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A Sectarian or religious school offers a number of benefits that make them

compelling even, at times, for non-practitioners. In some cases, they offer higher

academic quality than district public schools attached more affordable prices than

their secular private school counterparts. In others, they provide appealing sports

programs or other extracurricular activities.

Deciding to send your child to a religious school has many benefits that

are not just religious in nature. There are academic, spiritual, social, and

emotional advantages that come with attending a religious school environment.

Religion is actually, in some way, beneficial to education and a child’s

morals. Students with high levels of religious commitment do better than students

with low levels of religious commitment, and they also have more resistance to

cheat on a paper-and-pencil test than children from public schools. “Kids with

religious parents are better behaved and adjusted than other children, according to

a new study that is the first to look at the effects of religion on young child

development” (Wenner, 2007).

Sectarian School is an essential component of a broad and balanced

education. Sectarian School is concerned with the deep meaning that individuals

and groups make of their experiences and how this helps them give purpose to

their lives. It provides opportunities to explore, make and respond to the meanings
of those experiences in relation to the beliefs and experiences of others as well as

to one's own experiences.

However, Once-per-week religious education classes can’t match the

everyday exposure your child will have by attending a Sectarian School.

Academics will intertwine with religious teachings and vice versa, which gives

your child a unique and strong understanding of his or her faith. Issues of social

justice, moral, and ethical responsibilities and other topics of religious and

spiritual importance will be a facet of everyday life and learning when your child

attends this type of school. General academics and faith-based learning will

intertwine for the ultimate learning experience.

For very young children, it may often be difficult to comprehend what is

happening in a sermon or during the Mass because they are designed on a level

that kids cannot yet understand (making it hard for them to sit quietly and pay


On a social level, attending Sectarian School classes helps children make

friends in an atmosphere of positivity and love. In fact, the classes become mini

communities themselves where students can ask questions and discuss their

beliefs with like-minded peers. There they’ll come to understand that they are a

part of a much larger congregation that is equally as loving and supportive — a

congregation that they will look forward to joining for community activities and

eventually Mass.
Last, but certainly not least, Sectarian School classes promote the same

feelings of well-being, peace, and hope, as well as desire for good behavior that

you experience when you attend Mass.

Not everyone has positive experiences or opportunities to avoid the

compulsory, and "Mabsoot" being allowed to do is suggestive of the fact that we

shouldn't have to participate in those not Islam activities, but then again, the

reality is that not every school will give you this choice, not to staff, so students

are out of the question.

Islamically, yes, it might not be prohibited, but there are so many elements

to consider in a choice like this that do affect our religion and our purpose. Private

Christian Schools are great for behavior management and learning, but when ones

religious practices are compromised, one needs to think again. Not every Muslim

adolescent is going to use their lunchtime to pray for instance. And so, it goes

without saying that if we Muslims forego our obligatory purpose and acts of

worship, and ultimately replace them with other services and prayers, then clearly,

priorities change, ideologies shift and beliefs are distorted.


Christian School pose a great danger to the Muslim who is ignorant of Islam and

it's teaching because they give lessons and teach information in which there is

approval and praise of the Khaafirs (Disbeliever) and their religions and belief,

and usually attack Islam and condemn the Muslims. We all know that Muslim

have a lot of prohibition. Studying a Sectarian School is a burden for some

Muslim students especially when it's about the non-Islamic activities. More

specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions;

1. Does Muslim Students experience difficulties in BPLC?

2. How do teacher treat the Muslims student in BPLC?

3. What are the different effects of studying in BPLC?

4. What are the Parents reasons for allowing their children to study a Sectarian


Significance of the terms

The importance of this study is to know the efficiency of a Sectarian

School to the Muslim Student of BPLC in Dinas Zamboanga Del Sur. And to be

aware of their situation in studying a Non-Muslim school.

Specifically, this study is important to the following individuals and groups;

Students: This research will engage the students to know their different

experience in BPLC.
Muslims Parents: This research will engage the parents to know their intentions

and opinions about letting their children to study a Sectarian School.

School: This research will engage the school to know if there is a positive result

to a Muslim student studying a Sectarian School.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the Muslim students of BPLC compile with the

researchers from Grade 1 to Grade 6 this S.Y 2018-2019. Furthermore, this study

considers the school stuff, the parents and the students regarding on this topic.

Definition of Terms

For better comprehension on this feasibility study, the following definitions of

terms are provided.

Religious school: a school that either has a religious component in its operations

on its curriculum, or exists primarily for the purpose of teaching aspects of the

particular religion.

Christian school: is a school run on Christian principles or by Christian


Non-Sectarian School: it isn't associated with a religion or church, and a Sunday

school class that teaches all religions.

BPLC: an abbreviation of Baganian Peninsula Learning Center. A Sectarian

elementary School in Dinas, Zamboanga Del Sur.

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