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Name: Mikaela Bones

Please type the answers and send them back to me on teams before the end of the lesson.

Revision Exercise 6

Refer to the figure below - information about the economic importance of tourism.

1.  Identify the following from the above information:

 the number of world tourism arrivals in 1995 – 528 million

 the percentage of world GDP supplied by tourism – 9%

 the value of world tourism in terms of exports - 41.3 trillion [3]

2. State two developments to infrastructure undertaken in many destinations and

explain why each is needed to increase international arrivals.
Infrastructure development: A lot of buildings will need to be added or modernised

Reason: this is needed because it will attract more visitors as well as give them
various options of where they want to stay for example if they build more lodges and
hotels then the visitors will have the option to stay in a different place

Infrastructure development: the roads would need to be fixed

Reason: this would make the country look better and attract more people to it as
they will be able to travel smoothy and it makes the country look better. [4]

3. Large infrastructure projects can cause negative impacts in particular


Explain how the construction of such projects might cause each of the

 a negative economic impact – if the country is a LEDC country then they

may not have a lot of money and they would have to borrow or ask for money
from other countries which could be a problem because they might not be
able to pay it back especially if it is a huge amount of money. [2]

 a negative social impact – if they expand their buildings and built roads over
other people’s land then that could cause loss of the traditionally homes or
rural areas which is bad for the country as it reduces the amount of tourism
as there might be people who want to tour the rural areas of that country. [2]

 a negative environmental impact – soil erosion may occur as well as

deforestation which can cause a loss of habitat to animals and all the eco-
friendly tourists might not like the idea of cutting down trees and destroying
the animals homes [2]

4. Explain how each of three types of “shock”, other than the 1970s oil supply crisis,
have disrupted the overall pattern of growth in world tourism since 1950. [6]

We haven’t talked about this so I’m going to give you some examples of other types of
“shock” and you guys have to think about how they would have affected tourism. You can
choose any three….

 Financial crisis

 Middle east conflicts/oil crisis

 9/11 (terrorism) – The tourists may be afraid of getting killed as well as airline
companies holding back their flights as they are afraid their plane may be targeted

 2004 tsunami / any major named natural disaster

 COVID 19 – if an area has high numbers of COVID then any tourist would avoid
going there as they are afraid of being at risk of the virus

 Malaysian Air Crash – the tourists may avoid flying with that airline as they are afraid
of crashing as well

5. With reference to one tourist destination with which you are familiar, discuss
the reasons why the ‘demonstration effect’ is generally viewed as being a
negative impact of tourism. [6]

Chosen destination name: Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is located in the southern part of Africa and is known for its culture and
a lot of tourists visit this country often and tour it's rural areas as well as try the
traditional foods and get to see the traditional African dances. The demonstration
effect is viewed as a negative impact in the tourism industry because Victoria Falls is
now at risk of losing its African culture as when visiting the rural area the tourists will
bring a phone along or play music or dress in a certain way that the locals just are
not used to and this results in them copying the tourists as they are curious as to
what and how they are living as living a different life to them that would mean that
their culture is lost and they lose sight of their values. As well as the traditional
dances that used to be done for celebrations and now they are just being done for
entertainment purposes that would mean that the culture is lost as well as the actual
value and meaning of the traditional dances that are just done for the entertainment
of the tourists

Total: 25 Marks

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