The Ultimate Guide To 9 Box Talent Matrix

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The Ultimate

Guide to
9 Box Talent

For Every Performance Philosophy - Darwinbox Talent Management System |

9 Box Talent Matrix 2

What is 9 Box Talent Matrix?

The 9 box talent matrix is a performance and potential framework that is an incredibly helpful tool for succession
planning and development. Usually used to assess individuals on two dimensions: their past performance and
their future potential, the model consists of 9 boxes arranged on an x and y-axis grid, with performance measured
along the x-axis, and potential measured along the y-axis.

The top right box identifies employees ranking high in both performance and potential. The bottom left box
indicates low ranking employees in both categories.

The core idea behind the 9 box talent matrix is to understand where an employee stands and how they can be
positioned in future organizational shifts. This is one of the most simple and effective tools that is widely being
used to identify the right candidates for leadership roles.

Benefits of Using 9 Box Talent Matrix

Right People On Succession Lists:

The 9 box talent model ensures that the right successors for most critical
positions are identified, thereby making succession management easier.

Identifying High Performers:

It helps organizations effectively identify their top achievers and invest
accordingly to retain and grow them.

Effective Development Planning:

As organizations have limited training budgets, 9 box talent model helps
identify which employees are in need of training more and can gain the
maximum value from the investment.

Controlling Bias:
As a group of managers are generally involved in the assessment process,
there is a holistic view of how the employee is perceived in the organization.
It avoids any over-reliance on a single manager and does away with bias.

For Every Performance Philosophy - Darwinbox Talent Management System

9 Box Talent Matrix 3

How Can It Be Done On Darwinbox?

Capturing The Potential Ratings: Darwinbox’s 9 Box Talent

Matrix enables organizations to identify the best talent in
the organization (high potential and high performers), be it
to reward the right talent with promotions or to nurture
them into future leadership roles.

Organizations can choose to enable potential assessment

for selective roles post which the managers will be able to
review individuals not just on their goals and competencies
but on their potential performance as well. Rating scale
used by the organization for both potential and perfor-
mance assessment can be classified into Low, Medium,
High in order to visualize the entire talent pool distributed
into one of the 9 grids.

Reviewing Promotions & Talent Profile With 9 Box Matrix: The concept of 9 Box Talent Matrix is used to deliver
an intelligent and data-driven Promotion Assessment Framework on Darwinbox. This framework allows talent
leaders to identify potential employees for promotions by visualizing them on 9 box talent matrix. Eligibility criteria
for promotions such as ‘no. of years in the organization’, ‘performance rating’, etc can be applied as filters to narrow
down the employee set depicted on the grid. Along with supporting data points, such as 360 feedback, Competen-
cy Rating History, Potential Performance framework paints a holistic talent profile for the manager.

For Every Performance Philosophy - Darwinbox Talent Management System

9 Box Talent Matrix 4

Aspects That Can Be Configured

Unique Roles To Be Assessed

Select unique and specific roles that you
believe should undergo a potential assessment
along with the regular ones.

Defining The Grid

Model custom boundaries for each of the 9 grids by defining rating scale ranges for Low,
Medium, High on both potential and performance axis independently.

Enhanced Feedback
Customize potential assessments by choosing
to assess based on goals, competencies or
both and also add a tailored questionnaire as
part of the review.

Visualize Filtered Set of Employees

Choose to filter the set of employees reviewed on a 9-grid by group company, band, grade of
business units and further drill down the consideration set by applying filters of tenure and mini-
mum performance levels.

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9 Box Talent Matrix 5

Why Your Company Must Have It

With the rapidly changing business landscape, it is extremely critical for organisations to

identify their high performers and invest in keeping them engaged. It is also equally

important to identify their low performers and work on their development to ensure that

they do not slow down the system. Using tools like 9 Box Talent Matrix ensures that

organisations can effectively channel their efforts in engaging and nurturing the right

talent. It also gives an overview of how the organisation’s talent landscape is performing

thereby ensuring the right initiatives can be undertaken.
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