Cloud Computing (Aman Soam)

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Doke> 06[oct| 2020 Bie | st SLOTECT => Cloud Comporin& NAME > Aman Soam (1900380!%9008) Seckor -C a y ) Shovt notes - 4) open Nebwo > Tr 15 @ Cloud Computtog platform for moneping hebonogencous Astibuled data Cente Infrastructures. The spon Nebula platform manages a data Center's virtual fnPragheucewe 1 bulid pedvate , public ond ry ort Genplementorer’ f Infrastructure 93 0 Beuvfce ii) CloudSin > Te 140 Alerulatton foals thal Aupport s the a Almudakfon Y ane Core Funchal ep Clouds tye. joel bos? quent 1 perovessing a events, creaon oud ae (dara cento* , dota tentex brofeens ) ; communfcaton pn gifrerente encives ) Teplementaton gf lrrokes pobdes eke. MN) Nimbus > Mmbus Is an then Zowtce. poate te Convert 0 Gorppurey clustortinty an Infrastructune «as-a -Seuvice Cloud to provide Compube yetes for Schone Communities « IE Akows A Went jo Jease semote Vesomices V4) apryig Virtuoh mothfne on those yesousces and conhigulefng qnem to mepreyent an enutrorment dalred y Fhe uses Nimbus 18 Compuged t ‘wo products’ * Nimbus |nfrastrucbuxe ¢ Nimbus platforrn . %) Appleation fp Clove ws onkre re STE © Fhoto cabins SoFroane. « Diglbat video SoFhoone « Twhiter- rdated application, . Creating 1mog® -aloura. * web oppuicalton for ankvirus- * Spreodshecks: « Presentakton §] Sofhoure « 3 Coremunt ty Ys wybetd Cloud ) forxometens tybxtd Cloud sdeswspHon Mefenent types q Cloud | Fels 0 hekenmencous ONE Foiegrated fogernes dishioubed System + vesubldas fo media Common or Prom a psivele. cloud, whith poroulans need for dome Kocorporakcs abflenent- type orgarizattons. of deavices Brerousces from . peblle clouds. 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AWS Chase Beonstale. , Wndows pune , HOrdeu Che. . goPhoare oo Seuvice ( SaaS) a “ona demond gotrooie’s HEIs O hostel “Y applicabion with Caos %8 Ose jenoron ay goProore In Lohith dre appuicaton oue. a coud provider Users Con access these’ Sevioe ane rep ff intorner conneckfon % Web browser. Chaue CHUSH CS Choe CO! ci . Managed fromm a Central Jocatian. 2 Hosed on Oo emo Acuvei+ Slooye. , Zenbdeate eke Big Commence ) brogghe PPS) Eoewrosple + SecHon- a 3 | &) aoua Compu * Te veers to maripuboting , accessing Ane houdwae and SoPhooe apecerdd Ted ’ Jn Frog ourune tonkgwsng ard yu CED Femoteyre [ke offexs onlfne dora storage and oppicakon. worptng modds for cloud cormputteg « © Deployment models [fwable , Palvale , Hybsid , Communi Cord). , Hyer, & Geuvic Modds. (Faas fous , SaaS). B) — Cloud_Avich?reckune - Cloud Compulng axchitechue {8 & Combin abton t Geuvice ortented auchiiectuue and event — difven OnOn? tec hue « | De tp Ailded Into pwo pouks — o Frontend» o Bock end. pont endl > Iris vsed ‘it Went + lt Contefa cifent- Arde fnksfoces bopphicalions thal axe required to acces ane Goud computing Plotiowms - > Goucend> TIS Wed by ane device provider. Ik manag? ol pre reQoUxcts dnor ave vegubred ho Provide Goud Comappotinet beavicr. LL = — ee & oc Sagror oud Compuring } Appufcotion Bock end QO ) 1 05 geuvice (08008) ie eee 5 Dadaboas od sence oftexing ara provioes oe foal seypicteg tre SMP a PP Sorroune. onthe need to a _—- Moritoudng 08 a geurfee (Moos) fe one ff many }eBad Cloud dele? vey models undex onyeniery cy) a euvoe (Xaas), ie Ig a Framework thor Foddstake the Aepdoyrnente gf reorhrorty) foreHorall Hes Gr vorvous othe, Sewers and opplcsiton wi tLin ane Ceud: » © Amazon web Semviced - @ Nvwesof AzwHtE, \ ] ©

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