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cqH fflll XII "1Ch IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018

ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Indian Standard

'lWT 1 Cfia;l oIq 411 "tR \fUe,:rur Cfi1 ~

( -wfey Tf{t8fUT)

Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing

Part 1 Method of Test at Room Temperature

( Fourth Revision )

ICS 77.040.10

~ BIS 2018

~ BACfi ~
~ ~ . 9 <'l~l!i<~lltl ~ 'tft'l'f . ~ ~-110002
NEW DELHI-110002
www.bis goy in www.staodardsbjs jo

June 2018 Price Group 16

Mechanical Testing of \1etal« Sectional Comnmtee, MTD 03


This Indian Standard (Pan l) (Fourth Re' ision) wbH.h tio identical wnh lSO 61{92-1 . 2016 'Mc!talhc material~
- Lestmg - Part 1. Method of test at room temperature' •~sued by th.: lnt.:mational Organrzation for
Standardrzauun (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau oflmlwn Standnrdl> on the rccommenJauon of' the Mecharucal
Testrng ortvlc::tals Sectwnal Committee and approval of the Metallurgical Engineering Division Councrl.

Thrs standard was originally published in 1960 and subsequently revrsed in 197'2. 1995 and 2005. This revis1on
has been unJenaken LO harmonize it with tbe latest developments taken pt~ce at international JeyeJ.
The committee has now dedded Lo adopt this standard under dual numbering system and make it align with
ISO 6R92-1 : 2016. Tile major changes in this revision are as follow~:
~ The Cl)rrcsponding lSO standard revised in 2009 had split the standard mto 3 parts based on the
temperature at which the tensile test is l'art1ed out. In formulation of th~ standard strain rate
control was also considered:
i1) Method of a closed loop and A open loop were Introduced in ISO 6892-1 2009 rev1ston. l'cw
denomination for aforesaid methods was given in 2016 rc\ 1:-ron of ISO :.wndard which was as
I J Method A c.Joo;cd loop- A I
2) Method o\ open loop- A2;
iii) In addu ion following were also added 1n the ISO 6 '92-1 2016 reviSion ·
I) Clause A.5 pcnaimng to Computer Compaublc Rcprescntati<lllllf Standard:;;
2) Addition in Annex F for dctermmation of the suffness of the test1ng cqtuprncnt:
3) \lew normattve Annex G: Determination of the modulu:-. ofclasllcrty ofmetallrc matcnals usrng
n uniaxial tens tic test.

Other pa1ts in this scncs arc.

Pan 2 Methnd of lest at elevated temperature
Part 3 Method of test at lo'"'' temperature

The text of ISO Standard bas been approved as :>uitable for publtcnrron as an lndiall Standard withotrt
deviations. Certain termmology and conventions are however not idcnucalto those used inlndian Standards.
Aucntion is particularly drawn to the following:
a) Where' cr the v. ords 'International Standard' appear referring to thts stand:uJ, they should be read
as 'lnd1nn Standard' .
b) Comma(.) has been used as a decimal marker'' !tile in Indian StandarJs, the current practice is 10 usc
a potnt ( ) a:; th~ dcctmal marker.

In thts adopted standard. ref\!rem.:e appears to ccrtatn lnternattonal Standards for \\ h1ch lndran Standards
also exist. The correspondrng lnd1an Standards. whtch are to be substltuu:d 111 1hc1r p1ac..cs. are listed beiO\\
along w11h thcrr degree of cqutvalence for the edrhons indrcated.
illlernacimwl Stcmdard Correspondmg lmlwn Standard Degree of Etfttivalc:nce
ISO 7500-l Meialltc muterials ISI828(Parti).2015Metallicmaterials Identical wirh
Verification of static uniaxJal tesung -Verification of static un1axial teo;ting ISO 7500-1 : 2004
machines - Purr l: Tension/ machine~: Part 1 Tension/compres~ion
compression testing machines - testing machines- Vcrific11tion und
Verification and calibration of the calibration of the force-mensuri11g
force-measuring system system (fourth revi.1i011)

(Continued 011 third CO\'er)

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Indian Standard

( Fourth Revision)

1 Scope
This part of ISO 6892 specif1es the method for tensile testmg of metallic materials and defines the
mechanical properties which can be detenninecl at room temperature.
NOTE Annex A CCHlt..tin~ further recommendiltions for computer controlled testing machines.

2 Normative references
Tht following documents, in whole or in part. are normatively referenced in th1s document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edit1on cited applies. For undated
references. the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 7500·1, Metallic: materials - Verification of stotic unia:oa/ testing machines - Part 1:
Tension/compression testing machines- Verification and calibration of the force-measuring system
ISO 9513, Metallic materials- Calibration ofextensometer systems used m uniaxial testing

3 Terms and definitions

For Lhe purposes of this document, the following terms ;md definitions apply.
NOTE In what follows, the designations "force" and "scrcss" or "extension'', "percentage extension", and
'strain", respec:livt!ly, nre used on various occasions (as figure nx1s labels or in explnnalions forthe determinatiOn
of diffcrt!nt propcnics). ll<!wcver, for a general description or point on a curve, the designations "force" and
"stress" or "extension'', "pcrc('ntagc extension", and "strain", respectively, can be interchanged.
gauge length
length of the parallel portion of the test piece 0:1 which elongation IS measured at any moment du ring
the Lest

original gauge length
length between gau,qe length (3.1) marks on the test piece measured at room temperature before the test
final gauge length after fracture
length between gauge length (ll) marks on the test piece measured after rupture, at room temperature,
the lwo pieces having been carefully fitted back togelher so that their axes lie in a straight line

IS l608 (Part 1}: 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

parallel le ngth
length ofthe parallel reduced section ofthetestpiece
Note 1 to entry: The concept of parallel length is replaced by the conc;t!pt ol distance between grips for
unmachtned test pieces.

increase 1n the original gauge length (.3..l..l) at any moment during lhc lest
percentage e longation
elongation expressed as a percentage of the original gauge length (3.1..1)
percentage permanent elongation
increase m the ongmalgauge length (.3...1J.) of a test piece after removal of a specified stress. expressed
as a percentage of the original gauge length
percentage elongation after fracture
permanent elongation of the gauge length after fracture, (Lu - L0 ), expressed as a percentage of the
original gauge length (3~)
Note 1 to entry: For lunhcr information, see .8..1.
extensometer gauge length
inttial extensometer gauge length used for measurement of extenston by means of an extensometer
Note 1 to entry: For lut thcr in Iormation, see .8...3..
increa se in lhe ex Lensometer gauge length (.3...5), at any momenL ciu ring lhe lest
percen tage ex tension
extensiOn expressed as a percentage of the extensometer gauge length (3...5)
Note 1 to entry; e ts commonly called engmeenng strain.

pe r centage per manent exte ns ion
increase in the extensometer gauge length, after removal of a spcciftcd stress from the test p1ece,
expressed as a percentage of the extensometer gauge length (3...5)
perce ntage yield point extension
in discontinuous y teldi ng matenals, the extension between the start of yielding and the start of uniform
work-hardening, expressed as a percentage of the extensometer gouoe len,qth {.3...5)
Note 1 to entry: Sec Fi~urc..Z.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

percentage total extension a t maximum force
total extension (elastic extension plus plastic extension) at ma'<rmum force, expressed as a percentage
of the e:<tensometer gauge length (~)
Note 1 w emr y: See Figure 1.

percentage plastic extension at maximum force
plastic C'<tcnsron at maximum force, expressed as a percentage of the extensometer gauge length (3...5.)
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1.

percentage total extension at fracture
total e:xtC'nsion (elastic extension plu s plasric extension) .11 the moment of fracture. expressed as a
percentage of the extensometer gauge length (3..5.)
Note 1 lo entry: See Fi~urc 1.

3.7 Testing rate

strain rate
e, .
increase of stra1n, measured with an extensometer. m extensometer gauge length (~).per time

estimated strain rate over the parallel length
value of the rncrease of strain over the parallel length (3...2). of the test prece per time based on the
crosshead separation rate (.3..1...3) and the parallel length of tile test piece
crosshcad separation rate
displacement of the crossheads per time
stress rate
increast' ol stress per time
Note 1 to entry: Stress rate is only used in the clasuc part of the test (method 0) (sec also l.Q..3...3.).

percentage reduction of area
maximum change in cross-sectional area which has occurred during the test, (So - Su), expressed as a
percentage ot the origtnal cross-sectional area, S0 •

Z So -Su · 100

IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

3.9 Maximum force

maximum force
<materials displaying no discontinuous y1elding> highest force that the test piece withstands during
the test

maximum for ce
<materia ls displaying discontinuous yielding> highest force that the test piece withstands du r ing the
test after the beginning uf wut k-l! ~~~

Note 1 to entry: For materials which display discontinuous yield ing, but where no worl<-ha rdening can be
estab lished, Frn is not defined in th is part of ISO 6892 fsee footnote to .Eig.w:..e...8. cjj.
Note 2 to entry: See Fi,~ure 8 a) and b)

at a ny moment during the test, force divided by the original cross-sectional area, 50 , of the test piece
Note 1 to entry: All references to stress m thl5 part of ISO 6892 arc to engtnecnng stress.

tensile strength
stress cor responding to the maxtmum force (:ill)

yield strength
when the metall ic material exhibits a yield phenomenon, stress corresponding to the point reached
du ring the test at which plastic deformation occurs without any increase in the fo rce
upper yield strength
max imu m va lue of stress (ill) prior to th e firs t d ecrease in force
Note 1 to entry: See Figme 2.
lower yield strength
lowest value of stress (ill) during plastic yielding, ignoring any initia l transient effects
Note I to entry: See figure 2.

proof strength, plastic ex tens ion
stress at w hich the plastic extension is equal to a specified percentage of lhe extensometer gauge
length (.3...5.)
Note 1 to en try: Adapted from ISO/TR 25679:2005, ''proofstrenglh, non-proportiona l extension".

Note 2 to en try: A suffix is added to the subscript to indicate the prescribed rercentage, e.g. Rp0,2 ·
Note 3 to entry: See Etgurc 3.

IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
TSO 6892-1 : 2016

proo f s tre ng th, tota l ex tension
stress at which total extension (elastic extension plus plastic extension) is equal to a specified
percentage of the extensometer gauge length (.:LS.)

Note 1 to entry: A suffix Is added to the subscript ro indicate rhe prescribed percentage, e.g. Rto.s.

Note 2 to entry: See Elgure 4.

p e rma n ent set s tre ngth
stress at which, after removal of force, a specified permanent elongation or extension, expressed
respectively as a percentage of original gauge length (.3...l..l), or extensometer gauge length (.3.5), has not
been exceeded
Note I to entry: A suffix is added to the subscript to Indicate the specified percentage of the original gauge length,
L0 , or· or the extensometer gauge length, Le. e.g. Rro.2.

Note 2 to entry· See Fiawe 5.

fra cture
phenomenon which is deemed to occur when total separation of the test piece occurs
:-Jote 1 to entry: Cnteria for fracture for computer controlled tests are given in Fif:ure A 2.
3.1 2
computer -controlled ten s ile testing machine
machine for which the control and monitoring of the test. the measurements, and the data processing
are undertaken by computer
3.1 3
modulus of e las ti city
quotient of change of str·ess t::.R and change of pe rcentage extension Ae in the range of evalu ation,
multiplied by 100 o/o

E = - · 100 %

Note 1 to entry· It Is recommended to report the value in CPa rounded to the nearest 0,1 GPa and according to
ISO !30000-l.

default value
lower or upper value for stress respectively strain which is used for the description of the range where
the modulus of elasticity is calculated
3 .15
co e ffi cie nt of correla tion
additional result of the linear regression which descl'ibes the quality of the stress-strain curve in t he
evaluation range

N0tc 1 to entry: The used symbol R2 is a mathemat·cal representation of regression and is no expression for a
sq ll ared :,tress value.

IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

standard deviation of the slope
additiona l resul t of the linear regression which describes the difference of the s tress values fr om th e
best fit line for the given extension values in the evaluation range

relative standard deviation of the slope
quotient of the standard deviation of the slope and the slope in the evaluation ra nge. multiplied by 100%

smtret) =£.too %

4 Symbols
T he symbols used in this part of ISO 6892 and corresponding des ignati ons are given jn Table 1.

Table 1 - Symbols and designations

Symbol Unit Designation

Tes t piece
Go, 7'J mm original thickness of a flat test piece or wa ll thickness of a tube
original width of the parallel length of a fl at test piece or average wid th of th e longi-
bo mm tudinal strip taken from a tube or width of fla t wire
origi na I diameter of the para Ilei length of a circula r test piece, or d iamet er of round
do mm wire or internal diameter of a tube
Do mm original external diameter of a tube
Lo mm o riginal gauge length
initial gauge length for determination of Awn (see Annex I)
L'0 mm
L, mm parallel length
Le mm extensometer gauge length
Lt mm total length of test piece
Lu mm fin al gauge length after fracture
fi nal gauge length after fract ure for determ in at ion of Awn (see Annex ))
L'u mm

So mm2 orig inal cross-sec tional area of the parallel length

Su mm 2 tninimum cross-sectional area after fracture
k - coefficient of proportiona lity (see .6..ll)
z % percentage reduction of area
A % percentage elongation after fracture (see 3..12)
Awn o/o percentage plastic elongation without necking (see Annex I)
e o/o extension
Ae o/o percentage yield point extension
Ag % percentage plastic extension at maximum force, Fm
Agt % percentage tota l extension at maximum force, Fm
At o/o percentage total extension at fracture
llL111 mm extension at maximum force

IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Table 1 (continued)
Symbol Unit Designation
t.L, mm extension at fracture

e~.. e s-1 srrain rate

eI.e s-t estimated strain rate over the parallel length

MPa s-1 stress rate

VL mm s-1 crosshead separation rat·.:-
Pm N maximum force
Yield strength- Proof strength- Ten s ile strength
R MPab stress
R..dl MPa upper yield strength
ReL MPa lower yield strength
Rm MPa tensile strength
Rp MPa proof strength, plastic extension
Rr MPa specified permanent set strength
Rl MPa proof strength. total extension
Modulus of Elasticity- s lope of the str ess-p e rce ntage extension curve
li GPa modulus of elasticityc
m I MPa slope of the stress-percentage extension curve at a given moment of rhe test
mE MPa slope of the elastic part o: the stress-percentage extension curved
R1 MPa lower stress value
Rz MPa upper stress value
€! % lower strain value
t!2 % upper strai n value
f?2 - coefficient of correlation
Srn MPa standard deviation ofthe slope
Sn~(rcll % relative standard deviation of the slope
a Symbol used in steel tube product standards.
b 1 MPa =1 N mm-2.
'The calculation of the modulus of elasticity is described in Annex G. It is not required to use Annex G to
determine the slope of the elastic part of the stress-percentage extension curve for the determination of proof
d In the elastic part of the srress-percentage extenston curve, the value of the slope may not necessarily
repJ·esent the modulus of elasticity. This value may closely agree with the value of the modulus of elasticity if
opt1mal conditions are used (see Annex G).
CAUTION- The factor 100 is necessary if p ercentage values are used .

5 Principle
The test involves straining a test piece by tensile force, generally to fracture, for the determination of
one or more of the mecharlical properties defined in Clause 3.
The test shall be carried out at room temperature between 10 oc and 35 °C, unless otherwise specified.
For laboratory environments outside the stated requirement, it is t he responsibility of the testing
laboratory to assess the impact on testing and or calibration data produced with and for testing

IS 1608 (Part l ): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

machmes operated in such environments. When testing and calibration activities are performed
outside the recommended temperature limits of 10 oc and 35 ° (, the temperature shall be recorded
and reported. If significant temperature gradients arc present during testing and or calibration,
measurement uncertainty may increase and outoftolerance conditions may occur.

Tests carried out under controlled conditions shall be made at a temperature of23 ° ( =5 oc.
If the determination of the modulus of elasticity is requested in the tensile test, this shall be done in
accordance with Annex G.

6 Test pieces

6.1 Shape and dimensions

6.1.1 General
The s hape a nd dimensions of the test pieces may be constrainecl by the shape and dimensions of the
metallic product from which the test pieces are taken .

The test piece is usually obtained by machming a sample from the product or a pressed blank or casting.
However, products of uniform cross-section (sections, bars, wires. etc.) and also as-cast test pieces (i.e.
for cast iron and non-ferrous alloys) may be tested without being machined.

The cross-section of the test pieces may be circular, square, rectangular. annular or, in special cases,
some other uniform cross-section.

Preferred test pieces have a direct relationship between the original gauge length, L0 , and the original
cross-sectional area, 50 , expressed by the formula L0 = kjS;;, where lc is a coefficient of propor tionality,
and are called proportional test pieces. The internationally adopted value for lc is 5,65. The original
gauge length shall be not less than 15 mm. When the cross-sectional area of the test piece is too small
for this requi rement to be met with, k = 5,65, a higher value (preferably 11,3) or a non-proportional test
piece may be used.
NOTE By using an original gauge length sma!ler than 20 mm. the uncertainty of the result "elongation after
fracture'' will be increased.

For non-proportional test pieces, the original gauge length, L0 , is in dependen t of t he original cross-
sectional area, 50 •

The dimensional tolerances of the test pieces shall be in accordance with the Annexes 8 to£ (see £i.2.).

Other test pieces such as those specified in relevant product standards or national standards may be
used by agreement with the customer, e.g. lSO 318311J, (API 5L), ISO 11960121, (A PI SCT), ASTM A37Q[Q],
ASTM EBMIZI, DIN 50125fl.Q]. lACS W2LUJ, and JIS Z 22411111.

6.1.2 Machined test pieces

Machined test pieces shall incorporate a transition radius between the gripped ends and the parallel
length if these have different dimensions. The dimensions of the transition radius are important and it is
recommended that they be defined in the material specification if they are not given in the appropriate
annex (see b..l).

The gripped ends may be of any shape to suit the grips of the testing machine. The axis of the test piece
sha ll coincide with the axis of application of the force.

The parallel length, L,, or, in the case where the test piece has no transition radii, the free length
between the g rips, sha ll <~lways be greater than the original gauge length, L0 .

l S 1608 (Part I): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

6.1.3 Unmachined test pieces

If the test piece cons ists of an unmachined length of the product or of an unmachined test bar, the free
length between the grips shall be sufficient for gauge marks to be at a reasonable distance from the
grips (see Annexes B to li).
As-cast test pieces shall incorporate a transition radius between the gripped ends and the parallel
length. The dimensions of thts transition radius are important and it is recommended that they be
defined in the product standard. The gripped ends may be of any shape to suit the grips of the testing
machine provided that they enable the centre of the test piece to coinctde wtth the a xis of application of
force. The parallel length. Lc, shall always be greater than the original gauge length, La.

6.2 Types
The main types oftest pieces are defined in An.nexe..sJ3. toE according to the shape and type of product,
as shown in Table 2. Other Lypes of test pieces can be specified in produ ct s ta ndards.

Table 2- Main types of test pieces according to product type

Dimensions in millimetres
Type of product
Sheets- Plates- Flats Wtrc- Bars- Sections

- - - Diameter or side

- B
- <4 .c
a ~3 ~4 ll
Tubes £

6.3 Preparation of test pieces

The test pieces shall be taken and prepared in accordance with the requirements of the relevant
International Standards for the different materials (e.g. ISO 377).

7 Determination of original cross· sectional area

The relevant dimensions of the test piece should be measured at sufficient cross-sections perpenclicular
to t he longitudinal axis In the central region of the parallel length of the test piece.
A minimum of three cross-sections is recommended.
The original cross-sectional area, 50 , is the average cross-sectional area and sha ll be calculated from
the measurements of the appropriate dimensions.

The accuracy of this calculation depends on the nature and type of the test piece. Annexes B to E
describe methods for the evaluatton of S0 for different types of test pieces and con tam specifications for
the accuracy of measurement.
All measuring devices used for the determination of the original cross-sectional area shall be calibrated
lo the app ropriate reference slanda rd s with trCJceability to a Nation al Measurement System.

IS 1608 (Pa rt 1) : 2018
LSO 6892-l : 2016

8 Original gauge length and extensometer gauge length

8.1 Choice of the original gauge length

For proportional test pieces. 1f the original gauge length IS not equivalent to 5,65.js; where 50 is the
original cross-sectional area of the parallel length, the symbol A should be supplemented by a subscript
indicating the coefficient of proportionality used, e.g. A11.3 tndtcates a percentage elongation of the
gauge length, La. according to Formula 0):

A 11 ,3 = 11,3J"S 0 (1)

NOTE 5,6SJS11 5J"4S11 In .

For non-proportional test pieces (see Annex B), the symbol A sholllcl be supplemented by a subscript
indicati ng the origina l gauge length used, expressed in millimetrcs, e.g. Aao 111111 indi cates a percentage
elongation of a g~JUgc length, L0 , of 80 mm.

8.2 Marking the original gauge length

For the manual detenmnat1on of the elongation after fracture A. each end of t he origmal gauge length.
L0 , shall be marked by means of fine marks, scribed ltnes, or punch marks. but not by marks which
could result 111 premature fracture. The orjginal gauge length shall be marked to an accuracy of zl %.
For proportional test pieces, the calculated value of the anginal gauge length may be rounded to the
nearest multiple of 5 mm. pt ovided that the difference between the calculated and marked gauge length
is less than 10 % of Lo.
If the parallel length. Lc. is much greater than the origina I gauge length. as, for Instance, with
unmachtned test pieces, a series of overlapping gauge lengths may be marked.
rn some cases, It may be helpful to draw a line parallel to the longitudinal axis. along which the gauge
lengths are rnarked.

8.3 Choice of the extensometer gauge length

For measu rement of yield and proof strength parameters, Le should span as much of the parallel length
of the test piece as possible. Ideally, as a minimum, Lc should be greater t han O,SOL 0 but less than
approximately 0,9L~ . This should ensure that the extensometer detectc; all ylcldihg events t hat occur
in the test piece. Further, for measurement of parameters "at" or ":lflc t· reaching" maximum force, Le
should be approximately equal to La.

9 Accuracy of testing apparatus

The force-measurmg S} stem of the testmg machine shall be in accordance With ISO 7500-1. class 1.
or better.
For the determmalJOn of proof strength (plastic or total extension), the cxtcnsometer used shall be in
accordance with ISO 9513, class 1 or better, in the relevant range. For other properties (w1th extensions
greater than 5 %). an ISO 9513. class 2 extensometer in the relevant range may be used.

rs 1608 (Part t) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

10 Conditions of testing

10.1 Setting the force zero point

The force-measuring system shall be set to zero after the testing loading train has been assembled, but
before the test ptece is actually gripped at both ends. Once the force zero poi nt h as been set, the force-
measuring system shall not be changed in any way during the test.

NOTE The use of this method ensures that, on one hand, the weight of the grlppwg system is compensated
for in the force meas urement. and on the other hand. any force resulting from the clamping operation does not
affect this measurement.

10.2 Method of gripping

The test pieces shall be gripped by suitab le means, s uch as wedges, screwed g rips, parallel jaw faces, or
shou lde red holders.

Every endeavour should be made to ensure that test pieces are held in such a way that the force is applied
as axially as possible, 111 order to mmimize bending (more information 1s given in ASTM E101 21BJ, for
example). This is of parttcu lar importance when testing brittle materials or when determining proof
strength (plastic extension), proof strength (lotal extension), or yield strength.

In order to ensure the alignment of the test piece and grip arrangement, a preliminary force may be
applied provided it does not exceed a value correspon ding to 5 % of the s pecified or expected yield
str·ength . A correction of the extension should be carried out to take into accotmt the effect of the
pre! i minary force.

10.3 Testing rates

10.3.1 General information regarding testing rates

Unless otherwise agreed, the choice of method (Al, A2, or B) and test rates are at the discretion of the
producer o r the test Ia bora LOry assigned by the producer, p rovided thal these meet the requirements of
lh is part of ISO 6892.

NOTE 1 The difference between Method A and Method 8 is that the necess<u·y testing speed of Method 1\ is
defined at the poinr of Interest (e.g. Rpo.z), where the property has to be determined; whereas, in Me thod B. t he
necessary testing speed ls set 10 the elastic range hcfore the property (e.g. Rpo.z) has to be determined.

NOTE 2 Under certain conditions using Method 8 (e.g. for some steels a str~ss rate in the elastic range of
apprmomately 30 MPa/s, ustng a testing rig and clamping system with hjgh stiffness and a test piece geometry
accordmg Annex 8 , Table 8.1 Test piece type 2), a strain rate near the range 2 of Method A may be observed.

NOTE 3 Product standards and corresponding lest standards (e.g. aerospace standards) may specify test
rates that are different from those contained in this part of ISO 6892.

10.3.2 Testing ra le based on strain rate (method A) General

Method A is mtended to mm1m1ze the variation of the test rates du ring the moment w hen s train rate
sensitive parameters are determined and to mmtmize the measurement uncertainty of the test results.

Two different types ofstram rate control are described in this subclause.

Method Al closed loop involves the conLrol oft he s train rate itself, eLe , thal is base d on the fee dback
obta ined from an extensometer.

IS 1608 (Part I ): 2018
ISO 6892- l : 201 6

Method A2 open loop involves the control of the estimated strain rate over the paraUellength, eL ,
which is achieved by using the crosshead separation rate calculated by multiplying the required
strain rate by the parallel length [see Formula (2)).
NOTE A more ngorous stratn rate estimation procedure for ~lcthod A2 is described tn Annex F.

If a material shows no discontinuous yielding and the force remains nominally constant, the strain rate,
ee ec
L , and the estimated strain rate over the parallel length, L , are approximately equal. Differences

exist if the material exhibits discontinuous or serrated yielding (e.g. some steels and AIMg alloys in the
yield point extension range, or materials which show serrated yielding like the Portevin-Le Chatelier
effect) or if necking occurs. If the force is increasing, the strain rate [if the crossheacl separation rate is
calculated using Formula (2)] may be below the target strain rate due to the compliance of the testing

The testing rate shall conform to the following requirements.

a) Unless otherwise specified, any convenient speed of testing may be used up to a stress equivalent
to half of the expected yield strength. Above thjs range and for the determination of ReH. Rp or Rt.
the specified strain rate. L (or for Method A2 the cross head separation 1·ate lie). shall be applied.
In this range, to eliminate the influence of the compllance of the tens tie testing machine, the use of
an extensometer clamped on the test piece is necessary to have accurate control over the strain
rate. For testing machines unable to control by strain rate method A2 may be used.

b) During discontmuous yielding, the estimated strain rate over the parallel length, eL (see 12.2).
should be applied. In this range, it 1s impossible to control the strain rate using the extensometer
clamped on to the test piece because local yielding can occur outside the extensometer gauge
length. The required estimated strain rate over the parallel length may be maintained in this range
sufficiently accurately using a constant crosshead separation rate, Vc (see 3..1..3) (open loop);



is the estimated strain rate over the parallel lengthi

is the parallel length.

c) ee ec
In the range following Rp or Rt or end of yielding (see 3...22), L or L can be used. The use of L ec
is recommended to avoid any control problems which may anse if neck1ng occurs outside the
extensometer gauge length.

The stram rates spectfied in to shall be maintamed during the determination of the
relevant matenal property (see also Figure 9).
During switching to another strain rate or to another control mode, no discontinuities in the stress-
strain curve should be introduced which distort the values of R01 , Ag, or Agt (see Figure 10). This effect
can be reduced by a suitable gradual switch between the rates.

The shape of the stress-strain cu rve in the work-hardening range can also be influenced by the strain
rate. The testing rate used should be documented (see 10..3..1).

IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016 Strain ra te for the determination of the upper yield strength, ReH• or proof strength
properties, Rp, and Rt

The strain rate, eL , shall be kept as constant as possible up to and including the determination of ReH
or Rp or Rr. During the determination of these material properties the strain rate, eL , shall be In one of
the two following specified ranges (see also figure 9).

Range 1: eLe = 0,000 07 s-1 , with a relative tolerance of ±20 %.

Range 2: eL = 0.000 25 s-1, with a relative tolerance of ±20 % (recommended, unless otherwise

If the testing machine is not able to control the strain rate directly, Method A2 sha ll be used. Strain rate for the determination of the lower yield strength, ReL. and percentage yield
point extension, Ac
Followmg the detection of the upper yield strength (see A...3...2.), the estimated strain rate over the
parallel length, eL , shall be maintained in one of the following two specified ranges (see figure 9) until
discontinuous yicldmg has ended.

Range 2: eLc =0,000 25 s-1, with a relative tolerance of ±20% (recom mended, w hen ReL is determined).
Range 3: eL = 0,002 s -1, with a relative tolerance of ±20 %.
c Strain rate for the determination of the tensile strength, Rm, percentage elongation
after fracture, A, percentage total extension at the maximum force, Agt~ percentage plastic
extension at maximum force, Ag, a nd percentage reduction area, Z
After determination of the required yield/proof strength properties, the estimated strain rate over the
parallel length. eLc , shall be changed to one of lhe following specified ranges (see Figure 9).
Range 2: e~,
=0.000 25 s-1, with a relative tolerance of±20 %.
Range 3: eLc =0,002 s-1, with a relative lolerance of±20 %.
Range 4: eLc = 0,006 7 s-1 , with a relative tolerance of ±20% (0,4 min- I, with a relative tolerance of
±20 %) (recommended, unless otherwise specified).

If the purpose of Lhe tensile test is only to determine the tensile strength, then an estimated strain
rate over the parallel length of the test piece according to range 3 or 4 may be applied throughout the
entire test.

t0.3.3 Testing rate based on stress rate (method B) General
The testing rates shall conform to the following requirements depending on the nature of the material.
Unless otherwise specified, any convenient speed of testing may be used up to a stress equivalent to
half of the specified yield strength. The testmg rates above this point are specified below.
NOTE It is not the Intent ol Method B to maintain constant stress rate or to control stress rate with closed
loop force control whale determining yield properties, but only to set the crosshead speed to ach ieve the target
stress rate in the clastic region (see Table 3). When a specimen being tested begins to yield, the stressing rate
decreases and may even become negative tn the case of a specimen with discontinuous yielding. The attempt
to maintain a constant stressing rate through lhe yielding process requires the testing machine to operate at
extremely high speeds and , in most cases, thts is neither pract1cal nor desirable.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-l : 2016 Yie ld and proof s tren gths Upper yield strength, ReH

The rate of separation of the cross heads of the machine shall be kept as constant as possible a nd within
the limits corresponding to the stress rates in Table 3.

NOTE For mformation, LypJcal matenals having a modulus of elasticity smaller than 150 000 MPa include
magnesium, alurnmium alloys, brass. and titanium. Typtcal matenals with a modulus of elastictty greater rhan
150 000 MPa Include wrought iron. steel. tungsten, and nickel-based «lloys.

Table 3 - Stress rate

Modulus of elasticity of the material Stress r ate
MPa s-1
min. max.
<150 000 2 20
~150 000 6 60 Lower yield strength, ReL

If only the lower yield strength is being determined, the strain rate during yield of the parallel length
of the test piece shall be bet\veen 0,000 25 s-1 and 0,002 5 s-t. The strain rate within the parallel
length shall be kept as constant as possible. If this rate cannot be regulated directly. it shall be fixed
by regulating the stress rate just before yield begins, the controls of the machine not being further
adjusted until completion of yield.

In no case shall the stress rate in the elastic range exceed the maximum rates given in Table 3. Upper and Jower yield strengths, R eH and ReL

If both upper and lower yield strengths are determined during the same test, the conditions for
determining the lower yield strength sha ll be complied with (see Proof strength (plastic extension) and proof strength (total extension), Rp and Rt
The crosshead separalion rate of the machine shall be kept as constant as possible and within tbc limits
corresponding to the stress rates in Th.bk3 for the elastic range. This crosshcad separation rate shall
be maintained up to the proof strength (plastic extension or total extension). In any case, the strain
rate shall not exceed 0,002 5 s-1. Ra te of separation
If the testing machine is not capable of measuring or controlling the strain rate, a crosshead separation
rate equivalent to the stress rate given tn Table 3 shall be used until completion ofyteld. Tensile strength, R10, percentage elongation a fter fracture, A, pe rcentage total extension
at the maximum force, Agt. percentage plastic extension at maximum force, Ag, and percentage
reduction area, Z

After determination of the required y1elcl/proof strength properties, the test rate may be increased to a
strai n rate (or equivalent crosshead separation rate) no gt·eater than 0,008 s-1.

If only the tens ile strength of the material is to be measured, a si ngle strain rate can be used t hroughout
the test which shall not exceed 0,008 s-1.

rs 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

1 0.3 .4 Report of the chosen testing conditions

In order to reporr the test control mode and testrng rates In an abndged form, the following system of
abbreviation can be used:
ISO 6892-1 Aunn. or ISO 6892-1 Bn

where "A" defines the use of method A (strain rate based), and "B" the use of method B (stress rate
based).. The symbols "nnn" are a series of up to 3 characters that refer to the rates used dunng each
phase of the test. as defined in Figure 9, and 'n' may be added to indicate the stress rate (in MPa s-1)
:,elected dunng elastic loading.
EXAMPLE 1 ISO 6892-1 :2016 A224 defines a lest based on strnin rate. ustng ranges 2. 2 and 4.

EXAMPLE 2 ISO 6892-1.2016 830 defines a test based on stress rate, performed at a nominal stress rate of
30 MPa s-t.

EXAMPLE 3 ISO 6892 -1.2016 B defines a Lest based on stress nne, performed at a nominal stress rate
according to L.l.bk..J,

11 Determination of the upper yield strength

Ret! may be determined from the force-extenston curve or peak load indtcator and is defined as the
maximum value of stress pnor to the fi rst decrease in force. The value is calculated by dividing this
force by the origmal cross-sectional area oft he rest p1ece, 5 0 (see Eigure 2).

12 Determination of the lower yield strength

is determined from the force-extension curve and is defined as the lowest value of stress during
plastic y ielding, ignoring any initial transtent effects. The value ts calculated by dividing this force by
Lhc originol cross-~ectional area of tbe test piece, S0 (see Etgure 2).
In case of rnatenals havmg yield phenomena and when Ae is not to be dctermmed: For productivity of
testing, RcL may be reported as the lowest stress within the first 0,25 % strain after ReH. not taking
into account any initial trans ient effect. Afler determ ining RrL by this procedu re, the test rate may be
i ncrcased as per lO...J....ZA: or Use ofth is shorter procedu rc should be recorded on the test report.

13 Determination of proof strength, plastic extension

13.1 Rp is deLermined from the force-extension curve by drawing a line parallel to the linear portion
of the curve and at a distance from it eqmvalenl to the prescnbcd plastic percentage extension, e.g.
0,2 %. The pomt at wh1ch this line intersects the curve gives the rorce corresponding to the desired proof
strength plastic extension. The latter is obtained by dividmg th1s force by the original cross-sectional
area of the test p1ece, 50 (see figure 3).

If the straight portion of the force-extension curve is not clearly defined. thereby preventing drawing
the parallellme \·Vlth sufficient precision, the following procedure is recommended (see Figure 6).

When the presumed proof strength has been exceeded the force is reduced to a value equal to about
10 % of the force obtained. The force is then increased again until tt exceeds the value obtained
originally. To determine the desired proor strength, a line is drav.•n through the hysteresis loop. A line is
then drawn parallel to this a distance from the corrected origm of the curve, measured along the
absctssa, equal to the prescribed plastic percentage extensiOn. The intersection of this parallel line and

lS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

the force-extension curve gives the force corresponding to the proof strength. The value is calculated
by dividing this force by Lhe original cross-sectional area of the test piece, S0 (see Figure 6).
NOTE Several methods can be used to define the corrected origin of the forct>-extension curve. One or
these is to construct a line parallel to that determined by the hysteresis loop so that it ts tangential to the force-
extension curve. The point where this line crosses the abscissa IS the corrected ongin of the force -exrens10n
curve (see Figure 6).

Care should be taken to ensure that the hysteresis is performed after the final proof strength has
passed, but at as low an extension as possible, as performing it at excessive extensions will have an
adverse effect on the slope obtained.

lfnot specified in product standards or agreed by the customer, it is inappropriate to determine proof
strength during and after discontinuous yielding.

13.2 The property rnay be obtained without plotting the force-extension curve by usmg automatic
devices (microprocessoti etc.) (see Annex A).

NOTE Another available method is described In GB/T 228.l.L!I

14 Determination of proof strength, total extension

14.1 Rr is determined on the force-extension curve, taking 102 mto consideratton, by drawing a line
parallel to the ordinate axis (force axis) and at a distance from this equivalent to the prescribed total
percentage extension. The point at which this line intersects the curve g1ves the force corresponding to
the desired proof strength. The value is calculated by divtding this force by the ongmal cross-sectional
area of the test piece. S0 (see Figure 4).

14.2 The property may be obtained without plotting the force-extension curve by using automatic
devices (see Annex A).

15 Method of verification of permanent set strength

The test piece is subjected to a force corresponding to the spec ified stress for 10 s to 12 s . This fo rce
is obtained by multiplying the specified stress by t he origina l cross-sectiona l area of the test piece, 50 .
After removing the force, it is then confirmed that the permanent set extension or elongation is not
more than the percentage specified for the original gauge length, see Figure 5.

NOTE This is a pass/fail test, whtch ls not normally performed as a part of the standard tensile test. The
stress applied to the test ptece and the permissible permanent set extension or elongation are specified either by
the product specification or the requester of the test. Example: Reporting "Rro s =750 MPa Pass" mdicates tha{ a
stress of 750 MPa was applied to the test piece and the resulting permanent set was less tJ1an or equal to 0,5 Oft>.

16 Determination of the percentage yield point extension

For materials that exhibit discontinuous yielding, Ae is determined from the force-extension curve
by subtracting the extension at ReH from the extension at the start of uniform work-hardening. The
extension at the start of uniform work-hardening is defined by the intersection of a horizontal line
through the last local minimum point, or a regression line through the range of yielding, prior to
uniform work-hardening and a line corresponding to the highest slope of the curve occurring at the
start of uniform work·hardcning (see Figure 7). It is expressed as a percentage of the extensometer
gauge length, Lc.

The method used [see Figure 7 a) or b)] should be documented 111 Lhe test report.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1: 2016

17 Determination of the percentage plastic extension at maximum force

The method consists of determining the extension at maximum force on the force-extension cu rve
obtatned with an extensometer and subtracting the elastic strain.
Calculate the percentage plastic extension at maximum force. Ag. from Formula (3):



Le is the cxtensometer gauge length;

mE Is Lhc slope of the elastic part of the slrcss-pcrcc nLagc ex tension cu rve;

R111 is the tensile strength;

ll.Lm tS the extension at maximum force.
NOTE For materials wh ich exhtbita plateau at rr.aximum force, thl! percentage plastic extension at maximum
Ioree ts the cxtenston ut the mid-poim of the plateau (see ftgure 1)

18 Determination of the percentage total extension at maximum force

Th~t method constsls of determ ining the extension at maximum force on the force-extension curve
obtained wtth an extensometer.
Calculate the percentage total extension at maximum force. AgtJ from Formula (4):

·1 00 (4)

/,~ is the ex lensometer gauge length;

.1L 111 is the extension at maximum force.
NOTE For materials which exhtbit a plateau at maximum force, the percl!ntage local extension at maximum
force IS the extens1on at the m1d-point of the plateau (sec Eb!lJJ.:.c...J.).

19 Determination of the percentage total extension at fracture

The method cunsists of determining the extension at fracture on the force-extens ion curve obtamed
with an extensometer.

Calculate the pe1 centage total elongation at frat:tur tt, 11 1• ft 0111 fw mule~ (.!i).:

A - Lr · 100 (5)
l L

1.1' is the ex lensometer gauge length;

.1L 1 is the extension at fracture.

IS 1608 (Part I): 2018
ISO 6891-1 : 2016

20 Determination of percentage elongation after fracture

20.1 Percentage elongation after fracture shall be determined in accordance with the definition given
In 3A:.2.
For this purpose. the broken pteces of the test piece shall be carefully filled back together so that their
axes lie in a straight line.

Special precautions shall be taken to ensure proper contact between the broken parts of the test piece
when measuring the final gauge length. This is particularly important for test pieces of small cross-
section and test pieces having low elongation values.

Calcu late the percemage elongation after fracture, A, from Eru:m!lla...(2):



L0 is the original gauge length;

Lu is the final gauge length after fracture .

Elongation after fracture. Lu - Lo. shall be determined to the nearest 0,25 mm or better using a
measuring device with sufficient resolution.

If the specified minimum percentage elongation is less than 5 %. it is recommended that spectal
precautions be taken (see Annex H). The result of this determinacion ts valtd only if the distance
between the fracture and the nearest gauge mark 1s not less than L0 /3. However. the percentage
elongation after fracture can be regarded as valid, irrespective of the position of the fracture, if the
percentage elongation after fracture is equal to or greater than the specified value. To avoid having to
r eject test pieces where the distance between the fracture and the next gauge mark is less than L0 /3.
the method described in Annex 1 may be used by agreement.

20.2 When extension at fracture is measured using an extensometer~ it is not necessary to mark the
gauge lengths. The elongation is measured as the tota l extension at fracture, and it is therefore necessary
to deduct the elastic extension in order to obta in pe:-centage elongation after fracture. To obtai n
compa1·ab le values with the manual method, additional adjustments can be applied (e.g. high enough
dynam ic and frequency bandwidth of the extensometer) (see A.U).

The result of this determination is valid only if fracture and localized extension (necking) occurs
within the extensometer gauge length, Le. The percentage elongatiOn after fracture can be regarded as
valid regardless of the position of the fracture cross-section if the percentage elongation after fracture
is equal to or greater than the specified value. If the product standard specifies the determination of
percentage elongation after fracture for a given gauge length, the cxtensometer gauge length should be
equal to this length,

20.3 If elongation is measured over a given fixed length, it can be converted to proportional gauge
length. using conversion fo r mulae or tables as agreed before the commencement of testing (e.g. as in
ISO 2566-1 and ISO 2566-2).

NOTE Comparisons of percentage elongation are possible only when the gauge length or extensometer gauge
length, the shape, and cross-sectionallrea are the same or when the coefficient of proportionality, k, is the same.

21 Determination of percentage reduction of area

Percentage reduction of area shall be determined in accordance with the defi nition given in .3...8_.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-t : 2016

If necessary, the broken p1eces of the test piece shall be carefully fitted back together so that their axes
lie in a straight line.

for round test p1eces, the measurements at the minimum •·educed section should be made in 2 planes at
90° to each other and the average used for the calculation or Z.

Care should be taken to ensure that the fracture surfaces are not displaced when making the readings.
Calculate the percentage reduction of area, Z, from Formula (1):

Z So -Su .100 (7)


Sa ls the origina l cross-sectional area of the para ll el length;

Su is the minimum cross-sectional area after fracture.
It is recommended lo measure Su to an accuracy of ±2 o/o (sec Eigure 13).

Measuring Su With an accuracy of ±2% on small diameter round test p1eccs, or test pieces with other
cross-sectional geometries, may not be possible.

22 Test report
The te::.t report shall contain at least the following information, unless otherwise agreed by the parties
a) reference to th1s part of ISO 6892, extended with the test condition information specified in 1ll4,
e.g. ISO 6892-1:2016 A221;
b) 1rlcntlficc1tlon of the test piece;
c) spectried matenal.1fknown,
d) type of lcsl piece;
e) location and direction of sampling of test pieces, ifknown:
f) tesung control mode(s) and testing rate(s) or testing rate range(s) (see .l.0...3.....l) if different from the
recommended methods and values gtven 10 10...3.....2 and lO..l..3;
g) test results:
results should be rounded (according to ISO 80000-1) to the following precisions or better, if
not otherw1se specified in product standards: strength values, In megapascals, to the nearest
whole number;
percentage yield pomt extens1on V:llues, A.,., to lhe nearest 0,1 %;

all other percentage extension and elongation values to the nearest 0,5 %;
percentage recluclton of area, Z, to the nearest 1 %.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

23 Measurement uncertainty

23 .1 Gen eral
Measurement uncertainty analysis is useful for identifying major sources of Inconsistencies of
measured results.

Product standards and material property databases based on this pan: of ISO 6892 and earlter edittons
of ISO 6892 have an Inherent contribution from measurement uncertainty. It is therefore inappropriate
to apply further adjustments for measurement uncertainty and thereby nsk failing product which is
compliant. For this reason. the estimates of uncertainty derived by following this procedure are for
information only.

23.2 Test conditions

The test conditions and lim its defined in this part of ISO 6892 sha ll not be adjusted to take account of
uncertainties of measurement.

23.3 Test resu lts

The estimated measurement uncertainties shall not be combined with measured results to assess
compliance to product specifications.

For consideration of uncertainty, see Annexes J and K, which prO\ride guidance for the determination of
uncertainty related to metrological parameters and values obtained from the interlaboratory tests on a
group of steels and aluminium alloys.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

ct t:.e/2

vme I
I -
I /



Aa e


,\ percentagt? elongation after fracture !determined from the extensometer signal or directly from the test piece
(see 2!J....l) I
llg percentage plastic extension at maximum force
Agt pcn:cntage cotal extension at maximum force
At percenlttge total extension at maximum fracture
e percentage exrenston
mE slope of the elastic part of the stress-percentage extension curve
R stress
R111 tensile strength
t:.e plc!tl.'au extent (for determination of Ag. see Clouse 17, for determination of 11g1• see Clause 18)

Figure 1 - Definition s of extension

IS 1608 (Part I): 2018
LSO 6892-1 : 2016

..... :r:: .....

~ ca Ql

Q:: Q:: Q::

0 e 0 e
a) b)


0 e 0 e
c) d)
e percentage extensiOn
R stress
ReH upper yield strength
RcL lower yield strength
a Initial tra nsien t effect.

Figure 2- Examples of upper and lower yield strengths for different types of curve

fS 1608 (Part I) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

0 e

e pt•rcentage extension
e 11 specifl.-:d percentage plastic extension
R stress
Rp prool strength, plaslic extension

Figure 3- Proof strength, plastic extension, Rp (see .13_.1)

0 e

e percentage extension
et percentage total extension
R stress
Rt proof strength, total extension

Figure 4- Proof strength, total extension, Rt

IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

0 e

e percentage e longation o r percentage extension
er pcrcenlage permanent set extension or elongation
R stress
Rr specified permanent set strength

Figure 5 - Permanent set strength, Rr

e percentage extensiOn
ep specified percentage plastic extension
R stress
Rp proof strength, plastic extensiOn

Figure 6 - Proof strength, plastic extension, Rp, alte rnative proce dure (see 1.3...1)

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

0 e 0 e
a} Horizontal line method b) Regression method
AL pcrccmag.: yield point extension
e percentage extension
H slrl'!>S
H,.H upper yil!ld strength
a llorizontalllnc through tht! last local mmtmum !JOUU, pnor to uniform work-hardening.
ll Reg• cssinn lml' through the range of y~eh.hng. pr or to untform work-hardening.
" Lmc corresponding to the htghcst slope of the curve occun·ing at the start of untfonn work-hardening.

Figure 7- Oiffer·ent e valuation methods for percentage yield point extension, Ac

IS 1608 (Part I) : 2018
lSO 6892-1 : 2016

E ::t:
Q: Q: E

0 e 0 e
a) Rcll < Rm h) Rl'tl > Rm

0 e
c) Special case of stress-percentage ex tension behaviour''

e percentage extension
R stress
ReHupper yield slrenglh
Rm tensile strength
;~ For matcnats which display tillS behaviour. no tensile strength IS defined a<: cording to this part of ISO 6892. If
necessary. separate agreements can be made between the p<1rt1cs concerned.

Figure 8 - Different types of stress-extension curve for determination of tens ile strength, Rm

fS 1608 (Part l): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

e R


~I I
to· l I

10 L

105 s:I
'l I
R,,. R,t I R~ t
At II Ar.A

'I z

a) Method A b) Method B
e strain rate, in s-t 6 control mode. Crosshead control
u stress rate, in MPa.s-1 7 elasllc range of the test
t Lime 8 plastic rnnge f'o r rhe determ ination of RcL. Rp. R.., A,.
1 rang<.• 1: e = 0,000 07 s-1, with a relative 9 maxitnurn strain rate for the determination of R01 , Agt.
tole r:.~ nee of ±20% Ag. Au A, Z
2 rang~ 2: e - 0,000 25 s- t. with a relative <1 Recommended.
tolcranle ol ±20%
3 nmgc 3: e =0.002 s-1, with it relative tolerance b Expnndcd range to lower rates, if testing machine Is
of±20% not capahlc nl rncasunng or controlling the stratn rate
(see 10.3..3.25).
4 rang!! 4: e :0.006 7 s-1, wtth a re.ative tolerance of
±2 0 o/o {0,4 m in-1 . with a relattve tolerance of ±20 %)
!:1 control mode: Extensomerer control or cross head

NOT F. I Symbols refer to Iable 1.

NOT F. 2 Stt a in rate in the clasric range for method B is calcul<ttcd Irom stress rate using a Young's modulus of
2 10 000 MPa (steel).

Figure 9- Illustration of strain rates to be used during the te ns ile test, if ReH, Ret. Rp, Rt, Rm, Ae,
Ag, Agt; A, At, and Z are determined

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

0 A a A a e
g gt

e percentage extension
R stress
a Falsl' values. resulting from an abrupt strain rate mcrease.
h Slrcss-stratn bchaviOUI, if strain rate is abruptly increased.

NOTE For parameter definitions, see Table 1.

Figure 10 -Illustration of an inadmissible discontinuity in the stress-strain cu rve

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

So Bo 1

"\: ~L I
" I 0

Lo J


a) Before testing

c= I. I
.I =J
b) After testi ng

a1 ongmalLhlckncss of a flat test piece or wall thickness ol a tub~
hu original width of the parallel length of a flat test piece
L~ par.tllellength
L,, onglnal g:Htge length
Lt total length oltest piece
/. 11 lin"l gaugt> length alter fractm·e
S,, ongmal cross-sectionnl area ot'the parallel length
gripped ends

NOTE The s hape of the test·pJece heads IS only given as a guide.

figure 11 - Machined test pieces of rectangular cross-section (see Annexes Band D)

IS 1608 (Part I): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016


,- --,
L_ _ _ ____;;...__ _ ~~---:.....--- -_j


-, I
L .._ .----~----~~~----~------ -_j

r ·- · --,


Lo onginal gauge length
So original cross·section.ll an~a

Figure 12- Test pieces comprising an unmachined portion of the product (see Annex C)

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-t : 2016



a) Before testing
~-~ L" ,.,.-·- ,
+- · ----~-· ,_- +
+- -1__::-.1-----:;;;--t'»--~:::,.--r'""
L_ y 'L_ .J

b) After testing

clo onginal diameter of the parallel length of a c•rcular ll'St piece
Lc par<lllellcngth
L0 gauge length
L, total length of test ptece
Lu fina l gnuge length after fracture
Sn onglnal cross-sectional area of the parallel length
S11 rmntmum cross·~cctional Jrea after fracture

NOTIZ The shape of Lht> Lest-piece hea ds is only g1ve n as J gulc.l e.

Figure 13- Machined test pieces of round cross-section (see Annex 0)

IS 1608 (Pa rt 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016


a) Before testing

b) Mter testing

a0 ong1nal wall thickness of a tube
D0 onginal external diameter of a tube
L0 original gauge length
Lt total length of test piece
Lu final gauge len~th after fracture
So ong1nal cross-scct1onal :.~rca ol the pa1-allellcngth
Su minimum cross-sccllo nal Mea after fracture
1 gripped ends

Figure 14- Test pieces comprising a length of tube (see Annex E)

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
TSO 6892-1 : 2016

So 1


. ~~
I1--____/"" "~ I ~


a) Before tes ting


[ -~:·..__"T"--;~~-----~--- ~-

b) After testi ng

a,~ original wall thickness or a tube
b0 origin<~! average width of the longitudinal strip taken from a tube
Lc parallel length
L0 original gauge length
L1 toral length of lest piece
Lu linal gauge length after fracture
Sn original cross -sectional area of the parallel length
Su minimum cross-sectional area after fracture
gripped ends

NOTE The shape of the test-piece heads is only g•vcn as a guide.

Figure 15- Test piece cut from a tube (see Annex E)

IS 1608 (Purt 1) : 2018
l 0 6892-1 : 2016


Recommendations concerning the use of computer-controlled

tensile testing machines

A.l General
This Annex contains recommendations fot the determination of mcch.tnicttl propertle~ by
using a computer-controlled tensile testing machine. In parlic:t~ICir, il p1·ovitles the reco n1m endations
that should he taken into account in the software and testmg condittons.
These recommendations are related to the design. the software of the machine and its validation, and
to the opcraung conditions olthc tensile test.

A.2 Tensile testing machine

A.2.1 Des ign

The machine should be destgned in order to provide outputs gtvmg ana logue stgnotls untreated by the
software. If such outputs are not provided. the machine manufac.turer should give J,l\\ dtgital data with
information on how these raw digital data have been obtained and treated by the software. They should
be given in basic Slumts relating to the force, the extension, the crosshcad separation, the time, and the
test piece dimensions. An example of the format of suttable data files is gi\·en in figure A,l.

rs 1608 (Part 1): 2018
rso 6891-1 : 2016

~Re!crcnco":"1SO o8)~"
"lde:l!:..l ( J.c.ttlO."'" 1 "1::\"S"l'A..\::l"
"litlo;"I"X 04 Steel"
"EA':e!I.Soroo.tter lO cr?l!s~lld L~lllan";C.C:l;" "
•.spe--ir.ten ~· I .. · ...-, ilL"
"S~~~~ Lh!e~~~~···~"
"' d t.:. • oo"
"Sp<!c :men
"c=QSS-~Ct10r~l at~' • So~
~ur.e=ocret'-!1 fi/Jtl'JQ lcn:r;h • :..e"
A ''t.Xlefl3CI'lel.,c ou~p<JL ~ll rm."
"?a.callel lell<)th - Lc"
":la::.~ ,tcquiu::..i01'1 rate ~:lrh"
":Ja:<1 row Coc !I t il n terce rt>:.Juc• 1<m IHysteu<sl.s' ~ Hs"
".J.a::a cow to& erltl : o:c<! te<:twct1 n (H:;5;.cco:s1sl • II<!"
":lat.·l r01o for '"·•-=~ Lo C'l":'S:JhcAd • <."11"
":l.l<.' !.cngt;ZI l\ d.>:~ tO~<'~"
":'lie '"'ld<::h .1 <.'la::.s col:JllV"o!l"

n Je>"; 0. 7111 "IT1It\ 11

"t:.o'': 1~. t:~); 11mm'1
' So ' : 1-1. 1 ; utl'l!\2"

f'll.o:::,.';8\J.00J "r.-r ''

":.c·: 120.00' ..

B "!\"'; 291 z
"'H: .. :..J

""; "'Ct"'3~t,t:-\·~": ••e,.,l:!!::n3cme .. e.l" I u!or~"

·~ ... , . . . ., . ; 11trrn"; ";..:r

.0.-10; 0. 0~12;0.0000;0. !:!>!i·l

0.~2; 0.0016;:!.0000;~.129~2
n 4~;0.0C24;0.C002:0.136~g
0 .4S:J.OC29tO.OOOJ;O,l ~ll4
c .50:0.003S:O.OOC~:O.l1620
0. 58;0.0C60;0.000 •:0. le7!H

A header
B test p:tr:uneters and sampl£' dimensions
C data

Figure A.l- Example ofthe format of suitable data fil es

A.2.2 Data sampling frequency

The frequency bandwidth of each of the measurement channels and the data sampling frequency should
be sufficiently h1gh to record the matenal characteristics to be measured. For example, to capture ReH.
FormulalAJ} may be used to determine the m1nimum sampling frcquency,.frnln, in reciprocal seconds:
fmln --R-- 100 (1\.1)
ell · q


IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
JSO 6892-1 : 2016

e is the strain rate, in reciprocal seconds;

E is the modulus of elasticity, in megapascals;

ReH is the upper yield strength. in megapascals;

q is the relative force measurement accuracy error, expressed as a percentage, of the testing
machine (according to ISO 7500-1).
The choice of ReH in Formula (A.l) 1s due to the fact that it corresponds to a transient characteristic
during the test. If the material tested has no yield phenomena, the proof strength Rpo.2 should be used
and the required minimum sampling frequency can be halved.
If method 8 (stress rate based) is used, the minimum sampling frequency should be calculated using
Formula (A.2):

R (A.2)
I mi n =--·100
RtlH · q

where k is the stress rate, in megapascals per second.

A.3 Determination of the mechanical properties

A.3.1 General
The following reqUirements should be taken into account by the software of the machme.

A.3.2 Upper yield strength

RcH (3.10,2.1) should be considered as the stress corresponding to the highest value of the force prior to
a reduction of at leasl 0,5% of the force, and followed by a region in which lhc force should not exceed
the previous maximum over a strain range not less than 0,05 %.

A.3.3 Proof strength at plastic extension and proof strength at total extension
Rp (.3..lll..3) and Rt (.3....1.0...4) can be determined by interpolation between adjacent points on the curve.

A.3.4 Percentage total extension at maximum force

3...6A and Elgure,l) should be considered as the total extension correspondtng to the strain at
Agr (see
maximum force.

For some materials, it is necessary to smooth the stress-strain curve in which case a polynomial
regression IS recommended. The smoothmg range may have an influence on the result. The smoothed
curve should be a reasonable representation ofthe relevant part of the origmal stress-stra1t1 curve.

A.3.5 Percentage plastic extension at maximum force

Ag (see .3...6.5 and Figure 1) should be considered as the plastic extension corresponding to the strain at
maximum force.

For some materials, it is necessary to smooth the stress-strain curve m which case a polynomial
regression is recommended. The smoothing range may have an Influence on the result. The smoothed
curve should be a reasonable representation of the relevanl part of the original stress-strain curve.

lS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 201 6

A.3.6 Percen tage elongation at fracture

A.3.6.1 Determme At wlth reference to the definition of fracture in Eigure A.2.

The fracture 1s considered to be effective when the torce between two consecutive points decreases

a) by more than five times the difference between the value of the previous two pomts. followed by a
decrease to lower than 2% of the maximurr tensile force. and

b) lower than 2% of the maximum tens1le force (soft matenals).

An Increased samJ)Iing rate and/or filtering of the force signal may influence the point of fracture
c.i~termined acco1 ding to this method.

Another useful method for detecting the fracture of the Lest piece is to monitor the voltage or electric
current through the test piece, when the values meas ured just before the current is interrupted are
taken as those at fracture.

fcm. c fracture
maximum force o data point
F11,1 force al rne.:tsunng poml fl + 1 Criteria for fracwrc
oF,, 11 -1 force dllfc•·enc~ between measunng po111t 11 lllf'u*l ,nl > SI.1Fu,n-tl
and n- 1 and/or
uF,1.t,n force d1fterence between measunng pomt Fn•l < 0,02Fm
n• 1 and n

Fig u re A.2 - Sche matic rep resenta ti on for definition o f fracture of the test pi ece

A.3.6.2 If the extensometer ts kept on and the extcns1on IS measured unt1l the fracture, evaluate the
value at point 1 in Eigurc A.2

A.3 .6.3 Jf the extenso meter Is removed or if che extension measurement is interrupted before fracture
but after maximum force, Fm. then it is permitted to usc crosshcad displacement to determine th~
additional elongation between removal of the extensometer and fracture. The method used should he

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

A.3.7 Measureme nt oftbe slope of the curve in the elastic range

In order to be valid for test pteces of unknown characteristics, the method used should not rely upon
any predefined su·ess hmit, unless this is defined in the product standard or by agreement between
parties to the lest.
Methods based on the calculation of the characteristics of a sliding segment ate the most convenient.
The parameters are the following:
a) the length of lhe sliding segment (number of points used);
b) the formula chosen as reference to define the slope of the curve.
NOTE If the straight portion of the force extension curve 1S not clearly defl ned, refer to 13..1.

The slope of the curve in the elastic range corresponds to the mean slope in a range where the following
conditions are fulfilled:
the slope of the sliding segment is constant;
the selected range is representative.
In any case, it should be recommended that pertinent limits for the range can be selected by the user in
order to eliminate unrepresentative values of the slope of the curve in the elastic range.
References to lhese and other acceptable methods are given in References [S.), [12]. [l..a], and [~].

A recommended method to determine the slope of the elastic line for evaluation of Rpo,2 (Reference [2J1])
is given below.
linear regression of the linear range;
lower limit: -10% of Rpo.z;
upper limit: -40% of Rpo.z;
to get more exact data for Rpo,2, the e lastic line should be checked and if necessary recalculated with
other limits.

A.4 Validation of the software for determination of the tensile properties

The efficiency of lhe methods used by the testing system to determine the various material
charactenstics may be checked by comparison with results determined in the traditional manner by
examinacionjca lculation from plots of analogue or digital data. Data which are derived directly from the
machine transducers or amplifiers should be collected and processed using equipment with frequency
bandwidth, sampling frequency, and uncertainty of at least equal to those used to provide the machine
computer-calculated results.
Confidence may be placed in the accuracy of the machine computer processing if differences tn
arithmetic means between computer-determined values and those determined manually on the same
test piece are small. For the purposes of assessing the acceptability ol such differences, five similar
test pieces should be tested and the average difference for each relevant properly should lie within the
limits shown in Table A.l.
NOTE This procedure confirms only that the machine finds the matcri;ll characteristics for the particular
test piece shape, material tested, and conditions used. It gives no conflclcncc that the properties of the material
tested are either correct or fit for purpose.

If other methods are used, e.g. injection of a pre-determined set of data from a known material with a
recognized level of quality assu ranee, these shou ld meet t he requirements mentioned above and t hose
in Table A.l.

IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

As part of the EU-funded TENSTAND project (GBRD-CT-2000-00412), ASCII data files were produced
with agreed values of tensile properties that may be used for validation of software. [Avai lable (2009-
07-23) at bttp:J/]. Further details are given in References [2.1] and [.22.].

Ta ble A.l - Maxi mum perm it ted differ ences be tween computer-derived and manually
derived results
oa sb
Par a meter
Relativec Absolutec Relativec Absolutec
Rpo.z ~0,5% 2 MPa s0,35% 2 MPa
Rp1 s:O,S% 2 MPa s:0,35% 2 MPa
- 4 MPa s0,35%
ReH 2 MPa
Rel :::0,5% 2 MPa s0.35% 2 MPa
Rm s:O,S% 2 MPa S0,35 o/o 2 MPa
A - sz% - s2%
n D= -
n i:

b s= - 1 In (D;-D) 2
Vn-11 =1
D, is the dlfference between the result of manual evaluation, H;, and the result of computer evaluation, R;, for a test piece
(D1 = H,- R1);
n is the number of identical test pieces from one sample (~5)
c The highest of the relative and absolute values should be taken into acco unt.

A.S Computer compa tible representa tion of standards

Computer Compatible Representation of Standards Computer readable data for mats developed within
the scope of the CEN/WS ELSSI-EMD offer an effective means to overcome sys tems interoperabi lity
issues and enable electronic reporting in the engineeri ng materials sector. The findings of CENjWS ELSS I-
EMD, which aimed to establish the viability of defining data formats based on documentary Standards
for mechanical testing, are reported in CWA 16200.[.12] The guidelines that CWA 16200 describes for
defining computer readable data formats based on a documentary testing standa rd have been applied to
ISO 6892-1. The resulting definitions are available from t he BSI Standards Resources server.
To demonstrate potential usage, CWA 16200 includes examples of the reporting capability fo r the data
formats based on a tensile test carried out using a test piece manufactured from the Tensi le Certified
Reference Material CRM 661 (INGELBRECHT and LOVEDAY 2000[.2..21) carried out as part of the
TENSTAND Project (RIDES and LORD, 2005[2..1)).

IS 1608 (Par t l): 201 8
I SO 6892-1 : 2016

Annex B

Types of test pieces to be used for thin products: sheets, strips,

and flats between 0,1 mm and 3 mm thick

B.l Genera l
For products of less thJn 0,5 mm thickness, special precautions may be nccessa1 y.

8.2 Shape of the test piece

Generally, lhe Lest piece has gripped ends whlch are wider U1an the parallel length. The paral lel length,
L,, shall be connected to the ends by means of transition curves with a radius of at least 20 mm. The
width of these ends should be ~ 1.2b0 , where b0 is the or gi nal width.

By agreement, the test piece may also consist of a strip with parallel sides (parallel sided test piece). For
products of Width equal to or less than 20 rnm, the width of rhe test piece may be the same as that of the

8 .3 Dime nsions of the test piece

Three different non-proportional test piece geometries arc w1dcly used (sec L1ble B.l).
The parallel length shall not be less than L0 + b0 /2.
In case of dispute, the length L0 + 2b 0 should be used, unless there is insufficient material.
For parallel side test pieces less than 20 mm wide, and unless otherwise spec1fied in the product
standard, the orig1nal gauge length, L0 , shall be equal to 50 mm. For this type of test piece, the free
length bet ween the grips shall be equal to L0 + 3b0 .
When measuring rhc dimensions of each test piece. the tolerances on shape given in Tdble 8.2 shall apply.
For test pieces where the width is the same as that of the product, the original cross-sect1onal a rea, 50 ,
shall be calculated on the basis of the measured dimens1ons of the test pwce.

The nominal width of the test piece may be used, provided that the mach1ning tolerances and tolerances
on shape given m Table B.2 have been comphed with, to avoid measuring the w1dth of the test p1ece
before the test.

IS 1608 (Part l): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Table 8.1 -Dimensions oftest pieces

Dimensions in millimetres
Test piece Width Original gauge Para llel le ngth Free length between t be grips
type length for parallel sided
bo L, test piece
Lo Minimum Recommend·
1 12,5 ± 1 50 57 75 87,5
2 20 ± 1 80 90 l20 140
3 25 ± 1 soa 60" - Not defined
" The:: ratio L0 /b0 and Lclbo uf d type 3 te5t p1ece In comparison to one of types 1 and 1.. IS very low. As a result, the
propertl~:>. ~specially the elongation after fracture (absolute value anti scatter range), measured with this test p~ece. will
be different fl'om the other test p1ece types.

Table 8.2- Tolerances on the width of the test piece

Dimensions and tolerances In milllmetres
Nominal width of the test piece Machini ng tolerancea Tolerance on sbapeb
12,5 ±0,05 0,06
20 ±0,10 0,12
25 ±0,10 0,12
J These tolerances are applicable if the nominal value ol the origmal cross·secuonal area. S0 , is to be used in the
calculation of results without hav1ng to measure each rest piece.
b Maximum dev1at1on between the measurements of the width along the entire parallcll('ngth, L~:.~ of the test piece.

B.4 Preparation of test pieces

The test pieces shall be prepared so as not to affect the properties of the sample. Any areas which have
been hardened by sheanng or punching, if it affects the properties, shall be removed by machining.
These test pieces are predominantly prepared from sheet or strip. If possible, the as-rolled surfaces
should not be removed.

The preparation of these lest pieces by punching can result in significant changes to the material
properties, especially the yteldjproof strength (due to work-hardening). Materials which exhibit high
work-hardening should, generally, be prepared by milling, grinding, etc.
For very thin materials, It is recommended that strips of identical wtdths should be cut and assembled
into a bundle with intermediate layers of a paper which is resistant to the cutting oil. Each small bundle
of strips should then be assembled with a thicker strip on each side, before mach ining to the final
dimensions of the test piece.

Tbe tolerance given in Table 8.2, e.g. ±0,05 mm for a nominal width of 12,5 mm, means that no test
piece shall have a width outside the two values given below, if the nominal value of the original cross-
sectional area, 50 , is to be included m the calculation without having to measure it.
12,5 mm + 0,05 mm =12,55 mm
12,5 mm- 0,05 mm = 12.45 mm

B.S Determination of the original cross-sectional area

S0 shall be calculated from measurements ofth(l dimensions of the test piece or by assumption of good
machining practice (see footnote a ofTable 8.2).

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

The error in determining the original cross-sectional area shall not exceed ±2 %. As the greatest part
of this error normally results from the measurement oi the thickness of the test piece, the error in
measurement of the width shall not exceed ±0, 2 %.
In order to achieve test results with a reduced measurement uncertainty, it is recommended that the
original cross-sectional area be determined with an accuracy of ±1 % or better. For thin materials,
special measurement techniques may be required.

1S 1608 (Part I): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 1016

Annex C

Types of test pieces to be used for wire, bars, and sections with a
diameter or thickness of less than 4 mm

C.l Sha pe of the test piece

The test piece generally consists of an unmachined portion of t he product (see E.igure...12).

C.Z Dimensions of the test piece

The ongmal gauge length, l. 0 , shall be taken c:s 200 mm ± 2 mm or 100 mm ± 1 mm. The dis tance
between the gnps ofthe machine shall be equa l to at least l.0 + 3b 0 but a m inimum of L0 + 20 mm.

If the percentage elongat1on after fracture IS not to be determined, a distance between the grips of at
least SO mm may be used.

C.3 Pre paration of test pieces

If the product 1s delivered coiled, care shall be taken in straightening it.

C.4 Determination of the original cross-sectional area

Determine 5 0 to an accuracy of ±1 o/o or better.
For products of circular ~..ross~section, the origmal cross·scctional area may be calculated from the
arithmetic mean of two measurements carried out in two perpendicular directions.

The original cross-sectional area, S0 , in square mi llim ctres, may be dete r mined from the mass of a
known lcngt h and its density using formula (C 1):
1000 m


m is the mass, in grams. of the test piece;

Lt is lhe total length, in millimetres, of the test piece;

p is the dens1ty, in grams per cubtc centimetre, of the rest p1ece matenal.

lS 1608 (Part .I) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 20l6


Types of test pieces to be used for sheets and flats of thickness

equal to or greater than 3 mm and wire, bars, and sections of
diameter or thickness equal to or greater than 4 mm

0.1 Shape of the test piece

Usua lly, the test piece is machined and the parallel length shal l be connected by means of transition
radii to the gripped ends which may be of any suitable shape for the grips of the testing machine (see
Elgiu:.e...l3.). The minimum transition radius between the gripped ends and the parallel length shall be
the following:
a) 0,75d0 , where d0 is the diameter of the parallel length, for l he cylindrical test pieces;

b) 12 mm for other test pieces.

Seclions, bars, etc. may be tested unmachined, if required.
The cross-section of the test piece may be ctrcular, square, rcct~ngular or, in spectal cases, of
another shape.
For test pieces with a rectangular cross-section, it is recommended that lhc width to thickness ratio
should not exceed 8:1.
In general, the diameter of the parallel length of machined cylindrical test pieces shall be not less
than 3 mm.

D.Z Dimensions of the t est piece

0.2.1 Parallel length of machined test piece

The parallel length, Lc, shall be at least equal to:
a) L0 + (d0 /2) for cylindrical test pieces;

b) L0 + 1,5/f: for proportional test pieces other than cylindrical test pieces;
c) L0 + (b0 /2) for non-proportional test pieces (see Table 0.2).

In cases of dispute, the length L0 + 2d0 or L0 + zJS: shall be used depending on the type of test piece,
unless there is msufficient material.

0.2.2 Length of unmachined test piece

The free length between the grips of the machine shall be adequate for the gauge marks to be at least a
distance of JS: from the grips.

IS 1608 (Pa r t 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

0.2.3 Original ga uge length Proportiona l test pieces

As a general rule, proportional test pieces are used w her e L0 is r elated to the or igi nal cross-sectional

area, S0 , by Formula (0.1):

(0 .1)

where k is equal to 5,65.

/\ltcrnatlvcly, 11,3 may be used as the k value.

Test pieces of circular cross-section should preferably have one set of dimensions given in Table 0 .1.

Ta ble 0 .1 -Circular cross-section test pieces

Coeffi cient of proportionality Diameter Original gauge length Minimum parallel length

k d L = kJS:

mm mm mm
20 100 110
14 70 77
10 so 55
5 25 28

0 .2.3.2 Non-proportional test pieces

Non-proportional test pieces may be used if specified by the 'pr oduct s tandard.
The parallel length, Lc, should not be less than L0 + b0 j2 . In case of d ispute, the parall el le ngth
Lc =L0 + 2b 0 shall be used unless there is insufficient m ater ia l.

Table D.2 gives deta ils of some typical test piece dimensions.

Table 0 .2 -Typical flat test piece dimensions

Dimensions i n mill im etres
Width Original gauge Minimum parallel Approximately total
length length length
Lo Lc Lr
40 ± 0,7 200 220 450
25 ± 0,7 200 212,5 450
20:!: 0,5 80 90 300

0.3 Preparation of test pieces

0 .3.1 General
The tolerances on the transverse dimensions of machined test pieces a re given in Ta bl e 0 .3.
An examp le of the application of these tolerances is given in 11.3..2 and 12..3.3.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

0.3.2 Machining tolerances

The value given in Table 0,3. e.g. ±0,03 mm for a nominal diameter of 10 mm, means that no test piece
shall have a diameter outside the two values given below, if the nominal value of the original cross-
sectional a rea, S0 , is to be used in the calculation of resulrs without having to measure each test piece.
10 mm + 0.03 mm = 10,03 mm

10 mm- 0,03 mm =9,97 mm

0.3.3 Tolerances on shape

The value given in Table D 3 means that, for a test piece with a nominal diameler or 10 mm which
satisfies the machining conditions given above, the deviation between the smallest and largest
diameters measut·ed shall not exceed 0,04 mm.
Consequently, if the minimum diameter of this test piece is 9,99 mm, its maximum diameter s hall not
exceed 9,99 mm + 0,04 mm = 10,03 mm.

Table 0.3 -Tolerances relating to tile tran sverse dimensions of test pieces
Dimensions and tolerances in millimetres
Nomin a l t r ansverse Machining tolerance on Tolerance on
dimension the nominal dimensiona shapeb
±0,02 0,03
Diameter of machmed test pieces of :!:0,03 0,04
circular cross-section and transverse slO
dimensions of test pieces of rectangular >10
cross-section machined on all four sides ±0.05 0.04
±0,10 0.05
±0,02 0,03
±0,03 0,04
Transverse dimensions of test pieces of >10
rectangular cross-section machined on ±0,05 0,06
only two opposit e sides s18
±0.10 0,12
±0,15 0,15
a These tolerancf.'s are applicable If the nonunal value of the original cross-sectional area, S0 , Js to be used ln the
calculation of results Without having to measure each test piece. If these machining tolerances are not complied with. 1t 1s
essential to measure every Individual tesr piece.
b Maximum devlauon bel ween the measurements of a specified transverse dlmenl>IOI1 along the ent1re parallel length,
L,. of the test piece.

0 .4 Determination of the cross-sectional area

The nominal dimensions ca n be used to calculate S0 for test pieces of circular cross-section and
rectangular cross-sect10n machined on aU four sides that satisfy the tolerances given in Table D.3. For

IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

all other shapes of test pieces, the original cross-sectional area sha ll be calculated from measurements
of the appropnaLe dimensions, with an error not exceeding ±0.5 %on each dimension.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 201 6


Types of test pieces to be used for t ubes

E.1 Shape of the test piece

The test piece consists either ot a length of tube. or a longitudinal or transverse strip cut from the tube
and having the full thickness of the wall tube (see Figures 14 and 15), or of a tes t piece of circular cross-
section machined from the wall of the tube.
Machined transverse, longitudinal. and circula r cross-section test pieces are described in Annex 8 for
tube wall thickness less than 3 mm, and in Annex D for thickness equal to or greater tha n 3 mm. The
longitudinal strip is generally used for tubes with a wall thickness of more than 0,5 mm.

E.2 Dimensions of the test piece

E.2.1 Length of tube

The tube length may be plugged at both ends. The free length between each plug and the nearest gauge
marks shall be greater than D0 j4. In cases of dispute, the value, D0 , shall be used, if there is sufficient
The length of the plug projectmg beyond the grips of the machine in the direction of the gauge marks shall
not exceed D0 , and its shape shall be such that it does not interfere with deformation of the gauge length.

E.2.2 Longitudinal or transverse strip

The parallel length, /,.c. of the longitudinal strips sha ll not be flattened but the heads may be flattened
for grippi ng in the tesling machine.

Transverse or longitudinal test piece dimensions other than those given in Anuexes 13 and 12. can be
specified in the product standard.
Special precaulions shall be taken when straightening the transverse lesl pieces.

E.2.3 Circular cross-section test piece machined in tube wall

The sampling of the test pieces Is specified in the product standard.

E.3 Determination of the original cross-sectional area

S0 for the test piece shall be determined to the nearest±: % or better.

The onginal cross-sectional area. S0 , in square millimetres, of the length of tube or longitudinal or
transverse strip may be determined from the mass of the test piece, the length of which has been
measured, and from its density using Formula (E.l):

So= 1000 m (E.l)

p ~t


IS 1608 (Part l ) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

m is the mass, 111 grams, of the test piece;

L1 is the total length, in millimetres, of the test piece;

p is the density, in grams per cubic centimetre, of the test piece material.

The original cross-sectional area, S0 , of a test piece consist ing of a longitud inal sample shall be
calculated according to Formula (E.2):

b 2 2 12 D b b 1/2 D0 -2a 0 b
S 0 =_Q_ (D -b0 ) 1 +__Q_arcsin(___Q_)--2.[(D -2a 0 ) 2 -b02 ] - 2 arcs in ( ° .J
4 ° 4 Do 4 ° ( 2 ] Do -2ao


a0 is the th ickness of the tube wall;

b0 is the average width of the strip;

Do is the external diameter of the tube.

The simplified formula (E.3) can be used for longitudinal test pieces where the ratio between widlh
and external tube diameter fall below set limits:

S =ab [ 1-~-
o o o
l if ~<0,25
So =aobo if ~<0,10
ror length of tube. the original cross-sect iona l area. S0 , shall be ca lculnted fi'Om formula (E.4):
So= ltao(Do- Oo) ( E.4)

£8 1608 (Part 1): 2018
I SO 6892-1 : 2016

Annex F
(info rmative)

Estimation of the cross head separation rate in consideration of

the stiffness (or compliance) of the testing equipment

Formula (2) does not consider any elastic deformation of the testing equipment (frame, load cell, grips,
etc.) during the application of force to the test piece. It is possible to estimate a compensation for thP
deflection of the testing equipment by using the stiffness of the test piece at the point of interest (e.g.
Rpo,z). If the poinl of interesl is beyond the elastic range (e.g. Rpo,z), Lhe use of t he stiffness of the
test p iece du r ing Lhc clastic portion of the stress strain curve wi ll res ul t in a grossly overestimated
correction. The stiffness of the testing equipment must also be known for the grip configurat ion and
grip separation used. For some configurations, the effective stiffness of the tes ting equipment may
increase substantially as the grips bite into the test piece during a test. It is imperative that the stiffness
of the testing equipment be evaluated at the point of interest.
If desired, use the following procedure to calculate a crosshead separation rate that is compensated for
the deflection of the testing equipment during a test, using the stiffness of the testing equipment at the
point of interest and the slope of the stress-strain curve at the point of interest. It is recommended to
check the resulting strai n rate at the point of interest while doing a test to ensure that the calculation
has been done appropriately.
The estimated strain rate, in reciprocal seconds, during a test at the point oi interest is given by
formula (E.l) (see Reference [3.2]):

e. - _ ___.:,____
m- m ·So L
eM c

CM is t he s ti ffness. in newtons per m illimetre, of t he test ing eq uipment (ar ound the poin t of inter-
est s uch as Rpo.z, if stiffness is not linear, e.g. when us ing wedge grlps);

Lc is the paral lel length. in millimetres. of the test piece:

m Is the s lope, in megapascals, of the stress-percentage extension curve at a given moment of the
test (e.g. around the point of mterest such as Rpo,z);

So is the or iginal cross-section area, m square millimetres;

Vc is the crosshead separation rate. in millimetres per second.

NOTE The values of m and CM derived from the linear portion of the stress/strain cutve cannot be used.

formula (2) does not compensate for t he effects of compliance (see 10.3.2 1). When contr olling the test
by crosshead displacement, a better approximation of the required strain rate can be achieved by using
the crosshead separation rate derived from formula (F.2) (see Reference [.1.Q]):

. (m ·So L)
'c=em ~+ c
1 (F.Z)

For using Formu la (F.l ) or .(£.2.) it Is necessary to know t he stiffness CM of the complete used testing
eq uip ment (testing rig, load cell, clamping system for test pieces to be tested). Th e following procedure,
firstly described in Reference [5.3.] provides correct values fo t· t he sti ffness CM .

lS 1608 (Part J) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

A test piece of the same geometry and similar properties to the material to be subsequently tested is
tested using a slow known constant crosshead separation rate. Then the following parameters have to
be determmcd.
from the stress/~ train diagram the slope m around the point of mterest;
from the percentage extension/time curve the resulting strain rate around the point of interest.

The stiffness can now be calculated using formula (F.3.} !conversion of Formula (E.l) or (.£.2l
according to CMJ.
m S0
Cm - (F.3)
. -L c
This p1 occuure should only be used for materials with no cllscontinuous yielding behaviour In the
relevant range. For testing materials which exhibits discontinuous or serrated yielding, the knowledge
of the stiffness is not necessary because the estimated strain re1te over the parallel length, e,. and the

simplified Formula (2) (see instead of Formula (F.2) should be used for the calculation of the
crosshl.?ad separation rate Vc.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 201 8
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Annex G

Determination of the modulus of elasticity of metallic materials

using a uniaxial tensile test

G.l Introduction
Although ISO 6892-1 requires the generation of a straight line with a given offset parallel to the linear
region of the stress-strain curve in order to determine the specified proof strength, Rp. of the materia I
being tested and most users usually assume that the slope of the linear clastic region of the str ess-strain
curve corresponds to the Modulus of Elasticity of the material being tested since Modulus or Elasticity,
E, is given by the relationship£= stress/strain. However, in general, the Class 1 extenso meter required
for the tensile test is not sufficienLly accurate for measuring the very small sLrains in the elastic region
with sufficient precision to give Modulus values with an acceptable level of uncertainty.

It is not required to use this Annex to determine the slope of the elastiC part of the stress-percentage
extension curve for the determination of proof strength.

An additional description of the determination of the Modulus of Elasticity by tensile testing is given in
ASTM E Ul.l.521 For informatton. see also SEP 1235.11.31

G.2 Genera l
This Annex contains additional requirements for the determination of the modulus of elasticity using a
uniaxial tensile test. This test method is limited to materials which meet the following criteria:
negligible creep effecls of lhe material in the evaluation range;

sufficient straight line in the elastic range of the materia l in the evaluation range.

These requirements are related to the design of the testing equipment, the test piece and the evaluation
of the test.
The modulus of elasticity is a characteristic material property and is used for the calculation of the
elasticity of products and components conforming to Hooke's Law.

NOTE Typically, this test is performed as a separate test from the tensile test berause of the limitation of the
extcnsometer displacement.

G.3 Testing equipme nt

G.3 .1 Accuracy of the testing equipment

G.3.1.1 Force-measuring d evice

The force-measuring system of the testing machine shall be in accordance with ISO 7500-1, class 1, in
the relevant range.

G.3.1.2 Exte ns omete r sys t e m

The extensometer system shall be in accordance with ISO 9513. class 0,5, in the relevant range.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-l : 2016

The strain shall be mensured on opposite stdes of the test piece.

The ll'ie of a large extenso meter gauge length (e.g. ~SO mm) 1s recommended.

G.3 .1.3 Resolution of the testing syst em

The resolution of the testing system shall be sufficient for obtaining at least SO different discrete
measured values mthc evaluation range.

G.3.1.4 Measuring d evices for th e determination o f the re leva nt test pi ece djmensions
All measunng devices used for the determination of the original cross-sectional area shall be calibrated
to the appropriate standards with traceability to a National MeastJremcnt System. The measuring
device shall be able to guarantee an accuracy of the measured data of better th an ±0,5 % of the
measured value.

G.3.2 Method of grippin g and alignment

The method of gripping and the alignment is important for the determination of the modulus of
ela sttctty. For requirements regarding the method of gnpping, see .10..2, and for further information,
see AST\1 £1012. Addttional helpful informatton may be m ISO 23788
It is recommended to use mechanical devices (e.g. stoppers) to position the test piece so that good
alignment is achtevcd.

G.4 Test pieces

G.4.1 Gene ral

The test pieces shall be straight.
NOTE Bent or twlsteu l~st pieces cannot be tested according to this Annex.

The test piece surface shall be in such a condition thelt it does not influence the test result.
Where residual stresses nre present in the snmple, either asfl resu lt of prior processing, or sa mple
preparation, the modulus values determined may not be representative of the base material.

G.4.2 De termina ti o n of original cross-sectiona l area

for the determination of the original cross-sectional area, sec In addition to the requirements in
CLl.U.S.C..Z. a minimum of three measurements for each dimension shall be performed. The original cross-
sectional area, S0 , is the average cross-sectional area and shall be calculated from the measurements of
the appropriate dimensions. The original cross-sectional area shall be determined with an accuracy of
±0,5% or better.

G.5 Procedure

G.S.l Gen e ral

ll the stress-stram curve up to ReHor Rpo.z is not known, a pre-test 111 advance of the measurement of
l he modulus of elasticity shall be performed.

G.5.2 Setting the force zero point

The setting of the force zero point shall be cart'ied out in acco rdance with l Q.l.

IS 1608 (Part J ) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

G.5.3 Testing conditions

G.S.3.1 Testing rate

Compared to the other properties determined within the tensile test, the modulus of elasticity is less
sensitive to the testing rate. The testing rate should be according to Method A Range 1. Other testing
rates including the use of Method Bare permitted.
The testmg rate may be low to achieve the required number of data points for the analysis.
A constant crosshead separation rate may be used to avoid any discontinuities.

G.5.3.2 Data s ampling frequ e ncy

The data samp ling frequency shall be chosen m a way, that a mlmmum of SO measured values is
obtained in t he relevant range (R1. R2).
The minimum data sampling frequency can be calculated by formu!J (.G.l):
N E·e
f=-- (G.l)
R2 -Rl
where N 1s the number of measured values in the releva:1t range.
For steel with Ra = =
10 MPa and R2 50 MPa and a testing rate of 0,000 07 s·l, the data sampling
frequency shall be greater than 18 Hz.

G.5.3.3 Testing procedure

If the test piece w11l be used more than one time for the modulus determination, the applied load shall
not be greater than a value corresponding to 50% of the expected Rcll or Rp0,2·
Otherwtse, tt is recommended to perform the test up to a point where plastic deformatlOn can be

G.6 Evaluation

G.6.1 Averaging the extensometry signals

The average s t rain. necessary for the calcuJation in .G..b....2., is calculated for each stress value by averaging
the strain from the oppos1te sides of the test piece.

Strain data from each side of the test piece may be displayed and differences in the slope uf the
two curves may be reduced by optimizing the testing equipment (reducing of bending). For further
information, see ASTM E 1012. Additional helpful infor matiOn may be m ISO 23788.

G.6.2 Calculation of the modulus of elas ticity

For evaluation of the recorded data the foUowmg interactive method is recommended.

The method is hascd on a numerical determination of the line of best fit for the clastiC range (least
squares method) including a visual cvaluaUon of the match between this line of beslf1t and the curve of
actual measurement readings, followed by recalculation wtlh altered parameters, where appropriate.
Therefore it corresponds essenttally to a manual analysis of an X-Y graph.
The usc of this method depends on the availability of suitable computer software.

rs1608 (Part 1}: 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

A linear re-gresston of stress over strain (G...1) shall be earned out between a lower stress value R1 and
an upper stress value Rz (alternatively, strain values e1 and e2 may be used):

E· e
R = --+b (G.2)
100 %


R is Lhe stress in megapascals;

£ is the modulus ot elasticity in megapascals,
e is the percentage extensi~n in percent;

b is the stress offsel in mega pascals.

The str.tighl line determined in this way shall be drawn lnlo lhe stress-strain diagram, whereas the
inilial pnrt of this diagram Is magnified for this purpose. The march between the straight line and the
curve shall be evaluated visually. It may be useful to consider the coefficient of correlation R2, which
should be close lo 1 (>0,999 5), whereby the nut'1ber of considered data points should be at least SO.
Anotht>r helpful tool is the calculation of the relative standard deviation. The relative standard deviation
takes into account the coeff1c1ent of correlation R2 and the number of considered data points among
other st,1llstic<JI data. It should be less than 1 %.
By shtfting the lower or upper values and re-calculating the formula accordingly, the line of best fit (i.e.
the modulus of elasticity) can be adapted to lhe curve.
The followtng values are recommended as start,ng pomts for t he regression calculation:
lower stress value RJ . ~ 10% of ReHor Rpo.1:
upper stress value Rz:::: 40% of ReHor Rpo.:..
Additionally, the strain offset can be calculated according to Formula (G.3):


Under optimal testing conditions, the chosen default values will not have a great influence on the
resull of the calculation. Example: rf the matenal fulfils the g\?ncz·al conditions described in G...2 and the
determined default values R1 and Rz are 10 o/o and 40 o/o of Rctt or Rp0,2 respectively a re-calculatiOn of
the fo1 mula by using default values ins1de the determined mterval (e.g. 10 o/o to 20 %, 20 % to 30 %,
30% to 4 0% of ReH or Rpo.z respectively) will not influence the result significantly.
In cases where the material exhibits no straight elastic llnc, e.g. cast iron, or the data for the regression
is not of Stt fficient quality, a.e. R2 < 0,999 5. the Modulus of Elasticity should not be determined.

It 1s recommended to perform regular checks on the repeatability of the results using suitable reference
rest p1eces in the conriguratron used for testmg.
Suitable reference test pieces can be manufactured in-house and should have the same geometry as the
test ptcces.
Further mmhematical approaches and computer· analysis methods are available for the evaluation of
the modulus or elasticity.

IS 1608 (Part I): 2018
ISO 6892- 1 : 20 16

G.7 Measurement uncertainty

G.7.1 General
The estimation of the measurement uncertainty for a determined modulus of elasticity can be done
according to CWA 15261-2:2005, A.S[.2J or according to Annex 1\.
NOTE The esttmation of the measurement uncertatnt} accurd1ng to CWJ\ 15261-2 IS based on absolute
values. Th1s results 111 d1ffcrcnt estimations of the respective smglc unccrtatnty budgets. 1f e.g. the rest piece
dimensions or the extcnsomctcr gauge length differs. The est1matton oft he mc.1surcmcnt uncertainty according
to Annex K Is based on relative estimations. Therefore, the relauvc cst1mauons normally wtll not change.
Exception is th~ relatiVe mt!asurcment uncertainty budget fot the str.1ln mc.tsllletnent. Because of the small
extensions during the test In the clnsttc part, the absolute umcrtotnly of th<.' slroln mcilsurcment is relevant for
the uncertainty contnbution (according to ISO 9513) .

G.7.2 Estimation of th e measurement uncertainty according to CWA 15261-2

G.7.2.1 General
NOTE In CWA 15261-2, the symbol L0 is used for the gauge length and m~: for the slope of the elast1c part of
the force-extension curve. For conformatiOn with this part of ISO 6892 and to prevent confusion in the follow111g
(differing from CWA). the symbol Leis used for the extensomerer gauge length and S~: lor the slope of the elastic
part of Lhc force-extension curve.

The measurement uncertainty according to CWA 15261-2 is given by Formula..(G.4):



Lc is the extensometer gauge length;

S0 is the original cross-sectional area;

SE is the slope of the force-extension curve;
u(Lc) is the uncertainty of extensometer gauge length;

u(S0 ) is the uncertainty of original cross-sectional area;

u(SE) ts the uncertamty of slope of the force-extension curve.

G.7.2.2 Example for the calculation of the measurem e nt uncertainty

Table G,l shows the results of an example for the measurement uncertainty according to CWA 15261-2
for a measured modulus of elasticity of 186,7 GPaf5.:1l based on the following data:

Lc: SOmm

So: 78,5 rnm2

Sc: 293,07 kN/mm

u(L 0): 0,144 mrn

u(S0 ): 0,785 mrn2

u(SrJ: 0,064 kNjmm

IS 1608 (Part 1): 20l8
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Table G.l- Uncertainty contribution, example 1 according to CWA 15261-2

Parameter Sensitivity coefficientsa Uncertainty contribution"

!:!_ 0.637 mm-1

u(S£) 0.064 kN
Se 3,733 ..!!!:!__
So mm 3
ll ( Le) 0,144mm

SELe _!:!!____
-52 0
mm 4
u(S0 ) 0,785 mm2

u,(E)b 1,9--2
~ Values are given for Information only.
lJ ur: (E) is calculotl'd according to Formula (G.S).


For a 95 % level of confidence, the combined uncertainty shall be multiplied by a coverage factor, k = 2
[see Formula (G.6)).

U(E}= k · Uc (£)=2·1, 9 CPa =3,8 CPa (G.6)

This are 2,0% based on the modu lus of elasticity of 186,7 GPa.

The result of the test for the modulus of elasticity is: 186,7 GPa ± 3,8 GPa (k = 2, 95% confidence level).

That means that with a confidence level of 95 % the true value for the modulus of elasticity is in the
range between 182,9 GPa and 190,5 GPa.

G.7.3 Estimation of the measurement uncertainty according to Annex K

Table G.2 indicates the uncertainty contribution that should be considered for the modulus of elasticity
~ccording to Annex K.

IS 1608 (Part J): 2018
JSO 6892-l : 2016

Table G.2- Uncertainty contribution, example 2 according to Annex K

Uncertainty con tribution <~
Standard deviaUon of slope Sm(rt!l) 0,2
Standard deviation ofX-valucs of the X-Y graph, Sx b, c 3
Standard deviation of Y-valucs of the X-Y graph, Sy 1
Extensometer gauge length, Lt! 0,5
Origmal cross-sectional area. S 0 l
~ V<llues areg1ven for informatiOn only.
b Sm consists of Sx and Sy. therefore s~ and Sy should be consiJered.
r Based on the small extensions measured In the test, the absolt&te vc1lue (1,5 11m of a class 0,5 extensomt>ter) has to be
used. Example: 6R = 200 MPa. £= 200 GPa. l,e =50 mm results in an extension ofO.OS mm. By usinr-: the b1as en·or of 1,5 fUll
tabsolutc value of an 0,5 class cxrcnsometer), the uncertainLy comnbullon Is 3 o/o.

The combined uncertainty for the modulus of elasticity, expressed as a percentage, is given by
Formula (G.7).
2 2 2 2
u,(£)= (0)32) + J33) + J31) ~ (0; '") ~ J31
( ( ( )2 =1.9% (G.7)

For a 95 % level of confidence, lhe combined uncertainty shall be multiplied by a coverage function,
k =2 [see formula (G.8)] .

U(E) = k·u, (E) = 2 · 1, 9 % = 3. 8 % (G.8)

The result of the test for the modulus of elasticity is: (186.7 ± 7,1) GPa (k = 2, 95% confidence level).
This means that with a confidence level of 95 % the true value for the modulus of elasticity is in the
range between 179,6 GPa and 193.8 GPa.

G. 7.4 Proficiency test

A proficiency test "Young's Modulus" was performed nnd the measurement uncertainty for all
participants was determined. An measurement uncertainty for the determination of the modulus of
elasticity between 1,2 %and 5 % (al 95% confidence level) is appropriateJSAJ

G.8 Test report

The test report shall contain the information required in Clause 22 a) to f). Furthermore Lhc foJiowing
Information shall be included:
a) type of extensometer system;
b) dt::faull stress values R1 and R2 (in MPa) or the default slrain values e1 and et. (in%), respectively;

c) number of measured values in the evaluation range (between R1 and R2 or e1 and ez):
d) modulus of elasticity E (in GPa), rounded to the nearest 0,1 GPa and according to ISO 80000-1.
e) measurement uncertainty including level of confidence (in GPa) and the method of determination
(CWA 15261-2:2005, A.5 or Table G.2);

f) the coefficient of correlation R2 of Lhe best fit of Lhe straight line or the standard deviation Sm (in
GPa) or the relative standard deviation Sm(rel) (in %).

lS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 20 16

G.9 Additional considerations

In general, it IS difficult to determine reliable values of modulus in the tensile test unless special high
resolution nveraging extensometer system is employed, and such devices are not generally suitable
tor covenng the full range of the tensile test. If a single s1ded extensometer or clip gauge is employed,
then any slight mJsaJignment of the test p1ece can resull in large errors of the apparent modulus
measu remcnt.

G.lO Other methods for Determining Modulus

The tensile test is not the best method for determining reliable values of Modulus of Elasticity, and
otht:r ctllern.nlve methods, e.g. Impulse Excitation or Ultra-;onics, are preferable. More mformat1on can
be found in References [11] and fli) to [1.6].

G.ll Uncertainty and Reproducibility

Full uncertamty budgets are not included here but procedures for estimating uncertainty based on the
GUI\1111 associated w1th modulus measuremems have been developed as part of the European UNCERT
project, both for Tensile testingf.:U.J and for Dynamic Measurcments.li81

Rcprodllcibility of modulus measurements based on 2 times the Standard Deviation (SD) from a series
oftt•nstlc test inter-comparison exercises. collated as part of the TENSTAND ProJect are summarized m
Table G.J.I-151

1 1608 (Part 1): 2018
I 0 6892-1 : 2016

Table G.3 -Overview of round robin tests: Modulus of elasticity or s lope of the elastic line,
Refe rence Authors Yea r Ma terial Reproduci bility
Testi ng Materials of UnwinlSD.l 1910 Mild sleet 2
Construe lion
VA MAS Lord, Roebuck 1995 SiC/AI MMC 6
and OrkneyfSll
BC R Tensile Reference lngclbrecht and 2000 Nimonic 75 12
MaLena I Loveday£~]

CRM 661
TENSTAND WP3 Lord, Rides and 2005 Various 5-25
Modulus Measurement
TENSTAND WP2 Lord, Loveday, 2005 Various -ASCI I t-6
R1dcs and McEn- data files
ASCII Data Files
tegga rt!Zll

It should be noted lhal the majority of the results reported above were a ll based on the criteria laid
down In ISO 6892 or the equivalent earlier Standards. It shou ld also be considered that the aim of
several tests is the determination of common tensile test properties (e.g. also the generation of ASC II
data sets in TENSTAND WP2). So the typically single sided Class 1 extensometers with a limited
accu racy in the elastic range were employed and the slope of the elastic part of the stress-percentage
extension cu rve mE was determined with the aim of evaluation of Rpo,z and other propel'ties and not to
determine the intrin sic material property modulus of ela sticity E. If double sided high resolution Class
0,5 extensometers are used as specified in this Annex, the Uncertainty of Measurement should be less
and the reproducibility much better.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-l : 2016

(i nfor mative)

Measuring the percentage elongation after fracture if the specified

value is less than 5 °/o

Precautions should be taken when measuring the percentage elongation after fracture if the specified
value 1s less than 5 %.

One of the recommended methods is as follows.

Prior to the test, a very small mark should be made close to eac h end of the pa rallel length . Usi ng a
pair of neetlle-pointecl dividers set at the gauge length, an ::~rc 1!:. scribed with the mark as a centre.
After fracwre, the broken test piece should be placed in a fixture and axial compressive force applied,
preferably by means of~ screw, sufficient to firmly hold the pieces together during measurement.
A second arc of the same radius should then be scribed from the original centre closest to fracture,
and the distance between the two scratches measured by means of a measuring microscope or other
suitnble instrument. In order to render the fine scratches more easily visible, a suitable dye film may be
applied lo the test piece before testing.
NOTb Another method IS descnbed in 2.0...2.(meJsunng extension at lracture using an cxtensometer).

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Annex I

Measurement of percentage elongation after fracture based

on subdivision of the original gauge length

1.1 To avoid having to reject test pieces where the position of the fracture does not comply with the
conditions of ZQ.l, but where the complete necking occurs inside the gauge length, the following method
may be used:
a) before the test, subdiv ide the orig inal gauge le ngth, L0 , into N cqua llenglhs of 5 rnm (recom mended)
to 10 mm;

b) after the test, use the symbol X to denote the gauge mark on the shorter part of the test piece and
the symbol Y for the gauge mark on the longer part of the test piece which 1s at the same distance
from Lhe fracture as mark X.

1.2 If n is the number of intervals between X and Y, the elongation after fracture is determined as

a) I f N- n Is an even number [sec Figure L1 a)], measure the distance bel ween X andY. /xv. and the
distance from Y to rhc graduation mark Z,/yz, located at (N- n)/2 intervals beyond Y.

Calculate the percentage elongation after fracture, A. using Formula (1.1):

A = lxy + 21yz - Lo · 100

b) If N -n is an odd number [see Figure 1.1 b)]. measure the distance between X andY and the distance
fro m Y to the graduation marks Z' and Z", /yz', and /yz", located respect1vely at (N- n - 1)/2 and
(N- n + 1)/2 intervals beyond Y.
Calculate the percentage elongation after fracture using £Q.r.mul..alL.21:

A=lxy+lyz•+lyz"- Lo ·100

IS 1608 (Part J) : 20 18
l SO 6892-1 : 2016


n .+(N -n)/2
X lxv Y lvz Z
a) N- n Is an even number

r !
I i
L _j
n (N -n-1 )12

lxv 1

X y Z' Z"
b) N- n is a n odd numbe r

11 numlwr of'tnlcrvnls between XandY
N number of equal lengths
X gJllgL' mJrk on the shorter part of the test plc~.:c
Y g.1ugc m.1rk on thl' l on~cr part of the test JHCu>
Z, Z', Z" g.nJgc marks

~OT~ The shape ott he lest-ptece heads IS on ly Riven .1s a gu1de.

Fig ure J.1 - Exa mples of mea s urement of pe rcentage e longatio n after fractu re

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Annex J

Detennination of the percentage plastic elongation without

necking, Aw0 , for long products such as bars, wire, and rods

This method is to be performed on the longer part of a broken tensile test piece.
Before the lest, equidistant marks are made on the gauge length, the distance between two successive
marks being equal to a fraction of t he initial gauge length, L'0 • The marking of the initia l gauge length,
L'0 , shou ld be accurate to within ±0,5 mm. The measurement of the final gauge length after fracture, L'u·
is made on the longest broken part of the test piece and should be accurate to within ±0,5 mm.
Jn order for the measurement to be valid, the following two conditions s hould be met:
a) the limits of the measuring zone should be located at least Sd0 from the fracture and at least 2,5d0
from the grip;
b) the measuring gauge length should be at least equal ro the value specified in the product standard.
The percentage plastic elongation without necking is calculated by Formula (1.1):

A =L~ - L~ ·100 U.l)

wn L'

NOTE For many metallic materials the maximum force occurs in the range where necking starts. This
means that the values for Ag and Awn for these materials will be nearly equal. Large differences will be found in
highly cold deformed material such as double reduced tin plate or irradlaled structural steel or tests performed
at elevated tempera lures.

IS 1608 (Part I): 2018
rso 6892-I : 2016

Annex K

Estimation of the uncertainty of measurement

K.l General
This Annex gives guidance on how to estimate the uncertainty of the values determined in accordance
with this part of ISO 6892. It should be noted that it is not possible to give an absolute statement of
uncertninty for this test method hecause there are both materfal independent and material dependent
contributions lo Lht! uncertainty statement. ISO/IEC Guide 98-3111 is a comprehensive document of over
90 pages based upon rigorous statistical methods for the summation of uncertainties from various
sources. Its complexity has provided the driving force for a number of organ izations to produce
simphCted versions (see NIS 801~1 NIS 3003llbl, and Reference [Uj). These documents all give gUidance
on how to estimate uncertainty of measurement based upon an "uncertai nty budget" concept. For
detailed descriptions, sec EN 10291[11] and Reference [.2.1:]. Additional information on the estimation
of unccnainty IS available In References [2..5.] and [Zb). The measurement uncertainty presented here
does not describe the scatter resuJting from the mhomogenerty of the material, e.g. from one batch,
from the begmnmg and at the end of an extruded profile or a rolled coil, or of different positions within
a c.nsling. The uncertainly results from lhe scatter of the data obt~ined from different tests, different
machines. or· different laboratones taken from an ideal homogeneous matenal. In the followmg, the
differelll influences are described and guidance for the determination of the uncertainties is given.
The reproducibility values used in Tables K.2 to K..1 are half w1dth intervals in accordance with
ISO/IEC Guide 98-3[±1 and should be interpreted as the value of plus and minus(±) scatter tolerances.

K.Z Estimation of unce rtainty

K.2.1 General
The stand41rd uncertainty1 u, of the value of a parameter can be estimated in two ways.

K.2.2 Type A- By repeated measurement

s (K.l)
II -

s 1s the standard deviation of the measurements:

n b the number of observations being averaged to 1 cport the re~ull of th~ mea~uremenl umler
normal circumslances.

K.2.3 Type B- From some other source, e.g. calibration certificates or tolerances
Here, the true value is equally likely m occur anywhere Within the defined Interval so the distribution
is described dS rectangular or uniform. Here the standard uncertainty is given by Formula (K.2):

LI""- (1<.2)
where a is half the width of the interval in which the quantity is assumed to lie.

IS 1608 (Pa rt 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 201 6

Often the esttmatton of a quantiry,y, involves the measurement of other quantities. The esttmation of the
uncertamty iny shall take account oft be contributions oft he uncertamties mall these measurements. It
is thus known as a comb1ned uncertainty. If the estimation simply involves the addition or subtraction of
a series of measuremcntS,Xt. xz ... X11 , then the combmed uncertainty iny, u{y), is g1ven by Formula (K.3J:


where u(xl) is the uncertainly in the parameter x 1, etc.

K.3 Equipment para me te rs effect on the unce rta inty of test results
The uncertainly of the results determined from a tensile Lest conta1ns components due to the
~quipmcnt used . Various test results have differing uncertainty contributions depending on the way
they at•e determined. Table 1<.1 Indicates the equ1pment uncertainty contributions that should be
considered for some of the more common material properties determined in a tensile test. Some of the
test results can be deternHned with a lower uncertainty than others, e.g. the upper yield strength, Re 11 •
is only dependent on the unccrtainltes of measurement of force and cross-sectional area, while proof
strength, Rp. is dependent on force, extension, gauge length, cross·sectional area, and other parameters.
For reductton of area, Z, the measurement uncertainties of cross-sectional area both before and after
fracture need to be considered.

Ta ble K.l - Uncerta inty contri butor s to the test r esults, due to the m e a s uring devices
Test res ults
Pa r a met er
RcH ReL Rm Rp A z
Force X X X X - -
Extension - - - X X -
G:lUge leng[h - - - X X -
So X X X X - X
Su - - - - - X
X Relevant.
- Nol relevant.

The uncet·tainty of the test results listed in Table K.l may be derived from the calibration certificates of
the devices used for the delermmalion of the test results. For example, the standard uncertainty value
for a force parameter using a machine with a certified uncertamty of 1,4 %, would be 1.4/2 or 0.70 %.
It should be noted that a Class 1,0 classification (for the tensile testing machine or cxtensometer) docs
not necessarily guarantee an unccrtamty of 1 o/o. The uncertainty could be Significantly higher or lower
(for force example, see ISO 7500-1), and the equipment certificate should be consulted. Uncertamty
contnbuttons due to factors such as drift of the equipment since its cahbrat1on and its use in different
envtronmental conditions should also be taken into account.

Continuing the example accordmg to Eormula CK,3l. takmg account of the uncertainties in force or

Jet)' .(JJ r
extensometer measurementc;, tht> com htned uncertainty of the test results for Rc:ll· Rc:L. Rm and A 1s

=Jo. 70 2
=0,91%. using the square root of the sum of the squares approach.
When estimating the uncertainty of Rp. it is not appropriate to simply apply the summation of the
standard uncertainty components from the classification of the measuring dev1ccs. The force-extension
curve shall be examined. For example, if the determination of Rp occurs on the force-extension curve
at a point on the curve where the force indicatton does not change over the range ot the extension
measuring uncertainty, the uncertainty of the force indication due to the extension measuring device is
insignificant. On the other hand,lflhe determination of Rp occurs o n the force-extens ion curve at a point
where the force is changing gre~tly in relation to the extension, Lhe uncertain ty in the reported force
could be much greater than the uncertainty component due to the device classification. Additionally,

IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
JSO 6892-1 : 2016

the determination of rhe slope of the elastic part of the stress-percentage extension curve mE could
in flue nee the result of Rp if the curve in this range is not an ideal straight line.

Ta ble K.2 - Examples of uncertainty contributions for differ ent t est r esults, due to th e
mea s uring devices
Uncerta inty contributlooa
Parameter %
ReH RoJL I l~tn A z
Force 1.4 1.4 1.4 - -
Extension - - - 1,4 -
Gaugclcngth.Le.Lo - - - 1 -
So 1 1 1 - 1
Su - - - - 2
,, Values are given for information only.

The combined uncertainty for Z, uz, expressed as a percentage, Is given by Formula (K.4):


Using a similar approach, examples of combined standard uncertainties for a range of testing results
arc shown in Table K.3.

Ta ble K.3- Examples for combined uncertainty

Combined uncertainty for diffe r ent parame ters
ReH ReL Rm A z
0,91 0,91 0,91 0,9l 1,29

In accordance with ISOj lEC Guide 98-3,(.1:] the tota l expa nded u ncertai n ty is obta ined by multiplying
the combined standard uncertainties by a coverage fu nction, k. For a 95 0/(1 level of confidence, k =2.

Ta ble 1<.4- Examples for a 95 % level of con fld ence, /c =2 (based on Table K.3)
95% level of confidence, k =2 for differe nt parameters
ReH ReL Rm A z
1.82 1,82 1,82 1,82 2.58

Only uncertainty contributions with the same unit can be added in the calculation shown. For further
information and more detailed information on measurement uncerta inty in tensi le test ing. see
CWA 15261-2121 and Reference [ll].

It is highly recommended that scheduled per iodic sample testing and charting of th e standard deviation
of the results related to a particular materia l test be per formed. The resu ltant sta nda r d deviations
of the data from the sample tests over time may provide a good indication of whe ther the test data
uncertainly is within expectations.

IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
rso 6892- t : 2016

K.4 Parameter s depending on the ma terial and/ or the test procedure

The precision of the test results from a tens1le test is dependent upon factors related to the material
being tested, the testing machine, the test procedure and the methods used to calculate the spec1fied
material properties. Ideally all the following factors should be considered:

a) test temperature;

b) testing rates;
c) the rest piece geometry and machining;
d) the method of gripping the test piece and the axiality of the application of the force;

e) the testing machine characteristics (stiffness, drive and control mode);

f) human and software errors associated with the determination of the tensile properties;

g) extensometer mounting geometry.

The influence of these factors depends on specific material behaviour and cannot be given as a defined
value. If the influence is known, it can be taken into account in the calculation of the uncertainty as
shown in K..3.. It might be possible to include further sources of uncertainty in the estimation of the
expanded measurement uncertainty. This can be done using the following approach.

a) The user must identify all additional possible sources, which may have an effect, directly or
indirectly on the test parameter to be determined.
b) Relative contribulions may vary according to the maledal tested and the special test conditions.
Individual laboratories are encouraged to prepare a list of possible sources of uncertainty and
evaluate their influence on the result. If a significant influence was determined, this uncertainty,
u;, has to be included in the calculabon. The uncertainty, l/ 1, is the uncertainty of the source ion the
value to be determined as a percentage as shown in Bu:nlllia (K.3). For Ui t he distribution function
of the specific parameter (normal, rectangular, etcJ has Lobe identified. Then the influence on the
result on the one sigma level has to be determined. This is the standard uncertainty.

Interlaboratory tests may be used to determine the overall uncertainty of results under conditions close
to those used at industt·iallaboratories, but such tests do not separate effects related to the material
inhomogeneity from lhose attributable to the testing method (see Annex L).

It should be appreciated tbat as suitable certified reference materials become available, they will offer
a useful means of estimating the measurement uncertainty on any given testing mach me Including the
influence of grips, bending, etc., which at present are difficult to quantify. An example of a certified
reference material is BCR-661 (Nimonic 75) available from IRMM (see CWI\ 15261-Z[S!J).

Alternatively, it is recommended that regular "in-house" tests be carried out for quality control
purposes on material w1th a low level of scatter in properties (non-certified reference materials) (sec
Reference [.28]).
There are some examples for whicb it is very difficult Lo give accurate uncertainty values without
reference materials. When reliable uncertainty values are important, m some cases, the usc of a certified
reference material or non-certified reference material to confirm uncertamty of measurements 1s
recommended.lf no reference material can be used, suitable mtercomparison exercises are needed (see
References [2.1] and [3.0)).

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Annex L

Precision of tensile testing- Results from interlaboratory


An llldtcalion of the typical scatter in tensile test results for a variety of materials that have been reported
during laboratory tntercomparison exerc1scs, •..vhich include both material scatte1 aml mea~urement
uncertainty, are shown in Tables L.l to U. The resulls for the reproducibility are expressed as
percentages calculated by mu ltiplying by 2 the standard deviation of the respective parameter, e.g.
R11 , /? 111 , Z, and A, and dividing the result by Lhe mean va lue of the paramctCI', thereby giving vnlues of
reproducibility which represent the 95 % confidence level, In accordance with the recommendations
given Ill ISO/IEC Guide 98-3(:1] and which may be directly compared with the expanded uncertainty
values calculated by alternative methods.

JS 1608 (Part l): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Table L.l- Yield strengths (0,2 % proof strengths or upper yield strengths)- Reproducibility
from laboratory intercomparison exercises (graphic presentation of the values is given in
Figure L.l)
Material Code Yield s trength Reproducibility I Reference


I %
Sheet AA5754 105,7 3,2 [3.1]
Sheet AA5l82· 0 126.4 1,9 !Zlll
Sheet AA6016-T4 127,2 2.2 [~]

EC-H 19 158,4 4,1 [.lll

202 4-T 35J 362,9 3,0 [.3.3.]
Sheet DX56 162,0 4,6 [;.il]
Low carbon. plat e HR3 228,6 8,2 [.3..1]
Sheet ZStE 180 267.1 Y,9 l.3.l]
AISI 105 P24SGH 367,4 5.0 [3.1]
C22 402,4 4,9 1331
Plate 5355 427,6 6,1 [31]

Ausrenlttc S S S<;316L 230,7 6,9 [3..1.)

AustenitiC S S X2CrNil8·10 303.8 6,5 [3.:1]
Austeniti c S S X2CrNiMo18-10 353,3 7,A [11]
AIS1316 X5Ct NiMo17-12·2 480,1 O,L [33]

Mart ensi tic S S X l 2Crl3 967,5 3.2 1.3.11

High Strength :30NiCrM o16 1 039,9 2,0 l11J
Nicl<el alloys
IN CO NEL 600 NiCr15Fe8 268,3 4,'~ [3.3.]
Nlmonic 75 (BCR-661) 298,1 4,0 L2.2l
Nimonic 75 (BCR·661) 302,1 3.6 l3lJ

IS 1608 (Pa rt I): 20 18
ISO 6892-1 : 2016



. ........
10 ........
8 ......
.... •• • ...,_

0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200

R 8 H/MPa
R1•H upper y ield strength, expressed in MPa
Rp proof strength, expressed in MPa
Hpr rcproduclhihty. expressed sn %

Figure L.l- Presentation of th e va lues given in Table L.l

Table L.2- Tensile strengths, Rm- Reproducib il ity from la bora lor y inter comparison
exercises (graphic presentation of t he va lues is given in Fig ure L. Z)
Materia l Code Tensile s tre ngth Reproducibi li ty Referen ce
Sheet AA5754 212.3 4,7 [.ll]
Sheet AA5182-0 275,2 1,4 [Wl
Sheet AA6016-T4 228,3 l,B [ZJl]
EC-H 19 176,9 'I,Y [.3.3.]
2024-T 351 491,3 2.7 [.13]
Stee l
Sheet OX 56 JO 1.1 5,0 [3.1]

IS 1608 (Pari 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Table L.2 (continued)

Material Code Tensile strength Reproducibility Reference
I I o/o
Low carbon, plate HR3 335,2 5.0 [31]
Sheet ZStE 180 315,3 4.2 [:UJ
AISI105 FeSlOC 552,4 2,0 [.3..1]
C22 596.9 2,8 f:U)
Plate S355 564,9 2.4 [:UJ

Austenilic S S SS3 16L 568,7 · ~.1 [3J]

AustcnlLic S S X2CrNi18-10 594.0 3.0 I:HI
Austenilic S S X2CrNiMo18-10 622.5 3,0 [31]
AIS1316 X7CrNiMo17-12-2 694.6 2,4 f3.3l

Mancnsitlc S S X12Cr13 1 253,0 1,3 (.3.3]

H1gh Strength '30N1CrMol6 1 167,8 1.5 [3.:.1]
Nickel alloys
INCONEL 600 N1CrlSFe8 695,9 1,·1 f:U)
N1momc 75 (BCR-661) 749,6 1,9 [22]
N1monJc 75 (BCR-661) 754.2 1,3 [3.1)

2 ~----~~------~~~~--------------~--------~

0 500 1 000 1 500
Rm tens1le strength, expressed m MPa
Rpr reproducibility. expressed m o/o

Figure l.2- Presentation of the values given in Table L.2

IS 1608 {Part 1): 20 18
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

Table L.3- Elongation after fracture- Reproducibility from laboratory intercomparison

exercises (graphic presentation of the values is given in Figure L.3)
Matedal Code Elongation after fracture Reproducibility Reference
A ±
% %tl
Sheet AA5754 27,9 13,3 [.ll]
Sheet AA5182-0 26,6(Aao mm) 10,6 [21!]
Sheet AA6016-T1 25,9(Aao mm) 8,4 [2..0]
EC·H 19 14,6 9,1 [.3.3.]
2024·'1' 351 18,0 18,9il [33.]
Sheet DX56 45,2 12,4 [.::U]
Low carbon, plate IIR3 38,4 13,8 [ll]
Sheet ZstE 180 40,5 12.7 [.ll]
AISI105 FeSlOC 31,4 14,0 [31]
C22 25,6 10,1 [.3.3]
Plate $355 28,5 17,7 [.ll]

Austenitic S S SS316l. 60,1 27,6 (.llj

Austenitic S S X2CrNi18-10 52,5 12,6 [ll]
Austenitic S S X2CrNiMol8-10 51,9 12,7 [N]
AISI316 XSCrNiMol7·12·2 35,9 l4,9 [.3.3]

Martensitic S S X12Cr13 12,4 15,5 [.3.3.]

High Strength 30NiCrMo16 16,7 13,3 [JA]
Nickel alloys
INCONEL 600 NI Cr15f'e8 41 ,6 7,7 [.3.3.]
Nimonic 75 (BCR·661) 41,0 3,3 [22]
Ntmontc 75 (BCR-661) 41,0 5.9 [:U]
3 The teproductbility IS expressed as a percentage of tbe respective mectn value of A for the given material. th us, for 2024
- T 3SJ alummtum,the absolute value of A is (18,0! 3,4) %.

IS 1608 (Part 1): 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 20 16

0:: 30

25 -
.. •.
20 -
- •

--·· ...
• ""•• • .•

0 20 40 60 A I%
A elongation after fracture. expressed in%
Rpr· rcprt>d ucibllily, cxpt·csscd tn %

Figure L.3 - Presentation of the va lues given in Ii.tblc L.3

Table L.4- Reduction of area Z- Reproducibility from laboratory intercomparison exercises

(graphic presentation of the values Is given in fijwrc L.. J)
Material Code Reduction of Reproducibility Reference
z %·1
% I
EC-U 19 79,1 5.1 13.31
2024-T 351 30.3 23,711 [33]
Low ca rbon, plate IJH:i
AISI 105 FcS IOC 71,4 2,7 f:i;l]
C22 65,6 :l,U IJ:>J
1\us lCtlilic S S X2C.rN11R-10
J\ustcnit ic S S X2CrNiMol8-10 77,9 5,6 [3·11
AISI316 XSCrNi Mo 17-12-2 71,5 ·t ,S [33]

Martensttic S S Xl2Cr13 50,5 15.6h [JJ]

ll igh Strength JONtCrMolb 65,6 3.2 [:H]
Nickel alloys
IN CONEL 600 NiC.ri5FcR 59,3 2.4 IJ.J]
Nimontc 75
(BCR-661) I 59,0 8,8 IZ2J
The rcproduc1btltty Is C\prcsscd as a percentage of thl· rcspcC'tlvl.' mc.1n value of Z for the g1ven; thus, for the 2024-T 351 alumrnium. the :~b~olute value uf Z ts (30,3 ± i,2) %.
b Some of the v.tlucs of reproducibility may appear to be rdotiVCI}' htgh, such values prob.tb!y 1nd•cate
the d1lllculty of reltnl.lly mcnsuring the dimenSions oi th~! test p1ccl' 1n the nct:kell rt.!ijlllll ot the fracture.
ror thin "heet test pieces, the uncertainty of measurement of thl' thickneo;s of the t<'"l pu~ce m.1v be large,
Likcw1sc, the mca!.un•mcnt of the diameter or thiCkness or thc tc~t p1cn• 111 tlw necked n•gion IS highly
drpendent upon th(l skill and expt"rient:e of the operator.

IS 1608 (Part I ): 2018
ISO 6892-l : 2016


15 ...
• .........
30 40 50

• J
70 80 Z l%
l?f>r reproducibility, expressed in%
Z red union of nrcn, expressed in %

Figure L.4- Presentation of t he va lues given in Table L.4

IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-l : 2016


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IS 1608 (Part 1) : 2018
ISO 6892-1 : 2016

[55] ISO 377, Steel and steel products - Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for
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f56] ISO 2566-1. Steel- Conversion of elonglltwn values- Part 1· Carbon and low alloy steels
[57j ISO 2566-2. Steel- Conversion ofelongation values- Part 2: llustenitic steels
(58] ISO 80000-1. Quantities and units- Part 1: General

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Published by 131S '\c" Deihl
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llllt'rnutumal Standard Corn·spor.din.f!. lnd1'111 Standard Dl'gree of Equimlence

1~0 'l.51 \ \1ctalllc- materials IS 1287::! : 2011 MctalhL mutcrt<tl' Idemical '' ith
t alrbnllron uf C\tcn,omctcrs used in Calibratron of c\tcn,omctcr, u'cd rn ISO 95 13: 1999
uniaxial testmg VirJIIC 1'1\tulll

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