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International Journal of Steel Structures 16(3): 857-875 (2016)

DOI 10.1007/s13296-015-0056-6
ISSN 1598-2351 (Print)
ISSN 2093-6311 (Online)

Dynamic Increase Factor for Pushdown analysis of Seismically

Designed Steel Moment-resisting Frames
Massimiliano Ferraioli*
Department of Civil Engineering, Design, Building and Environment, Second University of Naples,
via Roma 29, 81031, Aversa (CE), Italy


The independent threat scenario of sudden column loss under localised damage is usually considered in progressive collapse
assessment. The effect of the sudden removal of a column is like the sudden application of the gravity load on the structure when
significant deformations occur. This conventional approach is based on the simplifying but realistic hypothesis that the peak
dynamic response can be assessed with reasonable accuracy using the nonlinear static response. In this approach, amplified gravity
loads are applied to the bays that are affected by the removed column to compensate for the dynamic effects corresponding to
the real load redistribution. The paper investigates the dynamic increase factor to be considered in the nonlinear pushdown
analysis of seismically designed steel moment-resisting frames. The influence of the fundamental parameters involved in
progressive collapse analysis was highlighted. The effect of various design variables, such as the number of stories, the number
of bays, the location of the removed column and the level of seismic design load was investigated. The dynamic increase factor
was estimated in a way to generate the best match of the peak dynamic responses through the nonlinear static analysis. Finally,
the values obtained were expressed as a function of the vertical displacement at the location of the removed column and then
compared with the GSA formulation based on the ductility factor.

Keywords: progressive collapse, nonlinear pushdown analysis, dynamic increase factor

1. Introduction lateral loads) and progressive collapse design (that is

more focused with gravity loads). The seismic design
Recent developments in the efficient use of building procedures generally focus on plastic mechanism control
materials, innovative framing systems, as well as refine- (Mazzolani and Piluso, 1997). The progressive collapse
ments in analysis techniques resulted in structures having design employs an approach where the local damage
sometimes a considerably smaller margin of safety and scenarios are simply postulated and the applied loads
little reserve capacity to accommodate abnormal loading cannot be specified explicitly. Furthermore, the progressive
conditions. Thus, the seismically designed buildings do collapse design requires structural strength at large
not necessarily have enough capacity to redistribute loads deformations, and acceptability is usually based on the
upon the sudden loss of certain critical load-bearing comparison of the maximum ductility demand against the
elements. This is because buildings behave very differently available ductility capacity. Finally, it is unsafe to assume
when surviving a progressive collapse and when with- that a structure designed for seismic loads can withstand
standing an earthquake. In fact, the progressive collapse accidental or abnormal load conditions. Generally, the
is characterized by a relatively localized damage and a buildings designed for seismic loads have a good capacity
delay of the evolution time to the global collapse. These to avoid the global collapse in case of column removal,
two characteristics may enable one to minimize the extent when compared to buildings designed for gravity loads
of final damage. Moreover, significant differences occur only. This is because the seismic design criteria aim to
between seismic design (that is primarily concerned with provide ductility and redundancy in the structure. Particularly,
the capacity design of columns as key elements may have
Received April 9, 2015; accepted June 26, 2016; a beneficial effect on the robustness by delaying or
published online September 30, 2016 preventing the progressive collapse, especially for high-
© KSSC and Springer 2016
rise buildings designed for high seismic zones. On the
*Corresponding author contrary, in the case of low-rise structures in low or
Tel: +39 081 50 10216, Fax: +39 081 50 37370 moderate seismic zone, the beams may have very little
E-mail: overstrength also for the gravity action, since overstrength
858 Massimiliano Ferraioli / International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(3), 857-875, 2016

should be avoided in such elements. Thus, the seismic tically large ductility demands. Furthermore, the notional
design is not always leading to an adequate robustness, member removal provisions are applied with conventional
and a specific robustness assessment of building structures design checks, and hence, they ignore the favourable
is required. In fact, in damaged state structural members effects of nonlinear phenomena such as the compressive
are loaded in different ways than they were designed for arching and catenary actions. Finally, these provisions are
originally. Moreover, large deformations are allowed. Thus, based on static analysis, while the failure of vertical
the structural behaviour will be quite different from members under extreme events is a dynamic phenomenon.
considered in the original design. Thus, structural reserves The Alternate Path Method is a threat-independent
can be mobilized to find alternate load paths: (a) vertical method generally applied to assess the potential for
load bearing elements acting as suspension; (b)Vierendeel progressive collapse. This method is generally applied in
action of moment-resisting frames; (c) catenary or the context of a “missing column” scenario whereby a
membrane action of floor systems. The Vierendeel action column is destroyed and it is checked whether the
can be characterized by the relative vertical displacement building can successfully absorb the loss of this critical
between beam ends and the double-curvature deformations member. For such a scenario, the recent design guidelines
of beams. Such a deformed shape (Fig. 1a) provides shear (UFC 2009, GSA 2013) allow the structural analysis to
forces in beams to redistribute the vertical loads after the be performed using linear or nonlinear static or nonlinear
column removal. The catenary action depends on the dynamic analysis. When a static procedure (linear or
geometrical nonlinear behaviour of the structure (Fig. nonlinear) is used, a dynamic increase factor (DIF) is
1b). This effect can be developed only when the inelastic considered to increase the gravity loads acting on the
deformations of the structure are large enough to make bays that are affected by the removed column. This factor
possible a transition from the flexural resistance to the approximately compensates for the dynamic effects
tensile catenary resistance. The following options are corresponding to the real load redistribution. Over the last
explicitly defined in the Design Guidelines for Progressive few years, a number of papers covering this subject were
Collapse Resistance: (1) Indirect Design Approach; (2) proposed in the scientific literature. A nonlinear quasi-
Specific Local Resistance Approach; (3) Alternate Path static computational procedure to predict the failure
Direct Design Approach. The Indirect Design Approach sequence of the disproportionate collapse was developed
is used to develop resistance to progressive collapse by by Grierson et al. (2005). Dusenberry et al. (2006) and
specifying a minimum level of strength, continuity, and Izzuddin et al. (2008) developed improved nonlinear
ductility. The Specific Local Resistance method requires static analysis approaches based on energy balance in the
all critical gravity load-bearing members to be designed damaged structural system between the work done by the
and detailed to resist the abnormal loads. The Alternate external loads and the strain energy stored in structural
Path Method requires that the building structure has members. Ruth et al. (2006) illustrated that using a load
enough strength and ductility to resist the removal of a factor of 2 may be too much conservative since using a
critical element, such as a column. This approach was load factor of 1.5 better represents the dynamic effect
most widely used due to its connection to the response of when static analyses are performed. More recently,
a structure during an abnormal event. These current Kwasniewski (2010) described high-resolution dynamic
requirements may suffer some major deficiencies. First of simulations of progressive collapse following a sudden
all, the tying force requirements - considered enough to column removal. Kim et al. (2009a, 2009b, 2011) studied
avoid disproportionate collapse - are unrelated to real the sensitivity of the design parameters of steel buildings
structural performance and, particularly, to the corresponding subjected to progressive collapse. Gerasimidis et al.
ductility demands. Thus, for some specific structural (2011) studied the influence of time step size of the
configurations, the tying force provisions may be unsafe computational algorithm on the accuracy of dynamic
because the resistance to gravity loading by means of response. Xu et al. (2011) evaluated the vulnerability of
catenary action after column removal requires unrealis- three steel frames to disproportionate actions using an

Figure 1. (a) Vierendeel action, (b) Catenary action.

Dynamic Increase Factor for Pushdown analysis of Seismically Designed Steel Moment-resisting Frames 859

energy-based nonlinear static pushdown analysis. Ferraioli (McKay et al. (2012), Liu (2013), Mohamed (2015)). It
et al. (2012, 2014a) studied the progressive collapse should be observed that in the GSA Guidelines for
potential and the seismic collapse-resistant capacity of progressive collapse (2013) two distinct factors addressing
steel moment-resisting frames designed according to different phenomena are named “Dynamic Increase
current seismic codes. Mohamed et al. (2015) studied the Factor” (DIF). The first one is typically used in the
effects of ductility on the load increase factor needed for nonlinear dynamic analysis of components for blast loads
progressive collapse resistant design of steel building and is related to strain rate effects. The second one, that
structures. In this paper, the dynamic increase factor is also named “Load Increase Factor” (LIF), accounts for
(DIF) needed to account for dynamic effects in static inertial and nonlinear effects when static procedures are
computations was investigated. Earthquake-resistant steel used and, practically, it considers the real nature of
moment resisting frames were considered in the analysis. progressive collapse that is a nonlinear and dynamic
Different column removal scenarios were studied. In event. For this factor, the GSA (2003) and the UFC
order to obtain a systematic estimate of the dynamic load (2009) progressive collapse design guidelines recommended
factors, an equivalent static pushover procedure was the application of a load multiplier of 2.0 to the gravity
identified for steel structures. To this aim, the vertical loads. This value is based on the fact that the maximum
loads were increased up to collapse. At each increment dynamic deflection is twice the static deflection when a
step, the most appropriate value for DIF was adjusted so structure behaves in a perfectly linear elastic manner.
to match the dynamic response. The effect of the number However, various problems with the use of this fixed
of stories, the number of bays, the location of the factor of 2 were documented in the literature. First, in
removed column and the level of seismic design load was order to deal with the effects of large deformations while
investigated. The results were finally compared with the retaining the simplicity of equivalent static design, the
GSA (2013) formulation of the dynamic increase factor. use of nonlinear static analysis with amplified gravity
loads is generally allowed, and the same load factor is
2. Dynamic Increase Factor for Nonlinear applied to both linear and nonlinear static analysis.
Static Procedure However, an amplification factor of 2.0 is correct only if
the structural response following the sudden column loss
Most of the current design codes generally consider the remains linear elastic. Conversely, during extreme loading
sudden removal of critical structural elements such as events such as losing a critical element, the structure
columns as a standard test of structural robustness. Thus, almost always respond in the nonlinear range, because the
this scenario is the typical situation considered in the load initially sustained by the removed column is then
existing design guidelines for progressive collapse assessment transferred to the remaining part involving inelastic
and structural robustness design. In order to investigate behaviour. Thus, the load increase factor that permits the
the load redistribution behaviour of the structure upon the nonlinear static solution to approximate a nonlinear
sudden removal of a column, three different analysis dynamic solution is usually less than 2.0. This implicates
procedures are available: linear static, nonlinear static, an excessively conservative estimation of progressive
nonlinear dynamic. The linear static analysis is unable to collapse resistance for a column-removed building. In
account for the dynamic effects and the geometric and fact, the DIF (that may be expressed as the ratio of the
material nonlinearities. On the contrary, the nonlinear static force response to the dynamic force response under
dynamic analysis is able to give accurate solutions. an equal displacement demand) decreases as the flexural
However, sophisticated finite element modelling may be ductility is developed. In particular, as indicated by Ruth
required, and computationally intensive time-history analyses et al. (2006), the DIF may decrease to 1.16 for the
may be necessary to simulate the dynamic behaviour of displacement corresponding to the ultimate load. This
the damaged structure. Even though the accuracy of the means that the dynamic effect of the gravity loads on
nonlinear dynamic results is incontestable, the static progressive collapse responses may be much less than
analysis is generally used to take into account the what is predicted by the nonlinear static analysis using a
geometrical nonlinearities induced by large deflections DIF of 2.0. Finally, an increase factor of 2.0 is not
without requiring the calculation of the dynamic response appropriate for the majority of limit states. In fact, the
time-history. In this case, in order to take into account the DIF should vary with the structural performance level
dynamic effects due to the sudden column removal, two and, generally, it decreases with increasing displacement
different approaches were proposed in the literature. The of the joint from which the column was removed. Based
first one is based on a balance between strain energy and on these considerations and recognizing the drawback of
external work (Dusenberry et al. (2006), Izzuddin et al. using a constant value of 2.0 for DIF, variations to the
(2008), Xu et al. (2011)). The second one is based on the load increase factor were made in the recent years. In
use of a prescribed Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) to particular, empirically derived expressions of DIF were
amplify the vertical loads within the bays that are adopted to account for the dynamic effects when using
immediately affected by the suddenly removed element nonlinear static analysis in order to emulate the peak
860 Massimiliano Ferraioli / International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(3), 857-875, 2016

dynamic responses (McKay (2012)). In the latest version case since the real behaviour following the sudden column
of both UFC (2009) and GSA (2013), the value of DIF loss is likely to be inelastic and possibly implicate arching/
depends on the structure type and the classification of the catenary effects, it is essential to consider both geometric
structural actions. According to ASCE 41 (2007), the and material nonlinearity. The more detailed finite element
GSA Guidelines classify all actions (moment, shear and modelling should allow for geometric and material non-
axial forces) as either deformation-controlled or force- linearity of beam-column elements, consider the nonlinear
controlled using the component force versus deformation connection and two-dimensional membrane effects within
curve shown in Fig. 3.7 (GSA, 2013). A dynamic the floor slab and include the influence of partial/full
increase factor (named ΩN) is provided for deformation- shear connection on the composite action between the
controlled actions in the nonlinear static analysis. In steel beam and the floor slab. Moreover, the structural
particular, the following expression for the DIF in terms response to abnormal loading conditions is most expected
of ductility was proposed for steel structures: to be dynamic since it takes place in a very short time and
may involve strain rate effects. These effects can change
DIF = 1.08 + -------------------- (1) the failure mechanism of joints and influence the collapse
m + 0.83
capacity. In fact, although steel is not expected to be very
where m is a non-dimensional factor of ductility supply, sensitive to strain rate effects, as compared to concrete,
defined as the ratio of allowable plastic hinge rotation θpra serious strain rate effects in the structural steel connections
to yield rotation θy. This factor is calculated for each of at high rates of strain were observed in the literature.
the structural components (columns excluded) that contribute Typically, the yield and ultimate strength of connection
to progressive collapse resistance and are within the components increase while the ductility decreases. In the
immediately affected bays. The plastic rotation angle θpra column removal scenario, the downward movement of
is given in the acceptance criteria tables in ASCE 41 the beams can cause the axial forces and bending
(2007) for the appropriate structural response level (Life moments acting on the adjacent connections to increase
Safety or Collapse Prevention) while the yield rotation θy very quickly and may eventually lead to their failure. The
for steel is given in Equation 5-1 in ASCE 41 (2007). It effects of strain rate are generally approximated using
can be observed that the value of the dynamic increase suitable Dynamic Increase Factors on the static strain
factor specified in both UFC (2009) and GSA (2013) rate. In the GSA Guidelines, the strain rate enhancement
depends only on the structure type and plastic rotation is modelled using a dynamic increase factor. This factor
limit. Other parameters, such structural configuration and is typically used to amplify the strength of materials in
axial forces in beams (i.e. catenary effect), which may the nonlinear dynamic analysis of components for blast
play an important role in the nonlinear dynamic response, loads. Málaga et al. (2016) proposed a component-based
are not considered. Furthermore, even though this formulation mechanical model of connections that incorporates possible
for DIF is an upgrading over the standard load factor strain-rate effects. Stoddart et al. (2013) introduced the
approach in which a constant DIF is assumed, the mono- use of rate dependent springs to component-based joint
tonic decreasing of DIF with ductility is not generally models for inclusion in the nonlinear dynamic analysis
correct and is currently under discussion. Izzuddin et al. when the effects of strain rate need to be taken into
(2009) showed that a monotonic reduction of DIF with account. This allowed strain rate hardening as well as
ductility is realistic if the floor response under gravity strain rate induced reductions in ductility to be included
loading is elastic-perfectly plastic, but it can be strongly in component spring models. The present study is conducted
inaccurate for other nonlinear static responses including on seismically designed steel moment-resisting frames by
hardening and catenary action. Moreover, Eq. (1) depends applying the alternate path method. In this approach, a
only on the mechanical properties of the structural critical column is suddenly removed and the ability of the
members and it gives the same DIF value regardless of model to successfully absorb the member loss is investi-
the specific gravity loading. Conversely, the dynamic gated. Although such a scenario is not same in dynamic
structural responses should be influenced by the level of effect to column damage resulting from blast or impact,
gravity loading, since the damaged structure that is subjected it is intended to represent a situation where an abnormal
to greater gravity loads would be more susceptible to load or extreme event taking place over a relatively short
progressive collapse. duration destroys the column. Subsequent analysis is
carried out under the hypothesis that the strain rates are in
3. Pushdown Analysis and Nonlinear the seismic loading range, i.e. rather low, which justifies
Response-history Analysis not accounting for strain rate effects in the analysis
model. Thus, the strain rate effects are neglected in this
3.1. Analysis techniques study and should be investigated in the future. The
The progressive collapse response can be estimated nonlinear response-history analysis (NRHA) is believed
either from detailed nonlinear finite element analysis or to be the most realistic method to get the forces and
from simple two-dimensional static procedures. In either deformation demands that develop in the system from its
Dynamic Increase Factor for Pushdown analysis of Seismically Designed Steel Moment-resisting Frames 861

first damage. However, its application requires much contribute to the progressive collapse resistance. The
skill. The computational effort in the case of large and model was based on the assumption that the foundation
complex structural systems can be excessive. Potential can accommodate the redistributed loads following any
numerical convergence problems may be faced during the column removal, and that connections at the foundations
execution. Furthermore, the information necessary to may be modelled as restrained connections. The program
perform the analysis correctly might not be available. For code SAP2000 (2014) was used to create a planar
example, the structural behaviour data especially related analytical model. This structural model incorporates material
to beam to column connections are still lacking. Finally, and geometric nonlinearities. Both P-delta and large
it is difficult to check the results also due to the sensitivity displacements were considered in the analysis. The small
to assumptions on geometry, boundary conditions, material displacement analysis was often used in literature for
models, and so on. In fact, the variation of the structural simplification purposes. However, it may be questionable
response with respect to a given parameter is generally whether neglecting catenary effects is undoubtedly conser-
greater in the case of nonlinear response-history analysis vative. Certainly, the tensile loads transmitted to the beam-
than in the case of nonlinear static analysis. As a result, column connections and to the rest of the structure would
the nonlinear dynamic analysis is scarcely used in routine not be detected by a small displacement analysis. This is
analysis of low- and mid-rise buildings in favour of the the reason because large displacements were considered
more affordable nonlinear static methods. in the analysis. Theoretically, concentrated plastic hinges
can occur anywhere along the beam. However, the hinges
3.2. Structural model and acceptance criteria were allowed to occur at the ends of each member. This
In this paper, the robustness analysis of the structure simplifies the model by placing flexural plastic hinges in
was carried out with reference to an internal two-dimen- the most probable locations. The plastic hinges were
sional moment resisting frame (MRF) instead of more represented by nonlinear moment-curvature and P-M
complex three-dimensional schemes of the entire building. interaction relationships for beams and beam-columns.
Indeed, the real structures are three-dimensional and The parameters of the plastic hinges were defined based
added stiffening is provided by the orthogonal frames and on FEMA-356 (Chapter 5). The sudden strength degradation
horizontal floor slabs. However, the orthogonal beams are was neglected since the acceptable plastic rotation angle
expected to withstand only their self-weight since the slab of the steel members, as defined in FEMA-356 (2000), is
is unidirectional. Therefore, the cross-section of the ortho- always within the first post-yield linear branch of the
gonal beams is governed by the minimum requirements. moment-rotation curve (preceding the strength degradation).
Thus, the small positive influence of the orthogonal frames In this paper, the nonlinear buckling response was evaluated
was neglected, and this should provide conservative estimates using the nonlinear static analysis. This procedure takes
of the progressive collapse resistance. On the other side, an iterative approach while implementing P-Delta and
the higher redundancy provided by the floor slabs large-displacement effects. The total load was applied
(combined with high levels of ductility that are typical of incrementally. Stiffness was evaluated at each increment.
seismically designed steel frames) influences the vertical- Between each displacement step, stiffness may change
horizontal wide propagation of collapse. Conversely, the due to P-Delta effect, Large-Displacement effect and
collapse initiation is related to the mechanisms of bending nonlinear material behaviour. The P-Delta effect was
and pancake, which may be accurately predicted by the integrated along the length of the frame element, taking
two-dimensional analysis. Thus, a 2D analysis was used into account the deflection within the element. The
to study the collapse initiation. In this way, the corres- transverse deflected shape was assumed to be cubic for
ponding collapse load was underestimated when compared bending. The assumed cubic shape is usually a good
to 3D analysis due to neglecting the load redistributions approximation to the true deflected shape. However, the
through the floor slabs. Therefore, the structure was accuracy of the results depends on the discretization of
modelled as a planar moment resistant frame. Beams and the frame objects. Thus, the structural members, both
columns were modelled using a concentrated plastic columns and beams, were subdivided into at least 20
hinge model. The connections were considered stronger frame elements with lengths small enough to capture the
than the beams. The beam-to-column connections and the geometric nonlinearity. As this discretization is refined,
panel zones were not modelled. The beam-to-column the solution was expected to be accurate. The geometric
joints were assumed to be rigid and full-strength. Thus, imperfections of columns usually affect the capacity of
the model allowed plastic hinges to form in beams and the column in axial compression. However, for the case
columns, not in connections. The effects of the tensile of progressive collapse, the load eccentricity caused to an
loads transfers to the beam-column connections and their adjacent-to-the-removal column gives a great destabilizing
conservative nature were not investigated in the present load. This effect is expected to be more important due to
paper. The secondary members, such as transverse joist the moment affecting the compression capacity of the
beams and braces, were considered only for the trans- column. Thus, the imperfections of the members were not
ferring of the gravity loads while they did not directly explicitly modelled. The revision of this assumption will
862 Massimiliano Ferraioli / International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(3), 857-875, 2016

be considered in the future developments. In the nonlinear 3.3. Nonlinear static analysis (pushdown)
buckling analysis, the applied loading was incrementally The sudden removal of a structural member has the
increased until a small change in load level causes a large same effect as the sudden application of the structural
change in displacement. This condition indicates that the forces in those members in the opposite direction. The
structure has become unstable. Together with this condition conventional nonlinear equivalent static approach (also
of instability, the structural performance of all structural termed “pushdown analysis”) attempts to reproduce this
components was checked at every stage of the analysis. effect examining the structure which has suffered the loss
The acceptance criteria suggested by FEMA-356 (2000) of one or more critical members under increasing gravity
and GSA (2003) were considered in the analysis. The loads. In particular, the load combination DIF×LF×(DL+
FEMA acceptance criteria of columns includes deformation- 0.25LL) is applied in the span where the column was
controlled and force-controlled actions. The controlling removed. The load combination LF×(DL+0.25LL) is
actions to be considered to check failure of the columns applied to the remaining spans. LF is the load factor, that
depend on the level of axial load. Columns with low axial is the ratio of the applied load and the GSA-specified load
load (P/PCL ≤ 0.5, where PCL is the lower-bound axial of DL+0.25LL (DL and LL being dead loads and live
load capacity) are classified as deformation-controlled for loads, respectively) (Fig. 2). The advantage of this proce-
flexural behaviour and force controlled for compressive dure is its ability to account for nonlinear effects without
behaviour. The interaction between bending moment complex material modelling and time-consuming dynamic
capacity and axial load capacity of the column was analysis. The disadvantage is the inability to accurately
determined using Eq. (5-10)-(5-11) in FEMA 356. Columns account for dynamic effects following sudden element
under high axial load (P/PCL>0.5) were classified as removal: (1) transient dynamic response of the structure;
force-controlled for both axial loads and flexure and were (2) force redistribution in the system; (3) further develop-
evaluated using Eq. (5-12) of FEMA 356. In this case, the ment of collapse process. The pushdown analysis may be
column was assumed as failed if the P-M interaction carried out using different approaches: (1) Load Controlled
equation exceeds unity. Thus, the column plastic hinging Pushdown Analysis; (2) Displacement Controlled Pushdown
becomes a non-ductile failure mode. The GSA acceptance Analysis; (3) Staged Construction Pushdown Analysis.
criteria for the nonlinear static analysis are based on the The Load Controlled Pushdown Analysis suggested in
maximum plastic hinge rotation and ductility (Tab.2.1, GSA Guidelines (2003) is an equivalent approach based
GSA (2003)). In particular, the values recommended of on the incremental application of the gravity loads on the
maximum ductility and rotation angle are, respectively, damaged structure consequent to a given column removal
μ=20 and θ=0.21 rad for both steel beams and tension scenario. The Displacement Controlled Pushdown Analysis
controlled columns, while μ=1 for compression controlled is unlike in the control criterion since it is carried out by
columns. The ductility ratio is the ratio of the ultimate increasing deflections to an arbitrary level in the location
deflection at the location where the column is removed to where the column was removed. Since the original
the yield deflection. The rotation angle is obtained by loading pattern remained unchanged at every step, the
dividing the maximum deflection with the length of the results of the load controlled and displacement controlled
beam (Fig. 2.2-2.3; GSA (2003)). pushdown analysis are the same until the ultimate load is

Figure 2. Imposed gravity loads for static and dynamic analysis.

Dynamic Increase Factor for Pushdown analysis of Seismically Designed Steel Moment-resisting Frames 863

reached. In these approaches, the gravity loads, amplified can give a complete understanding of the progressive
within the affected bays, are increased incrementally after collapse resistance. In this paper, the nonlinear response-
the column removal. Unlike these traditional pushdown history analysis (NRHA) was carried out with the Incre-
analyses, the Staged Construction Pushdown Analysis mental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) technique. This is the
(Ferraioli et al. 2014a) tries to replicate the timing of method commonly used in the seismic performance
progressive collapse. For this reason, at first, the gravity assessment of structures. In earthquake engineering, the
loads are applied to the undamaged structure, and then IDA approach involves performing the nonlinear dynamic
the column is abruptly removed while the gravity loads analysis of the structural system under a suite of ground
remain unchanged. In this paper, the Displacement motion records, each scaled to several levels of seismic
Controlled Pushdown Analysis was used to calculate the intensity. In progressive collapse analysis, the IDA is
response of seismically designed steel frames under a performed with increasing gravity loads applied to the
sudden column collapse. To this aim, the large displace- column-removed building. The corresponding vertical
ment analysis was carried out. This allowed to account deflections in the location of the removed column are
for the development of catenary (axial) forces in steel calculated. This approach is carried out increasing the
beams that play a big role in the resistance of progressive magnitude of the load factor (LF) in the load combination
collapse. However, it should be observed that the structure LF×(DL+0.25LL) uniformly applied as a vertical load in
may develop these catenary effects only if adequate tying the entire span (Fig. 2). The magnitude of LF is increased
between horizontal and vertical building components is gradually till extremely large deflection occurs at the
ensured. Moreover, only the large displacement analysis column-removed point. It can be observed that, when
can show if the structural ductility is enough to develop applied to the assessment of progressive collapse-resisting
the catenary effects. To highlight this aspect, Fig. 3 shows capacity, the IDA is more simple and less time-consuming,
the comparison of pushdown curves (load factor versus since it does not need modelling of complicated hysteretic
vertical displacement in the location of the removed behaviour under reversed cyclic loading. Thus, it may be
column) with and without considering large displacements. used as a more precise tool for the progressive collapse
Figure 3(a) shows an example where the catenary stage is assessment of multi-storey buildings. In this paper, the
activated enhancing the resistance to the progressive NRHA was carried out following a threat-independent
collapse of the frame. The catenary stage and the corres- approach and using an ‘initial conditions’ methodology.
ponding hardening behaviour are revealed only from This involves finding the deformed shape of the undamaged
large displacement analysis while the conventional small structure under normal loading conditions and then
displacement analysis exposes a simple plastic stage applying those displacements as initial conditions for the
without hardening. Figure 3(b) shows an example where dynamic analysis of the damaged model. The process that
the catenary stage isn’t developed because the ductility dynamically simulates the sudden loss of a column is
limit is very low. Typically, this situation is due to the based on the steps listed below.
brittle failure of one of the next to the removal columns. (1) The vertical loads are statically applied on the
complete undamaged model (i.e. no removed column)
3.4. Nonlinear response-history analysis under normal service loads. The end forces of the to-be-
The sudden removal of a column inevitably results in a removed target column are determined (i.e. axial force N,
dynamic transient response, with probably cyclic loading shear force V and bending moment M).
and plastic deformation demand. Although the dynamic (2) The model with the removed column is analysed
analysis generally requires more effort to characterize the statically. The column is replaced by the corresponding
geometric and material nonlinearity, only this approach reaction forces at the proper node in order to get the

Figure 3. Nonlinear static response under gravity loads after column removal.
864 Massimiliano Ferraioli / International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(3), 857-875, 2016

displacement configuration at the onset of the column P-delta effects and large displacements was performed.
removal. Practically, the dead and live loads (DL+0.25LL) The sudden removal of a column origins the residual
and the calculated end forces in inverted directions (i.e. damaged structure to vibrate vertically. Its behaviour was
-N, -V, -M) are statically applied to the damaged frame analysed to control if enough residual capacity or alternate
(i.e. with removed column). This application takes 1s load paths occur to prevent the further propagation of
(during which loads are amplified linearly until they failure. The entire process was then repeated for increasing
reach their full amounts) and then kept unchanged for 9s, values of the vertical load, up to the collapse. The peak
so that the structure can reach a stable condition that displacement response of each time-history was collected
replicates the state of the structure before the column loss. to plot the load-displacement envelopes representative of
In other words, all the loads are applied to the structure the incremental dynamic analysis.
in a sufficiently large time to be considered static.
(3) The reaction forces are simultaneously and abruptly 4. Analysis Results
brought to zero. Practically, at 10s, once the damaged
frame reaches a static equilibrium, the recorded end The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the
forces in original directions (i.e. N, V, M) are applied dynamic increase factor to be considered in the nonlinear
rapidly to the damaged frame to simulate the sudden pushdown analysis of seismically designed steel moment-
removal of the column. The speed at which an element is resisting frames. To this aim, two-dimensional three-bay
removed during the dynamic analysis may have a and five-bay regular steel moment frames were considered
noteworthy influence on the response of the structure. in the analysis (Fig. 4, Tabs. 1-3): 3S3B (3-storey, 3-bay);
Because of this, the GSA Guidelines (2013) recommend 5S3B (5-storey, 3-bay); 7S5B (7-storey, 5-bay); 7S3B (7-
that the column is removed over a time period not higher storey, 3-bay); 9S3B (9-storey, 3-bay); 9S5B (9-storey, 5-
than 1/10 of the period associated with the structural bay). Each frame is considered one of the internal lateral
response mode for the vertical element removal. The force-resisting moment frames of the building. Thus, each
simulations used the Rayleigh damping model that considers frame resists half of the total seismic loads applied to the
a mass-proportional and a stiffness-proportional damping building along the transverse direction. The frames were
coefficient to achieve the real critical damping ratio of designed according to the Italian Code (NTC 2008). The
2% for both the first and second mode shapes. A interstorey height is 3.5 m for the first floor and 3.0 m for
nonlinear direct-integration time-history analysis including the other floors. The bay length is 5.00 m in both

Figure 4. Steel moment resisting frames considered in the analysis.

Dynamic Increase Factor for Pushdown analysis of Seismically Designed Steel Moment-resisting Frames 865

Table 1. Dimensions of structural members in steel frames designed for PGA=0.35 g

Frame Member Storey Section Storey Section Storey Section Storey Section Storey Section
Column Ext. 1 HE180B 2-3 HE160B
3S3B Column Int 1 HE240B 2-3 HE200B
Beam 1 IPE270 2-3 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE200B 3 HE160B 4-5 HE160B
5S3B Column Int 1-2 HE260B 3 HE220B 4-5 HE200B
Beam 1 IPE300 2-3 IPE270 4-5 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE200B 3-4 HE180B 5 HE160B 6-7 HE160B
7S3B Column Int 1-2 HE260B 3-4 HE240B 5 HE220B 6-7 HE200B
Beam 1-2 IPE300 3 IPE300 4-5 IPE270 6-7 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2-3 HE220B 4-5-6 HE200B 7 HE160B 8-9 HE160B
9S3B Column Int 1-2-3 HE280B 4-5-6 HE260B 7 HE220B 8-9 HE200B
Beam 1-2-3 IPE330 4-5-6 IPE300 7 IPE270 8-9 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE200B 3-4 HE180B 5 HE160B 6-7 HE160B
7S5B Column Int 1-2 HE260B 3-4 HE240B 5 HE220B 6-7 HE200B
Beam 1-2 IPE270 3-4 IPE270 5 IPE270 6-7 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE220B 3-4 HE200B 5 HE180B 6-7 HE160B 8-9 HE160B
9S5B Column Int 1-2 HE280B 3-4 HE240B 5 HE240B 6-7 HE220B 8-9 HE200B
Beam 1 IPE330 2-3 IPE300 4-5 IPE270 6-7 IPE270 8-9 IPE270

orthogonal directions. The steel material used for all to NTC 2008, two drift criteria were applied for the
beams and columns is S275, with a lower-bound yield seismic design. The first one is associated with the
and tensile strength values equal to 275 and 410 MPa, Serviceability Limit State (interstorey drift ratio ≤ 0.01).
respectively. The steel frames were designed for soil class The second one is related to the Ultimate Limit State
A, damping ratio 5% and behaviour factor q=6.5. Three (stability coefficient θ ≤ 0.30) (EC8: § 4.4.2; NTC 2008:
values of the design Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) for § 7.3.1). More details about the seismic design and
Life-Safety Limit State were considered in the analysis: behaviour of the steel frames considered in this paper
(1) PGA=0.15 g; (2) PGA=0.25 g; (3) PGA=0.35 g. According may be available in Ferraioli et al. (2014b, 2014c). At

Table 2. Dimensions of structural members in steel frames designed for PGA=0.25 g

Frame Member Storey Section Storey Section Storey Section Storey Section Storey Section
Column Ext. 1 HE160B 2-3 HE160B
3S3B Column Int 1 HE220B 2-3 HE200B
Beam 1 IPE270 2-3 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE200B 3-4 HE160B 5 HE160B
5S3B Column Int 1-2 HE240B 3-4 HE220B 5 HE200B
Beam 1 IPE300 2-4 IPE270 5 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE200B 3 HE180B 4 HE180B 5 HE160B 6-7 HE160B
7S3B Column Int 1-2 HE260B 3 HE240B 4 HE220B 5 HE220B 6-7 HE200B
Beam 1-2 IPE300 3 IPE270 4 IPE270 5 IPE270 6-7 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE220B 3-4 HE200B 5 HE180B 6-7 HE160B 8-9 HE160B
9S3B Column Int 1-2 HE280B 3-4 HE260B 5 HE220B 6-7 HE220B 8-9 HE200B
Beam 1-2 IPE300 3-4 IPE300 5 IPE270 6-7 IPE270 8-9 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE200B 3-4 HE180B 5 HE160B 6-7 HE160B
7S5B Column Int 1-2 HE260B 3-4 HE240B 5 HE220B 6-7 HE200B
Beam 1-2 IPE270 3-4 IPE270 5 IPE270 6-7 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE200B 3-4 HE200B 5 HE180B 6-7 HE160B 8-9 HE160B
9S5B Column Int 1-2 HE280B 3-4 HE240B 5 HE220B 6-7 HE220B 8-9 HE200B
Beam 1-2 IPE300 3 IPE300 4-5 IPE270 6-7 IPE270 8-9 IPE270
866 Massimiliano Ferraioli / International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(3), 857-875, 2016

Table 3. Dimensions of structural members in steel frames designed for PGA=0.15 g

Frame Member Storey Section Storey Section Storey Section Storey Section Storey Section
Column Ext. 1 HE160B 2-3 HE160B
3S3B Column Int 1 HE220B 2-3 HE200B
Beam 1 IPE270 2-3 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE180B 3 HE160B 4-5 HE160B
5S3B Column Int 1-2 HE240B 3 HE220B 4-5 HE220B
Beam 1 IPE300 2-3 IPE270 4-5 IPE270
Column Ext. 1 HE200B 2 HE200B 3 HE180B 4-5 HE180B 6-7 HE160B
7S3B Column Int 1 HE260B 2 HE240B 3 HE240B 4-5 HE220B 6-7 HE200B
Beam 1 IPE300 2 IPE300 3 IPE270 4-5 IPE270 6-7 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE200B 3 HE180B 4-5 HE180B 6-7 HE160B 8-9 HE160B
9S3B Column Int 1-2 HE260B 3 HE240B 4-5 HE220B 6-7 HE220B 8-9 HE200B
Beam 1-2 IPE300 3 IPE270 4-5 IPE270 6-7 IPE270 8-9 IPE270
Column Ext. 1 HE200B 2 HE200B 3 HE180B 4-5 HE160B 6-7 HE160B
7S5B Column Int 1 HE260B 2 HE240B 3 HE240B 4-5 HE220B 6-7 HE200B
Beam 1 IPE300 2 IPE300 3 IPE270 4-5 IPE270 6-7 IPE270
Column Ext. 1-2 HE200B 3 HE180B 4-5 HE180B 6-7 HE160B 8-9 HE160B
9S5B Column Int 1-2 HE260B 3 HE240B 4-5 HE220B 6-7 HE220B 8-9 HE200B
Beam 1-2 IPE300 3 IPE270 4-5 IPE270 6-7 IPE270 8-9 IPE270

every step of the pushdown analysis, the amount of the external column removal scenarios. It should be
equivalent load corresponding to each displacement level observed that the dynamic increase factor (DIF) is
was expressed by means of the “Load Factor” LF, that is considered in pushdown analysis to increase the gravity
the ratio of the vertical load to the full gravity load. This loads acting on the bays that are immediately affected by
allows the load-displacement curve to be plotted. Figure the removed column. No increase factor is applied to the
5-10 show the pushdown curves corresponding to a gravity loads acting on the other bays. This is the reason
Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) varied in the range why in the case of three bays frames the pushdown
[1.0÷2.0]. The entire framed structure was assessed for curves tend to have the same shape since the values of
progressive collapse potential when a first-storey column DIFxLF are similar for a given displacement level. On
was removed. Figure 5-7 show the effect of the internal the contrary, the difference between the shapes of the
column removal scenarios. Figure 8-10 show the effect of pushover curves corresponding to a DIF varied in the

Figure 5. Pushdown curves and load-displacement envelopes from incremental dynamic analysis. Internal column removal
(Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.35 g)
Dynamic Increase Factor for Pushdown analysis of Seismically Designed Steel Moment-resisting Frames 867

Figure 6. Pushdown curves and load-displacement envelopes from incremental dynamic analysis. Internal column removal
(Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.25 g)

range [1.0÷2.0] increases with the number of bays. Only and the hardening of the catenary stage is not developed.
in the case of two bays frames the values of DIFxLF This dissimilar behaviour is due to the different collapse
would be exactly the same for a given displacement level. mechanism that is greatly affected by the number of the
In fact, in this case the DIF would be applied to increase floors of the frame. In general, the steel moment-resisting
the gravity loads on all the bays. The vertical displace- frames respond to a column removal in two major failure
ment in the location of the removed column corres- modes. The first one is the yielding-type collapse mode
ponding to a fixed Load Factor (LF) increases with the and the second one is column-buckling collapse mode.
Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF). In general, the hardening The yielding-type collapse mode is a more ductile collapse
associated with the catenary stage is fully developed in because it is associated with extensive yielding in the
low-rise frames. On the contrary, in the case of high-rise beams leading to the formation of plastic hinges. The
frames the ductility limit may be very low because failure occurs when the rotations exceed the limits of the
conditioned by the restrictive acceptance criteria for maximum rotation of the beams depending on the
columns. Thus, the ultimate limit state may be reached acceptance criteria. The resulting collapse mechanism is
when the overall capacity of the structure is still increasing, most often vertical and restricted to only a part of the

Figure 7. Pushdown curves and load-displacement envelopes from incremental dynamic analysis. Internal column removal
(Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.15 g)
868 Massimiliano Ferraioli / International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(3), 857-875, 2016

Figure 8. Pushdown curves and load-displacement envelopes from incremental dynamic analysis. External column removal
(Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.35 g)

structure. The column-buckling collapse mode involves are plotted as load-displacement envelopes for comparison
brittle phenomena in the column elements. After the with the pushdown curve. It can be observed that the
column removal, the increased axial load in the remaining results of the nonlinear dynamic analysis vary appreciably
columns may result in a buckling failure that, in general, depending on the number of stories and, particularly, the
can appear as elastic buckling or inelastic buckling maximum vertical displacement decreases when the number
depending on the geometric properties of the column. of stories increases. As it happens for the pushover curve,
Inelastic buckling refers to columns for which the a bilinear representation of the pushdown curve could be
yielding load is lower than the Euler’s critical load. This constructed to estimate the effective vertical stiffness and
situation occurs in all the case studies. The collapse mode the yield strength of the structure after the column
is brittle and can lead to the complete collapse of the removal. Likewise, the vertical stiffness and strength may
structure. In the above-mentioned Fig. 5-10, the results of be estimated using the load-displacement envelope from
the incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) are also shown. IDA. This allows a comparison between IDA and
In particular, the load factor of each response-history pushdown analysis in terms of stiffness and strength. In
analysis and the corresponding peak displacement response all the structures examined, when a DIF of 2 is considered

Figure 9. Pushdown curves and load-displacement envelopes from incremental dynamic analysis. External column removal
(Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.25 g)
Dynamic Increase Factor for Pushdown analysis of Seismically Designed Steel Moment-resisting Frames 869

Figure 10. Pushdown curves and load-displacement envelopes from incremental dynamic analysis. External column
removal (Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.15 g)

both vertical stiffness and strength of the load-displace- higher DIF value. In Fig. 11-16 the DIF is plotted as a
ment envelope from IDA are higher than those obtained function of the deflection at the location of the removed
from the pushdown analysis. This means that the non- column divided by the bay length (d/L). In order to verify
linear static analysis approach leads to an overconser- the effectiveness of the expression proposed by GSA
vative estimation of progressive collapse resistance. This (2013), the graphic of the DIF generating the best match
observation is in accord with the growing consensus that of the dynamic response is compared with the values
using DIF=2.0 is too conservative. According to the obtained from Eq. (1). Il can be observed that the DIF
analysis results, both the pushdown curve and the IDA proposed by the GSA Guidelines (2013) is independent
envelope vary significantly depending on the location of from the level of gravity loading. In fact, Eq. (1) depends
the removed column. In fact, in the case of external only on the maximum acceptable plastic hinge rotation
column removal, the vertical stiffness is lower than in the angle of the structural members. Therefore, it is represented
case internal column removal. Moreover, the hardening by two horizontal dotted lines in Figs. 11-16 corresponding,
of the catenary stage is activated for lower values of the respectively, to the Life Safety (LS) and Collapse
vertical displacement. This implies that also in the case of Prevention (CP) Limit States. On the contrary, the dynamic
high-rise frames the hardening associated with the structural response is influenced by the level of gravity
catenary stage may be developed before the acceptance loading. Thus, the DIF that generates the best match of the
criterion in a column is exceeded. The effect of the design peak dynamic responses through a nonlinear static analysis
Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA=0.15 g; PGA=0.25 g; depends on the level of vertical deflection. In particular,
PGA=0.35 g) is greater when the column-buckling collapse it can be observed that in cases where the hardening of
mode occurs. In this case, the column cross-section have the catenary stage is not activated, a monotonic reduction
a large impact on the structural behaviour in the near- of DIF with vertical deflection is observed. Moreover, the
collapse condition and this parameter is strongly influenced DIF corresponding to the failure condition tends to be
by the value of the design PGA. In this study, the similar to the values proposed in the GSA Guidelines
comparison between the pushdown curves and the IDA (2013). This situation typically occurs when the acceptance
envelopes was used to find the Dynamic Increase Factor criterion for columns is exceeded before the catenary
DIF that gives the best match of the dynamic response. stage is activated. In this case, the GSA formulation of
The value of DIF was estimated by minimizing the error DIF allows an accurate estimation of the nonlinear
between the load factors obtained from static and dynamic effects. On the contrary, in the cases when
dynamic analysis. The load factors were calculated for hardening and catenary action are fully developed, the
the same vertical displacement at the location of the curve of DIF first decreases and then increases with the
removed column. This implies that the same acceptance vertical deflection. The cause for this difference is the
criteria were used for both pushdown analysis and IDA beginning of the hardening phenomenon associated with
while, in general, different acceptance criteria should be the catenary action. In fact, the curve of DIF decreases
used for nonlinear static and dynamic methods. This with the vertical deflection in the plastic stage before
would suggest assuming, in a prudential way, a slightly hardening. On the contrary, when the hardening of the
870 Massimiliano Ferraioli / International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(3), 857-875, 2016

Figure 11. Variation of the Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) with the vertical displacement. Internal column removal
(Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.35 g)

Figure 12. Variation of the Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) with the vertical displacement. Internal column removal
(Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.25 g)

catenary stage is developed, the curve of DIF increases mechanism, which implicates a non-conservative estimation
with the vertical deflection. This means that a monotonic of the progressive collapse resistance. In Figs. 17-18, the
reduction of DIF with ductility is not realistic and it failure modes obtained from the dynamic and static
becomes inaccurate for nonlinear static responses involving analysis are compared. The pushdown analysis is carried
the hardening phenomenon associated with the catenary out using the DIF that is selected to give the best match
action. Moreover, the DIF corresponding to the failure between static and dynamic response. It can be observed
condition is sensibly greater than the values specified by that the collapse mechanism is greatly affected by the
the GSA Guidelines (2013) for the LS and CP limit number of the floors of the frame. If the frame has many
states. This result means that the pushdown analysis using floors, the collapse mechanism is a column-buckling
the DIF from the GSA Guidelines (2013) underestimates mechanism. On the contrary, the yielding-type mechanism
the vertical displacement in the location of removed generally occurs in low-rise frames. This outcome leads
column when compared to the nonlinear response-history to the conclusion that the column-buckling mechanism
analysis. Thus, a greater load factor is required to obtain appears only when the frame has many floors. In Fig. 19,
the vertical displacement corresponding to the collapse the vertical displacement time-history at the joint where
Dynamic Increase Factor for Pushdown analysis of Seismically Designed Steel Moment-resisting Frames 871

Figure 13. Variation of the Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) with the vertical displacement. Internal column removal
(Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.15 g)

Figure 14. Variation of the Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) with the vertical displacement. External column removal
(Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.35 g)

the column is removed is plotted. The starting time of the 3S3B frame). The effect of the number of bays is shown
time-history plot begins when the column is removed. in Fig. 19(b), where the vertical displacement responses
The results were chosen to give evidence to the effect of of the 7S3B and 7S5B frames subjected to the failure
(a) the number of floors, (b) the number of bays, (c) the vertical load are compared. It was found that the number
seismic design level, (d) the nonlinear analysis method of bays has a very small impact on the behaviour of a
(small or large displacement analysis). The effect of the structure subjected to column removal. Fig. 19(c) shows
number of floors is evidenced by the comparison between the effect of the design acceleration level for the Life-
3S3B and 9S3B structures designed for PGA=0.35 g and Safety Limit State. The displacement time-histories are
subjected to the failure vertical load (Fig. 19(a)). The plotted with reference to the 9S3B frame under the failure
9S3B frame shows a smaller vertical displacement response vertical loads. The frames designed for PGA=0.15 g and
when compared to the 3S3B frame. This is due to the PGA=0.35 g show very similar vertical displacement
different collapse modes (column-buckling mechanism time-histories. However, it should be observed that this
for the 9S3B frame; yielding-type mechanism for the outcome occurs for different values of the failure load
872 Massimiliano Ferraioli / International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(3), 857-875, 2016

Figure 15. Variation of the Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) with the vertical displacement. External column removal
(Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.25 g)

Figure 16. Variation of the Dynamic Increase Factor (DIF) with the vertical displacement. External column removal
(Design acceleration level for Life-Safety Limit State: PGA=0.15 g)

Figure 17. Failure modes of the structure from dynamic and pushdown analysis. 3S3B frame (PGA=0.35 g)

factor. In fact, LF=1.37 for PGA=0.35 g while LF=1.10 that is very similar to the value found in the frame
for PGA=0.15 g. On the other side, the frame designed designed for PGA=0.35 g. However, the vertical deflection
for PGA=0.25 g exhibits a failure load factor LF=1.40 is much higher even if, also in this case, a column-
Dynamic Increase Factor for Pushdown analysis of Seismically Designed Steel Moment-resisting Frames 873

only from the large displacement analysis, while the

conventional small displacement analysis exhibits a
simple plastic stage without hardening.

5. Conclusions
The results obtained from the static and dynamic
analysis showed that a dynamic increase factor of 2 is too
conservative. In fact, the real dynamic effect of the
gravity loads on the progressive collapse response may be
much less than what is predicted by the nonlinear static
analysis using a DIF of 2.0. On the other side, the GSA
formulation based on the ductility factor may give a non-
conservative estimation of progressive collapse resistance
in many cases. In fact, this formulation tends to undere-
stimate the vertical displacements when compared to the
nonlinear response-history analysis. This specific outcome
Figure 18. Failure modes of the structure from dynamic
and pushdown analysis. 9S3B frame (PGA=0.35 g) especially occurred when the catenary action stage and
the corresponding hardening were fully developed. In
cases where this happens, the curve of DIF giving the
buckling collapse mode occurs. Finally, Fig. 19(d) shows best match between static and dynamic analysis first
the effect of large displacement analysis. To this aim, in decreases and then increases with the vertical deflection.
this figure is plotted the nonlinear dynamic response of Instead, the empirically derived expressions of DIF are
the 5S3B frame under the failure vertical loads generally based on the hypothesis that the DIF decreases
(corresponding to LF=1.2). The displacement response with increasing the deflection at the column-removed
from large displacement analysis is sensibly lower than point. This means that a monotonic reduction of DIF
the corresponding response from conventional small becomes inaccurate for nonlinear static responses involving
displacement analysis with P-delta effects. In fact, the the hardening phenomenon associated with the catenary
hardening behaviour of the catenary stage is revealed action. This effect is more evident in the external column

Figure 19. Displacement time-histories for the failure Load Factor.

874 Massimiliano Ferraioli / International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(3), 857-875, 2016

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