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Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 2653–2661

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Pushdown resistance as a measure of robustness in progressive collapse analysis

Kapil Khandelwal a,∗ , Sherif El-Tawil b
Department of Civil Engrg. and Geo. Sci., University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, United States
Department of Civil & Env. Engrg., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125, United States

article info abstract

Article history: This paper presents a technique termed ‘pushdown analysis’ that can be used to investigate the robustness
Received 21 September 2010 of building systems by computing residual capacity and establishing collapse modes of a damaged
Received in revised form structure. The proposed method is inspired by the pushover method commonly used in earthquake
4 May 2011
engineering. Three variants of the technique, termed uniform pushdown, bay pushdown and incremental
Accepted 5 May 2011
Available online 25 June 2011
dynamic pushdown, are suggested and exercised using nonlinear analysis on 10-story steel moment
frames designed for moderate and high levels of seismic risk. Simulation results show that the frame
designed for high seismic risk is more robust than the corresponding one designed for moderate seismic
Pushdown analysis method risk. The improved performance is attributed to the influence of seismic detailing, specifically, the
Progressive collapse presence of reduced beam sections and stronger columns. It is shown that the dynamic impact factors
Seismic detailing associated with column removal are significantly lower than the commonly used value of 2.0 and are in
Steel moment frames line with lower values in the guidelines recently proposed by the US Department of Defense. The study
Finite element suggests that seismic ‘fuses’ can play a role in the design for robustness and a discussion of the implications
Macromodel of this observation is provided.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction whereby important buildings could be characterized by some

minimum level of robustness. Information about robustness is also
Robustness is a broad term used in a variety of contexts. necessary to decide if a structure is safe for continued occupancy
This is usually used in engineering applications to measure ‘‘the after local distress or whether extensive repairs are needed before
resistance against breaking’’ of an underlying quantity of interest. the structure can be deemed safe.
In structural control, for instance, a controller is said to be robust if Research efforts to quantify robustness, as applied to buildings
it can perform satisfactorily (does not break down) for admissible vulnerable to collapse, are quite limited. In a pilot project for
perturbations in system properties and/or loading conditions. the study discussed herein, Khandelwal and El-Tawil [1] proposed
Similarly, a robust computer code is one that does not crash pushdown analysis to quantify the robustness of a structure with
when unexpected computational errors are encountered, such as lost critical members. Izzuddin et al. [2] proposed three factors
division by zero. In the context of progressive collapse, robustness for measuring robustness including energy absorption capacity,
is broadly defined as a measure of the ability of a building system to ductility supply and redundancy. They concluded that each of the
carry most of its usual functions in the presence of local component three factors cannot be used as a standalone measure of robustness,
failures. Specifically, structural robustness is a measure of the but that system pseudostatic capacity, which aggregates all
capacity of a building system to withstand loss of local load the three factors, could be a suitable measure. Kim et al. [3]
carrying capacity. investigated robustness by gradually pushing down at the location
There is a growing consensus in the structural engineering of a removed column. They showed that collapse capacity was a
community that there is a need to quantify robustness for buildings function of the number of stories, number of spans, and length
that are susceptible to element loss, e.g. due to blast or impact. Such of spans. They compared their results to those from incremental
a measure could be used to provide a means for quantifying desired nonlinear dynamic analyses and concluded that pushing down at
system performance, which could then be tied to the economy the damaged column location could overestimate the progressive
of the system. It could be used for the purposes of classification, collapse capacity of a structure.
In other recent studies, the authors have investigated the pro-
gressive collapse behavior of seismically designed steel building

Corresponding author.
frames [4,5]. In those studies, progressive collapse of steel frames
E-mail addresses: (K. Khandelwal), was investigated using the Alternate Path Method (APM) within a (S. El-Tawil). nonlinear dynamic analysis framework. The APM, which is a threat
0141-0296/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2654 K. Khandelwal, S. El-Tawil / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 2653–2661

independent methodology advocated by the GSA [6] and UFC [7], dynamic analyses with increasing gravity loads in the bays of
is generally applied in the context of a ‘missing column’ scenario interest are conducted until an overload factor corresponding to
to assess the potential for progressive collapse. The authors con- failure in the damaged bays is established. In each dynamic analysis
cluded that though APM can be used to investigate progressive col- case, the system is first assumed to be undamaged while the
lapse behavior, it could not be used to measure ‘‘robustness’’ of the loading is being applied. As soon as the dynamic effects associated
structural system in cases where the structure under consideration with the applied loading die away, members designated as ‘lost’
is deemed to be able to survive loss of critical members. In partic- are instantaneously deleted and the system is allowed to respond
ular, it is unable to explicitly determine if a structure is near an in an inelastic manner. Unlike the UP and BP methods, this analysis
incipient collapse state. method explicitly accounts for dynamic effects. The disadvantage
In this paper, pushdown analysis is presented as a means for is that it is costly in terms of required computational effort because
evaluating the robustness of building systems that have lost critical multiple nonlinear, dynamic analyses must be conducted.
members. The study presented herein differs from previous studies The collapse modes for BP and IDP cases are classified in
that addressed pushdown response in: (1) its focus on the residual terms of the extent of collapse associated with a particular failure
capacity and associated collapse modes, particularly for seismically condition. For instance, in some cases collapse may be limited
designed buildings, and (2) the means by which the method to just the damaged bay, while in other cases the collapse may
is applied. The proposed method is inspired by the pushover propagate to adjacent bays. The first collapse model is designated
method (both static and incremental dynamic) commonly used as Contained Collapse Mode (CCM) since the damage is contained
for assessing the seismic resistance of building structures (see, for in a defined portion of the structure. The second collapse mode,
example, FEMA-350 [8]). where collapse propagates to adjacent bays, is identified as
Propagating Collapse Mode (PCM).
To demonstrate advantages and disadvantages, the proposed
2. Pushdown analysis method
analysis methods are exercised on 10-story steel moment frames
designed for moderate and high levels of seismic risk. The
The proposed pushdown analysis method consists of analyzing
progressive collapse behavior of these frames was investigated
the structure, which has suffered loss of one or more critical
earlier by the authors [4].
members, under increasing gravity loads. The gravity loads are
incremented until collapse of the structure occurs, defined as
an inability to support the applied loading. Usually this state is 3. Prototype structures
reached after substantial changes in the geometric configuration
have occurred accompanied by member separation from the main The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
structural system. The load corresponding to this condition is designed prototype steel framed buildings for the purpose of
defined as the failure load. The capacity of the structure at this studying their response to an event which may cause progressive
point is expressed in terms of the overload factor (Eq. (1)), defined collapse [10]. The buildings are 10-story office buildings with plan
dimensions of 45.7 × 30.5 m and utilize moment-resisting frames
as the ratio of failure load to the nominal gravity loads.
as the lateral load-resisting system. The buildings are designed
Failure load for: (1) Seismic Design Category C (Atlanta, Georgia), which results
Overload Factor (OF) = . (1) in Intermediate Moment Frames (IMFs) as defined is the AISC
Nominal gravity loads
Seismic Provisions [11], and (2) Seismic Design Category D (Seattle,
Pushdown analysis of a damaged structure is accomplished in Washington), which results in Special Moment Frames (SMFs). The
three different ways: Uniform Pushdown (UP); Bay Pushdown two seismic design categories address moderate and high seismic
(BP); and Incremental Dynamic Pushdown (IDP). The overload fac- risk and are considered to study the effect of seismic design and
tors computed from these methods, together with the correspond- detailing on robustness of the steel building systems.
ing collapse modes, are proposed as measures of the robustness of The design loads on the buildings are determined based
the structural system in question. In cases where APM shows that on the International Building Code [12]. The material design
the structure is not capable of successfully absorbing the loss of lo- standards used in the design of members and their connections
cal resistance, the structure is deemed to have no robustness. In are those referenced in the AISC Load and Resistance Factor Design
such a situation, the proposed pushdown methods are not appli- Specifications for Structural Steel Buildings [13] and the AISC
cable. Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings [11]. For typical
In the UP case, gravity loads on the entire damaged structure floors, the dead load consists of the self-weight of the slab of
are increased proportionally within a nonlinear static analysis 2.2 kN/m2 and a super-imposed dead load of 1.44 kN/m2 ; while
framework until the system collapses. A UP analysis will lead to the design live load is assumed to be 4.79 kN/m2 . For the roof,
a collapse state corresponding to failure of the weakest part of the self-weight of the slab is 2.2 kN/m2 , the super-imposed dead
the damaged structure and failure may occur outside the damaged load is 0.48 kN/m2 ; and the design live load is 0.96 kN/m2 . The
bays. For example, a gravity bay may dominate the collapse reduction in live loads is based on IBC 1607.9.1 [12].
response by failing prematurely. This method may, therefore, not The lateral load-resisting system is comprised of moment
adequately consider the damaged bays nor capture the propensity frames and a gravity system. The design of the gravity system
for collapse to propagate from damaged bays to adjacent ones. is the same for the IMF and SMF buildings. Beams and columns
The BP method is proposed to focus attention only on the in the gravity system are connected through shear connections,
damaged bays. In this method, the gravity load is increased which are comprised of single plate, shear tab connections that
proportionally only in the bays that suffered damage until the are fillet welded to the column and bolted using 22 mm, A325
system collapses. The remaining part of the structure is only high strength bolts to 9.5 mm A36 shear tabs. The IMF building
subjected to nominal gravity loads. Therefore, this analysis will employs welded unreinforced flange—welded web moment-
lead to a collapse state corresponding to failure in the damaged resisting connections. The SMF building employs reduced beam
bays. The residual capacity of the system is measured in terms of section (RBS) connections. A992 structural steel (Fy = 345 MPa)
overload factor calculated as the ratio between the load leading to is used for all beams and columns. Furthermore, a 50% flange
failure within the damaged bays and the nominal gravity load. reduction is assumed in all RBS connections. Plan views of the
The IDP method is inspired by the incremental dynamic analysis buildings are shown in Fig. 1, while the elevation of the East–West
method used in earthquake engineering [9]. In IDP, successive frames considered in this paper are shown in Fig. 2.
K. Khandelwal, S. El-Tawil / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 2653–2661 2655

(a) IMF building system. (b) SMF building system.

Fig. 1. Plan layout for IMF and SMF building systems.

(a) IMF building frame (SDC-C) E–W elevation (line 6). (b) SMF building frame (SDC-C) E–W elevation (line 6).

Fig. 2. Elevation of frames under consideration.

4. Model description gravity floor beams and girders. In this model, connection
resistance is modeled by a set of springs, which represent the
Appropriate structural models must be used for carrying out binding effect associated with the bottom beam flange bearing
the proposed pushdown analyses and the structural models should on the column flange, bolt/shear tab interaction, and concrete
be able to represent all important physical processes associated slab behavior, respectively. The element formulation recognizes
with the collapse response of the building system. In particular, the interaction between stress tensor components through a J2
the models must be able to adequately account for the formation of plasticity model that was implemented in LS-DYNA as a user
catenary action and the resulting interaction that occurs between defined model by Khandelwal and El-Tawil [1]. The panel zone
axial tensile loads and moments in beam–column members. in both shear and moment connections is modeled using a
Moreover, the models must also be capable of representing representation that enforces pure shear deformation. As shown in
the responses that influence beam–column connection response, Fig. 3, the panel zone model is comprised of 4 rigid bars pinned
such as local buckling at the beam–column interface, beam together at their ends to permit the desired deformation to occur.
lateral torsional buckling, inelastic panel zone behavior, local The stiffness and strength of the panel zone is provided by a
flange yielding in reduced beam connections, and connection diagonal spring joining opposite corners of the panel zone.
fracture [14]. The models shown in Fig. 3 are suitable for modeling Beams and column members outside the transfer area are
these effects and represent the most important components represented using a Hughes–Liu beam–column element formula-
contributing to inelastic connection behavior in both shear and tion [15]. This fiber-section formulation samples inelastic behavior
moment-resisting steel connections, respectively [4]. at one point along the axis of the element and at multiple points
The connection model shown in Fig. 3(a) represents the across the cross section. The location of integration points in a typ-
commonly used single plate shear tab connection for joining ical cross section is shown in Fig. 3(b). The radius cut reduced beam
2656 K. Khandelwal, S. El-Tawil / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 2653–2661

(a) Shear connection model. (b) Moment connection model.

Fig. 3. Details of connection and members models.

sections in SMF connections are modeled with a beam element Table 1

of length equal to that of the RBS region but with cross section Alternate path method (APM) analysis cases.

properties corresponding to that of the minimum cross section in APM case Member removed Building frame
the reduced section. As described in [4], the models in Fig. 3 are 1 Column C-1 IMF
capable of representing local behavior such as local buckling and 2 Column D-1 IMF
fracture by carefully tailoring the stress–strain response at each 3 Column E-1 IMF
4 Column F-1 IMF
integration point. The models are also capable of capturing the in-
5 Column D-1 SMF
teraction between moments and axial catenary loads that com- 6 Column E-1 SMF
monly occur during progressive collapse analysis. The models in 7 Column F-1 SMF
Fig. 3 were validated by the authors. Further specifics pertaining to
calibration and validation studies can be found in [4].
debris impact loads, the location of fracture that leads to member
The building frames in Figs. 1 and 2 are represented using
separation, strain rate effects, 2D versus 3D model representation,
the above-described member and connection models. For the
and slab effects. Readers are referred to Khandelwal et al. [4] for
purposes of analysis, only in-plane response of the frame is additional details.
considered. However, ground story columns are allowed to deform
out of plane to account for weak axis buckling of those particular 6. Analysis results
columns. Ground story columns are provided with out of plane
imperfections of L/250 (L = length of column) at midheight to Pushdown analyses of the above-described IMF and SMF are
promote the initiation of buckling, if needed, and ground story carried out using the proposed analysis methods. Key results of
column end conditions are modeled as fixed in plane but hinged interest, including overload factors and collapse modes for the
out of plane. The deformed shape of each column is modeled three proposed methods, were obtained for analysis cases where
as sinusoidal and the imperfections for all columns are assumed APM showed that the system under consideration is able to survive
to occur in the same direction. The level of imperfection and member loss as outlined in [4]. Table 1 gives a summary of these
boundary conditions are selected so that the load at which the cases. Note that the IMF did not survive loss of columns A and B [4]
columns buckle are close to those computed from the AISC- and so these cases are excluded from analysis. Also, the SMF is
LRFD [13] Specifications for columns with fixed–pinned ends and symmetric, so only half of the column loss cases are considered.
without application of the strength reduction factor. The corresponding pushdown analysis results for the two frames
are shown in Tables 2 and 3 and the results are discussed in detail
5. Analysis setup and limitations below. Both tables summarize the overload factor (computed from
Eq. (1)), collapse mode (CCM or PCM), and the mode by which
failure initiates.
Gravity loads are computed from the design specifications
To facilitate the following discussion, the columns and beams
in [10] and account for the dead loads plus 25% of the live loads. The
are designated using the notation in Fig. 2. For example, column
simulations are conducted with 5% mass proportional damping and
C-1 represents a first story column in column line C (Fig. 2).
are carried out using the explicit finite element code LS-DYNA [15].
Similarly, beam CD-2 represents a second story beam in bay CD
For UP and BP, gravity load is increased to its full value in 5 s and
(Fig. 2). Analysis cases as designated by the type of analysis and
then the analysis is continued with proportional increase in gravity an appended number that refers to the APM case in Table 1. For
loads as discussed earlier. The loading rate employed here ensures example, UP-1 implies a Uniform Pushdown analysis for APM Case
that dynamic effects are minimized in the subsequent portion of 1 described in Table 1, while IDP-7 is an Incremental Dynamic
the analysis. For IDP, gravity loads are first slowly applied to avoid Pushdown for APM Case 7.
exciting dynamic effects (increased to its full value in 5 s as in the
UP and BP cases). Once the gravity loads have been fully applied, 6.1. Results for IMF building
a 1st floor column is instantaneously deleted and the subsequent
inelastic response of frame is then investigated. Several observations can be made from the analysis results in
The developed models have a number of assumptions and Table 2. First, it is clear that by any of the measures employed,
limitations that should be considered when evaluating the results the IMF has significant robustness, i.e. resistance to collapse. The
from these models. These limitations are outlined in [4] and lowest factor in the table is 1.4 and belongs to IDP-1. Second, UP
pertain to the assumed nature of the foundations, the effect of cases have equal or lower overload factor when compared to the
K. Khandelwal, S. El-Tawil / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 2653–2661 2657

Table 2
Pushdown analysis results—IMF building.
Pushdown analysis type Loading type Overload factor Collapse mode Failure initiation

UP-1 Uniform 1.6 – Buckling of column D-1

UP-2 Uniform 2.5 – Buckling of column E-1
UP-3 Uniform 2.5 – Buckling of column D-1
UP-4 Uniform 2.1 – Buckling of column E-1
BP-1 Bay BC & CD 1.6 PCM Buckling of column D-1
BP-2 Bay CD & DE 2.9 PCM Buckling of column E-1
BP-3 Bay DE & EF 2.9 PCM Buckling of column D-1
BP-4 Bay EF 2.3 PCM Buckling of column E-1
IDP-1 Bay BC & CD 1.4 PCM Buckling of column D-1
IDP-2 Bay CD & DE 2.3 PCM Buckling of column E-1
IDP-3 Bay DE & EF 2.3 PCM Buckling of column D-1
IDP-4 Bay EF 1.8 PCM Buckling of column E-1

Table 3
Pushdown analysis results—SMF building.
Pushdown analysis case Loading Overload factor Collapse mode Failure initiation

UP-5 Uniform 1.8 – Failure of shear connections in bay CD

UP-6 Uniform 3.2 – Failure of shear connections in bay CD
UP-7 Uniform 2.9 – Buckling of Column E-1
BP-5 Bay CD & DE 1.8 CCM Failure of shear connections in bay CD
BP-6 Bay DE & EF 3.6 CCM Fracture in RBS in bay DE and EF
BP-7 Bay EF 3.5 CCM Fracture in RBS in bay EF
IDP-5 Bay CD & DE 1.7 CCM Failure of shear connections in bay CD
IDP-6 Bay DE & EF 3.1 CCM Fracture in RBS in bay DE and EF
IDP-7 Bay EF 2.4 CCM Fracture in RBS in bay EF

corresponding BP cases. This is expected because the structure is to BP-2. Failure initiates by buckling of column D-1, at a peak
under higher overall loads in the former compared to the latter, load of 5605 kN in the column. At this stage, the displacement
and will overload weaker parts of the structure causing premature at the removed column is 142 mm. Buckling of column D-1
failure. Third, loading cases involving only moment bays (e.g. BP-2) is immediately followed by failure of beams in the connection
have higher overload factors compared to cases involving gravity regions in bays DE and EF. The axial force developed in beams DE-1
bays (e.g. BP-1), primarily because they are comprised of stronger and EF-1 are 214 kN (tension) and 235 kN (tension), respectively.
members. Case BP-4 is similar in many respects to BP-1. Failure initiates
Table 2 shows that the collapse initiation mode is similar for by buckling of column E-1 (at 5542 kN) when the vertical
UP, BP and IDP cases. Collapse is typically initiated by out of displacement at the removed column is 180 mm. Beam EF-
plane buckling of the ground story columns. The corresponding 1 is actually under compression when failure initiates, again
failure modes for these analysis cases are shown in Fig. 4. After an emphasizing the global cantilever action that takes place above the
overloaded column buckles, the loads are transferred to adjacent removed column.
bays leading to additional column buckling, i.e. failure propagates
to adjacent bays. The corresponding collapse modes are therefore 6.2. Results for SMF building
designated as propagating collapse modes (PCMs) since failure
extends to adjacent bays compromising the rest of the system. Analysis results for the SMF building are reported in Table 3,
When failure modes are similar, which they are for the cases and some of the corresponding collapse modes are shown in Figs. 5
considered herein, the overload factor for IDP cases is lower than and 6. The general observations made for the IMF are also seen
that in the corresponding BP cases because of dynamic effects. The here, i.e. the SMF has substantial overload capacity, UP cases have
following discussion focuses only on analysis results for BP cases equal or lower overload factors than corresponding BP cases, and
since the collapse modes are similar for all three load types. loading involving moment bays only leads to higher overload
In case BP-1, the peak axial load supported by column D-1 at factors compared to cases involving gravity bays.
failure is 5516 kN, which closely matches the column’s design For analysis cases UP-5 and BP-5 (Fig. 5(a)), collapse starts as
capacity of 5000 kN (W18 × 119 column, Fy = 345 MPa, Ky = 1.0, a result of failure of shear connections in gravity bay CD. The
φ = 1.0, L = 4.6 m). The vertical displacement at the removed shear connection in beam CD-1 (left end) fails first and is followed
column is 271 mm at the point of failure and the peak axial forces by failure of shear connections in the upper stories. A peak axial
developed in beams BC-1 and CD-1 are 249 kN (tension) and force of 378 kN (tension) is developed in beam CD-1 prior to
−383 kN (compression), respectively. The tensile load in Beam separation from the rest of the frame. Failure of shear connections
BC-1 eventually leads to tension-related failure of the shear tab is followed by failure of some moment connections in bay DE.
connection. Beam CD-1 is in compression because of the global An overload factor of 1.8 is achieved in both analyses cases. The
frame action in the system. As a result of frame-wide cantilever associated collapse mode for BP-5 is considered to be CCM because
action in the moment bay CD above the location of the lost column, the collapse is limited to just the damaged bays.
beams at lower levels see compression whereas beams at higher Unlike the IMF, some differences are noted in the SMF building
levels are subjected to tensile forces. in the collapse modes associated with the UP and BP cases. In the
In BP-2, failure initiates by buckling of column E-1 (at 5605 kN) UP-6 case, for example, collapse occurred due to shear connection
followed by buckling of column C-1. In this case, axial forces failures in gravity bay CD, i.e. collapse occurs outside the damaged
of 236 kN (tension) and 214 kN (tension) developed in beams bay due to overloading in the weaker gravity bay. On the other
CD-1 and DE-1 at a vertical displacement of 143 mm (at the hand, BP-6 suffers collapse due to fracture in the RBS connection
removed column) when buckling initiates. Case BP-3, is similar regions in bays DE and EF (Fig. 5(b)). A similar situation can be seen
2658 K. Khandelwal, S. El-Tawil / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 2653–2661

(a) Failure modes: Pushdown analysis cases UP-1, (b) Failure modes: Pushdown analysis cases UP-2, BP-2 (c) Failure modes: Pushdown analysis cases UP-3, BP-3
BP-1 and IDP-1. and IDP-2. and IDP-3.

(d) Failure modes: Pushdown analysis cases UP-4,

BP-4 and IDP-4.

Fig. 4. Propagating collapse modes (PCMs) associated with IMF building.

in UP-7 and BP-7. The former collapses due to buckling of column vary depending on the type of structural system, and that in
E-1 (column force at buckling is 7473 kN), while the latter fails by both systems, dynamic effects are not as high as 2.0, which is
fracture in the connection regions (RBS zones) in bay EF (Fig. 5(c)). specified in GSA [6]. This observation is in accord with the growing
There is computational [14] and experimental [16] evidence that consensus that using DIF = 2.0 is too conservative. The most recent
RBS connections will fracture when subjected to collapse-type version of the UFC [7] has specified lower values that are tied
loading. to the type of structure being analyzed. Following the UFC [7]
The collapse modes for IDP cases are similar to BP cases except guidelines, the DIF for the moment bays of the IMF is 1.40 and the
for a minor variation between BP-5 and IDP-5. In the latter, collapse corresponding number for the SMF is 1.22, numbers that are more
is triggered by shear connection failure in beam CD-1 (right end) as in line with the values computed herein. Another key observation
opposed to shear connection failure in beam CD-1 (left end) for the is that while significant differences in collapse modes occurred
former. Another important feature observed for case IDP-5 is that between UP and BP cases, especially for SMF building, there is good
shear connections failed incrementally as opposed to complete bay correlation between IDP and BP cases, suggesting that BP analysis
collapse. For instance, only a partial story collapse occurs with is a reasonable way to measure pushdown resistance for the types
failure of shear connections in gravity beams CD-1 and CD-2 at an of frames discussed herein.
overload factor of 1.5 (Fig. 6(a)). The number of shear connection
failures in gravity bay CD increases with increasing load factor
7.2. Seismic detailing
(Fig. 6(b)) and complete collapse of bays CD and DE occur at a load
factor of 1.7 (Fig. 6(c)). It is notable that all the associated collapse
modes for the SMF building are CCM. The simulation results suggest that the SMF building designed
for high seismic risk is generally more resistant to progressive
7. Discussion of results collapse and hence more robust than the IMF building designed for
moderate seismic risk. This is evident from the overload factors,
7.1. Dynamic increase factor and analysis methods which for the SMF building range from 1.7 to 3.6, while the IMF
building has overload factors in the range of 1.4–2.9. The better
The simulation results offer a means for computing the dynamic performance of the SMF building as compared to the IMF one is
increase factor (DIF), which embodies the effect of dynamic loading directly attributed to the use of seismic detailing, specifically, the
on system response. The DIF can be computed as the ratio of use of RBS connections and stronger columns. In some of the BP and
overload factors for BP (quasi-static loading) and IDP (dynamic IDP cases, collapse in the SMF frame is associated with fracture in
loading) cases. The DIF for the IMF building ranges from 1.14 to the reduced part of the RBS connections. Under overloading, the
1.27, whereas it ranges from 1.06 to 1.45 for the SMF building. reduced sections acted as structural fuses, failing relatively early,
Lower DIFs are observed when one of the bays involved in the thus limiting the loads transferred to the columns and shielding the
computation is a gravity bay. This suggests that dynamic effects system from a propagating collapse mode. This issue is discussed
K. Khandelwal, S. El-Tawil / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 2653–2661 2659

(a) Failure mode: Pushdown analysis case BP-5 and IDP-5. (b) Failure mode: Pushdown analysis case BP-6 and

(c) Failure mode: Pushdown analysis case BP-7 and


Fig. 5. Contained collapse modes (CCMs) associated with SMF building.

further on in the paper. In contrast, collapse modes for all the other hand, the strong columns in the SMF preclude premature
IMF frame cases are associated with buckling of ground story column buckling and force true catenary mechanisms to develop
columns. Such collapse modes are undesirable as they jeopardize in response to lost columns. For instance, in BP-5, a catenary force
the stability of the entire structural system, i.e. they entail a PCM. of 378 kN (tension) is developed in beams CD-1 at a vertical dis-
placement of 492 mm before the shear connections fail in direct
7.3. Development and role of catenary action
A different situation occurs in BP-6 (Fig. 7) where tensile forces
of 814 kN and 845 kN are developed in beams DE-1 and EF-1,
The term catenary action refers to the ability of beams to resist respectively, at a vertical displacement of 1143 mm. These forces
vertical loads through formation of a catenary-like, or cable-like, are well below the catenary capacity of the beams and are
mechanism. In general, catenary action is associated with the essentially limited by the capacity of the frame. Fig. 7 shows that
development of large enough deformations such that the applied widespread axial force demands develop in the affected bays of
loads are mainly resisted by the vertical components of axial BP-6 to help resist the applied loads. Some of the beams are
forces that develop in the beams, i.e. catenary forces, rather than subjected to compressive axial forces that were developed to
the original flexural action. For catenary action to successfully counteract the tensile forces generated at the lowest floor.
develop, it is necessary that: (a) beam-to-column connections have However, the axial forces in the frame, even the tensile ones at the
enough ductility to facilitate beam deformation into the catenary first floor, are still considered to be relatively low, suggesting that
configuration and at the same time have sufficient structural flexural action in the beams still plays a significant role in resisting
integrity to support the loads; and (b) sufficient anchoring capacity the applied loads. Clearly, the resistance mechanism in this case is
exists at the member ends to transfer the resulting catenary forces a global one that engages the entire frame.
to the remainder of the system. Violation of either of these two
conditions implies that catenary action cannot play a significant 8. Practical implications
role in collapse resistance.
In the IMF frame, the failure modes for UP-2, UP-3, BP-2, BP-3, Insight into the robustness of seismically designed building
IDP-2 and IDP-3 entail relatively small vertical displacements be- systems can be obtained through the limited simulation studies
cause the primary failure mechanism is column buckling. In other conducted with the proposed pushdown analysis methods. In
words, these systems do not change their geometric configuration particular, the study shows that an improved layout (more
sufficiently to mobilize catenary resistance mechanisms. On the perimeter moment bays) and seismic detailing both play a
2660 K. Khandelwal, S. El-Tawil / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 2653–2661

(a) Overload factor: 1.5. (b) Overload factor: 1.6.

(c) Overload factor: 1.7.

Fig. 6. Pushdown analysis case IDP-5: D-1 column removed.

necessary for permitting the system to mobilize and benefit from

catenary action. In addition, the seismic RBS detail played the
beneficial role of a ‘fuse’, limiting the load transferred to the
columns and shielding the system from a propagating collapse
The observation that ‘fuses’ are beneficial after a structure
has exhausted its bridging capacity suggests that structural
systems could potentially be designed in a manner that explicitly
prohibits widespread propagation of collapse. However, practical
implementation of such a design philosophy may be difficult and is
complicated by a number of issues. In particular, system response
is three dimensional, not two dimensional as idealized in this
paper. It is entirely feasible that the 3D response of the system
will mobilize other resistance mechanisms that should be carefully
considered when designing the location and resistance of the
fuses. For example, slabs will contribute significantly to collapse
resistance as discussed in [17,18]. If not taken into consideration,
parts of the system that fail at a fuse may engage the slab,
Fig. 7. Development of axial forces in the SMF building: BP-6. shifting loading to other parts of the structure and potentially
leading to premature or possibly more widespread failure than
significant role in determining robustness. Khandelwal et al. [4] intended. Also, implementation of a fuse design strategy will also
had also previously noted that improved system layout is a key face the hurdle of long-entrenched ideas within the structural
reason for the greater collapse resistance associated with SMF engineering community regarding the link between well-tied
versus IMF. systems and robustness. Regardless of the hurdles, technical or
The IMF and SMF frames fail in fundamentally different ways otherwise, implementation and eventual acceptance of a fuse
under pushdown loading. The IMF, with less stringent seismic or compartmentalized design strategy will require extensive
detailing, failed by out of plane column buckling, while the SMF experimental and computational research and the deployment
failed by a more ductile collapse mechanism that entailed the of models that are able to explicitly track the 3D effects of fuse
formation of catenary action. The ductility of the SMF was clearly failures.
K. Khandelwal, S. El-Tawil / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 2653–2661 2661

9. Summary and conclusions Acknowledgments

This paper proposed new analysis techniques that could be The presented work was supported in part by the University of
used for investigating the robustness of building systems. Three Michigan and the US National Science Foundation through grants
pushdown methods were proposed—uniform pushdown (UP), CMMI-0726493 and CMMI-0928547. Any opinions, findings,
bay pushdown (BP) and incremental dynamic pushdown (IDP). conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this paper are
The proposed methods were then exercised to investigate the those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
robustness of two dimensional, 10-story seismically designed sponsors.
frames, one of which was an intermediate moment frame and the
other a special moment frame. Based on the limited simulation References
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