second sale without the knowledge of
the latter (second sale). Why? (5 points)
B. The second sale is registered ahead of the first sale, with knowledge of the
latter (first sale)? Why? (5 points)

7. Spouses Tabon entered into a contract to sell with Samuel Cruz over a parcel of
commercial building in Valenzuela, Bulacan for a price of P3, 500, 000.00. The spouses
would give a downpayment of P500, 000. 00 upon the signing of the contract, while the
balance would be paid for the next three consecutive months in the amount of P1, 000,
000. 00 per month. The spouses paid the first two installments but not the last installment.
After one year, the spouses offered to pay the unpaid balance which Samuel refused to
accept. The spouses filed a complaint for specific performance against Samuel invoking
the application of the Maceda Law. If you are the judge, how will you decide the case. (5

8. X entered the restaurant of Y and asked the waiter to bring him a dozen fresh oysters in
their shell. After eating he noticed an almost perfect pearl in one of the shells. He was
about to take it when the restaurant owner claimed the pearl. To whom does the pearl
belong? Why? (5 points)

9. A offered to sell his house and lot to B who was interested in buying the same for Php
200,000. In his letter to B, A stated that he was giving a period of one month within
which to raise the amount and that as soon as B is ready, they will sign the deed of sale.
One week before the expiration of the one-month period, A went to B and told him that
he is no longer willing to sell the property unless the price is increased to Php 250,000.
May B compel A to accept the Php 200,000 first offered, and execute the deed of sale?
Reasons. (5 points)

10. A sold an automobile to be paid as follows: Php 10,000 upon delivery of the car to B, and
the balance at the rate of Php 2,000 every three (30 months thereafter. The automobile,
however, was burned in the possession of B without his fault, before the payment of the
balance. Is B obliged to pay the balance? Reason. (5 points)

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