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pass dynamic values when export to docx using PHPWord in laravel

Asked 2 years, 1 month ago Active 2 years, 1 month ago Viewed 2k times

I am trying to export user details to .docx file. The file successfully exported but, it's giving the object. Phpword format is not working.
How to write code to export the dynamic values properly, would someone help me, please?
3 In AdminController.php -

public function exportUserToDoc(Request $request, $id)

$wordTest = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();
$newSection = $wordTest->addSection();

$desc1 = User::find($id);

$newSection->addText($desc1, array('name' => $desc1->name, 'email' => $desc1->email,

'phone' => $desc1->phone, 'address' => $desc1->address));
$objectWriter = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::createWriter($wordTest, 'Word2007');
}catch (Exception $e){

return response()->download(storage_path('TestWordFile.docx'));

After downloading the doc file the result is like -

{"id":1,"name":"Emdadul Huq
West Razabazar, Dhaka","status":0,"created_at":"2018-03-13 05:18:32","updated_at":"2018-
03-13 05:35:51"}

I want to get the result as well formatted such as with header 'Name', 'Email' etc.

php laravel phpword export-to-word phpdocx

asked Mar 13 '18 at 10:55

Rashed Hasan
3,193 4 21 57

in phpword version 0.13.0: addText(string $text, mixed $fStyle = null, mixed $pStyle = null) i.e. you need to pass your formatted text
string to the addText function as the first parameter. – ejuhjav Mar 13 '18 at 11:52

what do you want to achieve? How should it be formatted? One solution is the one proposed by eMM (use the TemplateProcessor), the other solution
is to add the text as you are doing, but you should format the text before adding it. Check out the samples/Sample_04_Textrun.php file for examples
– troosan Mar 14 '18 at 10:30

1 Answer Active Oldest Votes

Step 1: Create a .docx file using a word processing program(OpenOffice, LibreOffice Writer, MS Word etc.) which will serve as the
template of your 'User Document'(this way you can set size, margins, orientation and other attributes and also format your document
creatively using the tools provided in the word processing program you use).
For dynamic values in your document, you can use variables as placeholders. The syntax of a document variable is ${variable} .
Make sure that your variable names are unique.

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Here's a screenshot of an example document template with document variables.

Step 2: Upload your document template to your server's storage path.

Step 3: Create a new TemplateProcessor and assign values to the variables you placed in your document template.

$desc1 = User::find($id);

$my_template = new

$my_template->setValue('name', $desc1->name);
$my_template->setValue('email', $desc1->email);
$my_template->setValue('phone', $desc1->phone);
$my_template->setValue('address', $desc1->address);

Step 4: Generate a safe file name( user_1.docx i.e.)

Step 5: Create a .docx file from your template with the safe file name you generated in the previous step.

}catch (Exception $e){
//handle exception

Step 6: The complete code snippet to download the saved file.

public function exportUserToDoc(Request $request, $id)

$desc1 = User::find($id);

$my_template = new

$my_template->setValue('name', $desc1->name);
$my_template->setValue('email', $desc1->email);
$my_template->setValue('phone', $desc1->phone);
$my_template->setValue('address', $desc1->address);

}catch (Exception $e){
//handle exception

return response()->download(storage_path('user_1.docx'));

edited Mar 13 '18 at 13:04 answered Mar 13 '18 at 12:52

198 1 14

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