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The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 187, No.

10, October 2017
Breast Cancer Theme Issue

Breast Cancer Molecular Stratification
From Intrinsic Subtypes to Integrative Clusters
Hege G. Russnes,*y Ole Christian Lingjærde,*z Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale,*x and Carlos Caldas{

From the Department of Cancer Genetics,* Institute for Cancer Research, and the Department of Pathology,y Oslo University Hospital Radiumhospitalet,
Oslo, Norway; the Departments of Computer Sciencez and Medicine,x University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; and the Department of Oncology,{ Cancer Research
UK Cambridge Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Accepted for publication

April 27, 2017. Breast carcinomas can be stratified into different entities based on clinical behavior, histologic fea-
tures, and/or by biological properties. A classification of breast cancer should be based on underlying
Address correspondence to
Carlos Caldas, M.D., biology, which we know must be determined by the somatic genomic landscape of mutations. Moreover,
F.Med.Sci., Cancer Research because the latest generations of anticancer agents are founded on biological mechanisms, a detailed
UK Cambridge Institute, molecular stratification is a requirement for appropriate clinical management. Such stratification, based
University of Cambridge, Li Ka on genomic drivers, will be important for selecting patients for clinical trials. It will also facilitate the
Shing Centre, Robinson Way, discovery of novel drivers, the study of tumor evolution, and the identification of mechanisms of
Cambridge CB2 0RE, United treatment resistance. Assays for risk stratification have focused mainly on response prediction to
Kingdom. E-mail: carlos. existing treatment regimens. Molecular stratification based on gene expression profiling revealed that breast cancers could be classified in so-called intrinsic subtypes (luminal A and B, HER2-enriched, basal-
like, and normal-like), which mostly corresponded to hormone receptor and HER2 status, and further
stratified luminal tumors based on proliferation. The realization that a significant proportion of the
gene expression landscape is determined by the somatic copy number alterations that drive expression
in cis led to the newer classification of breast cancers into integrative clusters. This stratification of
breast cancers into integrative clusters reveals prototypical patterns of single-nucleotide variants and is
associated with distinct clinical courses and response to therapy. (Am J Pathol 2017, 187: 2152e2162;

Breast Cancer Classification and Patient traditional way of constructing taxonomies in biology is
Stratification using a tree-based approach in which major classes can
have smaller subgroups, an approach suited for cancer
Grouping tumors into classes or entities is of importance for classification as well. Breast cancer diagnostics are
several reasons. In clinical management, categorization of
tumors is a tool to decide or standardize treatment and pa-
tient care. Furthermore, a robust and objective classification
Supported by the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, a Cancer
is important when performing clinical trials in which Research UK Major Cancer Centre award, the Cambridge Experimental
response to therapy is evaluated. Likewise, robust subtypes Cancer Medicine Centre, and the National Institute for Health Research
are needed in epidemiologic and functional studies to learn Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre (C.C.); and The Norwegian Cancer
more about mechanisms in tumor development and evolu- Society, The Norwegian Research Council, The Health Region South-East
tion during treatment with focus on response and resistance. of Norway, The K. G. Jebsen Foundation, and Radiumhospitalets legater
(A.-L.B.-D. and H.G.R.).
A classification should have distinct entities recognized in Disclosures: None declared.
an objective way, and single specimens should be assigned This article is part of a review series on next-generation breast cancer
to predefined classes by reproducible methods. The omics.

Copyright ª 2017 American Society for Investigative Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Breast Cancer Molecular Stratification

Figure 1 Breast cancer diagnostics have

several components for which clinical information
and histopathologic analysis in near future will be
accompanied by molecular-based classification.
This will provide the basis for deciding standard
treatment, planning for follow-up, selecting clin-
ical trials, and strengthening focused translational
research. Used with permission from Ellen Mar-
grethe Tenstad (Science Shaped). ER, estrogen
receptor; PgR, progesterone receptor.

multidisciplinary, with a molecular-based classification as morphologic findings) to be more integrative, taking into
one of the components (Figure 1). account both clinical features and tissue-based biomarkers.
By histopathologic analysis, microscopic examination of In most countries, this is designed as a tree-based model in
breast carcinomas reveals heterogeneity both at the cellular which clinical information, for instance age and the extent
level and in the architectural structure. The cellular com- of the disease, is taken into account with tumor biomarkers.
positions can range from stroma-rich tumors with glandular More than 75% of breast cancers will express estrogen
structures of tumor cells with minimal atypia to tumors with receptor (ER) and/or progesterone receptor (PgR), and
large, highly atypical carcinoma cells growing as solid these markers have both predictive and prognostic
sheets and tumors with atypical cells intermingled with value.6,7 The most widely used technique to measure ER
stroma, preinvasive tumor components, and normal breast and PgR protein expression is by immunohistochemistry
glands. Using these histologic patterns, breast carcinomas (IHC). An advantage of the method is the visual evalua-
can be classified according to the World Health Organiza- tion, which prohibits normal glandular epithelium in the
tion’s recommendations.1 The most frequent histologic type biopsy specimen, expressing these markers, causing false-
is invasive ductal carcinoma (invasive ductal carcinoma not positive results. In addition, the number and intensity of
otherwise specified). Invasive ductal carcinoma not other- stained cells can be measured in a semiquantitative way.
wise specified constitutes a heterogeneous group of tumors The major disadvantages are the specificity and sensitivity
that do not have sufficient characteristics of any of the of different antibodies used, the detection systems, and
special differentiation patterns. The remaining breast carci- protocols, causing interlaboratory differences. Hence,
nomas are classified into special types based on the domi- participation in quality assessment programs is of major
nating growth pattern. With this approach, a tumor with a importance. The interobserver variation is also a chal-
predominant (ie, >90% of the tumor) tubular differentiation lenge. Approximately 10% to 15% of breast cancers will
will be recognized as a distinct entity, as will a tumor with also express the receptor protein HER2/erbB2/neu, a re-
apocrine, lobular, cribriform, mucinous, or medullary fea- ceptor tyrosine kinase that is involved in regulation of
tures. Of the special types, lobular carcinomas are most cellular growth. HER2 is regarded as a prognostic and
common (10% to 15%), whereas some of the others are predictive factor, with the advent of anti-HER2 targeted
extremely rare (<1%). Several of the rare subgroups have therapy.8 Tumors with overexpression of HER2 (almost
different clinical courses and outcomes.2,3 always attributable to increased copy numbers of the
Histologic grading is more important than the morpho- HER2 gene) are called HER2þ tumors and are most often
logic type for clinical management of patients with breast identified according to international guidelines,9 using a
cancer. The most widely used system is Bloom and combination of IHC and in situ DNA hybridization tech-
Richardson’s4 histologic grade, modified by Elston and Ellis niques. In addition, most recent treatment guidelines
in 1991.5 Here, three features are assessed: the proportion recommend that assessing proliferation should be added,
of tubule formation, the mitotic count, and the degree of especially for ERþ tumors, because this will identify pa-
nuclear pleomorphism. tients who can benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy treat-
Breast cancer classification has, over the years, gradually ment. The last consensus meeting in St. Gallen
shifted from being purely descriptive (ie, based on recommended using a multigene test, if available.10

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During the last few decades, thousands of breast cancer enriched group). A fifth group of tumors has gene expression
samples have been extensively studied with a variety of similar to patterns found in normal breast tissue samples and
molecular analyses. The 3 largest cohorts for which high- was thus called normal-like.
resolution molecular analyses at multiple levels have been Although both clinical and biological features distinguish
performed are The Cancer Genome Atlas project (https:// the five intrinsic subtypes, there is substantial variation, last accessed April 1, 2017), the within each group as well. Basal-like tumors share the fewest
International Cancer Genome Consortium (, similarities with the other groups but have the greatest
last accessed April 1, 2017), and the Molecular Taxonomy intrinsic diversity.20e23 These patients have a poor prognosis,
of Breast Cancer International Consortium (METABRIC, and almost 40% of patients experience a relapse within 5, last accessed April 1, 2017). The aim years after diagnosis.20,24 Focusing on TNBC tumors, Leh-
of these projects has been to improve the existing mann et al,25,26 by analyzing gene expression patterns,
classification scheme by incorporating extensive molecular identified four distinct subtypes; two were basal-like but with
profiling and eventually leading to the identification of differences in immune response (BL1 and BL2), one
patients with breast cancer who can benefit from more mesenchymal, and one luminal androgen receptor subtype.
novel therapeutic options. Information from molecular These overlapped with four TNBC subtypes proposed by
analyses has increased enormously, and we are now facing Burstein et al27 and Teschendorff and colleagues.22,28 Mu-
an era in which molecular assays can be implemented into tations of the TP53 gene are frequent in this group, and the
routine breast cancer diagnostics aiming at the stratification tumors display a variety of alterations with regard to copy
needed for optimal treatment selection.11 This review is number alterations (CNAs) and gene mutations.29e33
focused on the two most validated molecular classifiers: the The definition of the HER2-enriched subtype is debated.
PAM50/intrinsic subtypes and the integrative clusters.12e14 There is an incomplete overlap of this group and tumors
defined as HER2þ by international guidelines. Hence, the
intrinsic subtypes cannot be used as a predictor of HER2-
The Intrinsic Subtypes: Class Discovery Based targeted therapy. The tumors classified as HER2 enriched
on Gene Expression also display diversity, where ER status, CNAs, and mutation
profiles seem to identify different subsets.34e38 Perez
The intrinsic subtypes emerged as a result of the work by et al39e41 reported results from a retrospective study of
Perou et al12 and Sørlie et al13 more than a decade ago by almost 1400 tumors from the prospective North Central
analyzing gene expression in breast carcinoma samples taken Cancer treatment Group (Alliance) N9831 trial of patients
before and after chemotherapy. The expression of approxi- with early-stage HER2þ breast cancer. Although most
mately 9000 genes was measured by cDNA arrays, and samples were classified as HER2-enriched by PAM50
genes that had more similar expression between two samples (72.1%), a substantial number were classified as other
from the same patient versus those that varied between tu- subtypes, and a significant association between intrinsic
mors from different patients were selected. With these simple subtype and survival was seen.39
criteria, a total of approximately 550 genes were identified Furthermore, rarer subtypes, such as claudin low and
and named the intrinsic gene list because these genes were molecular apocrine, have been identified. If these subtypes
presumably reflecting the phenotype of individual tumors. are not represented in a class discovery data set, they will
Hierarchical clustering based on the patterns of expression of not be detected, and the signature can lack the ability to
these genes across all the samples revealed two main clusters recognize such cases as separate entities.42e44
(mostly stratifying according to ER status) with a total of five Although the first definition of the intrinsic subtypes
subclusters called intrinsic subtypes. These five intrinsic occurred almost two decades ago, an assay suited for
subtypes are also found in samples from several independent diagnostic use was introduced just recently: the US Food
early-stage breast cancer cohorts.15e19 For most cohorts, the and Drug Administrationeapproved test Prosigna. The test
largest cluster is dominated by ER positive (ERþ) tumors and is based on the modified version of the original intrinsic
has frequently two subgroups, both dominated by expression subtype definition, the PAM50, and it assigns each sample
of genes normally expressed by luminal breast epithelial cells to the luminal A, luminal B, HER2-enriched, or basal-like
(hence called luminal breast cancers). The subgroup named subtype.34 In addition, the test will provide a numeric score
luminal B generally has a higher expression of genes that, for ERþ patients, predicts the risk of relapse, with the
involved in mitosis and cell proliferation. The other main potential to be informative for identifying women who can
cluster is enriched for ER negative (ER) tumors and often benefit from adjuvant treatment.34,45
has two subgroups. One is dominated by ER, PgR, and
HER2 tumors [triple-negative breast carcinoma (TNBC)],
showing expression of genes typical of myoepithelial/basal Subtypes Defined by Patterns of DNA CNAs
epithelial cells, such as basal cytokeratins, and thus named
basal-like tumors. The other group is often dominated by The microarray technology paved the ground for high-
high expression of erbB2/HER2-related genes (called HER2- throughput gene expression analysis, but the technology

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Breast Cancer Molecular Stratification

also increased the resolution enormously for genome-wide identify six different rearrangement signatures (RS1 to
copy number analyses. In parallel with the discovery of the RS6). The main features of the signatures resemble some of
gene expression defined subtypes, subgroups of tumors with the types of architectural alterations already found to char-
similarities in CNAs were identified. Four different patterns acterize different types of breast cancer. RS1 and RS3 are
of alterations were described by Hicks et al46 using high- characterized by tandem duplications (sawtooth profile),
resolution comparative genome hybridization arrays in tu- RS4 and RS6 by clustered rearrangements (firestorm
mors from two breast cancer cohorts. Tumors with the pattern), RS5 by deletions, and RS2 by translocations
simplex pattern have broad segments of duplications and (simplex pattern).58 For most tumors, the genomic land-
deletions. Deletion of chromosomes 16q, 8p, and/or 22, as scape of rearrangements is composed of combinations of
well as gain of chromosomes 1q, 8q, and/or 16p, is domi- these signatures.59 For instance, RS3 is present in a sub-
nating, and the tumors are frequently ERþ and luminal stantial number of TNBCs and basal-like breast carcinomas,
subtype. The tumors called complex I have a sawtooth in line with earlier work finding TNBCs to have frequent
appearance, with narrow segments of deletions and dupli- tandem duplications.60 Tandem duplications are attributable
cations affecting more or less all chromosomes, and are to deficiencies in homologous recombination, in line with
frequently TNBC and basal-like. The tumors of complex II breast cancer in women with germline BRCA1 defects being
resemble the simplex type but have at least one localized most frequently the TNBC or basal-like type.
region of clustered peaks of high-level gene amplifications
with intermittent deletions, called firestorm. Such tumors are
more frequently luminal B or HER2-enriched. The fourth The Integrative Clusters: Stratification Based
pattern was called flat, defining profiles with no clear gains on Genomic Copy Number Drivers Identified by
or losses except from copy number polymorphisms. The Combining Gene Expression and DNA CNAs
same patterns of DNA alterations have been identified in
other data sets.47,48 A study by Chin et al,30 also using METABRIC used a combined approach for class discovery.
comparative genome hybridization arrays, identified three Genes whose expression across tumors was driven in cis by
subtypes of breast carcinomas that varied with respect to recurrent CNAs, which by definition enriches for genomic
level of genomic instability. The groups had overlapping drivers (oncogenes, those whose overexpression is associ-
characteristics with the classes from the work of Hicks ated with copy number gains/amplifications, and tumor
et al.46 One group of tumors had few alterations and was suppressor genes, those whose underexpression is associ-
dominated by chromosome 1q whole arm amplification and ated with copy number losses), were first identified using a
chromosome 16q whole arm deletion (the 1q/16q group), modified expression quantitative trait loci analysis. These
another group had more complex alterations (complex cis-driven genes were then used to cluster the tumors into
group), and the other had frequently high-level amplifica- groups called integrative clusters.14 Rigorous statistical
tions (mixed amplifier group). The whole arm gains and analyses revealed that the most parsimonious solution
losses are attributable to translocations close to centromeres classified the tumors into 10 subtypes (clusters 1 through 10).
even in preinvasive components of the tumors.49 Tumors An important advantage of the METABRIC study was the
with BRCA1 mutation had similar pattern of changes as large sample sets used for class discovery (n Z 997) and
tumors in the complex/sawtooth group. Divergent defini- class validation (n Z 995). The patients in the cohort had
tions with regard to which genomic alterations characterize relatively consistent treatment regimens and long clinical
distinct subgroups of breast carcinomas have been pub- follow-up (mean, 10 years), and the samples were charac-
lished, but also older studies found chromosome 1q and 16q terized in detail with regard to CNAs and gene expression.
alterations to dominate in one type and multiple alterations The METABRIC study thus represented a unique data set for
on several arms to dominate in another type of breast cancer, class discovery when initially published. The frequency of
even at the preinvasive stage of the disease.50e55 With re- the integrative cluster subtypes, their copy number profiles,
gard to the intrinsic subtypes, selected subtype-specific and the clinical outcome was validated in the additional 995
alterations can to some degree be used as surrogate samples from the validation set. Recently, a gene expression
markers.29,30,48,56 Furthermore, by developing algorithms to surrogate profile for classification was described based on the
detect the more complex CNAs, such as firestorm events, a expression level of 612 genes, with 10 centroids defined and
subdivision of intrinsic subtypes attributable to the presence used for class prediction.61 An extensive validation was
or absence of complex CNAs appears to have a clinical performed for a total of 7500 samples, in which similar
impact.48,57 proportions of each of the integrative cluster subtypes was
Recently, signatures based on DNA rearrangement pat- seen, and their molecular and clinical properties confirmed.
terns derived from whole genome sequencing data were To date, the 10 integrative cluster subtypes represent the
published.58 The information about type of rearrangement most extensive molecular-based taxonomy of breast cancer.
(deletions, tandem duplications, inversions, and trans- This taxonomy partly captures subgroups defined by other
locations) as well as the size of the affected part and whether approaches but importantly also groups tumors in more
they were focally or genomically dispersed was used to novel subtypes.

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Table 1 Overview of the Integrative Cluster Subtypes and the Dominating Properties with Regard to Copy Number Driving Events,
Biomarkers, Type of DNA Architecture,46 Dominant PAM50 Subtype, and Clinical Outcome
cluster Pathology biomarker Clinical characteristics
group Copy number driver class DNA architecture Dominant PAM50 (survival)
1 Chromosome 17/ ERþ (HER2þ) Simplex/firestorm Luminal B Intermediate
chromosome 20 (chromosome 17q)
2 Chromosome 11 ERþ Firestorm Luminal A and B Poor
(chromosome 11q)
3 Very few ERþ Simplex/flat Luminal A Good
4 Very few ERþ/ER Sawtooth/flat Luminal A (mixed) Good (immune cells)
5 Chromosome 17 ER(ERþ)/HER2þ Firestorm Luminal B and HER2 Extremely poor (in pre-
(HER2 gene) (chromosome 17q) Herceptin cohorts)
6 8p deletion ERþ Simplex/firestorm Luminal B Intermediate
(chromosome 8p/
chromosome 11q)
7 Chromosome 16 ERþ Simplex (chromosome Luminal A Good
8q/chromosome 16q)
8 Chromosome 1, ERþ Simplex (chromosome Luminal A Good
Chromosome 16 1q/chromosome 16q)
9 Chromosome 8/ ERþ (ER) Simplex/firestorm Luminal B (mixed) Intermediate
Chromosome 20 (chromosome 8q/
chromosome 20q)
10 Chromosome 5, TNBC Complex/sawtooth Basal-like Poor 5-year, good
Chromosome 8, long-term if survival
Chromosome 10,
Chromosome 12
ER, estrogen receptor; TNBC, triple-negative breast carcinoma.

Six of the integrative cluster groups (clusters 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8p12, with a minimal consensus amplicon dominated by a
and 8) are dominated by ERþ samples and the PAM50 single gene, ZNF703, which has now been shown to be a
subtypes luminal A and luminal B, but the groups have novel breast cancer oncogene.62,63
distinct genomic alterations (Table 1). Samples represent- The samples in integrative cluster 5 are both ERþ and
ing integrative cluster 3 have few genomic alterations but ER, and the genomic alterations are dominated by the
are dominated by whole arm gain of chromosomes 1q and high-level amplification on 17q, centered and including the
16p and loss of 16q, thus showing a simplex pattern of HER2 gene. Interestingly, many of the samples in this group
rearrangements. Integrative clusters 7 and 8 are also have whole arm gains and losses, in particularly affecting
dominated by samples with whole arm gains and losses, chromosomes 1 and 8. They are recognized by PAM50 as
but different chromosome arms are affected, probably mainly luminal B or HER2 enriched, but a substantial
reflecting tumorigenesis driven by centromere-close trans- number of luminal A and basal-like samples are also found
locations that involve different chromosomes. Samples in within integrative cluster 5. In the METABRIC study, the
integrative cluster 2 also have whole arm gains and losses patients in this subgroup had extremely poor prognosis,
that affect the same chromosomes but in addition high- but none of these patients received adjuvant anti-
level amplifications on chromosome 11q, which are nar- HER2etargeted treatment.
row and reflect a typical firestorm event that affects the The group dominated by ER samples is integrative
known driver genes CCND1, EMSY, and PAK1. This cluster 10, encompassing tumors with a typical sawtooth
subtype has both luminal A and luminal B samples and pattern of alterations, with multiple CNAs affecting most
represents an important subgroup of ERþ patients with a of the chromosomes. The tumors only rarely have high-
very poor prognosis. It also shows that the integrative level amplifications, but deletions of chromosome 5q and
cluster stratification is predictive independently of its gain of chromosomes 9p and 10p are significant events that
prognostic value; despite these integrative cluster 2 tumors identify tumors in this group and are known from previous
being aggressive clinically, their response to neoadjuvant studies to be a hallmark of basal-like tumors.48 The sam-
chemotherapy is minimal.61 ples are almost always of basal-like type and have a poor
Tumors in integrative cluster 1 are characterized by am- short-term (5 years) prognosis but a good prognosis for
plifications of 17q, distal to ERBB2, and apparently target- patients who survive the first 5 years after diagnosis.
ing RPS6KB1, PPM1D, PTRH2, and APPBP2. Tumors in Consistently, a small number of ERþ breast cancers are
integrative cluster 6 are characterized by amplification of stratified into integrative cluster 10, effectively identifying

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Breast Cancer Molecular Stratification

a new class of basal-like ERþ breast cancers with poor tumors of low and intermediate histologic grade. Both
prognosis. mutation of CDH1 and loss of allele of the gene are com-
Another group capturing both ERþ and ER tumors is mon findings in lobular carcinomas, and mutations in the
integrative cluster 9, which includes tumors with many copy CDH1 and CBFB genes were associated with concurrent
number changes, again dominated by the whole arm whole arm alterations of chromosomes 1 and 16, the feature
changes of chromosomes 1, 8, and 16, but in addition most often seen in ERþ tumor carcinomas. Mutations in
almost all tumors have amplifications on 8q (including the TP53 were associated with higher grade in both ERþ and
oncogene MYC ) and very frequent losses of 13q and 17p, ER tumors, and mutations in CDH1 and HER2 were un-
where important tumor suppressor genes reside (RB and common in ER cancer. The base position and the prog-
TP53, respectively). The samples in this group represent a nostic value of TP53 mutation vary between the subtypes.67
mixture of PAM50 subtypes and have an intermediate-poor A subtype-dependent distribution is also seen for PIK3CA
prognosis. mutations; in the PAM50 subtypes, luminal A and luminal
The integrative cluster 4 subtype is characterized by B tumors have the highest frequency of mutations in this
samples in which the CNAs are negligible, and the gene gene.64 A variation is found across the integrative cluster
expression profile is actually dominated by immune-related subtypes; the three groups with ERþ tumors and good
genes. On the basis of PAM50, most samples are of luminal prognosis have the highest number of cases with PIK3CA
B and basal-like type, but the patients have a good- mutation (integrative clusters 3, 7, and 8), the ERþ groups
intermediate prognosis. Samples with nonaltered genomes with intermediate prognosis have lower numbers of mutated
might be explained by a combination of high infiltration of cases (integrative clusters 2, 6, and 1), and tumors in the
nonaberrant cells (ie, lymphocytes) with low-level CNAs. remaining subtypes have low frequencies of mutated
This subtype represents two distinct entities: one (integra- PIK3CA. One exception is integrative cluster 4, but when
tive cluster 4eERþ) more related to the other good prog- the tumors in this group are stratified by ER status, the ERþ
nosis ERþ integrative cluster subtypes (integrative clusters cases have a mutation frequency within the range of the
3, 7, and 8), and the other (integrative cluster 4eER) integrative clusters 3, 7, and 8 subgroups.66 The same
related to integrative cluster 10 but with a distinctive lym- pattern, but with opposite distribution of frequencies, is also
phocytic infiltration (mostly of T cells). found for TP53 mutations. Interestingly, the ERþ samples
For diagnostic purposes, a classification in which both that by integrative cluster were classified into the integrative
genome-wide copy number analyses and gene expression cluster 10, which is dominated by TNBCs and basal-like
are needed would probably be too cumbersome and tumors, had a high frequency of TP53 mutations, again
expensive for routine use. For single-sample prediction, the reflecting the uniqueness of these ERþ tumors having a
surrogate test based on the expression levels of the 620 pathogenesis not driven by ER but by alterations disrupting
identified genes that recapitulate the 10 integrative cluster DNA repair mechanisms.
classes (and thus identify presence of important CNAs) HER2þ tumors show different combinations of muta-
seems promising.61 Indeed, a test based on the same tech- tions, again supporting the findings of important subclasses
nology used for Prosigna is currently being developed. of HER2þ tumors. Functional mutations in TP53 are more
frequent in HER2þ/ER tumors than in HER2þ/ERþ tu-
mors. Mutations typical for luminal tumors, such as
Patterns of Gene Mutations in Breast Cancer PIK3CA and GATA3, are also found at substantial fre-
quencies in HER2þ tumors, but the HER2þ/ERþ tumors
Massive parallel DNA sequencing has given insight into have more frequent GATA3 mutations than the HER2þ/ER
frequencies and distributions of a range of mutation types, tumors.64,66 PIK3CA mutations are found at a lower fre-
including base substitutions, small insertions and deletions, quency in HER2þ tumors than in HER2/ERþ tumors, but
as well as structural rearrangements and CNAs.14,33,59,64e66 the frequency does not differ between HER2þ/ERþ and
These large-scale mutation data series have supported the HER2þ/ER samples, which is of interest because the
notion that some genes seem to be important drivers in the presence of PIK3CA mutated cells in HER2þ breast tumors
evolution of different subsets of breast cancer and that there seems to predict therapy resistance.68
is an association between genomic drivers and expression- Tumors of the TNBC type are dominating the basal-like
based subtypes. In one of the largest breast cancer data and the integrative cluster 10 subtypes. Multiple studies
sets analyzed to date, the most frequent mutated genes were have found the most frequently mutated gene to be
TP53, PIK3CA, MYC, CCND1, PTEN, FGFR1, GATA3, TP53,64,67 but the total number of mutated genes in such
RB1, ERBB2, and MAP3K1.59 In the METABRIC study, a tumors has a substantial variation.33,59,64,69
selected gene panel was used and a ratiometric analysis Single-base mutations in DNA occur not randomly but in
identified 40 so-called Mut-driver genes.66 Mutations of a distinct context, depending on the mutagenic process,
some of the genes were associated with clinical and path- captured by the so-called mutation signatures.69 This is
ologic features; for instance, PIK3CA, GATA3, MAP3K1, based on the different types of base substitution types and
KMT2C, and CBFB were commonly mutated in ERþ information about the base immediately 50 and 30 to each of

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the substitutions, found both in coding and noncoding parts all these disciplines will help clinicians make treatment de-
of the genome. This is not a traditional classification cisions and select subsets of patients for clinical trials and re-
scheme, but each tumor will have a proportion of a signature searchers perform more focused translational research. A
present or not. For instance, tumors with a defective BRCA1 taxonomy should be dynamic; as new knowledge, diagnostic
function will have a particular signature, as will tumors procedures, or treatment modalities emerge, the taxonomy
induced by known carcinogens, such as UV light. At least must be refined, for instance, by substratification of subtypes.
12 of these signatures are frequently present in breast cancer A major difference between the intrinsic subtypes/
samples and have some correlation with subtypes defined by PAM50 and integrative cluster classifications, which are
ER/PgR/HER2, gene expression, and structural genomic dealt with here, is the number of subgroups. Because of the
alterations59 benefit of integrating genomic events with gene expression
Finally, sequencing data can be used to infer the clonal alterations, integrative clusters define more groups. The two
architecture of tumors. One way to assess this is by systems have overlapping findings, such as identifying a
analyzing the degree of intratumor heterogeneity of the distinct subgroup of TNBCs (integrative cluster 10 and
mutant alleles. The more heterogeneous tumors are pre- basal-like subtypes). In addition, integrative clusters have
sumably the ones with a more complex clonal architecture. been able to separate out a group of TNBCs in which im-
In the METABRIC data set, this analysis revealed two mune response seems to be of importance, and this division
important findings: mutant allele intratumor heterogeneity of basal-like tumors is probably in line with immunomod-
and chromosomal instability. These findings were measured ulatory subgroups defined by Lehmann et al26 and
as the fraction of the genome altered by CNAs and appear to Teschendorff et al.22 Integrative clusters also classify some
be directly correlated, and each integrative cluster appears to basal-like samples into more luminal/ERþ dominated sub-
have a prototypical level of both intratumor heterogeneity groups. Basal-like tumors with features more commonly
and chromosomal instability.66 This finding further supports found in luminal disease might be clinically important.70
the stratification of breast cancer into each of the integrative Furthermore, by integrative clusters, ERþ tumors domi-
clusters as true distinct genome driverebased entities. nate in six of the subgroups, whereas PAM50 only has two
ERþ-related subgroups. Interestingly, by looking at corre-
lation values to all five PAM50 centroids, the diversity of
Multilevel Analysis to Improve Clinical luminal samples is also seen (Figure 2).
Stratification Intrinsic subtype class prediction is made by correlating
the expression patterns of the selected genes from an indi-
Regardless of which molecular level is analyzed, breast carci- vidual sample to predefined centroids for each of the five
nomas can be stratified into biologically and clinically distinct main subtypes, and each sample is assigned to the class with
subtypes. How many subgroups we need to define is probably the highest correlation value. The variation in the correlation
dependent on the purpose of having a taxonomy of breast level should be acknowledged; most samples have a high
cancer. We foresee that molecular classification will give in- correlation to more than one of the centroids, and, on the
formation alongside clinical examination, imaging analyses, other hand, some only have a weak correlation to all.17 The
and histopathologic examination (Figure 1). Information from correlation values calculated for each sample for the five

Figure 2 Comparison of assignment of BASIS samples59 to integrative cluster and PAM50 subtypes and the centroid correlation value to all five PAM50
centroids for each sample. An indication of the type of DNA architectural pattern frequently found within each integrative cluster subtypes46 is given below as
is an illustration of which subgroup is dominated by estrogen receptor (ER) and/or HER2 positivity (ERþ is blue, ER is red, HER2þ is purple). Basal, basal-like;
HER2, HER2-enriched; LumA, luminal A; LumB, luminal B; Normal, normal-like. Used with permission from Ellen Margrethe Tenstad (Science Shaped).

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Breast Cancer Molecular Stratification

centroids have some interesting variation (Figure 2). For be described at many levels, and they can change during a
instance, samples in integrative cluster 4þ and 3 with a tumor’s lifetime because of phenotypic dynamics and
luminal A subtype have frequently the second highest cor- genomic evolution.
relation to the normal-like centroid. This finding is in Gene expression analyses have found that molecular sub-
contrast to luminal A samples in integrative cluster 7 and 8 types share phenotypic traits with different types of breast
in which correlation to the luminal B centroid is frequently epithelium cells. The hierarchy of development from stem cell
high. Furthermore, luminal B samples have a high correla- to the lineage committed breast epithelial cells is only partly
tion to the luminal B centroid; however, samples classified known, but breast cancer subtypes seem to reflect some fea-
as integrative clusters 6, 1, and 9 also have a strong corre- tures of distinct levels of development.72 Currently, the genes
lation to the HER2-enriched centroid, whereas luminal B holding most mutations and high-level amplification driver
samples from integrative cluster 4þ, 3, and 7 frequently events are probably known, but driver events attributable to
have a correlation to the luminal A centroid. This findings low-level CNAs of large genomic regions or structural
indicates that the gene-expression pattern of these 50 genes nonrecurrent events have been a challenge to identify.
probably reflects a second level of intertumor diversity that Because the integrative cluster approach defined driver events
might have importance for subclassification. due to correlation between copy number changes and gene
The consensus guidelines for breast cancer stratification expression, a substantial number of tumors seem to have
recommend ERþ breast cancer to be considered a spectrum drivers of this type. This is probably the main reason that
of diseases. By using PAM50, this can be solved by a integrative clusters differ from intrinsic subtypes/PAM50 and
predictor score for risk of relapse. Bartlett et al71 reported can stratify breast carcinomas into more refined subtypes.
recently that for ERþ patients different multiparameter tests Whether tumors follow one path of progression or several
report broadly equivalent risk information for this popula- or which alterations characterize the different levels of
tion of patients, but a variation for the individual patients progression still remains to be defined. A challenge in class
was substantial. Such tests are of some benefit in clinical discovery is the need to study clinical samples. Breast
practice of today, but generally they do not give information cancers are diagnosed (and thus sampled) in patients at
about which molecular processes are ongoing in a given different stages of the disease and are rarely sampled at
tumor. This finding is in contrast to stratification into several several time points during the development of the disease.
subtypes of ERþ/luminal type of breast cancer as seen by Because a tumor can evolve and change phenotype and/or
the seven integrative clusters dominated by ERþ cancers acquire additional genomic changes, some subtypes might
(1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9) because genomic changes are represent more advanced stages of other subtypes, and this
significantly different between these groups. needs to be addressed in more detail.
Another example of a clinically challenging situation is how Finally, it is important that clinical outcome, such as sur-
to identify patients who will benefit from anti-HER2etargeted vival, is not a test for the validity of a classifier. The most
therapy. The recommendation is to use a combination of important feature is robustness in biological properties, pref-
protein analysis (IHC based) and in situ DNA copy number erably by integrating data from multiple molecular levels. The
assessment of the gene as described in detailed guidelines.9 last decades have provided us with enormous amounts of
HER2þ tumors are found within all intrinsic subtypes,38 and knowledge about molecular alterations in breast cancer. As
substratification of HER2þ cases by other molecular features discussed in this review, we do not face a situation with
seems to have an important clinical impact.39 HER2þ tumors competing molecular classifications; classifiers are highly
are enriched in several of the integrative cluster groups, in overlapping because of measuring different reflections of the
particular in 1, 5, 6, and 9. Interestingly, the type of CNAs of main biological properties of the tumors. We should hope that
chromosome 17q, where HER2 resides, varies among these 4 during the next decade all disciplines in the breast cancer
groups. Although integrative cluster 5 typically has a narrow community will come to a consensus about a molecular clas-
high-level amplification that affects HER2 and some neigh- sification scheme to be used in the best interest of the patients.
boring genes, samples in integrative clusters 1, 6, and 9 have
broader regions on chromosome 17q amplified. If HER2 is Acknowledgments
involved, it is often with lower levels of gain than seen in
samples from integrative cluster 5. This is probably reflecting We appreciate the numerous discussions about breast cancer
different types of underlying biological disruption causing classifications with our colleagues and laboratory members
HER2 copy number amplification, but it still remains to be over the years. We thank Ellen Margrethe Tenstad (Science
seen whether this stratification can predict therapy response. Shaped) for assistance with the figures.

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