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Presented: Isaias ARUHUANCA TICONA and Cristian VILCA ERIQUITA


a) Read the guidebook extract about things to do in New York City, and find the
answers to the "Where can you ...?" questions. Answer with BP (Bryant Park), CL
(The CLoisters), or HL (the High Line).
b) Read the text again. Underline three new words in each paragraph. Compare with
a partner.
Behind, Lessons, Outdoor, Cloisters, Building, Castle, High, Believe and Busy
c) Talk to a partner.
 which of the three places would you prefer to go to? Why?
I would like to go to the high line that is in New York
 Where is a good place to go in your town …?
- when it's very cold
In my city when it's cold you can go to a coffee shop called COFFE BREAK PUNO
- when it's raining
When it rains in my city you can go for a walk on the tourist boardwalk in Puno
- when the sun is shining
When the sun shines you can go to the beaches of Charcas
 what can you do in these places?
You can enjoy a hot coffee, you can walk and take photos and you can go to spend a weekend
with your friends on the beach.

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