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Amanda Neve

Health 348

1. Why should we be concerned about aging and its statistical projections?

This should be a concern of ours because it is our future. One that will affect all
of us. The increase of those aging isn’t slight, it is dramatic! One of the articles we read
stated by 2050 1.5 billion people will be over the age of 65! With this being such a large
part of the population there will for sure be shifts that we can feel. The pressure on
providing care, and the cost of care will go up. There will be a greater demand for
assisted living, and a plethora of other things. Preparation is needed for everyone to
thrive through the changes coming.

3. A large aging population may have different needs and different impacts on
the market for health services. What might be one of the most significant
changes in the way health services are offered, communities are built/designed,
and technology is used?

A significant change will be the way we are able to care for the older generation,
and pay for it. With the baby boomers getting older, there will be a shift of needs. The
demand for physicians providing care for the gertiatic population will increase
dramatically. Funding is an interesting topic -- how will people afford the increase in
medical costs, and how will those providing the care be compensated. The market will
be over saturated with individuals pulling funds out of social security and using
Medicaid. There will need to be more areas for care. More ER or Urgent cares, more
assisted living arrangements. I work at the hospital and there has already been a huge
increase in ER visits since the affordable care act came about, I am sure we will see
more demand in the next 20 years as the baby boomers are getting older.

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