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Rubric for Vlog on Architecture

Outstanding (4) Effective (3) Adequate (2) Ineffective (1) Weight Score
Description Video provides Video provides less Video provides less Video provides less
descriptions of than 90% of the than 70% of the than 50% of the
architectural design expected or expected or expected or
which are complete, necessary necessary necessary 4 ____/16
accurate descriptions, and/or descriptions, and/or descriptions,
comprehensive and video presents to video presents to a and/or video
exceptional. Explored some extent the certain extent presents to a wide
on the what, where, what, where, when, inaccurate or extent inaccurate
when, why and how why and how. incomplete or incomplete
extensively. descriptions. descriptions.
Responds to the Responds to the Responds to works Does not express a
expressive qualities of expressive qualities of art and expresses personal response
the art and recognizes of the art; expresses a personal response to artistic works.
particular elements of an informed to the work using
Personal the work personal response to relevant
Responses/ and reactions to it; it using relevant information and 3 ___/12
Insights to expresses an information and personal
Artistic informed personal relating the personal observations.
Creations response to artistic responses to the
work using relevant understanding of
information and self or others.
relating personal
responses to the
understanding of self
or others.
Shots are taken at the Shots are taken at Camera angle, Shots are taken at
best angle possible; appropriate angles; lighting, distance inappropriate ____/8
Cinematography lighting, camera lighting, camera and movement are angles; lighting, 2
distance and distance and not used fully to camera distance
movement effectively movement convey convey message. and movement
convey message. message. hardly convey
Good pace and Narration has a good Narration has the Narrator rushes
Narration innovative use of pace to match appropriate pace through or drags
and Sound narration. Narration visuals; emotion and but lacks in emotion behind on screen
Quality uses a wide variety of inflection and change in images; Narration 3 ____/12
inflection, pace and appropriate to on inflection. Audio is is dry, without
emotion. Audio is screen images. sometimes not emotion or change
consistently clear. Audio is clear in clear. in inflection. Audio
most parts. is not clear most of
the time.
TOTAL ___/48

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