Netbal Sports Project

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I hope you guys saw the call for proposals below l shared it


The grant is looking for innovative initiatives through the use of sport in advocating
for gender equality amongst women.

My idea is to start project which shall focus of young teenage mothers in selected
areas, maybe 5 areas, eg Mabvuku, Highfield, Mufakose, Hopely and epworth. We
target volleyball teams / or we establish volleyball teams in these areas targeting
mostly young teenage mothers, both married and unmarried to empower them with
gender awareness through workshops, to create community champions out of them
who will intern work with schools in their area/location of residence targeting young
girls around gender awareness.

The other project activity for the same project would be to do tournaments and build
a competitive team out of the five teams which will have the right coaching and
influence to compete nationally, regionally and even internationally. Your thoughts or
additions are welcome…...

The projects woks with women and girls who belong to netball clubs in six high density areas within
Harare. 36 young teenage mothers and girls will be selected from the teams to undergo training on
gender equality and women empowerment to become women empowerment and gender equality
community champions who will intern work with schools in their areas targeting young girls. The
project will support tournaments between the partnering teams and build a competitive team out of
the six teams, support it with effective coaching to compete nationally and internationally as a way
of empowering women as career sports persons.


(Refer to the Beyond Sport Five Basic Principles for more information on the ‘Model’)

WHAT are the specific issue(s) around Gender Equality your entry addresses and how are you
using sport to do it? *
The project empowers women and girls in sporting by supporting feminine sporting activities such as
netball whose importance and prioritisation have been side-lined due to lack of funding, promotion
and media coverage which made such sporting activities to remain in the background compared to
masculine sporting activities such as soccer. In this regard, the project will ensure wide media
coverage for netball and attract co-founders for the tournaments, coaching and participation in
national, regional and international competitions

Th project also seeks to change community perceptions about feminine sporting activities such as
Netball from perceiving it as just a sport for recreation to perceiving it as something that one can
take as a career on equal terms as masculine sporting activities were females have to behave like
males to be considered.

By training women in sports to become gender equality champions to work with girls in schools the
project seeks to empower women to stand as equal members of society and to inspire girls to take
up sport as a career path hence nurturing and empowering them for economic self sufficiency

Describe the audience your entry is benefitting and/or engaging. *

The project primary target primary audience/beneficiaries are women and girls in sport particularly

This encompasses teenage mothers both single and married, teenage girls who belong to community
netball clubs in Harare high density areas of Mbare, Epworth, Mufakose, High-field ,Hopley and
Zengeza Chitungwiza.

The projects targets girls in Primary and Secondary schools mainly who envision taking sport as a

The project also targets young women and girls who are talented in various sports areas for
purposes of supporting them to thrive with their careers

HOW do you implement what happens day-to-day? What is the step-by-step experience for
participants? *
The project activities will be fused into the existing daily normal activities of the selected community
netball clubs such as training and other meetings. Following are the step by step experience of the

 Engagement with selected club’s management and signing of MOUs on how the project will

 Routine participatory meetings with all club members for brainstorming on project
strategies, review and awareness raising.

 Organizing tournaments and canvassing for co-promoters and funders among organizations
working on gender and other interested partners

 Selection of best performers during tournaments, 6 players from each team

 Media coverage of organized netball tournaments and a Television and Radio Talk show on
sports and gender equality

 Training of the selected 36 players on gender equality to become sports and gender equality
champions in their communities

 Establishment of sports and gender equality clubs in schools were champions will operate

 Engagement with celebrated female career sports persons to inspire women and girls during
school clubs and media talk-shows

 Establishment and effective equipping of a netball team from the selected 36 best players

 Participation in national, regional and international Netball competitions

 Participatory Final Project Monitoring and Evaluation

Does your project specifically deal with any of the groups below? Please indicate

 People with HIV/AIDS

 People with Disabilities

 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender +

 Crime or Abuse Victims

 Indigenous Peoples

 Migrants & Refugees

 Women & Girls

 Children & Youth

Identify the numbers of people in each group directly reached by the project

each year. *

 Males < 18 years old

 Males 18-30 years old

 Males > 30 years old

 Females < 18 years old


 Females 18-30 years old

 Females > 30 years old

Identify the numbers of people in each group indirectly reached by the project
each year. *

 Males < 18 years old

 Males 18-30 years old

 Males > 30 years old

 Females < 18 years old


 Females 18-30 years old

 Females > 30 years old

Impact – Lives have been significantly changed by delivering a demonstrable,

long-term benefit to those with which you have engaged.

WHAT is the impact you have had in promoting Gender Equality? Please refer
to the relevant “Targets & Indicators” for Global Goal #5 when considering
your response. * This value must be between 1 and 200 words.

SDG 5 aims to; Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

It targets to;
Through its Theatre for Civic Education and Buddies for Love Projects Patsimeredu has made impact
towards achievement of SDG 5 targets to; End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls
everywhere, Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private
spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation, Eliminate all harmful
practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation, Adopt and
strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the
empowerment of all women and girls at all levels and to Ensure universal access to sexual and
reproductive health and reproductive rights (SRHR).

The proposed project seeks to achieve SDG 5 Targets to; End all forms of discrimination against all
women and girls and to Enhance the use of ICT to promote the empowerment of women. It raises
the status of women sports such as netball which has been discriminated in terms of media coverage
and funding compared to male dominated sports such as Soccer. It influences women and girls to
take sports as a career for personal economic empowerment and uses ICT to empower women.

HOW do you measure this impact? *

The impact is measured through the following success indicators:

 Number of teenagers reached with SRHR education

 Percentage of teenagers who gained comprehensive SRHR knowledge as a result of the


 Proportion of teenagers interacting with SRHR service providers as a result of the project

 Number of reported sexual abuse cases because of the project

 Number of opinion leaders reached through theatrical performances and their feedback
reports on the usefulness of the project in raising awareness and influencing sound policy

 Level of engagement during performance discussions for both the theatre for civic education
and buddies for love projects

The proposed project impact will be measured through the following success indicators

 Time allocated for female sporting activities on national TV stations (baseline against end
 Level of engagement on social media and TV and Radio Talk shows on sports and gender

 Number of girls who decide to pursue sporting as a career path as a result of the project
Sports and Gender equality club in schools

 Number of women empowered with sporting and sport related skills

 Community Behaviour change with regards to sports as career path for girls

This value must be between 1 and 200 words.

The impact will be measured through responses the following success indicators

 Time allocated for female sporting activities on national TV stations (baseline against end

 Level of engagement on social media and TV and Radio Talk shows on sports and gender
equality for purposes of measuring people’s interest in feminine sporting

 Number of girls belonging to the Sports and Gender equality club in schools and those who
decide to pursue sporting as a career path

 Number of women trained in Sports Coaching and sports management across sports
disciplines for purposes of measuring number of women empowered with sporting and
sport related skills

 Community Behaviour change with regards to their perceptions on sports as career path for
the girl child this will be through interviews with community members in project areas

 Testimonials from the Community Sports and Gender equality champions for purposes of
measuring whether the champions will have been empowered at personal level

Provide a story that best demonstrates this impact. *

This value must be between 1 and 200 words.

Patsimeredu Buddies for love-BFL project was implemented in six of the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe
covering 36 Schools to; Contribute to the reduction of new HIV infections amongst young people and
contribute to open dialogue on SRHR issues and to Promote Behaviour Change of young people in
schools concerning Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRHR) has seen cases of sexual abuse reported
to police and levels of interaction between teenagers and SRHR service providers increasing. This has
contributed in reducing new HIV and STI infections in project areas. Before the project, project
provinces would record an average of less than 100 cases of sexual abuse per year and it was as rare
occasion for SRHR services providers to have teenagers from schools coming to inquire and openly
discuss on various SRHR issues. However, ongoing evaluation of the BFL project has shown that
implementation of the BFL which used Edutainment which is an effective, fun and highly
participatory educative strategy which enables youths who are bored with conventional education
approaches to learn through entertainment, relatable and contextually relevant scenarios. The BFL
project also created a platform or teenagers to interact with service providers whom the usually
shun Numbers.


(Refer to the Beyond Sport Five Basic Principles for more information on the ‘Sustainability’)

Winning a Collective Impact Award means receiving significant funding, a Business Support
Package, and collaboration with other organizations in this space. What would you would do with
this to support your entry’s efforts? (provide specific costs if applicable)

This value must be between 1 and 200 words.

In the case that PET wins the Collective Impact Award, the project will do the following activities:

1. Engagement meetings with selected club’s management in six locations and signing of MOUs
on how the project will work-requires transport costs and meeting refreshments -USD 400

2. Routine participatory meetings with all club members for brainstorming on project
strategies, review and awareness raising- requires transport costs and meeting refreshments
USD 3000
3 Organizing tournaments and canvassing for co-promoters and funders-requires marketing of
the tournaments, media coverage, venues, entertainment by female artists and IEC
materials-USD 24 000.

4 Training of the selected 36 players on gender equality-requires venues, training manual

development, food and refreshments-USD 3000.

5 Establishment of sports and gender equality clubs in schools were gender equality
champions will operate. -USD 600

6 Engament with celebrated female career sports persons to inspire women and girls during
school clubs and media talk-shows-Transport and appreciation allowances-USD 1200

7 Establishment and effective equipping of a netball team and supporting Sports commenting,
reporting, coaching and management training for females-requires recruitment of required
staff, club registration, subscription and training costs-USD 30 000

8 Participation in national, regional and international competitions-USD12 000

9 Monitoring and Evaluation-USD 3000

How is your entry resourced (funding, support, personnel) and how do you plan
to sustain them long-term? *
This value must be between 1 and 200 words.

Financially Patsimeredu Edutainment Trust (PET) is resourced by funding OPC and BFL and self-
funding from edutainment, campaign and development consultancies as well as hiring of the Trust’s
theatre infrastructure. The proposed project is projected to be co-funded by PET and the Beyond
Sport Grant, in terms of human resources, the projected will be implemented and managed by the
existing PET personnel. Various partnerships with organisations both governmental which are
involved in sporting and gender development and women empowerment programming will be
established for support in implementing the project in addition to the support from selected
community netball club’s management and Comic Relief & The BT Supporter's Club. The project will
be sustained through the establishment of a netball club which will continue as a self-funding
sporting business entity working to ensure gender equality and women empowerment working with
community sport and gender equality champions and schools. The club can be working with other
interested organisations and persons who can fund some of its activities.
Who are your existing partners and what types of relationships do you
have? These are not limited to just funding partners but should include

any and all types of collaborators. *

Patsimeredu Edutainment Trust (PET) works in partnership with various development organisations
as funders and project implementation partners.

In terms PET is currently implementing projects funded by Bread for the World and OPC.

In terms of partnership PET works with Zimbabwe Broadcasting Services (ZBC) television Station
ZBCTV and its Radio stations such as Radio Zimbabwe for Talk shows and other theatrical programs
on SRHR and Radio dramas and shows on the same.

PET works with organisations SAYWHAT, Zimbabwe Theatre Academy, Savanna, Zimbabwe National
Arts Council, Zimbabwe Music Rights Association, ZIMURA, Zimbabwe Ministry of Youth, Sports, Arts
and Recreation International Organisation of Migration (IOM), UNFP, Zimbabwe National Aids
Council Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Family Planning Council, Restless Development, Gays and Lesbians of
Zimbabwe (GALZ), General Agriculture and Plantation Workers Union of Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ)
among others.

Given the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, how are you ensuring the continuity of your
programming? How have you been able to deliver to your community remotely? And how has the
current state of the economy impacted your funding

Given the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, Patimeredu has gone digital in most of its project
activities. For example, for the Theatre for Civic Engagement Project Activities of live theatrical Play
performances on various Civic topics and conducting post-performance discussions in the theatre.
Plays are now pre-recorded and/or live performances broadcasted live on social media platforms
such as Facebook. Theatrical performances on English Literature set books and the subsequent post-
performance discussions for Ordinary Level secondary education to assist students in remote areas
to learn through live performances are now pre-recorded and distributed to scholars as Discs for
learning at home. Were gatherings of less than 50 people maintaining social distance of at least one
meter are possible, events such as workshops are conducted with all participants wearing masks and
practicing hygiene by sanitising and washing hands frequently and constantly. Most of staff
members are working from home with meetings and reporting done through online platform such as
Zoom, Facebook, WhatsApp audio and video conferencing among others. Meetings with other
partner organisations are also done using online platforms were physical engagements can be

SHARE: Practical insights or programmatic elements can be shared with other organizations
addressing similar social issues and the organization is a willing and active collaborator.

(Refer to the Beyond Sport Five Basic Principles for more information on ‘Share’)

Winners of the Beyond Sport Awards are expected to share their learnings. What is the single
biggest practical insight you could share with other initiatives to aid their development? *

Patsimeredu Edutainment Trust (PET) main line of focus is to use Edutainment as a development
communication and research tool. PET mainly focusing on Sexual and Reproductive Health and
Rights (SRHR) and it has vast practical issue on sexuality and sexual relations mainly intimate
relations issues as a barrier to gender equality. PET can also be a hub of information on sport and
gender using its theatrical performances and post-performance discussions to gather, analyse and
disseminate such.

Conversely, what is the biggest area in which your organization could improve from the expertise
of other groups?

This value must be between 1 and 200 words.

The biggest area that that PET would expert to improve drawing from the expertise of other groups
is in the area of business marketing research, analysis and practice and sporting as a business.

INCLUSION: Everyone is allowed equal access regardless of gender, disability, religion or sexuality,
whilst also recognizing some projects may have a clear rationale for being exclusive to a particular
target group.

What policies or activities do you have in place to ensure that you are engaging all types of
beneficiaries, regardless of gender, disability, religion or sexuality? *

If you have a rationale for targeting a particular target group please explain

Patsimeredu Edutainment Trust main line of work is human rights based and uses the Human rights
approach to programming. In this PET is guided by the principles of equality, respect for diversity,
inclusivity and non-discrimination. To begin with PET’s employment policy is guided by principles of
equality, respect for diversity, inclusivity and non-discrimination. It accords equal opportunities to all
irrespective of sex, disability, age among others. However, PET gives first priority to persons with
disabilities, females and youths. This is because persons with disabilities, women and youths makes
the most marginalised groups in Zimbabwe and Africa hence the need for affirmative action to
accord them opportunities so as to raise their economic and social status for equality. PET has
manged to achieve gender equality; its top management is made up of two males and two females.
Out of 33 staff members half are females. Of the top management one has a disability. PET staff
complement is mainly young people because of its inclusion policy in recruitment which ensures the
according of opportunities to young people who make the most unemployed and take up the largest
population of Zimbabwe. In this light PET employment policy makes its inclusion policy.

Child Protection Policy

In the file upload section, you will have the opportunity to submit your organization's
Safeguarding policies. In this section, we would like to know a bit more about how
your initiative protects young people that you work with.
Do you have a safeguarding children and young people policy in place?



If yes, when was it updated for the last time? (DD/MM/YYYY)


If yes, when is it due for next revision? (DD/MM/YYYY)


If yes, has this policy been signed off by your board?


How often do you provide training on safeguarding to your staff?
once anu

When was the last time you provided training on safeguarding to your staff?

What mechanisms do you have in place to ensure that children, young people
and parents/carers are aware of and understand your child protection policy and
Patsimeredu operations and interactions with children and young people is guided by the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child, Constitution of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Children's
Protection and Adoption Act. Patsimeredu work is more on Human rights education and awareness
raising. For example, PET’ s Buddies for Love project works with children and young people in
schools raising awareness and educating them on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights which
covers issues of health rights, right to education and sexual abuse (cohesion and violence, rape
which are fundamental to Children and young people’s protection. In this light; children, young
people and parents/guardians we work with are all trained on child protection and rights.
Patsimeredu is also a part to the Zimbabwe Children’s Protection Society.

Due Diligence
Are you a registered local NGO?

 Yes

 No

Are you eligible to receive funds from the UK?

 Yes

 No

Organization registration numbers

 VAT no.

MA 731/20
 Charity no.

 Company no.

 Other (please specify)

If you are registered in India, do you have an up to date 80G certificate? Yes/No

 Yes

 No
Are you VAT exempt?

 Yes

 No

What is the mission and vision of your organization?


To use theatre and other communication strategies to provide information, development capacity
and enhance communication in addressing HIV and AIDS and other development issues for targeted

This value must be between and 100 words.

Please provide the details of two references below. Beyond Sport may choose to reach out to these
contacts to get more information on your entry.



Cale Sundstedt




Palme Centre


Phone Number*


What is your relationship to this reference? *

Project Funder


Daniel Maphosa




Savanna Trust


Phone Number*

Please add……………………

What is your relationship to this reference? *



You can read through Beyond Sport's full terms and conditions here.

By checking this box, you acknowledge that you have read and accept our terms and

I'd love to hear more about Beyond Sport events, initiatives, and opportunities for


and fill out a short survey from UNICEF and the Barca Foundation

You can access the "Getting into the Game" survey here.  

Getting into the Game is a research programme led by the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti in
partnership with the Barca Foundation, that seeks to strengthen the evidence base on policies and
practices for S4D and to build knowledge on how to effectively use S4D to promote positive
outcomes in four specific areas:

 Education

 Social inclusion

 Child protection

 Empowerment
The goal of this survey is to map current initiatives and present evidence on harnessing the power of
sport to improve the lives of children and youth.

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